One of the leading specialized universities in the Russian Federation, State Tverskaya currently has the following faculties: Dental, General Medicine, Pharmaceutical, Pediatric, Higher Nursing Education. In addition, there are the Faculty of Postgraduate Education and the Department of Training for Foreign Citizens. The specialty of secondary vocational education is also very popular. Additional and postgraduate education can be obtained in internship and residency, and doctoral and postgraduate studies are intended to train teachers in medicine of the highest qualifications, all this is provided by the training programs of the TSMA.


To properly train doctors at TSMU, faculties work according to programs that meet the educational standard of higher professional education. The educational process is conducted in 45 clinical and theoretical departments, plus one independent course. 390 teachers work here. Forty departments of the TSMA are headed by doctors of medical sciences.

Ten clinical disciplines are taught in the educational-medical (outpatient) and scientific-practical complexes of the academy. Practical classes of many theoretical departments are conducted in their own museums. Surgeons also have their own operating room with laboratory animals.

Sequence of training

Freshmen and sophomores study theoretical and medical-biological disciplines: chemistry, biology, physics, anatomy and physiology, histology, after which they begin to study the diseased organism and the development of the disease at the departments of pathological physiology and anatomy. At the same time, students are introduced to the sacrament of examination and proper communication with patients - from the third year, training takes place mostly in clinical departments. Surgery, therapy, obstetrics and gynecology are studied.

In the following courses - senior ones - disciplines of a narrower profile appear - dermatology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, nervous and infectious diseases, psychiatry. In the sixth year, results are summed up through state certification - a three-stage exam: test control, testing of practical skills, then an oral interview and solving problems based on situations. After this, they are sent to an internship or residency to continue training in their chosen specialty.

Faculty of Pediatrics

The faculty has 44 departments, of which four are specialized. The teaching staff of specialized departments consists of 26 people, including four professors and 11 associate professors. 85 percent of the teachers have In the entire faculty there are much more than 300 employees, 50 doctors and almost 200 candidates of medical sciences, three Honored Scientists of Russia, 11 Honored Doctors, four Honored Workers of the Higher School of the Russian Federation and many other honored people. There are more than ten corresponding members of the academies of sciences alone.

Technically, the faculty is almost fully equipped with computer equipment, printers, scanners, multimedia projectors, as well as purely medical equipment, such as ECG and phantoms for resuscitation. All children's and adult medical institutions in the city became clinical bases for the faculty. The personnel trained by the faculty equip both Tverskaya and all neighboring regions. Graduates work in the Kaluga, Bryansk, Pskov, and Moscow regions.

Faculty of Pharmacy

A pharmacist is a specialist who thoroughly understands medications, as well as dosages for use and their composition. In the Russian Federation, a pharmacist is a specialist of the highest category, to whom consultants, pharmacists and other pharmacy employees report. Today, a pharmacist is a leader, although he can prepare and dispense medicines better than many.

But in Europe it’s quite the opposite: there the pharmacist reports and helps the pharmacist, who is usually no lower than a master’s degree. In Russia, medical schools train pharmacists. Therefore, it is difficult for students of the Faculty of Pharmacy to study, like all doctors, and confirming the level of education abroad will cost a huge amount of effort, even if it is a TSMA diploma.


Training takes place at the clinical and theoretical departments. In total, the Tver State Medical Academy has 64 of them. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology has a course in this specialty at the Faculty of Postgraduate Education. Training is organized in the same way at the departments of biochemistry, internal medicine, pediatric dentistry and some others. There is a department for anesthesiologists and resuscitators


The city of Tver knows maternity hospital No. 1 as a practical base for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the TSMA. Classes here are held with fourth, fifth and sixth year students of the medical, dental and pediatric faculties. In addition, students also practice in all other maternity hospitals and antenatal clinics.

The department is also based on the regional oncology clinic and the gynecological department of city hospital No. 4. The teaching staff is highly professional: 42 candidates and three doctors of medical sciences since the founding of the department. Many defended dissertations indicate the high level of scientific work achieved by the Tver State Medical Academy and its medical faculty in particular.

Resuscitation and anesthesiology

This course was organized in 1987 at the Department of Urology, then urology and hospital surgery were combined, after which in 2002 anesthesiology and resuscitation were taught for some time at the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, and in 2010 a separate department was created. Fifth and sixth year students of the Faculty of Medicine study here. Providing emergency care if the patient's condition is life-threatening is studied with special attention.

For this purpose, the Tver State Medical Academy created an educational and training center at the Department of Extreme and Military Medicine. The office, equipped with modern equipment, mannequins and phantoms, allows you to simulate almost all types of life-threatening conditions, as well as make the most objective assessments regarding the mastery of techniques, skills, and emergency care skills. Modern computer programs help with this.


The city of Tver and nearby settlements annually willingly supply applicants to the medical academy, and everyone who is lucky enough to become students will certainly be related to this department. It is truly strong and equipped with the latest technology - computer classes, laboratories.

In addition to teaching, the staff of the department works tirelessly for the glory that the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tver State Medical Academy" has earned: it publishes textbooks, collections of situational problems, an annotated Russian-English dictionary in biology for students and students of medical universities, examination tests for students of all faculties in biology .

Educational and methodological manuals are published in large quantities, and articles are written for periodicals. International, republican and regional conferences are held. An interactive atlas on biology is being compiled. Dissertations of all levels are defended. Home to some of the most exciting speakers at conventions, conferences, and symposiums, as well as creative developers with patents for their inventions. Tver State Medical Academy (TSMA) highly values ​​the work of the Department of Biology.


There are two main types of training at the Department of Dentistry: medical practice (practical healthcare) and general educational. Here, the most effective treatment and prosthetics are widely introduced into practice, a program for the prevention and treatment of diseases in the field of dentistry is carried out, new and modern materials are used for prosthetics, as well as for dental treatment.

The training base for practice is the Diagnostic Center of the TGMA, its clinic and clinic. This is the largest treatment and preventive, scientific, practical, diagnostic and dental enterprise. This Center also serves as a base for advanced training of doctors of various profiles from Tver and many other regions of Russia. There is a very high level of modern equipment here. Contracts are concluded with organizations, enterprises, individuals and insurance companies for dental prosthetics and comprehensive treatment.

Clinical base

The Academy equipped its brainchild with the most modern equipment for diagnostics in absolutely all areas: ultrasound, laboratory tests, radiology, velometry, decimetry, endoscopic studies and so on. The teaching staff of the TSMA in gynecology, cardiology, surgery, traumatology, urology, dermatovenerology, enterogastrology and many other specialties work at receptions and consultations. This Center is used by patients from 17 districts of the region and, of course, Tver itself.

The State Medical Academy is proud that there are no analogues to diagnostic and therapeutic equipment not only in Tver and the region, but also far beyond its borders. These include X-ray equipment, such as a densitometer that diagnoses osteoporosis. This includes ultrasound equipment complete with the Sequoia apparatus, a magnetic-nuclear installation in the rehabilitation department, a single-needle and membrane plasmapheresis apparatus created for the military-industrial industry, endoscopic equipment, and a complex of devices diagnosing cardiovascular diseases. There are excellently equipped clinical and biochemical laboratories.

Address and how to get there

The academy building is located at: st. Sovetskaya, 4, Tver. You can get to it by public transport along the following routes:

  • trolleybuses No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 - to the “Circus” stop;
  • bus number 20 - to the stop "Cathedral Square";
  • minibuses: No. 1, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 52, 54, 223 - to the “Medical Academy” stop.

Tver State Medical Academy

Tver State Medical Academy
International name

Tver State Medical Academy

Year of foundation



Kalinkin Mikhail Nikolaevich

The president

Davydov Boris Nikolaevich


Russia Tver

Legal address

Tver State Medical Academy (TSMA)- state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Tver State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, located in Tver.

Abbreviated name: State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Tver State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Russia.



President - Davydov Boris Nikolaevich, rector - Kalinkin Mikhail Nikolaevich. According to the data of the year, the academy has 479 teachers, including 55 professors and 149 associate professors.

Educational activities

According to the federal portal “Russian Education”, in 2011 the academy had 2,636 full-time students and 304 part-time students. The Academy provides training in the following specialties: general medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, preventive dentistry (secondary vocational education).

International activity

The Academy interacts with many educational and scientific institutions of foreign countries, as well as international organizations. The most significant successes were achieved in the following areas:

  • organization of the Russian-German educational, scientific and practical center for endoscopic surgery (Department of Hospital Surgery);
  • creation of a Russian-German center for modern innovative technologies in ophthalmology (Department of Eye Diseases);
  • creation, together with German colleagues, of a laboratory of molecular genetics (Department of General Pathology);
  • Russian-German scientific program in the field of pediatric cardiology (Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Pediatrics);
  • opening of a representative office of the TSMA at the University of Saarland (Germany);
  • a joint project with the Baikon Medical Center (USA) to create a dental implantology unit.

The number of foreign organizations with which TGMA maintains partnerships includes: University of Saarland (Germany), University of Vadodara (India), Medical Academy of Lublin (Poland), Russian Center for International Education (India), Russian Educational Center (Sri Lanka), Baikon Medical Center (USA).

