The Arcanum, which will be the topic of our conversation today, usually raises many questions among novice interpreters. From the image of the card in the Rider-Waite deck, it is difficult to understand the unambiguous and specific meaning of the 6 Swords of the Tarot. Someone sees a journey on this map, someone sees a departure to another world, and someone “reads” it as overcoming difficulties. Let's figure out what the symbolic field of the Arcana actually looks like. The Arcanum, which will be the topic of our conversation today, usually raises many questions among novice interpreters. From the image of the card in the Rider-Waite deck, it is difficult to understand the unambiguous and specific meaning of the 6 Swords of the Tarot. Someone sees a journey on this map, someone sees a departure to another world, and someone “reads” it as overcoming difficulties. Let's figure out what the symbolic field of the Arcana actually looks like.

General description of the card, plot and meaning in layouts

To understand why the Six Swords of the Tarot can have such different meanings, it is worth turning to the plot of the Arcana. It shows a boat floating on the river. A man stands behind the oar, with his back to us, and on the boat itself there are two people - a child and a figure wrapped in a cloak with a hood. At first glance it is not clear whether it is a man or a woman. The bow of the boat is studded with swords - there are six of them. On the one hand, it seems as if the man manages to steer the boat quite easily, since the load is small - from this we can conclude that one of the meanings of the 6 Swords of the Tarot will be avoiding problems.
On the other hand, the strange hooded figure and the pose of the human passengers evoke some kind of sadness and melancholy, and the river itself may well be associated with the famous Styx, through which the boatman Charon transports the souls of the dead. Then one can interpret this Arcanum as a transition to another state, sometimes literally - to another world, a departure from reality. You can also interpret the map as a journey. We recommend that you use your own intuition and inner feelings when determining the meaning and interpretation of the Six of Swords of the Tarot.

Key words and ideas of the card in the layout

Since the interpretation of this numerical Arcana is very ambiguous, we provide a fairly wide list of keywords, and which of them are more suitable for the map - decide for yourself:

  • Willingness to leave something old behind and move on to a new life
  • Way out
  • Overcoming difficulties by distancing yourself from what is happening
  • Avoiding a problematic situation
  • New life goals, means, prospects
  • Transition from one way of being to another
  • Search for a “safe haven”, reliable shelter, security
  • Traveling or moving somewhere
  • Changing of the living place
  • Smooth and leisurely movement towards the goal
  • Discovering something new about yourself

Meaning of the 6 of Swords card in an upright position

So, the main meaning of the Six of Swords Tarot will still be a departure from existing problems or a transition to a different qualitative state. Of course, the circumstances and the process itself can be different, both positive and not so positive - it all depends on the surrounding cards. Despite the fact that a direct card does not pose any danger, a person can still be haunted by a feeling of inner melancholy, sadness, anxiety - as often happens when we leave the past behind and move towards a new life. These feelings are usually associated with the unknown - we don't know what awaits us around the next corner, and this is sometimes scary.

Meaning of the Six of Swords in reversed position

The Reverse Six of Swords is traditionally interpreted as the inability to find a way out of the current situation. It's kind of a dead end in every sense. Sometimes the Arcanum can report a risky event that will not bring satisfaction, and sometimes the 6 of Swords will indicate that this departure or escape is not well planned, so before it is too late, it is better to return and wait for a more convenient moment, to prepare better.

Video: The meaning of the Six of Swords card

The meaning of the card in layouts for love and relationships

The meaning of the 6 Swords of the Tarot in relationships is played out in a very multifaceted way. Let's take a closer look at how this happens.

Straight position

The first meaning of this card will be the distance that separates the lovers. This could be some kind of business trip, an urgent departure, an escape, the disappearance of one of the partners, or internal distance, the need to be alone. Another meaning of the Six of Swords of the Tarot in love is the breaking of old relationships and a new connection, while the changes do not delight a person, since such a hasty start to the new does not always make it possible to instantly forget about the old.
In some situations, the meaning of the Six of Swords of the Tarot in a relationship can be as follows: this is a marriage or a love affair that began spontaneously, and sometimes it is an indicator of powerlessness, when a person, one might say, was “put on a boat and taken away” without asking him consent. With all this, the card does not carry any negativity; it is rather calm and harmonious, but not to the fullest extent: the calm here is very cool, and the balance is not particularly cozy, unusual.
Sometimes Arkan can communicate a person’s desire to be “taken and taken away”, about the desire to place responsibility for resolving the situation on someone else. This happens when a woman wants to divorce her already unloved husband, and hopes that the new “prince on a white horse” will simply come and take her to him.

Inverted position

In the reverse position, the meaning of the 6 Swords of the Tarot in love is the inability to find a way out, to escape from a hopeless and difficult relationship, or a moral unpreparedness for this, when a person packs up and leaves, but actually goes nowhere, so after some time he either returns or faces with insurmountable difficulties.

The meaning of the 6 of Swords in matters of health

How does this many-sided numerical Arcanum behave when divining a person’s well-being, diagnosing diseases and other health issues?

Straight position

If the card comes straight, this is a good sign. Healing from the disease is not far off. To improve your well-being, it is recommended to change your environment, go on a trip or go to a sanatorium. In very rare cases, this Arcanum can be an indication of physical death, but only when this is unconditionally confirmed by the surrounding cards.

Inverted position

The Six Swords of the Tarot has the following meaning in an inverted position: fear of open spaces, so-called agoraphobia, reluctance to leave the house, and sometimes asphyxia.

