The lesson is based on the textbook by V.V. for 6th grade. Beekeeper.

Lesson form: combined, using critical thinking technology

Stage of training on this topic: basic

Type of activity: search and reproductive

In this topic, a new group of plants is introduced, the representatives of which reproduce in a new way, for students, using seeds and have cones of different sexes.

In Russia, 25% of the total area is occupied by coniferous forests, so this topic is of particular importance. Also, these forests are being cut down everywhere, so it is necessary to talk about their protection.

Messages are given to two students in advance: “Pine”, “Spruce”. Students are given the opportunity to learn in advance poems about nature conservation and F. Tyutchev, which are included in the outline. You can also draw a table in advance to save time. At the end of the lesson plan there is an appendix that can be used in class to demonstrate diversity. At all stages of the lesson, the presentation is used, which is available in the application.

Goal: to introduce students to the structural features of gymnosperms and their diversity.

  • Find out which plants are gymnosperms.
  • Show the difference between seed propagation and spore propagation.
  • Consider the diversity of gymnosperms and their significance.
  • To develop the ability to highlight the main thing, draw conclusions, work with a textbook and additional material. Develop skills in search work, observation, and accuracy when performing laboratory work.
  • Caring for nature conservation. Aesthetic design of lessons and notebooks.

Equipment: herbarium material, spruce and pine cones, computer, multimedia, screen, handouts: crossword puzzle, labyrinth

Planned result:

  • Students should know:
  • Structural features of gymnosperms
  • The structure of needles and cones of gymnosperms
  • The importance and diversity of gymnosperms in nature and human life
  • Students should be able to:
  • Distinguish between types of conifers
  • Name the characteristic features of gymnosperms.

Organizing time.

I. Testing knowledge on covered topics

Today we are moving on to studying new plants, the names of which you will recognize by solving this crossword puzzle. The crossword puzzle grid is distributed to each desk. Children work in pairs.

  1. Living organisms that have the characteristics of plants and animals. Separated into a separate kingdom.
  2. Body of multicellular lower plants
  3. Green plant pigment
  4. Another name for mushroom root
  5. A cell through which fungi and lower plants reproduce
  6. Moss germ cells
  7. Mutually beneficial cohabitation of living organisms
  8. Moss group
  9. Organism composed of algae and fungus
  10. The deepest seaweed
  11. The group of algae to which kelp belongs
  12. All living organisms are made of them

II. Main part

This is the topic of our lesson (record the topic)

Look at the title. What does it tell you?

Today you will learn: (tasks are shown on a slide and spoken out)

1. What plants belong to this group, their significance.

3. Does propagation by seeds give these plants an advantage?

5. We will carry out laboratory work to identify individual species

View slides. The task is given: write down the plants that belong to this group. Title on slides. The poem is read out by the teacher or student.

... Not what you think, nature:
Not a cast, not a soulless face -
She has a soul, she has freedom,
It has love, it has language... (F. Tyutchev)

While the viewing is going on, the teacher explains the meaning of the plants. Coniferous wood is used to make furniture, paper, musical instruments, pencils, and is used as firewood. Resin is used for rosin and turpentine. Coniferous fragrance is used to make creams, shampoo, and soap. Larch provides a person with wood that does not rot in water and is not inferior in strength to metal. The piles of the Trojan Bridge on the Danube, built from larch, survived for almost two millennia. Phytoncides are produced that kill microbes.

1. What do plants have in common? (conifers, evergreens).

The teacher adds: thuja, spruce, fir, yew, gnetums (vines), that conifers grow only in northern latitudes, and in South America and Australia, there are gymnosperms with scaly leaves, for example cypress, Ginkgo. More than 500 species.

A very ancient group. 150 million years ago they achieved their dominance. The first were cycads, which looked like a palm tree. The last flyleaf of the textbook.

Among them there are record holders. Long-livers: sequoia dendron - mammoth tree (6000 years), in California - bristlecone pines live 4600 years. The largest of them have their own names. In the trunk of the “Tree-House” (height 90 m, thickness 11 m) there is a summer house, and a road is built through the “Tree-Tunnel”. It is estimated that 25 wagons would be required to transport the General Sherman.