An integral element of the international activities of the TSMA is the training of medical specialists for foreign countries. Since 1962, students, residents, graduate students, and clinical specialists from 56 countries have studied at the TSMA. Currently, about ¼ of all TSMA students are foreign citizens. Since 2001, teaching has been conducted using English.

TSMA in ratings

The official website of the Tver Medical Academy ( is one of the most informative Internet resources among medical universities in Russia. According to an independent assessment by the National Research University Higher School of Economics jointly with RIA Novosti, commissioned by the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation within the framework of the Social Navigator project, the website of the Tver Medical Academy is included in the group of the most transparent and open websites for applicants (monitorings, and years).

  • The theoretical building of the academy (Sovetskaya St., 2–6) previously belonged to the 2nd Imperial Men's Gymnasium, the construction of which was carried out in - . architect K. B. Heidenreich. Located opposite the Imperial Travel Palace, it seems to mirror the features of its composition.
  • Previously, in the building at st. Sovetskaya, house 4 was the location of the USSR NKVD Directorate for the Kalinin Region. In particular, this building is notorious for the fact that it was here, in March-April of the year, that more than 6,000 captured Poles were shot.
  • On April 21, 2011, by the decision of the Executive Committee of the Association “Golden Book of St. Petersburg” (Minutes No. 7(4)/62), the Tver State Medical Academy was awarded the title of Laureate of the Golden Book of St. Petersburg and included it in the Chronicle of Glory of the Great City.



TSMA Internet resources:


  • Organizations awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples
  • Universities by alphabet
  • Appeared in 1936
  • Academy of Tver
  • Medical higher education institutions

Wikimedia Foundation.


Information taken from open sources. If you want to become a page moderator

Bachelor, postgraduate, specialist, other

Skill level:

Form of study:

State diploma

Certificate of completion:

No. 00553 valid indefinitely from 03/05/2013


No. 00693 is valid from 07/08/2013 to 07/08/2019


University characteristics

Tver State Medical Academy, one of the largest medical universities in the Russian Federation, has a rich and glorious seventy-year history, which began on the banks of the Neva (the Leningrad Dental Institute was opened in 1936) and continues on the banks of the great Russian river Volga (transferred to Kalinin). It was an incredibly difficult, but extremely important event in scale and significance not only for the Upper Volga region, but also for medical education and for Russian science. More than half a century on Tver land is the time of formation, development and reorganization of the Kalinin Medical Institute with two faculties into a modern higher educational institution - the Tver State Medical Academy (1995), which has 7 faculties and a high rating among medical universities in the Russian Federation. The Tver Medical Academy is a piece of ancient Tver, and therefore a piece of Russia, for the benefit and prosperity of which the academy fulfills its high duty with responsibility and pride, preserving the experience of generations, their skills and the accumulated traditions of Russian medicine.

See all photos

1 of

Today TSMA has 6 faculties - medical, dental, pediatric, pharmaceutical, higher nursing education, as well as postgraduate education and a preparatory department for foreign citizens. Since 2009, the Academy has introduced a new specialty of secondary vocational education - preventive dentistry. Postgraduate and additional education in one of the fields of medicine is implemented in internship and residency, and the training of highly qualified medical teachers is carried out through graduate school and doctoral studies.
Students study in 64 clinical and theoretical departments.

  • Obstetrics and gynecology with a course in obstetrics and gynecology
  • Anatomy
  • Anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care
  • Biology
  • Biochemistry with a course of clinical laboratory diagnostics
  • Internal diseases
  • Internal Medicine Ph.D.
  • Hygiene and ecology
  • Histology, embryology and cytology
  • Hospital therapy and occupational diseases
  • Hospital surgery with a course of urology
  • Dermatovenereology
  • Children's infectious diseases
  • Pediatric dentistry and orthodontics with a course in pediatric dentistry
  • Pediatric surgery
  • Foreign and Latin languages
  • Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology
  • Radiation diagnostics with a radiation diagnostics course
  • Microbiology and virology with a course of immunology
  • Mobilization training of health care and disaster medicine
  • Neurology, medical genetics and neurosurgery
  • Nervous diseases and rehabilitation medicine with a course in mental health
  • General practice (family medicine)
  • General surgery
  • Public health and healthcare with a course in the history of medicine
  • Public health and health care with a course in phdo management
  • Prosthetic dentistry
  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Periodontology
  • Pathological anatomy
  • Pathological physiology
  • Pediatrics and Neonatology Ph.D.
  • Pediatrics, medical and dental faculties
  • Pediatrics, Faculty of Pediatrics
  • Polyclinic pediatrics with the basics of health formation
  • Polyclinic therapy and the basics of evidence-based medicine
  • Propaedeutics of internal diseases
  • Propaedeutic dentistry
  • Psychiatry, addiction medicine and medical psychology
  • Russian language
  • Cardiovascular surgery
  • Dentistry fpdo
  • Forensic medicine with a course in jurisprudence
  • Nursing Theories and Practices
  • Therapeutic dentistry
  • Topographic anatomy and operative surgery
  • Traumatology and orthopedics
  • Management and economics of pharmacy with courses in pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry
  • Faculty therapy
  • Faculty surgery with a course in oncology
  • Pharmacology and clinical pharmacology
  • Physics, mathematics and medical informatics
  • Physiology
  • Physical education with a course of medical rehabilitation
  • Philosophy and psychology with courses in bioethics and history of the fatherland
  • Phthisiologists
  • Chemistry
  • Surgical diseases
  • Surgical diseases fpd
  • Surgical dentistry and reconstructive maxillofacial surgery
  • Endocrinology

Admissions Committee Contacts

Admission conditions

I. General provisions

1. These Rules for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs at the state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Tver State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for the 2016/2017 academic year (hereinafter referred to as the Admission Rules) regulate admission citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons (hereinafter referred to as applicants) for training in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs (hereinafter, respectively, bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs) at the state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Tver State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for the 2016/2017 academic year (hereinafter referred to as the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, University).

The admission rules are developed on the basis of the following legislative, regulatory legal and administrative acts of the Russian Federation in the field of education:

Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 2, 2006 No. 637 “On measures to facilitate the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation”;

Federal Law No. 99-FZ of May 24, 1999 “On the state policy of the Russian Federation towards compatriots abroad” (Articles 1, 3, 17 (clause 6));

Federal Law of May 31, 2002 No. 62-FZ “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” (Articles 6, 13);

Federal Law No. 115-FZ of July 25, 2002 “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”;

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law);

Federal Law of 05.05.2014 No. 84-FZ "On the peculiarities of the legal regulation of relations in the field of education in connection with the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the formation of new entities within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol and on amendments to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

Federal Law of October 27, 2015 No. 293-FZ "On amendments to Article 5 of the Federal Law "On the peculiarities of legal regulation of relations in the field of education in connection with the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the formation of new entities within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol and on amendments to the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" regarding the specifics of conducting state final certification and admission to training in organizations engaged in educational activities";

Agreement on granting equal rights to citizens of the states party to the Treaty on Deepening Integration in the Economic and Humanitarian Fields of March 29, 1996 for admission to educational institutions, signed in Moscow on November 24, 1998, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 22, 1999 No. 662;

Agreement dated November 24, 1998 between the Government of the Republic of Belarus, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on the mutual recognition and equivalence of educational documents, academic degrees and titles, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 1999 No. 957;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2008 No. 638 “On cooperation with foreign countries in the field of education”;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 2013 No. 697 “On approval of the list of specialties and areas of training, upon admission to training for which applicants undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner established when concluding an employment contract or service contract for the relevant position or specialty";

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 8, 2013 No. 891 “On establishing a quota for the education of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation”;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2013 No. 1076 “On the procedure for concluding and terminating an agreement on targeted admission and an agreement on targeted training”;

The procedure for recognizing and establishing in the Russian Federation the equivalence of educational documents of foreign states, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated April 14, 2009 No. 128;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 19, 2013 No. 1367 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs, specialty programs, master’s programs”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia "On approval of the list of entrance tests for admission to educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs and specialty programs" dated September 4, 2014 No. 1204;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia "On amendments to the list of entrance tests for admission to educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs and specialty programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 09/04/2014 No. 1204, dated 10/13/2015 No. 1141";

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 20, 2015. No. 120 “On approval of the list of Olympiads for schoolchildren and their levels for the 2014/15 academic year”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 28, 2015. No. 901 “On approval of the list of Olympiads for schoolchildren and their levels for the 2015/16 academic year”;

The procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 No. 1147;

Order dated September 29, 2015 No. 681 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "On establishing the minimum number of points for the unified state exam in general education subjects corresponding to the specialty or area of ​​training for which admission to study in educational organizations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is carried out, for 2016 year";

Order of Rosobrnadzor dated March 23, 2015 No. 794-10 “On establishing the minimum number of Unified State Exam points required for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs, and the minimum number of Unified State Exam points confirming completion of the educational program of secondary education”;

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 2015 N 528n “On approval of the procedure for the development and implementation of an individual rehabilitation or habilitation program for a disabled person, an individual rehabilitation or habilitation program for a disabled child, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social expertise, and their forms";

Charter of the state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Tver State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

International treaties, including issues of training foreign citizens in the Russian Federation;

Other legal acts of authorized federal executive bodies in the field of education.