The meaning of the card in layouts for psychological state and personality analysis

It is curious that in the old days this Arcanum was associated with the state of the bride on the eve of the wedding. In those days, the bride saw her future husband only two or three times before the wedding, so living together with him caused complete uncertainty, fears and hopes, curiosity, and limbo. But let's see how this Arcanum is usually interpreted in modern times.

Straight position

A direct card will describe a person who is able to distance himself from circumstances, as it were, and is able to look at the situation as if from the outside. This is a broad-minded person who knows how to think logically and easily adapts to new circumstances. The meaning of the 6 Swords of the Tarot, if we ask about the state of mind, is a feeling of “suspense”, uncertainty about the future, fluctuations associated with ongoing changes.

Inverted position

The reverse Arcanum, on the contrary, will characterize a person who does not see “beyond his nose.” This is a person who absolutely does not know how to adequately assess what is happening to him, which is why he often finds himself in difficult and confusing situations. In terms of mental state, this is a psychological unpreparedness for change.

The meaning of the Six of Swords in fortune telling for finances and work

Now let's analyze how the 6 of Swords behaves when we ask cards about work, promotion, profession, finances.

Straight position

The meaning of the Six of Swords Tarot in work is the beginning of a new project and the uncertainty associated with it. Arkan can also talk about the transition to a new position, the successful resolution of conflicts and disagreements, fruitful teamwork, and professionalism. If we ask a question about a specific profession, then this is an activity related to travel, transportation, research, sometimes freelancing, working from home. In terms of finance, this is a situation when money “floats” out of your hands for some reason.

Inverted position

The reverse card will indicate a hasty decision to start a project, or a rash dismissal, or a move to another job. Arkan can also indicate unprofessionalism and unpreparedness for conducting business. If we ask about finances, then this is an evasion of monetary obligations, an escape from creditors and debts, an attempt to hide one’s income.

The meaning of the card in combination with the Major Arcana

By tradition, we present a list of meanings of the Six of Swords of the Tarot in combination with the Major Arcana.

  • : Spontaneous travel, road into the unknown
  • : Establishing contacts and connections
  • : A new outlook on life, family secrets
  • Empress: Complicated Pregnancy
  • : Moving to a new position or changing jobs
  • : Finding the spiritual path
  • : Make the final choice
  • Chariot: Finding Direction
  • : Gather strength
  • : Trying to attract attention, traveling alone
  • Wheel of Fortune: The Path to Destiny
  • : Postponement of an important decision, sentence
  • The Hanged Man: Willingness to make sacrifices
  • Death: Farewell to the past and the path towards change
  • Moderation: The Path to Healing, Restoration
  • Devil: The wrong path, a dead end, being captured by temptations
  • Tower: Failures and losses along the path of life
  • Star: Follow your dreams
  • Moon: "Undercurrent", get trapped on the chosen path
  • Sun: The right path, the road to happiness
  • Court: Punishment
  • Peace: Salvation, seek paths to reconciliation

The meaning of the card in combination with the Minor Arcana

Now let's look at the combination of the Six of Swords Tarot with figure and number cards.

With the suit of Staves

  • : Move towards the light
  • : Moving
  • : No turning back
  • : Find a “safe haven”
  • : Getting “out of the frying pan and into the fire”
  • : Improvement, movement to achieve better
  • Seven: The hope of finding peace did not materialize
  • Eight: Parting, breakup, flight
  • Nine: “Dry” reception
  • Ten: Drowning in a sea of ​​problems
  • : Moving to a child
  • : Lose your way, lose your bearings
  • : Get closer to a woman
  • King: Get closer to a man

With the suit of Cups

  • : The path to self-realization
  • : Positive changes in love, ending conflict
  • : Escape from a celebration, holiday
  • : An unsatisfying path
  • : Emotional crisis associated with change
  • : Return from the present to the past, moving to the father's house
  • Seven: Hasty escape from reality
  • Eight: Submission to fate, humble acceptance of change
  • Nine: Escape from troubles to happiness
  • Ten: Combination of the Six of Swords of the Tarot with the Ten of Cups - the end of suffering, returning home
  • Page: Romantic Journey
  • : Breaking up old relationships and starting new ones
  • Queen: The path chosen by the heart

When it comes to the 6 Swords Tarot card, the meaning can confuse even an experienced fortuneteller. However, the expanded meaning of this card is actually understandable if you spend some time thinking about it.

In the article:

6 of Swords Tarot - the meaning of the card in a broad sense

Upright the meaning of the 6 Swords Tarot for a brave person is a chance of success. The fortuneteller takes on an unfamiliar task, however, his determination is enough to cope with it. For an indecisive person, the chance of success is minimal. His idea is doomed to failure; the fortuneteller does not have enough strength to implement it. In this case, the risk is too great to pursue this business.

The map indicates changes that may lead to new shores. However, much depends on the fortuneteller’s attitude towards changes - whether he expects them or, on the contrary, is wary of them. In order to move to a new shore, you will have to leave the old one. What awaits on this new shore is unknown; everything depends on the actions of the questioner himself. At the same time, the meaning of the Six of Swords of the Tarot can vary from literally moving to new norms and living conditions and even in-depth acquaintance with another religion.

Upside down The 6 of Swords in the layout indicates that the game will not be worth the candle in any case. The chance of success is negligible, but the risks are great. In addition, the card says that it is impossible to escape from the problems that the fortuneteller now has. You just have to play the role of an observer. When fortune telling for a trip, the trip will be postponed, but however, this card can also indicate a return from a trip.

Besides, in a straight position This card reminds you of the importance of continuing to move after a series of failures. She talks about the period of recovery after disasters. Troubles must end, travel, movement or peace awaits you. Occasionally the card foretells death, but more often it predicts the end of problems.

