What could be tastier than apple juice? Many people prefer to drink it fresh. But what if there are not always suitable apples? The best option is to prepare juice for the winter. It is quite possible to do this at home. Let's look at the simplest ways to prepare apple juice for the winter.

Benefits of apple juice

Many people know how to preserve food, but not everyone knows about its benefits. Experts have found that if you drink one and a half glasses of this drink per day, the functioning of all respiratory organs will significantly improve. If you make juice without sugar, it will be low in calories. This drink allows you to keep your figure slim.

There is a lot of vitamin C in apple juice. Everyone knows that our body needs this component to improve the functioning of the immune system. In addition, the drink contains iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and many organic acids, including citric and malic.

Many doctors recommend regularly drinking apple juice for those who suffer from various diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastritis with low acidity, anemia, and frequent bronchitis. The drink will not harm heavy smokers either.

As already mentioned, the product contains iron. This component allows you to more effectively fight anemia, and also helps remove stones from the kidneys. It is worth noting that the finished drink is very rich in pectin substances, which help cleanse the body of toxins.

Many people use a juicer to make apple juice. However, the product must be properly prepared. Otherwise, many of its useful components will simply lose their properties. This is why it is so important to know how to can apple juice from a juicer.

Which ones are better to choose?

To make canned apple juice tasty, you need to select only ripe fruits without signs of rotting or wormholes for its preparation. Only they will have a pronounced aroma. The most delicious drink is obtained from those apples that have the right ratio of acid and sugar. Therefore, you should choose the best variety or mix the juices at the end. If the drink turns out sour, you can add sugar syrup to it.

You should not prepare canned apple juice only from fruits that are not too sour. As a result, you will end up with a drink with weak taste. As for mealy varieties, they produce a product that is very difficult to clarify.

Since canning apple juice from a juicer is a little more difficult than using a juicer, it is better to choose strong and juicy fruits. These include winter varieties: Grushovka, Parmen, Anis, Titovka, Antonovka and others.

Preparing juice: preparatory work

First of all, you should prepare the lids and glass jars into which you will pour the juice. Wash the containers thoroughly. To do this, it is better to use warm water and baking soda. After this, sterilize the jars. You can pour boiling water over them or heat them in the oven at 100°C. Place the sterilized jars, neck down, on a dry and clean towel. This will prevent them from cooling quickly.

Wash the lids thoroughly and boil for 10 minutes.

Preparing apples

In order for canned apple juice, the recipe for which will be given below, to stand for a long time and not ferment, it is necessary to prepare the fruits for processing. To do this, they must be thoroughly washed and the core removed from each apple. The fruits must be cut into slices. After this, the prepared raw materials can be passed through a juicer.

What to do with the juice?

The preparation of apple juice does not end there. It still needs to be poured into jars and rolled up. The squeezed juice should be poured into a saucepan. The container must be filled only 2/3 full with drink. This will prevent the juice from spilling onto the hob when boiling. The contents of the pan should be brought to 95°C. In this case, the juice must be constantly stirred. If sour fruits were used to prepare the drink, then sugar can be added to taste. If the apples were sweet, then the drink can be rolled up like that. Sugar can be added after opening the jar.

There is no need to add special preservatives to the juice. After all, the acid and sugar in apples perfectly replace them. When the sterilization of apple juice is completed, it is necessary to remove the resulting foam and pour the finished product into jars. Filled containers are immediately covered with lids and rolled up with a key.

Each rolled up jar must be turned over and placed on its neck. After this, they should be wrapped in a blanket and left to cool completely.

Mixing juices

Before canning apple juice from a juicer for the winter, it is worth considering that the finished drink turns out to be concentrated. Such a product can cause some trouble for those who have problems with the digestive system. Therefore, it should be diluted or cooked, for example, with zucchini juice. It is worth noting that the drink turns out to be more delicate and, of course, it will be much healthier. For three liters of apple juice you need to add only one glass of zucchini juice.

Apples contain a lot of iron and upon contact with air this element begins to oxidize. As a result, the juice obtained as a result of squeezing through a juicer may become dark. To prevent this from happening, you should add a little citric acid to the squeezed product, but not too much. The best option is lemon juice. It acts more gently and mixes quickly.