2. The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia announces admission to studies for bachelor's degree programs, specialty programs (hereinafter referred to as admission to study, educational programs) on the basis of a license to carry out educational activities in the relevant educational programs.

The University announces admission to study for the 2016/2017 academic year for educational programs of higher education - specialty programs (form of study - full-time) in the following specialties: 05/31/01 General Medicine, 05/31/02 Pediatrics, 05/31/03 Dentistry, 05/33/01 Pharmacy; Bachelor's program (form of study - full-time) in the direction of training 03/34/01 Nursing.

3. The rules for admission (including enrollment procedures) to the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia for training in educational programs are established by the University independently, insofar as they are not regulated by the legislation on education.

4. Persons with secondary general education are allowed to study bachelor’s or specialist’s programs.

Persons with an appropriate level of education confirmed by:

when enrolling in bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs - a document on secondary general education or a document on secondary vocational education, or a document on higher education and qualifications.

The applicant submits a document certifying education at the appropriate level (hereinafter referred to as the document of the established form):

a document on education or on education and qualifications of the sample established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, or by the federal executive body performing the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the healthcare sector, or a federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of culture;

a state-issued document on the level of education or on the level of education and qualifications received before January 1, 2014 (a document on primary vocational education confirming receipt of secondary (complete) general education, and a document on primary vocational education received on the basis of secondary (complete) general education ) general education are equivalent to a document on secondary vocational education);

document on education and qualifications of the sample established by the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov" (hereinafter - Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov) and the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "St. Petersburg State University" (hereinafter - St. Petersburg State University), or a document on education and qualifications of the sample, established by decision of the collegial governing body of the educational organization, if the specified document is issued to a person who has successfully passed the state final certification;

a document on education or education and qualifications issued by a private organization carrying out educational activities on the territory of the Skolkovo innovation center;

document (documents) of a foreign state on education or on education and qualifications, if the education indicated in it is recognized in the Russian Federation at the level of the corresponding education (hereinafter referred to as the document of a foreign state on education).

5. Admission to training is carried out for the first year.

6. Admission to study is carried out within the framework of the target figures for the admission of citizens to study at the expense of budgetary allocations of the federal budget and under educational agreements concluded upon admission to study at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities (hereinafter referred to as agreements on the provision of paid educational services ).

Within the control figures, the following are distinguished:

quota for admission to bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs at the expense of budgetary allocations for disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled people from childhood, disabled people due to military injury or illness received during military service, which, according to the conclusion of the federal medical and social institution The examination does not contraindicate education in relevant educational organizations for orphans and children without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children without parental care (hereinafter referred to as the special quota). A special quota is established by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia in the amount of 10% of the total volume of control figures allocated to the University for the next year, for each specialty and (or) area of ​​training;

7. Admission to training at the expense of budgetary allocations is carried out on a competitive basis, unless otherwise provided by Federal Law

Admission to study places with payment of tuition fees by individuals and (or) legal entities is carried out on the conditions determined by these Admission Rules and other local regulations of the University in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. The conditions for admission to study in basic professional educational programs must guarantee respect for the right to education and enrollment from among applicants who have the appropriate level of education, the most capable and prepared to master the educational program of the appropriate level and the appropriate focus.

9. Admission to training is carried out:

1) for bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs (except for the admission of persons entitled to admission to study without entrance examinations):

on the basis of secondary general education - based on the results of the Unified State Exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Exam), assessed on a 100-point scale, which are recognized as the results of entrance tests, and (or) based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia independently in cases established by the Admission Rules;

on the basis of secondary vocational or higher education (hereinafter referred to as vocational education) - based on the results of entrance tests, the form and list of which are determined by the University (see paragraph 20 of the Admission Rules).

10. The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia conducts admission under the following conditions for admission to study (hereinafter referred to as the conditions for admission):

separately for bachelor's and specialty programs depending on their focus (profile). Admission to study, depending on the focus (profile) of educational programs, is carried out: for specialty programs for each specialty as a whole, for a bachelor's degree program - in the field of study as a whole.

11. For each set of admission conditions, separate lists of applicants are formed and separate competitions are held on the following grounds for admission to study (hereinafter referred to as the grounds for admission):

1) within the control figures:

for places within the target figures minus the special quota and the target quota (hereinafter referred to as the main places within the target figures);

2) to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation holds a single competition for persons enrolling in undergraduate programs and specialty programs based on various levels of education under the same conditions of admission and the same grounds for admission.

12. To enroll in training, applicants submit an application for admission with the necessary documents attached (hereinafter together - documents required for admission; documents submitted for admission; submitted documents).

13. A person to whom the applicant has been granted the appropriate authority (hereinafter referred to as the authorized representative) can carry out actions in respect of which the Admission Rules establish that they are carried out by the applicant, and which do not require the personal presence of the applicant (including presenting them to the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health Russia documents required for admission, withdraw submitted documents). The authorized person carries out these actions upon presentation of a power of attorney issued to the applicant and executed in the prescribed manner to carry out the relevant actions.

14. When visiting the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia and (or) face-to-face interaction with authorized officials of the University, the applicant (authorized representative) presents the original identification document.

15. Organizational support for admission to training is carried out by the admissions committee created by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia. The chairman of the admissions committee is the rector. The chairman of the admissions committee appoints an executive secretary of the admissions committee, who organizes the work of the admissions committee, as well as personal reception of applicants, their parents (legal representatives), and proxies.

To conduct entrance examinations, the University creates examination and appeal commissions in the manner determined by it.

The powers and procedure for the activities of the selection committee are determined by its regulations, approved by the rector of the University. The powers and procedures of the examination and appeal commissions are determined by the regulations on them, approved by the chairman of the selection committee.

16. 1) When admitting students to study within the framework of the target figures for full-time study, the following admission deadlines are established:

for bachelor's and specialist's programs:

· the deadline for accepting documents required for admission from persons applying for training based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia independently is July 16, 2016;

· the deadline for the completion of independent entrance tests conducted by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, completion of the acceptance of documents required for admission from persons applying for training without passing the specified entrance tests (hereinafter referred to as the day of completion of acceptance of documents and entrance tests), - July 26, 2016 .

2) When admitting students to undergraduate programs and specialist programs under educational agreements concluded upon admission to study at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities, the following deadlines are established for applicants from among citizens of the Russian Federation:

· the deadline for accepting documents required for admission from persons applying for training based on the results of independent entrance examinations conducted by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia is July 16, 2016;

· the deadline for completing independent entrance examinations conducted by the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia is July 26, 2016;

· the deadline for accepting documents required for admission from persons applying for training only based on the results of the Unified State Exam is August 6, 2016.

The deadlines for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs under educational agreements concluded upon admission to study at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities for foreign citizens and stateless persons are specified in paragraph 124 of these Admission Rules.

II. Establishment of the list and programs of entrance examinations, scales for assessing their results and the minimum number of points confirming successful completion of entrance examinations

17. When applying for undergraduate and specialist programs, the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia includes in the list of entrance examinations established by it on the basis of secondary general education

entrance examinations in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 4, 2014 No. 1204 “On approval of the list of entrance examinations for admission to educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs and specialty programs” (hereinafter referred to as general education entrance examinations, respectively, Order No. 1204): chemistry, biology and Russian language. The results of the Unified State Examination are recognized as the results of general education entrance examinations, or the specified entrance examinations are conducted by the University independently in accordance with the Admission Rules.

Additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation are not conducted for admission to the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

18. Certain categories of applicants on the basis of secondary general education can take general educational entrance tests conducted by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia independently (hereinafter referred to as general education entrance tests for certain categories of applicants):

1) in any general education subjects:

a) disabled children;

b) foreign citizens;

c) persons who received a document on secondary general education within one year before the end of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations, inclusive, if all certification tests of the state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education passed by them during the specified period were not passed in the form of the Unified State Exam (or they passed the final certification procedures in foreign educational organizations and did not take the Unified State Exam during the specified period);

2) for individual general education subjects - persons who have passed the state final certification in these general education subjects in the form of a state final exam, provided that they received a document on secondary general education within one year before the end of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations, inclusive and During this period, they did not take the Unified State Exam in the relevant general education subjects.

19. Applicants specified in paragraph 18 of the Admission Rules can take general education entrance tests for certain categories of applicants in all general education subjects for which they are granted such a right, or take one or more of these entrance tests along with the use of Unified State Examination results in other general education subjects.

20. When admitting persons entering undergraduate programs
and specialty programs on the basis of vocational education (hereinafter referred to as those entering on the basis of vocational education), GBOU HPE Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia:

a) when applying for training in specialty programs (medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, pharmacy) and in a bachelor’s program (in the field of nursing), establishes the number of entrance tests equal to the number of entrance tests on the basis of secondary general education - three;

b) when applying for specialty programs (medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, pharmacy) and a bachelor’s degree program (nursing), includes in the list of entrance tests all general educational entrance tests included in the list of entrance tests on the basis of secondary general education - chemistry, biology, Russian language;

c) for admission to specialty programs for each general education entrance test, the form of entrance test is the Unified State Examination;

d) for admission to a bachelor's degree program (nursing), for each general education entrance test, the form of entrance test is a written test.