6 Swords Tarot - meaning at work

The main meaning in the work of the 6 of Swords is virgin soil, work in a new place. This may mean either a change of workplace after dismissal, or obtaining a new position or the emergence of new responsibilities at the old workplace. The card tells you that you will have to say goodbye to the usual way of things and meet a new, still unfamiliar one. Perhaps this novelty will instill fear in the fortuneteller.

This transitional state will certainly be accompanied by fears and anxiety. However, in this situation it is impossible to move to a new shore without leaving the old one. This refers to a final and complete parting with the past; it will not work to be on two banks at the same time - the old and the new.

During the adaptation period, the fortuneteller can hope for the support of his environment, colleagues and superiors. Most likely, they will help him find himself in a renewed environment, but you should not rely on this alone - you must do most of the work yourself. Your success depends on your actions.

Six of Swords Tarot - meaning for consciousness and development

At the level of consciousness, the meaning of the Six of Swords is to move towards new horizons. This movement will be gradual and careful; there is no need to try to cover a long distance at one time. Acquaintance with emerging ideas can also occur as training from an outside mentor.

It should be remembered that in this case, acquaintance with the unknown implies the abandonment of old habits. Established and habitual views now seem irrelevant, but parting with them can frighten the questioner.

The transition period that this card promises is also associated with uncertainty about new beliefs and the first steps in new endeavors. This uncertainty will pass if you just keep going.

6 of Swords Tarot - meaning in relationships

The main meaning in relationships of the 6 of Swords is change, both external and internal. One of the options for the development of events is separation from a partner and temporary loneliness, the beginning of a new life. Perhaps the fortuneteller will go to another person, leaving his spouse. But this is only one of the options. The future may also promise improved relationships with an old partner if there has been misunderstanding in your life.

Lonely questioners are promised the emergence of lasting relationships. You will have to forget about the suffering over your loneliness and enjoy all the delights of a successful personal life. Phenomenal success among members of the opposite sex is possible for those who previously could not boast of it.

In general, the meaning of the Six of Swords in relationships suggests that the personal life of the questioner will change dramatically, but in what direction is unknown. He will have to part with the old way of life and adapt to the new. Such a life is not yet familiar to the fortuneteller, but he should remember that all changes are for the better.

What personalities does the Six of Swords Tarot represent?

The Six of Swords depicts a person or an entire family or other group of people who are ready to take an important step. They give up the past, old habits and other attachments in order to go into the unknown with the hope of a better future. The swords depicted on the card symbolize sad memories of the past.

In addition, the map in a straight position may mean a traveler or a person who is currently on vacation or away. This could be either a person who came from afar, or an acquaintance of the fortuneteller, who is currently somewhere far away. However, the Six of Swords can also indicate a person whose period of suffering has ended.

Upside down The Six of Swords characterizes people who are slow, difficult to move, or those who like to constantly battle with troubles. This person is prone to laziness, it is difficult to get him to do business. In addition, the card may indicate a person who has returned home from a trip.

6 Swords Tarot - combination with other cards

It is known that combinations of Tarot cards with each other can clarify or change the meanings of both cards. For example, the combination of the Six of Swords of the Tarot with the lasso of the Fool promises a move or a trip. However, in this case, the fortuneteller will have to go into the unknown. This could be a spontaneous trip to a country you have not yet explored or a departure to an unfamiliar city with unknown prospects. The course will be random, and the result will be unknown.

The combination of the 6 Swords of the Tarot indicates a poorly progressing pregnancy. She promises to move to her son or, if there is no son, to her daughter. With the Queen of Wands, cards speak of contact with some new woman, and with the King of Wands - with a man.

The combination of the 6 Swords of the Tarot with the Emperor lasso speaks of a possible correction of the situation in family or career matters. A person may face dismissal and a change of job, or simply a new position. With the Death card, the Six of Swords indicates that the fortuneteller is boldly moving towards change or must do so.


Six of Swords in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - moving, road.
With the “Magic” card - to establish connections.
With the “High Priestess” card - a family secret; gaining a new outlook on life.
With the “Empress” card - a difficult pregnancy.
With the “Emperor” card - an attempt to correct the situation in the family or at work.
With the “Hierophant” card - follow the path of mercy.
With the “Lovers” card - make a choice.
With the Chariot card - look for the direction.
With the “Strength” card - gather your strength.
With the Hermit card - draw attention to yourself.
With the “Wheel of Fortune” card - go towards fate; turn your face to Fortune.
With the “Justice” card - a deferment of the sentence.
With the Hanged Man card - make sacrifices.
With the “Death” card - go towards change.
With the “Moderation” card - follow the path of restoration and healing.
With the “Devil” card - fall into the clutches of the Devil; indulge one's vices.
With the “Tower” card - take the path of losses and failures.
With the “Star” card - follow the advice of the astrologer.
With the “Moon” card - you will get even more confused; fall into the placed networks.
With the “Sun” card - choose the right path.
With the “Court” card - suffer punishment.
With the “Peace” card, you can completely say goodbye to the sad past.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Six of Swords upright with Major Arcana

Magician pr and per - Successes in espionage
Priestess - Finding wisdom. Knowledge, obtaining it
Empress - New “karmic” path (“you crossed the Maidan”)
Emperor - Second marriage with a very famous politician
Priest - The Road to Virtue
Lovers - The need for change. "Virgin land", cultivate it
Chariot - Hiking, trekking
Justice - Parting with the usual way of life
Hermit pr and per - Excessive curiosity
Wheel of Fortune - The Road Home
Strength - The path of calling, the highest duty
Hanged Man - Bad trip, better postpone
Death - Second destiny, a sharp turn in life
Moderation - Success in motorsports, racing
Devil - Dangerous Encounter
Tower - Impossibility of change due to insurmountable circumstances
Star - Improving health. Lost, sold on the road
Moon - Extinguished lighthouse, path blindly
Sun - Happy Voyage (Christopher Columbus)
Court - Testifying in court against a friend
World - Trying to change lanes on the fly will lead to nothing
Jester - Risky move