All juice can be re-passed through the juicer. To get a drink, you need to add 10% of water by weight of recycled materials. So, if there are 2 kilograms of pomace left, then you need to add 200 milliliters of liquid, the temperature of which should be from 75 to 80°C. Everything is thoroughly mixed and infused for three hours. After this, you can pass the raw materials through a juicer. This juice can be used to make jam, marmalade or marmalade.

How to make apple juice without a juicer?

If you don’t have a juicer, you can prepare juice using a regular meat grinder. Preparing apple juice in this way is a labor-intensive process. First of all, the fruits should be completely peeled and cored.

Prepared apples must be passed through a meat grinder. The result should be a homogeneous mass. It needs to be laid out in portions on a thick cloth or gauze folded in several layers. Apple juice is squeezed by hand into a bowl. After this, the drink should be boiled, poured into glass jars and rolled up with a key. Natural apple juice is ready.

To prevent a drink prepared using this method from quickly darkening and acquiring an unpleasant aftertaste, you should use stainless steel or enameled utensils and a meat grinder. This little trick allows you to make it even more delicious and healthy. After all, it retains much more useful components.


Now you know how to can apple juice from a juicer. By following all the tips, you can make preparations for the whole winter. In this case, the drink may turn out tastier than store-bought. The main thing is to choose the right apple variety and calculate the required amount of sugar.

Only the lazy do not know about the benefits of fruit and vegetable juices. But are the juices offered in the store really that healthy? Today we’ll talk about making apple juice yourself using simple improvised means, and its advantages over store-bought juice in packages.

Packaged or freshly squeezed

The overwhelming majority of juice in packages is a secondary product, that is, it is made from raw materials remaining after direct pressing of fruit.

The pulp is soaked in water, settled and squeezed several times, pasteurized and then poured into containers. At the same time, the quality of the fruit often leaves much to be desired.

To enhance the taste and long-term storage, dyes, stabilizers, flavors and other chemical additives are added to such a product. We should also mention a cheap analogue of sugar - glucose-fructose syrup, which is often added instead of sugar in order to save money. Regular consumption of this syrup, even in small quantities, provokes the development of obesity.

Conclusion: bagged product can cause significant health damage. As for truly natural 100% juices, they are not easy to find on sale; of all available products, they make up only 2% of the total mass. Freshly squeezed drinks prepared independently compare favorably with store-bought products. Firstly, You choose the raw materials for the drink yourself; they are fresh and natural.

Secondly, There are no chemical additives in this product. The benefits of freshly squeezed drinks are undeniable: an abundance of vitamins, minerals, natural acids, pectins, fiber and other useful elements in the composition. When used correctly, such a product will maintain health and help prevent many diseases.


The only thing you need to take into account in order not to harm yourself is that it is better to use the product diluted with boiled water. The pure drink is aggressive due to the presence of acids, so drinking it on an empty stomach or in large quantities is not recommended.

Features of product selection

To prepare juices, select varieties with crispy, firm flesh, ripe ones, and a sweet and sour taste. These fruits give a high yield of the final product, they do not need to be sweetened, and are excellent for direct pressing. For example, these varieties:

  • "Cosmonaut Titov";
  • “Memory of Kovalenko”;
  • "Freedom".
The following varieties are suitable for long-term storage of the product:

  • "Anuxis";
  • "Verbnoe";
For fresh juices in any season, the best option is winter varieties. Their advantage is that they are available for sale until spring; all useful elements are perfectly preserved, thanks to the tannins in the composition. Among the winter varieties of crops, the following are considered the juiciest:
  • "Antonovka";
  • "Aport";
  • "Cortland."

Secondly, Many summer early ripening varieties are not suitable for pressing; the resulting drink has a weakly expressed taste and not a bright aroma.

Quality requirements

Main selection criteria:

  • no dents, damage, or signs of worms;
  • dense, hard pulp;
  • bright aroma and natural color;
  • average fruit size.
Fruits that are too large, bright and beautifully monochromatic were most likely treated with chemicals.