21. Applicants on the basis of vocational education:

can use the results of the Unified State Examination as the results of general education entrance tests conducted by the University independently;

may exercise the rights specified in paragraph 18 of these Admission Rules.

Persons with a professional education can enroll in bachelor's and specialty programs based on secondary general education.

22. When forming entrance examination programs conducted by the University independently, the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia is guided by the following:

General education entrance examination programs are formed on the basis of the federal state educational standard of secondary general education and the federal state educational standard of basic general education. Programs for general education entrance examinations are formed taking into account the need to match the level of complexity of such entrance examinations to the level of complexity of the Unified State Examination in the relevant general education subjects.

23. For each entrance test, a grading scale and a minimum number of points are established, confirming successful completion of the entrance test (hereinafter referred to as the minimum number of points).

When applying for undergraduate and specialist programs, the results of each entrance test conducted by the University independently are assessed on a 100-point scale.

For the general education entrance test, the minimum number of points used is the minimum number of Unified State Examination points, which is established by the founder of the University. The specified minimum number of points cannot be lower than the number of Unified State Examination points required for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs and established by the federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions in the field of education.

24. When applying for study in one educational program, the list of entrance tests and the minimum number of points cannot differ when admitting to places within a special quota, to places within a target quota, to main places within the target numbers and to places under service agreements paid educational services.

25. The minimum number of points cannot be changed during admission.

III. Special rights for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs

26. The following have the right to admission without entrance examinations:

1) winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren (hereinafter referred to as the winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad), members of national teams of the Russian Federation that participated in international Olympiads in general education subjects and were formed in the manner established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education (hereinafter referred to as members of national teams of the Russian Federation), in specialties and (or) areas of training corresponding to the profile of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren or an international Olympiad - for 4 years following the year of the corresponding Olympiad;

2) winners and prize-winners of the IV stage of all-Ukrainian student Olympiads, members of national teams of Ukraine participating in international Olympiads in general education subjects - for 4 years following the year of the corresponding Olympiad, if the specified winners, prize-winners and members of national teams are among:

persons who are recognized as citizens of the Russian Federation in accordance with Part 1 of Article 4 of the Federal Constitutional Law of March 21, 2014 No. 6-FKZ “On the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the formation of new entities within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and cities of federal significance Sevastopol" (hereinafter - persons recognized as citizens);

persons who are citizens of the Russian Federation, permanently residing on the day of admission to the Russian Federation of the Republic of Crimea on the territory of the Republic of Crimea or on the territory of the federal city of Sevastopol, and studied in accordance with the state standard and (or) curriculum of general secondary education, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as persons permanently residing in the territory of Crimea);

27. Disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled people from childhood, disabled people due to military injury or illness received during military service, who, according to the conclusion of the federal medical and social examination institution, are not eligible for admission to study within the limits of a special quota. Education in relevant educational organizations is contraindicated for orphans and children without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children without parental care.

28. Preferential right of enrollment is granted to the following persons:

1) orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care;

2) disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, for whom, according to the conclusion of the federal medical and social examination institution, education in the relevant educational organizations is not contraindicated;

3) citizens under the age of twenty who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita family income is below the subsistence level established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of these citizens;

4) citizens who were exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and who are subject to the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant”;

5) children of military personnel who died while performing their military service duties or who died as a result of injury (wounds, trauma, concussion) or diseases received by them while performing the duties of military service, including when participating in counter-terrorism operations and (or) other activities fight against terrorism;

6) children of deceased (deceased) Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory;

7) children of employees of internal affairs bodies, institutions and bodies of the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, customs authorities, who died due to injury or other damage to health received by them in connection with the performance of official duties, or as a result of an illness they received during their service in the specified institutions and bodies, and their dependent children;

8) children of prosecutorial employees who died (died) as a result of injury or other damage to health received during their service in the prosecutor’s office or after dismissal due to harm to health in connection with their official activities;

9) military personnel who undergo military service under a contract and whose continuous duration of military service under a contract is at least three years, as well as citizens who have completed military service by conscription and are entering training on the recommendations of commanders issued to citizens in the manner established by the federal executive body authorities in which federal law provides for military service;

10) citizens who served for at least three years under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies in military positions and were dismissed from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs “b” - “d” of paragraph 1 , subparagraph “a” of paragraph 2 and subparagraphs “a” - “c” of paragraph 3 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”;

11) war invalids, combatants, as well as combat veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1-4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ “On Veterans”;

12) citizens who directly participated in tests of nuclear weapons, radioactive military substances in the atmosphere, nuclear weapons underground, in exercises with the use of such weapons and radioactive military substances before the date of actual termination of these tests and exercises, direct participants in the elimination of radiation accidents at nuclear installations surface and underwater ships and other military facilities, direct participants in the conduct and support of work on the collection and disposal of radioactive substances, as well as direct participants in the liquidation of the consequences of these accidents (military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Federations, persons who served in the railway troops and other military formations, employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the federal fire service of the State Fire Service);

13) military personnel, including military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, who performed tasks in conditions of armed conflict in the Chechen Republic and in the adjacent territories assigned to the zone of armed conflict, and the specified military personnel performing tasks during counter-terrorism operations in the territory of the North Caucasus region.

29. Winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren, held in the manner established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education (hereinafter referred to as Olympiads for schoolchildren), for 4 years following the year of the corresponding Olympiad , the following special rights are granted upon admission to undergraduate programs and specialty programs in specialties and (or) areas of training corresponding to the profile of the school Olympiad:

1) admission without entrance tests to study in undergraduate programs and specialty programs in specialties and areas of training corresponding to the profile of the school Olympiad;

2) be equated to persons who have scored the maximum number of Unified State Examination points in a general education subject corresponding to the profile of the school Olympiad (hereinafter referred to as the right to 100 points).

The special rights specified in subparagraphs 1 and 2 of this paragraph may be granted to the same applicant. In the case of granting the special right specified in subparagraph 2 of this paragraph, the highest result (100 points) of the corresponding entrance test(s) is established for the applicant.

30. Persons specified in clauses 26 and 29 of the Admission Rules are given an advantage by being equal to persons who have scored the maximum number of Unified State Examination points (100 points) in a general education subject, if the general education subject corresponds to the profile of the Olympiad.

31. To provide winners and prize-winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads with special rights and benefits specified in paragraphs 29 and 30 of the Admission Rules, the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia establishes:

paragraph “1” of paragraph 29 of the Admission Rules (admission without entrance tests for bachelor’s degree programs and specialty programs in specialties and areas of training corresponding to the profile of the schoolchildren’s Olympiad) - winners and prize-winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads of levels I and II of the corresponding profile for the 10th grade and for the 11th grade and included in the list of Olympiads for schoolchildren and their levels, annually approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education for the academic year corresponding to the year of the Olympiad indicated in the submitted diploma ;

The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia provides a special right specified in subparagraph “2” of paragraph 29 of the Admission Rules (to be equated to persons who have scored the maximum number (100) Unified State Examination points in a general education subject corresponding to the profile of the School Olympiad) - winners and prize-winners of the School Olympiad III level of the corresponding profile for the 10th grade and for the 11th grade and those included in the list of school Olympiads and their levels, annually approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education for the academic year corresponding the year of the Olympiad indicated in the diploma submitted by the applicant.

By decision of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, applicants are given the advantage specified in paragraph 30 of the Admission Rules by establishing the highest result (100 points) of the general education entrance test corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad for the winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad, members of national teams of the Russian Federation, winners and prize-winners of IV stage of all-Ukrainian student Olympiads from among persons recognized as citizens, members of national teams of Ukraine from among persons recognized as citizens, winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren - upon admission to study without the use of special rights specified respectively in subparagraphs "1" and "2" of paragraph 26 and subparagraph "1" of paragraph 29 of the Admission Rules.

For Olympiads for schoolchildren of the same profile (if a list of Olympiads is established - within the established list):

a special right or advantage granted to the winners or winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads of the third level is also granted, respectively, to the winners or winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads of the I and II levels;

a special right or advantage granted to the winners or winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads of the second level is also granted, respectively, to the winners or winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads of the I level.

The special right or advantage granted to the winners of the school Olympiad is also granted to the winners of this Olympiad.

32. To provide the special rights specified in subparagraphs “1” and “2” of paragraph 26 and paragraph 29 of the Admission Rules, and the benefits specified in paragraph 30 of the Admission Rules, the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia independently establishes the compliance of the Olympiad profile with specialties and areas of training , as well as compliance of the Olympiad profile with general education subjects.