Six of Swords upright with the Minor Arcana

Lovers (per) + 10 Cups (per) - Damage to withdrawal from your beloved, to conflicts and problems with her

Six of Swords reversed with Major Arcana

Emperor - Second marriage with a famous person; romance with a promising man

Six of Swords reversed with the Minor Arcana

7 of Cups - Declaration of love
10 of Wands - Obstacles to achieving a goal, a failed path

I'll go there, I don't know where. Come what may. A breakthrough to freedom and change. We need to move. You're already on your way. The road is long. Maybe by water. The horizons are not yet visible. The goal is not clear. I don't know how anyone treats me. Love does not love. Time will show.

Set out, despite the delays, and enter new territory.

Don't celebrate a coward.

Card of the day
It is possible that your knees are already shaking. Changes await you, or something unusual awaits you, or you are preparing to enter “new land” and you are feeling jittery. Main - don't give up and don't give up. Take the required step decisively and soberly, and then look around. Surely there will be someone who can help you.

Reversed card
There are no deliberate actions. Inability to find a way out of a situation. Insulation. Hatred of the foreign. No trip. "You're rowing against the current." Unsolicited offer. Returning from a trip.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners."

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This map shows a ferryman carrying passengers across the river. Notice that all the swords are balanced in the boat - this means that stability has returned after a period of difficulty. The ferryman is a symbol of our spirit. It guides the passengers - our personality and body - into the next phase of life.

Questions to ask yourself if you draw the Six of Swords
  • Are you moving on to something new?
  • Is it time to move forward?
  • Who or what are you running from?
  • Are you changing direction?
  • Do you feel as if you are being escorted to safety?
Key Ideas
You move from the storm zone to calm waters. Make sure you are going in the right direction and remain confident and true to yourself. Stay in control and remind yourself that your thoughts and feelings are entirely up to you. You decide how to react to the situation. You may lose your balance, become angry, wince and cry - or, conversely, effectively advocate for yourself in everyday life.
Direct Card: A calm, quiet time is ahead for you and your friends.

Reversed: Lack of communication with friends will cause problems.

Direct card: A new course of study will begin soon - a new academic year, semester or subject.

Reversed Card: You retreat too easily.

Direct card: You will soon start new relationships or significantly improve the ones you already have.

Reversed card: As long as you step on the same rake, the relationship will not satisfy either you or your partner. Learn from your mistakes.

Direct card: Change of residence. The consequences will be good for everyone.

Reversed card: You must let go of the past. Your rancor oppresses both you and your family.

Direct card: You are likely to travel abroad or have a foreign guest.

Reversed card: Your life is too quiet, little information comes to you. Get out of the house more often.

Upright Card: You take good care of yourself and lead a harmonious, healthy life.

Reversed card: Health will deteriorate due to nervous tension.

Direct Card: Money is tight, but you are coping well with the situation.

Reversed Card: Be on your guard - this is a bad card for the financial sector. Try to preserve what you already have.

Fortune telling in half a minute
Conrad was kicked off the school tennis team. The card said that there is no point in crying over spilled milk; what is done cannot be returned. However, Conrad needs to figure out what the problem is so he can learn from the mistakes and continue to move forward. What happened does not mean the end of my tennis career. Maybe we need to find a new approach to things.

Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

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The name of this card in the Thoth Tarot - "God of Science" - emphasizes its connection with the intellect.

A way out of stress. Overcoming difficulties.

The harmony of the number six combined with the difficulties inherent in the suit of Swords makes for an interesting mixture. This card signifies a transition from turbulent times to a more peaceful state, although we are not yet completely out of trouble. In the Royal Tarot from Fez, Morocco, this card shows a man steering a boat towards a distant shore. Crossing the water means that past difficulties are left behind. However, the swords in the boat suggest that we still have some old patterns of thinking, as well as some anxiety about the unknown future.

The Six of Swords portends a weakening of the current tense state. We have learned lessons from the past and therefore are calm and confident. The future is not yet clear, but the first signs of improving circumstances are already appearing. We need to overcome outdated thinking patterns, but this cannot be achieved overnight. This card heralds the beginning of a new cycle of life with new hopes and expectations, but also new concerns about our prospects for the future. When we move from negative thinking to more positive thinking, we take an exciting journey into the depths of our consciousness. Now we are ready to overcome any obstacles that arise in front of us, because we understand that there is no turning back.
If you get this card, it means that you are ready to seek a more harmonious environment or take a trip abroad. It may also indicate a change of residence, which will cause a turning point and the beginning of a new cycle in your life. Your prospects are now much more favorable than they have been recently; and you gradually move away - both physically and mentally - from the turbulent past, even if you know that you still have many difficult moments ahead. You may have had to go through a time of great adversity, and this card highlights the fact that it is now behind you. You are able to regain your self-esteem and self-respect after the humiliating experiences of the Five of Swords.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling."

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Meaning in fortune telling
Trip or journey. Travel by sea. Path. Trying to overcome difficulties. Expedient behavior. Success after worries.
Reversed meaning
A hopeless situation. Unsolicited offer. Lack of immediate solutions to existing problems. Confession. Statement.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The Six of Swords indicates travel, the arrival of a guest, or the receipt of a message.