2. What are needles? Find the answer in the textbook (page 75)

  • Are these plants higher or lower?
  • How do they reproduce?
  • Why is seed propagation more profitable? Answer on your own or find the answer in the textbook.
  • How the seeds lie. Showing the cones (we lead to the answer that the seeds lie openly on the surface of the scales).

The teacher adds that cones are male and female. There is no flower.

  • Primary consolidation of knowledge.

What have you learned about gymnosperms? A conclusion is drawn with the help of the teacher. Available on the slide in the presentation.

Conclusion: only trees, shrubs and vines. The seeds have a supply of substances, the embryo is protected. The seeds lie open on the surface of the scales. There are male and female cones. The needles have a dense skin and are covered with wax, so they evaporate little water and are adapted to unfavorable conditions.

Now we will do laboratory work and learn how to identify plants by their characteristics. Laboratory work (page 79). “Study of the structure of needles.”

I recommend considering only the needles of two plants (I don’t have enough time). For example, Scots pine and spruce.

Conclusion about the differences in needles. Done by students.

Student report about pine and spruce. The rest of the students fill out the table. The teacher helps with the first line. The second one is filled out independently after listening to the report. Slide Plant name Living conditions Cones Peculiarities
Age pine


In dry forests

Males are greenish-yellow, collected in groups at the base of young shoots

Female – reddish, solitary, woody

Tall, slender, without lower branches

Spreading in open areas
350, 400 years


Homework: Fill out the table to the end.

III. Consolidation.

  1. Questions for the class.
  2. What is the main difference between seed plants and spore plants?
  3. Why are conifers otherwise called gymnosperms?
  4. What conditions are necessary for the life of pine and spruce?
  5. What plants are gymnosperms?

How do people use conifers? What does one get from them? .

Labyrinth. Shown on the slide. Distributed to each table. A textbook is used. Work in pairs

Answer key: 1, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 9, 10, 15, 19, 24, 20, 25.

Students independently check and give themselves a grade (if the maze is completed completely - “5”, 7-12 correct moves - “4”, less - “3”)

Final word:

No matter how widely these plants are used by humans. It is necessary to think about their protection. Conifers are being cut down everywhere. The taiga is getting poorer. At the same time, oxygen and water are becoming less and less. Conifers are not resistant to air pollution. That's why our industry is destroying them. The poem is on the slide. Read by heart by the student
To prolong nature's centuries,
Must help nature
Nature's friend is man.
So that the years rush by peacefully,
Century after century blossomed,
Be a friend to all nature
Every person should!

IV. Summarizing.


Slides: 13 Words: 543 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Division Gymnosperms. Characteristics of Gymnosperms. Structure of Gymnosperms. The stomata are immersed in the leaf tissue, which reduces water evaporation. Reproduction of conifers. Along the axis of such a cone there are scales. A mature pollen grain consists of two cells. Meaning in nature. Gymnosperms play an important role in nature. Meaning in human life. Gymnosperms are also used by humans in their economic activities. The entire sailing fleet is built primarily from pine. Many of the conifers are still excellent building material. The core of some tropical forms (for example, cycads) is eaten. - Gymnosperms.ppt

Lesson Gymnosperms

Slides: 18 Words: 432 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Lesson-travel “Gymnosperms”. Foster a caring attitude towards nature. Lesson plan. 1. Organizational part Reporting the objectives of the lesson 2. Independent work Fill out the table. Answer the questions. Test. Learning new material. Pinery. Common spruce. Juniper. Fir. Common larch. Laboratory work “Structure of needles and cones.” Scots pine. Consider the shape, size, and color of the cones. Fill the table. Consolidation of knowledge. Tasks: 1) Arrange in order of complexity: algae, lichens, mosses, pteridophytes, gymnosperms. Fill out the diagram. - Lesson Gymnosperms.ppt

Division gymnosperms

Slides: 44 Words: 3116 Sounds: 0 Effects: 15

Division Gymnosperms. Scots pine. Gnetum. Ginkgo. Division Gymnosperms (Pinophyta, or Gymnospermae). General characteristics of the department The most ancient department of seed plants. Represented by numerous fossil and modern species (about 700 in total). The type genus is pine (Pinus). Features of the life cycle. Alternation of generations with dominance of the asexual generation (sporophyte). The most important evolutionary acquisition of seed plants is internal fertilization. All gymnosperms are heterosporous plants. Life forms. There are no herbaceous forms. Secondary xylem usually consists of scalariform tracheids (not vessels). - Department Gymnosperms.ppt