33. When admitted to study in one educational program, the special rights provided for in paragraphs 26 and 29 of the Admission Rules, and the advantage provided for in paragraph 30 of the Admission Rules, cannot differ when admitted to places within a special quota, to places within a target quota, to main places within the target figures and places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

34. Special rights specified in paragraph 29 of the Admission Rules and the advantage specified in paragraph 30 of the Admission Rules are granted to winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads if they have Unified State Exam results not lower than the number of points established by the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia:

paragraph “1” of paragraph 29 of the Admission Rules, - in a general education subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad. The specified general education subject is selected by the University from among the general education subjects corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad, established in the list of Olympiads for schoolchildren, approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education;

to use the special right specified in subparagraph “2” of paragraph 29 of the Admission Rules, or the advantage specified in paragraph 30 of the Admission Rules - in a general education subject corresponding to the entrance test.

The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia sets the indicated number of points at 75 points.

IV. Taking into account individual achievements of applicants when applying for training

35. Applicants for training have the right to provide information about their individual achievements, the results of which are taken into account when applying for training. The results of individual achievements are taken into account by awarding points for individual achievements and (or) as an advantage in case of equality of the sum of competitive points.

Points awarded for individual achievements are included in the total of competition points.

The applicant submits documents confirming receipt of the results of individual achievements.

36. When admitting students to undergraduate and specialist programs, the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health awards points for the following individual achievements:

1) presence of the status of champion and prize-winner of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, world champion, European champion, person who took first place at the World Championship, European Championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympic Games, presence gold insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) and a certificate of the established form for it (in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation dated February 18, 2015 N 144 “On approval of the procedure for awarding citizens of the Russian Federation with insignia distinctions of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) and the assignment of sports categories to them”) - 1 point for each of the specified individual achievements;

2) availability of a certificate of secondary general education with honors or a certificate of secondary general education (secondary (complete) general education), containing information about being awarded a gold or silver medal - 10 points;

3) having a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors - 10 points;

37. When admitted to undergraduate or specialty programs, an applicant may be awarded no more than 10 points in total for individual achievements.

38. The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia establishes the following procedure for the list of individual achievements taken into account when admitting students to bachelor’s and specialist’s programs if the sum of competitive points is equal:

1. availability of a certificate of completion of training in an educational general developmental program of additional education for children - the “Young Medic” school program;

2. average score, calculated on the basis of the provided document certifying education at the appropriate level (standard document).

V. Information about admission to study

39. The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia is obliged to familiarize the applicant and (or) his parents (legal representatives) with its charter, with a license to carry out educational activities, with a certificate of state accreditation, with educational programs and other documents regulating the organization and implementation of educational activities, rights and responsibilities of students.

When admission is conducted on a competitive basis, the applicant is also provided with information about the ongoing competition and its results.

40. In order to inform about admission to study, the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia publishes information on the official website of the University (, on the information and telecommunications network “Internet” (hereinafter referred to as the official website), and also provides free access in the University building to information posted on the information stand (board) of the admissions committee and (or) in the electronic information system (hereinafter collectively referred to as the information stand).

The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia publishes on the official website and on the information stand information about admission to study for undergraduate and specialist programs:

a) Admission rules approved by the University independently;

b) the number of places for admission to study under various conditions of admission:

within the control figures (indicating a special quota, without indicating a target quota);

under contracts for the provision of paid educational services;

c) information on the timing of admission, including the start and end dates for accepting documents required for admission, conducting entrance examinations, and completing the acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment at each stage of enrollment;

d) according to various conditions of admission:

a list of entrance examinations indicating the priority of entrance examinations when ranking lists of applicants;

minimum number of points;

information on the forms of admissions tests conducted by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia independently;

information about the special rights and benefits specified in paragraphs 26, 29 and 30 of the Admission Rules (with the exception of special rights and benefits determined by the levels of school Olympiads);

e) information about the special rights specified in paragraphs 27-28 of the Admission Rules;

f) information about the possibility of passing entrance examinations conducted by the University independently, in a foreign language;

g) information on the procedure for recording the individual achievements of applicants;

h) information about the possibility of submitting documents for admission
for training in electronic form;

i) information about the specifics of conducting entrance tests for persons with disabilities and people with disabilities;

j) information on conducting entrance examinations using remote technologies (in the case of such entrance examinations);

k) rules for filing and considering appeals based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the University independently;

l) information about the need for applicants to undergo a mandatory preliminary medical examination (examination);

m) programs of entrance examinations conducted by the University independently;

o) sample agreement on the provision of paid educational services;

o) information about the places for receiving documents required for admission;

p) information about postal addresses for sending documents required for admission;

c) information about email addresses for sending documents required for admission in electronic form (if such a possibility is provided for in the admission rules independently approved by the University);

r) information on the availability of dormitories;

a) the number of places for admission to study within the target figures for various conditions of admission, indicating a special quota and a target quota;

b) information about the special rights and benefits specified in paragraphs 29 and 30 of the Admission Rules and determined by the levels of school Olympiads - for various conditions of admission;

c) information on the number of places in dormitories for nonresident applicants;

d) schedule of entrance examinations (indicating their locations).

41. The Admissions Committee ensures the functioning of special telephone lines and a section of the official website for responding to requests related to admission to study.

42. Starting from the day the documents required for admission begin to be accepted, information on the number of submitted applications for admission and lists of persons who submitted documents required for admission (hereinafter referred to as the lists of persons who submitted documents), with highlighting, is posted on the official website and on the information stand :

1) persons entering:

a) to places within the control figures:

for places within a special quota;

for places within the target quota;

to the main places within the target figures;

b) to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services;

2) persons entering without entrance examinations.

In the lists of persons who submitted documents, for each applicant (with the exception of applicants without entrance examinations), information is indicated as to whether he is admitted to study based on the results of the Unified State Exam and (or) based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the University independently.

Information on the number of submitted applications for admission and lists of applicants is updated daily.

VI. Acceptance of documents required for admission

43. Applicants for undergraduate or specialist programs have the right to submit an application(s) for admission to no more than 5 higher education organizations simultaneously. In each of these organizations, an applicant has the right to participate in the competition in no more than 3 specialties and (or) areas of training.

44. For each (each) of the specialties and areas of training specified in paragraph 43 of the Rules for Admission in each of the organizations specified in paragraph 43 of the Rules for Admission, an applicant can simultaneously submit an application (applications) for admission to study under various conditions of admission and (or) various grounds reception

45. If you intend to simultaneously enter the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia under different conditions of admission and (or) different grounds for admission, the applicant submits one application for admission.

46. ​​An applicant uses each of the following special rights when enrolling in undergraduate or specialist programs at the expense of budgetary allocations to only one higher education organization for only one educational program of the applicant’s choice (regardless of the number of grounds determining the corresponding special right):

the right to admission without entrance examinations specified in paragraph 26 of the Admission Rules;

the right to admission specified in paragraph 27 of the Admission Rules within a special quota;

the right to admission without entrance examinations specified in subparagraph “1” of paragraph 29 of the Admission Rules.

47. Each of the special rights specified in paragraph 46 of the Admission Rules can be used by an applicant within the framework of one higher education organization and one educational program while simultaneously enrolling in training under different conditions of admission and (or) different grounds for admission.

48. Simultaneously with submitting an application for admission using each of the special rights specified in paragraph 46 of the Admission Rules, the applicant has the right to submit an application (applications) for admission without using the specified special rights to the same organization of higher education for the same and (or) other educational programs, as well as other higher education organizations.

49. An applicant can simultaneously use the right to 100 points upon admission to study under various conditions of admission and (or) various grounds for admission, as well as simultaneously use several grounds for using the right to 100 points, including within the framework of one separate competition.

For each basis for using the right to 100 points, the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia establishes one or more general educational entrance tests for which applicants can use this right.

50. The advantage specified in paragraph 30 of the Admission Rules is used in the same manner as the right to 100 points.

51. Reception of documents required for admission is carried out in the buildings of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia at the address: 170100, Tver, st. Sovetskaya, house 4.

52. The documents required for admission are submitted (sent) to the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia in one of the following ways:

1) are presented to the University personally by the applicant (authorized representative);

It is not possible to send documents required for admission in electronic form.

53. If the documents required for admission are submitted to the University by the applicant (trusted person), the applicant (trusted person) is given a receipt for the documents.

54. In the case of sending documents required for admission through public postal operators, these documents are accepted if they are received by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia no later than the deadline for accepting documents established by the Admission Rules approved by the University.

55. The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia publishes on the official website a list of persons who submitted the documents required for admission, indicating information about acceptance or refusal to accept documents (in case of refusal, indicating the reasons for the refusal).