Inner meaning
Now everything is starting to change, but it is not yet clear whether for the better or for the worse. Perhaps you will go on a trip, receive a guest, or receive a message. No matter what happens, you are slowly emerging from the bad situation you recently found yourself in. Note that the interpretation of this card also includes a "declaration of love" either in a romantic sense or in the sense that someone will offer you their sincere devotion. If you actually have to travel from one place to another (as opposed to a change of mental or emotional orientation), then most interpreters agree that it will probably be on water (or, given modern possibilities, over water).
Value in the layout
Direct or positive: traveling in an uncertain direction. Changes with unknown results. Received message. The escape; deferment of sentence. A change that may allow you to repay your enemy. Sometimes this card brings good luck, despite previous defeats.

Inverted or negative: confession, confession; perhaps a love proposal. In any case, it's a surprise.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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After the difficulties and problems of a Five, you may want to distance yourself from what is happening in order to regain calm and composure. The Six of Swords is often referred to as "the journey on water"; it indicates transitions and movements of any kind. You may be running away from difficulties and trying to restore harmony and peace of mind. You may want to avoid risk and danger and seek a safe haven, but keep in mind that this card could just as easily mean a vacation, a nice walk, or a change of job. As a card of the air and mind, the Six of Swords can be associated with travel planning, as well as the communication of ideas, information or materials. In some cases, it involves some kind of secret activity, one way or another connected with the exodus, departure or flight.

This card is directly related to the rational scientific mind, which requires distance from the object for successful analysis. Sixes of all stripes emphasize the importance of the ability to see what is happening and systemic relationships between objects. Wide scope and objectivity of vision can be achieved by leaving storms and storms aside and directing your ship to calmer shores. The Six of Swords of the Waite-Smith deck indicates that you are provided with support in your aspirations. According to this card, you may also show a humanitarian interest in the well-being of others. The figure on the map with which you are most identified shows your reaction and attitude to what is happening. You have the opportunity to choose which thoughts and ideas you “take for yourself” and which ones you discard as unnecessary. Understanding someone else's point of view requires proper communication and a willingness to put in the effort.

Traditional meanings: road, path, transition. Means, methods, ways of action. Walk. Travel, trip, vacation. Messenger or visitor. Trace, imprint, remnant. Dependence on others. Try new goals and approaches. An attempt to overcome difficulties.

Reversed Six of Swords
When the Six of Swords appears reversed in a reading, it means that you are either unable to escape a difficult situation or are resisting new perspectives. Perhaps you are mentally or physically at a dead end, in a hopeless situation. You may refuse to travel, travel, or simply not want to move. In its extreme manifestation, the card can give agoraphobia - fear of open spaces. There may be delays, changes in plans, and travel and transportation issues. There may be floods, various water difficulties, suffocation and drowning, or you may feel as if you are rowing against the current. Secret activities may become public - for example, you may be detained at customs at the airport. You will feel like you are at a dead end. On the other hand, the card may simply mean returning from a trip - probably in a state of culture shock.

You stubbornly stick to the shore and swim in shallow water, afraid to get off the ground and move in one direction or another. Perhaps you have not understood your opponent's point of view and are clinging to your prejudices for safety reasons. You perceive everything from the inside, very subjectively and without external verification.

When projecting this card onto other people, it may seem to you that they are like rats running away from a ship, leaving you alone on it. They may exhibit inflexible thinking and reluctance to cooperate. There is a danger that one may hold beliefs or prejudices that are incorrect and untested by reason. The traditional interpretation suggests misfortune caused by "coming out of the closet", public exposure, or an unwanted proposal. All this may lead to changes in plans or the need for an urgent way out of the situation. On the other hand, the journey can take place in an internal reality rather than an external one - for example, using guided visualization or active imagination.

Finding yourself in a dead-end situation, you can psychologically compensate for it by withdrawing into aloofness and indifference, or, conversely, throwing yourself at the embrasure. Undercompensation can result in feelings of being trapped and increased fear and indecisiveness.

From a shamanic point of view, this is one of the cards for the journey to the lower world, talking about the need for the return and healing of the soul or about visions of past and future lives, often figuratively associated with a journey along the river of time - especially if the inner child or guide is involved in the process.

Traditional Reversed Meanings: unwanted offer. Declaration, disclosure, confession, revelation, surprise. Receiving a diagnosis of the disease. A discovery that changes plans. Good or bad reputation caused by a public statement.

Larisa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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Key phrase
I'm floating on the waves of time and don't know what awaits me around the corner.
Description of the card and its internal meaning
This card in most decks depicts a boat with people floating slowly in the pre-dawn fog. This illustration symbolizes the changes awaiting the Questioner, but it is not yet clear whether they are for the better or for the worse. However, no matter what happens, a person will ultimately emerge victorious from the unpleasant situation in which he finds himself. The Six of Swords is associated with feelings of pain, dejection and fatigue - despite the coming relief, the Questioner still has a lot of work to do.
Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - E/Ё, number - 6,
Ruled by the planet - Mercury, zodiac sign - Aquarius,
Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 44 hexagram (“Temptation”),
Weather conditions - fog,
The corresponding color is green,
According to Kabbalah, it corresponds to the sephira Tifferet.
Card meaning
Straight position
The Six of Swords speaks of ideals that are waiting in the wings; about wisdom; about a new stage; about changes with an as yet unknown result; traveling in an unknown direction (most likely by water); escape or deferment of sentence; about receiving the news; about the joy and even the opportunity to repay your enemies. Sometimes this card is interpreted as good luck following a series of troubles.
Inverted position
An inverted card means a declaration of love, conversations with the manifestation of a huge amount of emotions, confession, surprises. Sometimes it can mean a desire to stand out, bypass conventions, and make a statement.