How to squeeze juice without a juicer: step-by-step recipe with photos

What you will need: kitchen appliances and supplies

  • gauze;
  • pot;
  • large grater;

Video: apple juice without a juicer

Required Ingredients

For a liter of juice you will need:

  • apples - 1.6 kg;
  • sugar - 50 g (for seaming for the winter);
  • sugar or honey to taste (for freshly squeezed juice).
Cut the washed fruits into four parts (you don’t have to remove the peel), remove the core with seeds. Grate the pulp on a coarse grater.

Place a fine-mesh sieve on the prepared pan and gauze folded several times over the sieve. Place the grated raw materials in a sieve.

Did you know? In Germany and France in the 16th-19th centuries, the New Year tree was decorated with bright and richly colored apples. During the years of poor fruit harvest, French glassblowers found a solution: glass balls of different colors. This is where the history of glass Christmas tree decorations came from.

When the juice has drained, gather the edges of the gauze and, starting from the knot, squeeze out the pulp.

You can add honey or sugar to the prepared fresh juice to taste.

Features of juicing

Fresh can be prepared with or without pulp; If the juice is too dark, you can lighten it.


Let the freshly squeezed juice stand for a while, strain through several layers of gauze, and squeeze. Pour into a saucepan and place in a water bath. Bring to a boil (+90 °C), but do not boil. Then place in a large container filled with cold water for a couple of hours. The drink will separate into layers, the pulp sediment will fall to the bottom, and the clean drink will be ready for drinking. To ensure that sediment is free of sediment, you can drain the clean juice using a rubber tube.

For even greater lightening, the procedure can be repeated.

With pulp

Did you know? Swedish artist Emma Lundström created a unique painting inspired by apples. The canvas, depicting whole fruits and those divided into halves, was created from fruits of different varieties and colors, a total of thirty-five thousand of them were needed.

What can be added to apple juice: choosing the perfect combination

Apple juice is combined with many fruits and vegetables, adding both taste and beneficial properties. Many fresh vegetables, for example, are either tasteless or too cloying.


Freshly squeezed carrot juice is good for vision, brain function, lungs and mucous membranes. The drink is recommended for pregnant women as a source of potassium and folic acid, and for nursing mothers to enhance lactation. For children, the product will help improve memory, concentration, visual acuity, strengthen bones and tooth enamel. The calcium and potassium present in it are useful for older people for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system. Carrot juice increases appetite, improves the functioning of the circulatory system and strengthens the immune system.

No matter how expensive and branded store-bought juice is, it will never compare with homemade juice in terms of quality and benefits. That is why preparing fresh juices and canning apple nectar is simply necessary. And if there is such a wonderful thing in the house as a juicer, the process is simplified as much as possible and all we have to do is organize the operation of the equipment correctly.

Selecting and preparing apples

To get as much of the drink as possible and not spend too much money on sugar, let’s take the sweetest, juiciest varieties of apples. It can be white filling, prima, Jonagold, Fuji, Gala, Mackintosh, saffron, pink lady. If you can’t get any of them, we’ll make juice from sweet and sour ones - in this case, the product will also turn out tasty and rich in vitamins.

Advice! Juice should be squeezed from fully ripe fruits, when they are sufficiently filled with moisture and sun. No more than two to three weeks should pass from the moment of collection to the actual processing, otherwise the fruit will begin to deteriorate and some of the potential juice will inevitably end up in waste.

To prepare for pressing, wash the apples thoroughly in cold water, remove leaves and small debris, and cut out the wormy segments. Next, we divide each fruit into 4 parts along the stalk, and if the apples are too large, into 5-6 parts.

Making the “drink of the gods”

First, let's deal with our kitchen assistant. A truly high-quality apple juicer should have:

  • electric, of course;
  • centrifugal or auger (if we use a centrifugal one, it is advisable to have an automatic pulp ejection function);
  • with cutting parts made of stainless steel;
  • with a wide funnel for loading products and a spacious juice receptacle.

Secondly, let’s make sure that there is nothing against the peel and small seeds.

We turn on the device and pass the available fruits through it. If you plan to consume the juice immediately, then the preparation can be considered complete and no further actions are required.

If you have a lot of drink, it makes sense to stock it up for future use. We filter the squeezed juice through several layers of gauze, thereby getting rid of foam and excess pulp. Pour it into a large enamel pan, put it on the fire, and boil for about 5 minutes. When hot, pour into sterile jars, roll up, turn upside down and wrap until completely cool.