56. In the application for admission, the applicant indicates the following information:

1) last name, first name, patronymic (if available);

2) date of birth;

4) details of the identity document (including an indication of when and by whom the document was issued);

5) information that the applicant is a person recognized as a citizen, or a person permanently residing in the territory of Crimea (for applicants who are such persons);

6) information about education and a standard document that meets the requirements specified in paragraph 4 of the Admission Rules;

7) conditions for admission to training and grounds for admission;

8) information about the presence or absence of special rights of the applicant (if there are special rights - indicating information about documents confirming the existence of such rights);

9) information about passing the Unified State Exam and its results (if there are several Unified State Exam results that have not expired, it is indicated which Unified State Exam results and for which general education subjects should be used);

10) information about the intention to participate in the competition based on the results of general educational entrance tests conducted by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia independently (indicating the grounds for participation in the competition based on the results of such entrance tests and the list of entrance tests);

11) information about the intention to take entrance examinations conducted by the University independently, in a foreign language (indicating the list of entrance examinations);

12) information about the need to create special conditions for the applicant during admissions tests in connection with his or her limited health capabilities or disability (indicating the list of admissions tests and special conditions);

13) information about the intention to take entrance examinations using remote technologies and the place where they will be taken;

14) information about the presence or absence of individual achievements of the applicant (if any, indicating information about them);

15) information about the presence or absence of the applicant’s need for a place to live in a dormitory during the period of study;

16) postal address and (or) email address (at the request of the applicant);

17) method of returning submitted documents in case of non-admission to study (in case of submission of original documents).

57. The following facts are recorded in the application for admission, certified by the personal signature of the applicant:

1) familiarization of the applicant (including through public information systems):

with a copy of the license to carry out educational activities (with an attachment);

with a copy of the certificate of state accreditation (with an attachment) or with information about the absence of the specified certificate;

with information about the special rights and benefits provided to applicants;

with the completion dates for accepting applications for consent to enrollment;

with the Admission Rules approved by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia independently, including the rules for filing an appeal based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the University independently;

2) the applicant’s consent to the processing of his personal data;

3) familiarizing the applicant with information about the need to indicate in the application for admission reliable information and submit original documents;

4) upon admission to local training within the target numbers - the applicant does not have a bachelor’s degree, specialist’s diploma, or master’s degree;

confirmation of simultaneous submission of applications for admission to no more than 5 higher education organizations, including the University.

5) upon admission to local training within the target numbers on the basis of special rights specified in paragraphs 26 and 27 of the Admission Rules and in subparagraph “1” of paragraph 29 of the Admission Rules:

confirmation of filing an application for admission on the basis of the corresponding special right only at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia;

when submitting several applications for admission to the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia - confirmation of the submission of an application for admission on the basis of the corresponding special right only for this educational program.

58. In case of submission of documents required for admission,
in accordance with subparagraph “1” of paragraph 52 of the Admission Rules, the application for admission and the facts recorded in it in accordance with paragraph 57 of the Admission Rules are certified by the personal signature of the applicant (authorized representative).

59. When submitting an application for admission, the applicant submits:

1) document(s) proving identity, citizenship;

2) if the applicant is a person recognized as a citizen, or a person permanently residing in the territory of Crimea - document(s) confirming that he is such a person in accordance with the conditions for inclusion in the number of specified persons established by the Federal Constitutional Law of March 21, 2014 No. 6-FKZ “On the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation and the formation of new entities within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol” and (or) Federal Law No. 84-FZ;

3) a document of a standard form that meets the requirements specified in paragraph 4 of the Admission Rules (the applicant can submit both a document on secondary general education and a document on secondary vocational (primary vocational) or higher education).

When submitting a document from a foreign state on education, the applicant presents a certificate of recognition of foreign education, with the exception of the following cases:

when presenting a document from a foreign state on education, which corresponds to Part 3 of Article 107 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ;

upon presentation of a document on education, a sample of which is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, if the holder of the specified document is a person recognized as a citizen or a person permanently residing in the territory of Crimea;

4) for applicants specified in subparagraph “a” of subparagraph “1” of paragraph 18 of the Admission Rules, if they intend to participate in the competition based on the results of general education entrance tests for certain categories of applicants - a document confirming disability;

5) if it is necessary to create special conditions during admissions tests - a document confirming limited health capabilities or disability that require the creation of these conditions;

6) for disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled people from childhood, disabled people due to military injury or illness received during military service - the conclusion of a federal medical and social examination institution on the absence of contraindications for training in relevant organizations;

7) for the use of a special right or advantage by winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad - a document confirming that the applicant is the winner or prize-winner of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren;

8) for the use of a special right or advantage by the winners and prize-winners of the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad, specified in subparagraph “2” of paragraph 26 of the Admission Rules - a document confirming that the applicant is the winner or prize-winner of the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad;

9) for the use of a special right or advantage by members of national teams of the Russian Federation - a document confirming that the applicant was included in the number of members of the national team;

10) for the use of a special right or advantage by members of the national teams of Ukraine specified in subparagraph “2” of paragraph 26 of the Admission Rules - a document confirming that the applicant was included in the number of members of the national team;

11) for the use of a special right or advantage by champions (prize-winners) in the field of sports - a document confirming the status of the specified champion or prize-winner;

12) to use the right to admission within a special quota - a document confirming that the applicant is one of the relevant persons, including persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, until they reach the age of 23 years;

13) to use the preferential right of admission specified in paragraph 28 of the Admission Rules - a document confirming that the applicant is one of the relevant persons, including persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, until they reach the age of 23 years;

14) for the use of a special right or advantage by winners and prize-winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads - a document confirming that the applicant is a winner or prize-winner of a schoolchildren’s Olympiad;

15) documents confirming the individual achievements of the applicant, the results of which are taken into account when applying for training: a certificate of completion of training in the educational general development program of additional education for children - the “Young Medic” school program, an application with grades for calculating the average score of the educational document;

16) other documents (submitted at the discretion of the applicant);

17) 2 photographs of the applicant - for applicants based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the University independently.

60. Applicants may submit originals or copies of documents submitted for admission. Certification of copies of these documents is not required.

The applicant, simultaneously with submitting an application for admission, submits an application for consent to enrollment, attaching the original document of the established form (in accordance with paragraph 107 of the Admission Rules) upon admission to study places within the control figures:

1) on the basis of the special right specified in paragraph 26 of the Admission Rules;

2) on the basis of the special right specified in subparagraph “1” of paragraph 29 of the Admission Rules;

3) within a special quota;

4) within the target quota.

61. In case of admission to study in accordance with two or more subparagraphs of paragraph 60 of the Admission Rules, the applicant:

submits an application for consent to enrollment, attaching the original document of the established form;

when providing the original document of the established form (application for consent to enrollment) to another organization, the application for admission indicates to which organization the application for consent to enrollment has been (will be submitted).

62. The document specified in subparagraph “4” or “5” of paragraph 59 of the Admission Rules is accepted by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, if its validity expires no earlier than the day of filing the application for admission, the document specified in subparagraph “6”, or “12” or “13” of paragraph 59 of the Admission Rules, if its validity expires no earlier than the day the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations is completed.

An applicant may submit, when submitting documents required for admission, the document specified in subparagraph “6”, or “12”, or “13” of paragraph 59 of the Admission Rules, the validity of which expires earlier than the day the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations is completed, but not earlier day of application for admission. In this case, the corresponding rights are granted to the applicant if, before the end of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations, inclusive, he has submitted a document, the validity of which expires no earlier than the specified day.

If the document specified in subclause “4”, or “5”, or “6”, or “12”, or “13” of paragraph 59 of the Admission Rules does not indicate its validity period, the period is taken equal to a year, starting from the date of receipt document.

The document specified in subparagraph “7”, or “8”, or “9”, or “10”, or “15” of paragraph 59 of the Admission Rules is accepted by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, taking into account the deadline specified respectively in paragraph 26 or 29 Admission Rules.

63. The application for admission is submitted in Russian, documents written in a foreign language - with a translation into Russian, certified in the prescribed manner. Documents received in a foreign country are presented legalized in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or with an apostille (except for cases where, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and (or) an international treaty, legalization and apostille are not required). Documents issued in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine and presented by persons recognized as citizens and persons permanently residing in the territory of Crimea are not subject to the requirements of legalization, affixing an apostille and submitting a translation into Russian certified in the prescribed manner.

An applicant can submit an application for admission to the Tver State Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health in a foreign language.

64. If an applicant submits an application for admission that does not contain all the information required by the Admission Rules, as well as in the case of an incomplete set of documents and (or) non-compliance of the submitted documents with the requirements established by the Admission Rules, the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia returns the documents to the applicant:

in case of submission of documents to the University by the applicant personally (authorized representative) - on the day of submission of documents;

in case of sending documents through public postal operators - within 3 working days after the day the documents were received by the University.

65. Upon admission to training in the specialties of general medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, pharmacy and in the field of training (bachelor's program) nursing, which is included in the list of specialties and areas of training, upon admission to training for which applicants undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner established when concluding an employment contract or service contract for the relevant position or specialty, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 2013 No. 697, applicants undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner established when concluding an employment contract or service contract contract for the relevant position, profession or specialty.

66. The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia checks the accuracy of the information specified in the application for admission and the authenticity of the submitted documents. When conducting this inspection, the University has the right to contact the relevant state information systems, state (municipal) bodies and organizations.

67. Upon receipt of submitted documents by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, a personal file of the applicant is formed, in which the specified documents, materials for passing entrance examinations, including documents related to the appeal, are stored.
as well as originals and (or) copies of powers of attorney submitted to the University by authorized representatives.