Daniela Chris. "Magic book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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The Six of Swords means a change of views, the development of new views. It reflects, in contrast to the Five of the same suit, an extremely calm and harmonious stage of your life. After the stormy and hectic activities of the previous period, you plunge into an atmosphere of peace and goodwill, leave problems behind and simply walk away from troubles. Sometimes the card indicates physical changes - for example, a change of place of residence.

Inverted - you will not be able to escape from difficulties or isolate yourself from problems. The only way out is to try to change your attitude towards your surroundings.

Original card meanings that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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VI. Six is ​​a carrier carrying passengers to the other side.

Straight position:
trip on water, route, path, emissary, messenger, means to an end.

Reverse position:
declaration, recognition, publicity. One interpretation speaks of a possible marriage proposal.

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction manual for Tarot.

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Astrological meaning:
Mars in the 4th house as a breakthrough to freedom from the usual environment, and Mercury in the 9th house as a search for new horizons.
The Six of Swords points to changes that can help us reach new shores. As a "breakthrough" card, it sits somewhere between a hero's joyful performance (Chariot) and a sad farewell (Eight of Cups). Its specific meaning largely depends on ourselves - on whether we rejoice at the upcoming changes, whether we are waiting for them, or, on the contrary, we are afraid. In any case, it symbolizes the path to a new shore, for which, however, you will have to leave the old one. What awaits us ahead is unknown. Therefore, it also means the bitterness of farewell, uncertainty, fears and worries, but also a certain curiosity and interest in what will happen. It must be borne in mind that this “new shore” awaiting us ahead does not necessarily mean a physical movement from somewhere to somewhere; this could be discovering something new in oneself, learning new rules of the game, new norms of life, or getting to know other cultures and religions. In the I Ching book and in mythology, crossing water always means a step from multiplicity to singularity.

Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Science, Disclosure
Second decade of Aquarius from February 1 to 9.
Astrological equivalents: Virgo, Mercury and Saturn in Virgo, Houses Sixth and Tenth.
The second decanate of Aquarius symbolizes consistent and detailed aspirations, science and unexpected intuitions in the realm of the unknown. And if the first decade develops freedom of thought, then the Second makes the transition from subjective thinking to objective thinking. This decade is ruled by Mercury and the asteroid Ceres.
But Aquarius does not symbolize the abstract thinking of Libra (the intellect here covers life processes as a whole and its work can already be called spiritual), therefore the Second Decan of Aquarius belongs to the sphere of the highest rational and at the same time spiritual principle. The name of this decade is “Disclosure” - this is the revelation to the mind of the secrets of nature, man, the Earth and the Cosmos. This is the development of the human spirit, mastering new horizons, and the emergence of truth into the world.
This decade is characterized by a desire for distance and complete indifference to what is not within its sphere of interests, stubborn adherence to its course, regardless of its needs and the needs of others.
An idea capable of embracing the world becomes higher than the reality of the world. Our Russia, the country of Aquarius, can serve as a negative example of how science, designed to guide nature, neglects it, and the implementation of scientific ideas in life leaves no room for caring for people. Therefore, the main and most important task of the second decade of Aquarius is a careful attitude towards the present, without which the future cannot be realized.
The Tarot card shows a man with a pole, ferrying a boat from one shore to another. Along with him in the boat are a woman, a child and six swords standing parallel. The waters are unconsciously calm. (The soul is harmonized and moves towards a new perspective under the guidance of the mind.)
Sometimes the Six of Swords is interpreted as a transition of consciousness to a new level: where a child is a symbol of his potential.

Straight position:
In the upright position, the Six of Swords symbolizes self-sacrifice, a precisely calculated correct action, a step towards spirituality.
Before us is the image of a person striving to improve the world through action. True, at the level of the Six of Swords, the step has not yet been taken, but it can be taken. Virgo is ruled by Proserpina, therefore, through the Six of Swords, a person’s rebirth, restructuring, rebirth occurs. At the same time, the Mercury influence is also strong here, so the card can symbolize a journey or trip.
The card can also mean overcoming difficulties, victory over routine by meticulously mastering it, this is success after a long hectic activity (trouble).

Inverted position:
In an inverted position, the Six of Swords gives Virgo in its lowest manifestation: selfishness, a tendency to use others (to sit on the neck), self-sacrifice on the contrary, stagnation. Problems that arise are not solved, but are shelved.

Evgeny Kolesov. "The ABC of Tarot".

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River, gray sky; a man with a pole guides a boat towards a distant shore. The boat contains six swords placed vertically. In some versions of the cards, it depicts two more figures – a woman’s and a child’s.
In “Tarot of Aquarius” the same theme is solved in a more original way: on the steps of the castle there is a woman looking at the road. She had just seen off a man on a long journey.
This card represents a person (or perhaps an entire family) taking an important step. He abandons his past life, many habits, connections, activities and sets off towards the unknown. Swords in this case symbolize memories of sad events and hopes for a better future.
For a courageous person, accustomed to relying on his own strength, it literally means a chance of success: although the business he intends to do is unfamiliar to him, he still has enough strength and determination to achieve success.
For a timid, indecisive person, it is unfavorable: the risks and dangers are too great, so his venture is most likely doomed to failure.

It means that the chance of success is negligible for both the brave and the timid, so it is not worth taking on this matter.

When the 6 of Swords appears in a divination, it says that you need to move away from an emotional situation. Your past may have been filled with worries, but now you are gradually emerging from them, becoming calmer.

The tarot card may indicate a catalyst for change. Perhaps you have met someone who has led you to make profound changes.