Slides: 9 Words: 211 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Gymnosperms. Definition of gymnosperms. The structure of leaves of coniferous plants. The structure of the cone. The meaning of coniferous trees. Gymnosperms are plants that do not have fruits and the seeds lie open, bare. Gymnosperms include conifers. Conifers are plants that have modified leaves called needles. Needles are modified needle-like leaves of coniferous plants. The cones contain seeds on hard scales. Immature cones are greenish, with tightly pressed scales. A mature brown cone has scales that open up. In gymnosperms, the seeds are not in the fruits, but in the cones. - Gymnosperms.ppt

Biology Gymnosperms

Slides: 9 Words: 382 Sounds: 0 Effects: 26

Biology. Division Gymnosperms. General characteristics. Lesson plan. Checking homework (working with tests). Plan of general characteristics of Gymnosperms. About 700 species. Woody plants, less often shrubs. The leaves are needle-shaped, slightly flattened or scale-like. Evergreens. They do not form fruits. There are no real vessels. Heterogeneous plants. Fertilization occurs without the participation of water. Male gametes are immobile sperm. Reproduction through seeds. In Gymnosperms, the seeds are not covered by the walls of the fruit. Seeds are formed on modified, shortened, generative shoots - cones. - Biology Gymnosperms.ppt

Plants of the gymnosperm department

Slides: 9 Words: 80 Sounds: 0 Effects: 8

Division gymnosperms. Cones develop on the branches. In the cones, sex cells are formed, fertilization occurs, and seeds are formed. The seeds are located openly on the scales (nalo). What plants did gymnosperms come from? Life forms of gymnosperms. Trees. Shrubs. Representatives of the Coniferous class. Juniper. Cypress. Yew. The Pine family is the largest among conifers. - Plants of the Gymnosperm department.ppt

General characteristics of gymnosperms

Slides: 18 Words: 511 Sounds: 0 Effects: 17

Department Gymnosperms. The most popular children's song. And she brought a lot of joy to the kids. Conifers are widespread on Earth. Among conifers there are no herbaceous plants, but only shrubs and trees. The leaves of most conifers are narrow, needle-shaped - the so-called needles. On marshy soils the main root is poorly developed. Plan of general characteristics of Gymnosperms. About 700 species. Woody plants, less often shrubs. The leaves are needle-shaped, slightly flattened or scale-like. Evergreens. They do not form fruits. There are no real vessels. Heterogeneous plants. - General characteristics of gymnosperms.pptx

Reproduction of gymnosperms

Slides: 14 Words: 115 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Topic: Reproduction of gymnosperms. Gymnosperms. Select the odd one out. Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction Sperm Egg. Gamete Ovum Sperm Fertilization. Chlamydomonas Ulotrix Moss cuckoo flax. What method of reproduction is shown in Chlamydomonas? What method of reproduction is shown in Ulothrix? Which moss is a female plant? Horsetail Moss Pine Fern. The structure of the cone. Scheme “Pollination and changes occurring in the cone.” Scheme "Seed formation in pine." Ovum Sperm Zygote Embryo Seed. Ovule Endosperm Seed coat. -

“Signs of Liliaceae” - Liliaceae Family. Plant taxonomy. By what characteristics can plants of the Dicotyledonous Class be distinguished? Answers to the test: May lily of the valley. Guess the plants. Head of cabbage. Think in pairs and express your impressions in one word. Distinctive features of the class Monocots. Although Alena is hiding behind a green twig, her red cheek is visible from afar.

“Gymnosperms” - Where are the seeds located in gymnosperms? Needles are modified needle-like leaves of coniferous plants. Gymnosperms include conifers. The cones contain seeds on hard scales. The structure of leaves of coniferous plants. Gymnosperms. Biology. 7th grade. The meaning of gymnosperms.