68. The applicant has the right at any stage of admission to study to withdraw the submitted documents by submitting an application for withdrawal of documents in the manner specified in paragraph 52 of the Admission Rules, indicating the method of returning the documents (transfer to the person who recalled the submitted documents (authorized person), sending through postal operators public communications).

69. If, upon admission to places within the control figures (to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services), the applicant (trusted representative) before completing the enrollment procedures according to the relevant conditions for admission to places within the control figures (to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services) services) filed an application for withdrawal of documents, the submitted documents are issued:

within two hours after submitting the application - if the application is submitted
no later than 2 hours before the end of the working day;

within the first two hours of the next working day - if the application is submitted less than 2 hours before the end of the working day.

70. In case of withdrawal of documents (except for the case specified in paragraph 69 of the Admission Rules) or failure to enroll in training, the original documents submitted by the person applying to the places within the control figures (to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services) are returned to within 20 working days after the withdrawal of submitted documents or after completion of enrollment procedures under the relevant conditions for admission to places within the target numbers (to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services) in accordance with the return method specified in the application for withdrawal of submitted documents or in the application about admission.

VII. Entrance tests conducted by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia independently

71. The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia independently conducts, in accordance with the Admission Rules, general educational entrance examinations in cases established by the Admission Rules. When admitting students, the results of final examinations of preparatory departments, preparatory faculties, courses (schools) and other tests that are not entrance examinations conducted in accordance with the Admission Rules are not used.

72. Entrance tests are carried out in the form of written testing in chemistry, biology, and the Russian language.

73. Entrance tests are conducted in Russian.

Along with conducting entrance examinations in Russian, all or individual entrance examinations conducted by the University independently can be conducted in English.

Passing the entrance test in English is carried out at the request of the applicant.

When conducting the same admissions test in Russian and also in a foreign language, the form and program of the admissions test conducted in a foreign language must correspond to the form and program of the admissions test conducted in Russian.

74. The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia can conduct, in the manner established by the local regulatory act of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, entrance examinations using remote technologies, subject to the identification of applicants when they pass the entrance examinations.

75. One entrance test is carried out simultaneously for all applicants or at different times for different groups of applicants (including as these groups are formed from among those who have submitted the necessary documents).

For each group of applicants, one entrance test is conducted on one day. At the request of the applicant, he may be given the opportunity to take more than one entrance test on one day.

76. For one general education subject within the framework of one competition, one general education entrance test is established.

Entrance tests conducted in different languages ​​are conducted separately.

When the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia conducts independent entrance tests, identical in name and language, the general education entrance test is carried out as a single one for all competitions.

77. The applicant takes each entrance test from those specified in paragraph 76 of the Admission Rules once. When the University independently conducts an entrance test in various languages, the applicant selects one language from those offered by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia and passes the entrance test in the chosen language.

78. Persons who have not passed the entrance test for a valid reason (illness or other circumstances confirmed by documents) are allowed to take the entrance test in another group or on a reserve day. If, when passing the entrance test conducted by the University independently, the applicant has not reached the minimum threshold for passing this entrance examination, he is eliminated from the competition and is not allowed to take subsequent entrance examinations conducted by the University independently.

79. During entrance examinations, their participants and persons involved in their conduct are prohibited from carrying and using communication means. Participants in entrance examinations may not carry or use reference materials and electronic computer equipment during entrance examinations.

80. If an applicant violates the Admission Rules independently approved by the University during the entrance examination, authorized officials of the University have the right to remove him from the place of the entrance examination by drawing up an act of removal.

81. The results of the entrance test are announced on the official website and at the information stand no later than the third working day after the entrance test.

82. After the announcement of the results of the written entrance test, the applicant (trusted representative) has the right to familiarize himself with his work (with the work of the applicant) on the day the results of the written entrance test are announced or during the next working day.

VIII. Peculiarities of conducting entrance tests for persons with disabilities and people with disabilities

83. The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia ensures the conduct of entrance tests for applicants from among persons with disabilities and (or) disabled people (hereinafter collectively referred to as applicants with disabilities) taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, their individual capabilities and health status ( below - individual characteristics).

84. In the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, material and technical conditions have been created to ensure the possibility of unimpeded access for applicants with disabilities to classrooms, toilets and other premises, as well as their stay in these premises (including the presence of ramps, handrails, extended door openings, the auditorium is located on the first floor of the building).

85. Entrance tests for applicants with disabilities are held in a separate classroom.

The number of applicants with disabilities in one classroom should not exceed:

when passing the entrance test in writing - 12 people.

It is allowed for a larger number of applicants with disabilities to be present in the classroom during the admissions test, as well as for admissions tests for applicants with disabilities to be held in the same classroom together with other applicants, if this does not create difficulties for applicants when passing the admissions test.

It is allowed that an assistant from among the University employees or involved persons be present in the classroom during the entrance test, providing applicants with disabilities with the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual characteristics (take a workplace, move around, read and fill out an assignment, communicate with teachers conducting the entrance examination). trial).

86. The duration of the entrance test for applicants with disabilities is increased by decision of the University, but not more than 1.5 hours.

87. Applicants with disabilities are provided with information in a form accessible to them about the procedure for conducting entrance examinations.

88. Applicants with disabilities may, during the admissions test, use the technical means necessary for them in connection with their individual characteristics.

89. When conducting entrance tests, the following additional requirements are ensured, depending on the individual characteristics of applicants with disabilities:

a) for the blind:

Tasks to be completed during the entrance test, as well as instructions on the procedure for conducting entrance tests, are read out by the assistant;

Written assignments are dictated by an assistant;

b) for the visually impaired:

Individual uniform illumination of at least 300 lux is provided;

If necessary, those arriving to complete the task are provided with a magnifying device; It is also possible to use your own magnifying devices;

Assignments to be completed, as well as instructions on the procedure for conducting entrance examinations, are written in larger font;

d) for the deaf-blind, the services of a sign language interpreter are provided (in addition to the requirements specified in subparagraphs “a” and “c” of this paragraph);

e) for persons with impaired motor functions of the upper limbs or absence of upper limbs:

Written assignments are dictated to the assistant.

90. The conditions specified in paragraphs 84-89 of the Admission Rules are provided to applicants on the basis of an application for admission containing information about the need to create appropriate special conditions.

IX. General rules for filing and reviewing appeals

91. Based on the results of the entrance test conducted by the University independently, the applicant (authorized representative) has the right to submit
to the appeal commission an appeal about a violation, in the applicant’s opinion, of the established procedure for conducting the admissions test and (or) about disagreement with the received assessment of the admissions test results.

92. An appeal is submitted in one of the ways specified in paragraph 52 of the Admission Rules.

93. During the consideration of the appeal, compliance with the established procedure for conducting the admissions test and (or) the correctness of the assessment of the results of the admissions test is checked.

94. The appeal is submitted on the day the results of the entrance test are announced or during the next working day. An appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting an admissions test can also be filed on the day of the admissions test.

95. Consideration of the appeal is carried out no later than the next working day after the day of its filing.

96. The applicant (trustee) has the right to be present during the consideration of the appeal. One of the parents or legal representatives has the right to be present with a minor applicant (under 18 years of age), except for minors recognized in accordance with the law as fully capable before reaching adulthood.

97. After considering the appeal, the appeal commission decides to change the assessment of the results of the entrance test or leave the specified assessment unchanged.

The decision of the appeal commission, documented in the protocol, is communicated
to the attention of the applicant (authorized person). The fact that the applicant (authorized person) has become familiar with the decision of the appeal commission is certified by the signature of the applicant (authorized person).

98. In the case of an admissions test using remote technologies, the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia ensures the consideration of appeals using remote technologies.

X. Formation of lists of applicants and enrollment in training

99. Based on the results of accepting documents and (or) entrance tests, the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia creates lists of applicants for each individual competition under various conditions of admission.

Within the framework of the control figures, separate lists of applicants are formed:

for places within a special quota;

for places within the target quota;

to the main places within the control figures (hereinafter referred to as the main places).

100. The list of applicants for each individual competition includes a list of applicants without entrance tests and a list of applicants based on the results of the Unified State Exam and (or) entrance tests (hereinafter referred to as the results of entrance tests).

Admission based on the results of entrance examinations is carried out for the places remaining after enrollment without entrance examinations within the framework of the corresponding list of applicants.

101. The list of applicants without entrance examinations is ranked on the following basis:

1) according to the status of persons entitled to admission without entrance examinations, in the following order:

a) members of the national teams of the Russian Federation and members of the national teams of Ukraine specified in subclause “2” of clause 26 of the Admission Rules;

b) the winners of the All-Russian School Olympiad and the winners of the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad specified in subparagraph “2” of paragraph 26 of the Admission Rules;

c) winners of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren and the specified
in subparagraph “2” of paragraph 26 of the Admission Rules, winners of the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiads;

d) winners of school Olympiads;

e) winners of school Olympiads;

2) for persons specified in each of subparagraphs “a” - “e” of subparagraph “1” of this paragraph - in descending order of the number of points awarded for individual achievements;

102. The list of applicants based on the results of entrance examinations is ranked on the following basis:

1) in descending order of the amount of competition points;

2) if the sum of competitive points is equal - in descending order of the sum of competitive points awarded based on the results of entrance tests, and (or) in descending order of the number of points awarded based on the results of individual entrance tests, in accordance with the priority of entrance tests established by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia :

upon admission to specialty programs in all specialties:

2. biology;

3. Russian language.

upon admission to a bachelor's degree program in nursing:

1. biology;

3. Russian language;

3) in case of equality according to the criteria specified in subparagraphs “1” and “2” of this paragraph, a higher place in the list is occupied by applicants who have a preferential right of admission.