Arkan also means that you want to run away from your problems. But to solve them you need to look at the problem and fix it.

In rare cases, the Six of Swords indicates death and funerals

Description of the map

In the center of the card is a young man and six swords. A young man stands in a boat and steers it with a pole. Also in the boat you can see a woman with a child, passengers of the boat, whom the young man transports across the pond to the other side.

The same swords are stuck next to the passengers. The pond is calm and serene. The shore is visible in the distance. The situation on the map is calm, the young man does his job without much effort.

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The card contains two meanings of card perception:

  1. Changing one coast to another in terms of place of residence or traveling on business.
  2. Moving from the world of the living to the world of the dead. This context must be considered and perceived in the context of the current situation. This can be a hint that something needs to be corrected or serve as a warning for action.

Another vision of the map: a family led by a man is crossing a pond to the other side. A woman hugs a child so that he is not scared and cold. Six swords provide balance for a boat moving on the waves. In the poses of the characters in the card, one can read slight tension and anxiety, despite the fact that the general situation is peaceful and calm.

Direct position value


  • The difficulties are over, everything is behind us, the journey.
  • Moving, change of environment or place of residence.
  • Receiving favorable news.
  • Changes for the better.
  • Perhaps something is unclear, it is worth waiting for clarification in the situation. Relief.
  • Safety.
  • Hitting the road.
  • Peace.
  • The appearance of a favorable sign.
  • Summarizing.
  • Send on a search for your path and yourself.
  • Finding a balance for external and internal states.
  • Achieving inner peace, balancing the situation. Transformation, the emergence of something new, unknown.
  • The ability to see the future or past lives.
  • A difficult period in life is ending.
  • Uncertainties go away and a new stage of your life comes.
  • Now is the time to take the next step to move forward to better things.
  • All your difficulties are behind you, your problems have been resolved, and you cannot influence the course of events.

It's time to receive a reward for your efforts, relax and enjoy life. Give yourself a rest and allow what is happening to simply pass through you and lead you along the path that is predetermined for you.

The resulting rest should be used wisely. Stock up on strength, accumulate energy, because there are still many discoveries, many opportunities ahead, and a new stage of your life awaits you, which is still unknown what may require of you. You need to be patient, persistent and willing to move forward.

Perhaps you are expecting a trip or a boat trip.

Interpretation of the inverted position

  • Inhibition, delays, procrastination, undecidedness of something, lack of confidence in one’s abilities.
  • Revealing a secret, problems on the road, postponed rest.
  • No chance.
  • Intentional refusal of advice or assistance.
  • Refusal to see things as they are presented, lack of perception of reality.
  • Inability to find a way out of the situation.
  • Deadlock situation.
  • Manifestation of selfish character.
  • Expectation.
  • Manipulating people, using others to achieve a goal. Difficult situation, fatigue.

You are trying to hide from the difficulties that have arisen, running away from solving problems. You are trying to isolate yourself from what is happening. Instead of defending your position, you go into the shadows and shift your responsibilities to others.

By delaying any events, you aggravate the situation, escalate the situation and complicate your life. Postponing solving problems brings only temporary relief, but it is worth remembering that problems cannot be solved on their own, and difficulties do not just go away. All these circumstances require your intervention and your actions.

Layering problems, accumulating unresolved situations at one moment can ruin your life. Fall like a lump on your head and you will not only not be able to ignore what is happening, but you will also be unable to clear out this lump on your own.

Missed opportunities, delays and postponed matters will give a negative result, since you have missed the opportunity to control what is happening.

Warning. Don't be inactive, don't be passive, don't let things take their course.

You need to intervene in the situation, express yourself, action is necessary. Ignoring is not the best way to solve the problem. Moreover, you risk finding yourself in a difficult situation and losing.

Perhaps now is the time to analyze the situation, understand where and when the mistake was made, and return to the starting position or achieve a stable result.

Advice: do not take advantage of circumstances and put off solving the problem, thereby aggravating the situation and accumulating problems.

Six of Swords in health

Upright position: recovery from illness. Miraculous recovery or healing. Health problems can arise due to place of residence and environmental conditions.

Advice: change of scenery.

But it is worth considering the whole situation as a whole. It is better to consult with a specialist once again and listen more carefully to your body. Since a change of environment is not only a new place of residence, but also a transition from the world of the living to the world of the dead.

Inverted position: the disease progresses, a gloomy state, all fears come out. Reluctance to see a doctor can make the situation worse. To get out of this situation, you need the intervention of a specialist and the help of loved ones.

Six of Swords in Relationships

Upright position: mutual respect, equal relationships, partners are in harmony. Warmth and sincerity accompany relationships. Calm prevails, everything is smooth and smooth. Openness and trust.

Your relationship may involve separation or some kind of travel, with the help of which you can evaluate your partner. Understand what you yourself are worth, and whether this relationship is worth continuing.

Warning: the interpretation of the card should be considered in the context of the situation.

On the one hand, this is well-being in a couple, on the other, a breakup and a new relationship.

Reversed position: in a couple there are conflicts and quarrels, disagreements and intractability of both partners. Constantly one of the partners puts himself above the other, his opinion in the foreground, his desires in the main position.

Obstacles to the implementation of plans.

The partners are tired of each other, there is a desire to break out of routine and everyday life.

Six of Swords at work

Direct position: career prospects. Progress and development in any field of activity. Teamwork. The emergence of new ideas, the emergence of opportunities and means for the implementation of plans. Global thinking, viewing the situation and all the nuances. Wide coverage of analyzed information.

Achieving what you want with the correct use of your professional skills and knowledge. Introducing new strategies and plans to benefit future work.