"Cotyledons" - The cruciferous family. Dicotyledons. The fruit is a berry (nightshade, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers). The inflorescence is a raceme. Petals - sail, oars, boat, 10 stamens. The fruit is a pod or pod. The fruit is a capsule (tobacco, aromatic tobacco, petunia, henbane). Plants are classified according to the number of cotyledons. Single flowers. Monocots have a fibrous root system;

“Gymnosperms” - Characteristics of Gymnosperms. Gymnosperms are also used by humans in their economic activities. The core of some tropical forms (for example, cycads) is eaten. Division Gymnosperms. The entire sailing fleet is built primarily from pine. The stomata are immersed in the leaf tissue, which reduces water evaporation.

"Lily" - Yellow. And many others... 3. Presentation on the topic LILY. 1. Spider mite. Aphid. Pink. Gymnasium No. 1596. There are also pests, such as aphids, scale insects, and spider mites. The bulbs suffer from hoverflies, mole crickets, and wireworms. Shield. White.

“Class Dicotyledonous” - The flower has a double perianth. The leaves are simple and compound. The fruit is an achene. Tomato. Family Solanaceae. Many asters form cushion-shaped forms. Class Dicotyledons. Family Asteraceae (Asteraceae). Lupine. The fruit is either a berry or a capsule. Rose hip. The leaves are simple. The flowers of Asteraceae are small and have a double perianth.

There are a total of 13 presentations in the topic

You will always find her in the forest - Let's go for a walk and meet: Stands prickly like a hedgehog In winter in a summer dress.

Do you know, granddaughter, why she doesn’t sheds needles?

  • Gymnosperms produce seeds.


There is an embryo and reserve nutrients

Dense shells protect the seed from adverse factors


The needle-shaped leaves of the pine tree are covered with a tough cuticle. There are few stomata; they are immersed in the tissue, which reduces water evaporation.

  • Gymnosperms have resin canals in the bark and wood filled with resin and essential oils.

Most common in Russia


Siberian pine (cedar)

Laboratory work No.

  • Studying the appearance of coniferous plants

Purpose: to study the appearance of shoots, cones and seeds of conifers


Task No. 1

  • Difference

pine shoots

Types of shoots

Needle location

Needle size

Task No. 2

  • The structure of pine, spruce and larch cones

1 . By what signs can gymnosperms be recognized?

A) have fruits and seeds

B) sex cells mature in the cone

B) eat, breathe, grow, reproduce

D) fertilization occurs in the ovule and depends on water

2. A conifer cone is:

B) reproductive organ, modified shoot

B) ovule

D) embryo

3. Propagated by seeds:

A) horsetail

B) club moss

B) bracken fern

D) Siberian larch

4. Plants that do not have flowers and the seeds are located openly on the seed scales belong to the department

A) bryophytes

D) angiosperms

B) are formed in fruits

B) do not have a seed coat

D) develop on the scales of cones

Right answers

  • Homework

The amazing world of plants growing on the planet never ceases to amaze us with its peculiarities and bizarre forms of manifestation. The origin of gymnosperms is controversial among scientists; the remains of gymnosperms - fern-like ancestors are found in the most ancient layers of the Mesozoic era. This is a small group that contains about 800 plant species.

Some interesting facts about gymnosperms.

Mostly g Historic plants are presented in the form of trees and, less commonly, shrubs, but there are varieties that cannot be attributed to this species. For example, this is a ginkgo plant whose leaves resemble maple leaves. It was widespread in Siberia, as evidenced by Jurassic deposits. Found in mountainous China.

Fertilization occurs with a long time delay. In some species of pine trees this period reaches from one to two years.

Trees belonging to this species often reach gigantic sizes. One example is the sequoia family Taxodiaceae, which, with an average height of about 100 meters, reaches a diameter of about 20 meters and a weight of about 1000 tons.

These are plants whose lifespan is several thousand years. After cutting down one tree, dance floors or restaurants are set up on the stump, and the study of redwood rings allows scientists to study climate change over hundreds and thousands of years.

Now practically exterminated, the British artificially maintain the population by turning the cultivation of living yew hedges into a national tradition.

Yew does not differ in height, two-hundred-year-old trees reach a height of 20-25 meters. .

Surprising is the fact that the tree has several tops. When one of the tops reaches a certain size, it dies off, and the other top continues to grow. The yew crown is dense and dense, so other plants do not grow under the tree

What is also unusual is gymnosperm tree cypress, the wood of which does not rot, and in the area where cypress trees grow, all harmful microorganisms are destroyed, which determines its medicinal properties, known since ancient times.