Advice! Nectar from unripe fruits or sweet and sour varieties may turn out to be completely unsweetened. Sugar will help improve the situation: a tablespoon of sand is diluted in a liter of juice and stirred until the crystals are completely dissolved.

This product should be stored at room temperature. If in winter the open juice seems too concentrated, dilute it with boiled water and sweeten it if necessary. Bon appetit!

Making apple juice using a juicer - video

The end of August brings us a wonderful Christian holiday - the Transfiguration of the Lord. It is celebrated on August 19. By this time, the fruits of many trees reach their full maturity, which we bring to the temple for consecration.

The apples are ready for picking. Fresh ripe apples contain up to 16% sugars, organic acids, vitamins C, B1, B2, A, PP, microelements: magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium. The fruit is rich in pectin, a substance that can remove toxins from the body.

Therefore, the benefits of natural apple juice cannot be overestimated. Of course, ideally it is better to drink it immediately after preparation - it retains the maximum of nutrients. But if the garden rewarded you with a large amount, then you should know how to make apple juice at home. This knowledge and a few hours of your time will help you delight your loved ones with delicious summer drinks even in the midst of February snowstorms.

At the same time, among the huge variety of apple varieties, Antonovka, Slavyanka, Grushovka Moskovskaya or other autumn and winter varieties are most suitable for juice.

Species such as china or ranetka produce sweet juices, but with high acidity, so they are consumed half and half with water. Delicious and unusual juices are obtained from a mixture of different varieties of apples.

Preparing natural apple juice using a juicer

Making apple juice at home is not difficult. Using a juicer, you can prepare freshly squeezed apple juice with or without pulp. It is important to choose good ripe fruits that are not spoiled by pests. Juice from apples is easier to squeeze if you do it immediately after the fruits are picked from the tree.

To make apple juice for the winter:

  • Choose good fruits, wash them thoroughly, remove stems and seeds. Do not cut off the peel; it contains the largest amount of vitamins. Cut the apples into pieces and run them through a juicer. Let the juice sit for a while so that the foam goes away and the pulp settles. If you want to make apple juice with pulp, then you need to proceed to the following steps.
    If you do not need pulp, then the juice must be strained through a sieve or clean gauze 2 times before and after boiling. After straining the juice a second time, put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil again. If this is not done twice, the juice may end up with sediment.
  • If you make juice from sour apples, you can add sugar; for 0.5 liters of juice - about 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar. To prevent homemade apple juice from turning dark, add citric acid to it.
  • Place the pan with the juice to cook at a temperature of 950 C, stir occasionally and skim off the foam. Before the juice boils, sterilize the jars and lids. As soon as the juice begins to boil, immediately remove from the stove and pour into jars and screw each one in turn. After the jars of natural apple juice are closed, turn them upside down and leave them for a day, covered with a blanket.
  • In the future, natural apple juice can be stored for up to two years at a temperature not exceeding +50 C.

How to make apple juice if you don't have a juicer?

Apple juice can be prepared at home without a juicer, using the diffuse method. For this:

    It is necessary to carefully prepare for the production of such apple juice at home: first, prepare three 3-liter jars and number them.

    Finely chop 1.5 kg of apples and pour them into the first jar to the top. Pour warm boiled water into a jar of apples up to the neck level and leave for 6 - 8 hours. After this, pour the resulting infusion into a separate container, and again pour hot water into the jar of apples.

    Use the 2nd jar, filling it with 1.5 kg of apples, fill it with the infusion obtained in the first jar and leave again for 6 - 8 hours.

    From the second jar, pour the infusion into the 3rd jar with 1.5 kg of apples, and from the 1st jar into the 2nd.

    Natural apple juice from the 3rd jar is ready for use after it has been infused for 6 - 8 hours.

    It is important to periodically taste pieces of apples from the first jar after pouring the infusion. If the taste is gone, then you need to cut new apples and move the jar to the end of the row.

    Bring the finished juice almost to a boil and pour into sterilized jars.

Thus, it is possible to obtain excellent apple juice at home without using any additional means other than the stove. The drink is rich in both color and the content of vitamins and other useful components. You can use more cans, this will only improve the quality of the juice, but it will take more time. You can add sugar to taste.