Perhaps a person may have a desire to open his own business, work for himself and for his own pleasure.

Reversed position: limited opportunities, obstacles, inability to get a job or join a team. Man creates obstacles for himself. Don't blame others for your failures.

Responsibility for failures lies solely with you. Your slowness and excessive caution prevent you from revealing your full strength and expanding on a large scale.

Six of Swords about the current situation

Direct position: finding ways out of difficult situations. It is necessary to make a thoughtful and informed decision. It is necessary to give up bad habits and moments of the past that are already a burden to you.

Feel free to step forward and set out to look for new paths and make plans, look for inspiration, gain strength and realize new dreams.

All your situations and problems are directly related to past decisions made. In a word, you are now receiving and paying for what you once did.

Perhaps everything is not going exactly as planned, but you have enough strength, energy, and most importantly opportunities and resources to turn the situation in your direction. All in your hands.

Reversed position: the situation is tense, something is slowing down the development of events. A person is surrounded by a lot of different information, but he cannot focus his attention on the right aspect, thus, opportunities flow out of your hands.

Advice: do not close yourself off from the help offered. Use every opportunity for a favorable result. The main problem lies in the person himself; all the difficulties are due to the reluctance to part with the past.

Keys to understanding the Six of Swords:

  • Step aside so that conflicts don’t bother you.
  • Development of intelligence.
  • It is necessary to part with the past.
  • Traveling on the surface of the water.

Questions necessary for analysis when the Six of Swords appears.

  1. Where are you going?
  2. Why are you going there?
  3. Who and what is accompanying you?
  4. Who are you:

The driver who controls and chooses the route?

A passenger who obeyed the movement?

Baggage, without the right to choose the direction of movement, without the opportunity to be heard.

  1. Are you running away? Where? From what or who?
  2. Is it really better on the side you're heading to, or is it just imagination?

Psychological aspects. Suspended state. Duality of position. There may be uncertainty and hesitation between two options for making a decision. Something is happening, we just need to understand what and why.

You may have to learn to adapt to things. Taking into account your past experience, applying knowledge and moving on may not be a very confident step and with caution, but it will help you avoid mistakes.

Interpretation of the Six of Swords in combination with the Major Arcana

With a jester. Change of environment, change of place of residence.

With a magician. The emergence of new acquaintances.

With the High Priestess. Changes in values, everything secret becomes clear.

With the Empress. Health problems.

With the Emperor. Work on mistakes. Getting a new position or place of work.

With the hierophant. Compassion. Finding your purpose.

With lovers. The need to take a responsible step.

With a chariot. Characteristics of life path.

With strength. Gaining strength, conserving energy.

With a hermit. Discovering your talents and abilities.

With the wheel of fortune. Risk, the emergence of favorable opportunities.

With justice. The resolution of the situation is delayed. Procrastination, delays.

From the hanged man. Sacrificing yourself.

With death. You are ready to let something new into your life.

With moderation. Harmonization of position, desire for comfort.

With the devil. Sophistication. Indulgence.

With a tower of lightning. A wrong decision that has negative consequences.

With a star. Advice, listen to them.

With the moon. Hiding something, most often we are talking about danger.

With the sun. The decision was made correctly.

With the court. You will have to answer and pay for your actions.

With peace. Getting the desired comfort, well-being, harmony.

Six of Swords in combination with the suit of wands

With an ace. The desire to find out the truth.

With a deuce. Change of environment, moving.

With a three. Break with the past.

With four. Harmony within yourself.

With an A. Risk, danger. Care is required when making decisions.

With six. The changes will be beneficial.

With seven. Unjustified hopes and plans.

With eight. Break.

With nine. Lack of emotions and reaction to what is happening.

With ten. Intensity of emotions.

With a page. Changing of the living place.

With a knight. Wrong path chosen.

With the queen. A woman is helping you.

With the king. Philanthropist.

The combination of the six of swords in combination with the suit of cups

With an ace. Mutual love. Reciprocal feelings. Grace.

With a deuce. You are respected, cooperation bears fruit.

With a three. Getting what you want, implementing the plan.

With four. Indifference.

With an A. Disappointment in something.

With six. You are open to new opportunities.

With seven. Planning your actions. Choosing a path.

With eight. Finding your purpose.

With nine. Fulfillment of desire.

With ten. A harmonious state enters your life.

With a page. Clear action is needed, not head in the clouds.

With a knight. Your emotions come out.

With the queen. Inner balance, harmony.

With the king. Sustainability.

Interpretation of the six of swords in combination with the suit of swords

With an ace. Your plan or actions are flawed.

With a deuce. You are waiting for outside help.

With a three. Defending your position and point of view.

With four. Help won't come.

With an A. Mistakes, defeats.

With seven. It is necessary to think soberly and assess the situation sensibly.

With eight. Difficulties, test of strength.

With nine. The burden of relationships, difficulties in solving problems.

With ten. Breakdown of relationships. Parting.

With a page Lack of confidence in your future.

With a knight. Discovering yourself, finding talents.

With the queen. Turn to your intuition for help.

With the king. Calm. Confidence in yourself and your abilities.

The combination of the six of swords in combination with the suit of pentacles

With an ace. Harmonization of the situation.

With a deuce. Anxious state.

With a three. Your friends help you.

With four. Financial difficulties, conflict over property.

With an A. Opportunities missed.

With six. Reward for work.

With seven. Debts of a karmic nature.

With eight. Common sense.

With nine. Making a decision, choosing a direction to move.

With ten. The situation is stable. Well-being.

With a page. Using your knowledge, the ability to apply theory in practice.

With a knight. They will help you.

With the queen. You get what you deserve.

With the king. Pleasure.