Preparing apple juice with pulp

For small children, it is better to make apple juice with pulp, like a puree. To do this, you need to finely chop the apples. You can, of course, use a blender for chopping, but if you use metal knives, the apple mass will oxidize and lose beneficial vitamins.

Pour finely chopped apples into a saucepan, fill completely with water and simmer over low heat, stirring gently. When the apples have softened, you need to let them cool and then rub them through a sieve, after which, as usual, pour them into sterilized jars and leave them for several hours under a blanket, place the lid down. This homemade drink will bring much more benefits to your loved ones than juices from stores.

Apple juice is perhaps the most popular and healthy fruit drink.

In addition, it goes well with almost all juices from other fruits, berries and even vegetables.

Based on it, you can prepare many healthy and tasty mixes.

Apple juice without a juicer - basic principles of preparation

To make the drink truly tasty, only ripe apples without wormholes or rotting are used to prepare it. Varieties with an ideal ratio of sugar and acid are suitable. If the drink is prepared from sour varieties, sugar syrup is added to it.

The apples are washed thoroughly. Remove the core and spoiled parts. Peel off. It is very important to properly prepare the fruit, otherwise the juice may quickly ferment.

As a rule, juice is prepared using a juicer, but if you don’t have one, don’t despair, the drink can be prepared using a meat grinder, juicer, grater, masher or diffusion method.

The fruit pulp is crushed, then placed on cheesecloth, folded in several layers, and the juice is squeezed out. The apple mass can also be rubbed through a fine sieve. The apple juice is poured into a saucepan and boiled several times. If the drink is being prepared for the winter, it is poured hot into clean jars and sealed, or cooled and drunk immediately.

By the way, squeezed apple pulp can be used to prepare baked goods with apples.

Recipe 1. Juice from apples without a juicer using a grater for the winter


    sweet and sour apples.

Cooking method

1. Wash the jars with soda and rinse thoroughly. Sterilize over steam. Boil the lids for five minutes.

2. Wash the apples under the tap, wipe with a napkin and peel. Cut each fruit into quarters and remove the seed pods. Grate the apple pulp on a fine grater. Place the resulting mass on cheesecloth, folding it several times, and squeeze thoroughly. Strain the juice and pour into a clean enamel pan.

3. Place the apple juice on the stove and keep it there until bubbles begin to rise from the bottom. The drink will begin to lighten and foam will appear on the surface. Collect it with a slotted spoon.

4. Strain the hot drink again. If the juice is sour, you can add sugar at the rate of 150 g per liter. Place the drink back on the stove and bring to a boil again. Remove from heat and immediately pour into sterile bottles or jars. Cool the preserves under a blanket.

Recipe 2. Juice from apples without a juicer using the diffusion method


    sweet and sour apples;

    three jars with a volume of three liters.

Cooking method

1. Wash the apples well, peel them and cut the fruit into slices, one centimeter thick. We do not remove the core.

2. Fill three jars with apple slices. Fill one jar with boiling water. Leave for six hours. The water should not only cool down, but also infuse.

3. Pour water from the jar into a saucepan and heat it without bringing it to a boil. Fill the second jar with this liquid, and fill the first one with boiling water.

4. We repeat the procedure: pour the heated juice from the second jar into the third, from the first to the second, pour boiling water into the first. We do this until the liquid from all the cans is in the pan. Put the juice on the fire and bring to a boil. Pour the drink into sterile jars or bottles. Roll up, cover with a blanket and leave until completely cooled.

Recipe 3. Apple juice without a juicer using a meat grinder


    kilogram of apples;

    drinking water - two glasses;

    sugar – 200 g.

Cooking method

1. Cut the washed apples in half, remove the seeds and peel them. Place the fruits in an enamel pan and fill with two glasses of purified water. Place on the fire and cook from the moment of boiling for a quarter of an hour until the fruit pulp becomes soft.

2. Pass hot apples through a meat grinder twice. Then we rub the resulting mass through a sieve and place it in an enamel bowl.

3. Pour two glasses of filtered water into a saucepan, add sugar and cook over low heat, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves. Pour the syrup into the apple mixture and continue to cook, stirring, for about five minutes.

4. Pour the juice and pulp into dry, sterile jars and seal tightly. Cool by wrapping it in an old jacket.

Recipe 4. Apple juice without a juicer in a juicer with spices


  • sweet and sour apples;


Cooking method

1. Pour drinking water into the juicer and put it on fire.

2. Wash the apples and remove the core. Cut the pulp into pieces. Place them in a container with holes. Spread the spices on top.

3. Place the bowl of fruit in the juicer as soon as the water in it boils. Sprinkle apples with sugar. For a kilogram of fruit you need to take 70 g of granulated sugar.

4. Boil apples for an hour. Pour the juice into a clean jug.

Recipe 5. Juice apples without a juicer using a blender


    three kilograms of sweet and sour apples;

    liter of drinking water.


    two glasses of sugar and filtered water.

Cooking method

1. Peel the apples. We remove the core and rotten areas. Cut the fruit pulp into slices two centimeters wide and transfer them to an enamel bowl.

2. Fill the apples with a liter of drinking water and put the dishes on the fire. We wait until the contents boil and cook for a quarter of an hour.

3. Remove the pan from the heat and blend the apples with an immersion blender until pureed.

4. Dissolve sugar in water and cook syrup. Pour it into the applesauce, mix and put it on the fire again. Cook from the moment of boiling for five minutes and cool slightly.

5. Boil the juice and pulp again and pour hot into sterile bottles or jars. We seal it tightly and cool it, wrapped in an old jacket.

Recipe 6. Juice from apples without a juicer in a juicer with pears


    sweet and sour apples – three kilograms;

    150 g sugar;

    two kilograms of pears.

Cooking method

1. Wash the fruit under the tap. Remove seed pods and cut out spoiled areas. Grind the pulp into small pieces. Place the fruit in a container with holes.

2. Fill the lower container of the unit with drinking water and put it on fire. As soon as the water starts to boil, set the pan to collect the juice. Place a container of fruit in it. Sprinkle sugar on top of apples and pears. Close the juicer with a lid. Close the silicone hose. Boil the juice for an hour.

3. Wash the jars with baking soda and rinse. Sterilize in the oven or over steam. Boil the lids.

4. After the allotted time, open the lid. Lightly knead the boiled fruit. Place a sterile container under the hose, open the tap and fill it with hot juice. Seal tightly with tin lids and cool.

Recipe 7. Juice from apples and carrots without a juicer


    one and a half kilograms of apples;

    kilogram of carrots.

Cooking method

1. Rinse apples and carrots thoroughly. Peel off the skin. Remove the seeds from the apples by cutting them in half. Finely grate vegetables and fruits. Place the resulting mass on several layers of gauze and squeeze out the juice.

2. Pour the juice into a saucepan and put on fire. Cook from the moment of boiling for a couple of minutes. Be sure to remove any foam from the surface.

3. Pour the juice into sterile dry jars or bottles. Cover with lids and place in a wide saucepan. Fill with water until the level reaches the hanger of the container and sterilize for 15 minutes. Seal tightly with lids, wrap in a blanket and cool overnight.

Recipe 8. Apple and blackcurrant juice without a juicer


    750 g apples;

    250 g black currants.

Cooking method

1. Wash the apples, peel them with a knife and cut them into four parts. Remove all damaged areas and the core. Pass the fruit pulp through a meat grinder twice. Grind the resulting mass through a fine sieve.

2. Remove blackcurrants from the branches. Sort through, removing rotten and dry fruits. Place the berries in a colander and rinse under the tap. Place the currants in a deep bowl and mash with a masher. Pour in some drinking water and place the container on the fire. Boil the berries for a few minutes, then remove from heat and cool. Place on cheesecloth, folding it in several layers, and squeeze out the juice by hand.

3. Combine apple juice and currant juice in a saucepan. Stir and cook from the moment of boiling for about three minutes. Pack the hot drink in prepared glass containers and screw tightly with tin lids.

    It is better to make juice from several varieties of apples.

    To brew the drink, use enamel dishes.

    Before putting the juice into jars, taste it; if the drink is too sour, add sugar or syrup and boil for another two minutes.

    Do not throw away the pulp of the squeezed grated apples. They can be used for making desserts or baking.

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