The amount of competitive points is calculated as the sum of points for each entrance test, as well as for individual achievements.

103. The lists of applicants include the following information:

1) for each applicant without entrance examinations:

basis for admission without entrance examinations;

2) for each applicant based on the results of entrance examinations:

sum of competition points;

number of points for each entrance test;

number of points for individual achievements;

availability of preferential right of enrollment;

3) availability of an application for consent to enrollment (submitted in accordance with paragraph 107 of the Admission Rules).

104. Lists of applicants are posted on the official website and on the information stand and are updated daily (no later than the beginning of the working day) until the relevant orders for enrollment are issued.

105. At each stage of enrollment, the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia sets the end date for accepting applications for consent to enrollment (for enrollment in places within the target numbers - in accordance with paragraph 108 of the Admission Rules).

106. To enroll, the applicant submits an application for consent to enrollment, to which, upon admission to places within the control figures, an original document of the established form is attached; when admitted to places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services - the original document of the established form or its copy certified by in accordance with the established procedure, or a copy thereof with the presentation of the original for certification of the copy by the admissions committee (hereinafter referred to as the application for consent to enrollment). Attachment of the original document of the established form is not required if it was submitted to the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia earlier (when submitting an application for admission or a previous application for consent to enrollment).

The application for consent to enrollment indicates the conditions for admission and the grounds for admission, in accordance with which the applicant wants to be enrolled.

The said application is certified by the signature of the applicant and submitted to the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia no later than the day when applications for consent to enrollment are completed. On the day the acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment is completed, the said application is submitted to the University no later than 18:00 local time.

107. Applicants who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment are subject to enrollment. Admission is carried out in accordance with the ranked list until the established number of places is filled.

108. When admitting places within the target numbers for undergraduate programs and specialty programs for full-time study, the admission procedures are carried out within the following time frames:

1) posting lists of applicants on the official website and on the information stand - no later than July 27, 2016;

2) stage of priority enrollment - enrollment without entrance examinations, enrollment in places within a special quota and target quota (hereinafter referred to as places within quotas):

July 28, 2016 ends the acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons applying without entrance examinations, entering places within quotas, if these persons simultaneously submitted applications for admission to two or more higher education organizations in accordance with paragraph 60 of the Admission Rules;

On July 29, 2016, an order(s) is issued for the enrollment of persons who submitted an application
on consent to enrollment from among applicants without entrance examinations entering places within quotas;

3) enrollment based on the results of entrance examinations for the main places remaining after enrollment without entrance examinations (hereinafter referred to as the main competitive places):

a) the first stage of enrollment in the main competitive places - enrollment in 80% of the specified places (if 80% is a fractional value, rounding up is carried out):

acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons included in
in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places and those wishing to be enrolled at the first stage of enrollment in the main competitive places;

within each list of applicants, persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment are allocated until 80% of the main competitive places are filled (taking into account rounding);

On August 3, 2016, an order(s) is issued for the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment until 80% of the main competitive places are filled;

b) the second stage of enrollment in the main competitive places - enrollment in 100% of the specified places:

acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places is completed;

within each list of applicants, persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment are allocated until 100% of the main competitive places are filled;

On August 8, 2016, an order(s) is issued for the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment until 100% of the main competitive places are filled.

109. Persons enrolled within a special quota are excluded from the lists of applicants for the main competitive places under the same admission conditions.

110. Unfilled places within the quotas can be used to enroll persons entering the main places without entrance examinations. After the completion of enrollment of persons entering without entrance examinations, persons entering places within quotas, unfilled places within quotas are added to the main competitive places under the same conditions of admission.

111. When enrolling for on-site training within the limits of the target numbers for undergraduate programs and specialty programs in full-time study, the applicant can twice submit to the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia an application for consent to enrollment, indicating various conditions for admission and (or) grounds for admission.

If an applicant has submitted an application for consent to enrollment and then re-submits an application for consent to enrollment to the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia or withdraws the submitted documents from the University, then he simultaneously submits an application for refusal of enrollment in accordance with the previously submitted application for consent to enrollment or application for expulsion from the place in which he was enrolled at the University at one of the previous stages of enrollment.

112. Places vacated as a result of expulsion of persons enrolled in training are added to the main competitive places according to the same admission conditions.

113. When applying for training under contracts for the provision of paid educational services, the following enrollment periods are established:

posting on the official website and on the information stand lists of applicants for training under contracts for the provision of paid educational services;

b) - the first stage of enrollment in places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services:

On August 6, 2016, the deadline for accepting applications for consent to enrollment from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services and who wish to be enrolled at the first stage of enrollment in the main competitive places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services;

within each list of applicants, persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment are identified until all main competitive places are filled;

On August 8, 2016, an order (orders) is issued for the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment, until all main competitive places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services are filled;

Persons who have not submitted the original document of the established form or an application for consent to enrollment before the established deadline, as well as those who have withdrawn the said original or application, are eliminated from the competition and are considered as having refused enrollment.

In case of failure to fill 100 percent of the competitive places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services and (or) withdrawal of the original document of the established form or an application for consent to enrollment by persons who were enrolled in the first and second stages of enrollment in places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services, the remaining vacant places can be filled by persons from the lists of applicants for training under contracts for the provision of paid educational services no later than 10 days before the start of the academic year.

114. In the case of admission to study in educational programs at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities, the issuance of an order for admission of a person to study at the University is preceded by the conclusion of an education agreement. Enrollment in studies is completed no later than 10 days before the start of the academic year .

Orders for enrollment in training are posted on the day of their publication on the official website and on the information stand and must be available to users of the official website within 6 months from the date of their publication.

XI. Features of organizing a targeted reception

115. The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia has the right to conduct targeted admissions within the established control figures.

The quota for targeted admission to specialty programs for each specialty is established by the founder of the University.

116. Targeted admission is carried out within the established quota on the basis of an agreement on targeted admission concluded by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia with a federal government body, a government body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a local government body, state (municipal) an institution, unitary enterprise, state corporation, state company or business company, in the authorized capital of which there is a share of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipal entity (hereinafter referred to as customers of targeted admission).

The founder of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia can detail the target quota for individual customers of targeted admission. If a target quota is established by the founder of the University without the specified detail, the quota can be detailed for individual customers of the target admission of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia independently.

117. The list of applicants for places within the target quota includes information about those who have entered into an agreement on targeted training with the incoming body or organization.

118. The essential terms of the target acceptance agreement are:

obligations of the organization to organize targeted reception of a citizen who has entered into an agreement on targeted training;

obligations of the body or organization specified in paragraph 116 of the Admission Rules,
on the organization of educational and industrial practice of a citizen who has entered into an agreement on targeted training.

XII. Features of the reception of foreign citizens and stateless persons

119. Foreign citizens and stateless persons have the right to receive higher education at the expense of budgetary allocations in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal laws or the quota for the education of foreign citizens and stateless persons established by the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the quota for the education of foreign citizens ), as well as at the expense of individuals and legal entities in accordance with agreements on the provision of paid educational services.

120. Admission of foreign citizens and stateless persons, including compatriots living abroad, within the quota for education of foreign citizens is carried out in accordance with the directions of the federal executive body, which carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education. Enrollment of foreign citizens and stateless persons within the quota for education of foreign citizens is formalized by a separate order (orders) of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

121. Foreign citizens and stateless persons who are compatriots living abroad have the right to receive higher education on an equal basis with citizens of the Russian Federation, subject to their compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 17 of the Federal Law of May 24, 1999 No. 99-FZ “On state policy of the Russian Federation in relation to compatriots abroad” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 99-FZ).

122. Compatriots living abroad and who are not citizens of the Russian Federation are not subject to special rights for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs provided in accordance with Federal Law No. 273-FZ, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation.

123. When admitting foreign citizens and stateless persons to study in a bachelor's degree program in nursing and in all specialty programs in places under agreements for the provision of paid educational services, the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia establishes two general educational entrance tests - in chemistry and biology ( in the form of written testing). Based on the difference established by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the list of entrance tests for foreign citizens and stateless persons from the list of entrance tests for other persons, the University independently allocates the number of places for foreign citizens and stateless persons and holds a separate competition for these places.

124. When admitting students to undergraduate and specialist programs under agreements on the provision of paid educational services for foreign citizens and stateless persons, the following deadlines are established:

a) deadlines for accepting documents for foreign citizens and stateless persons whose stay in the Russian Federation at the time of submitting the application and passing the entrance test does not require a visa or who have a valid visa, for persons who have completed their studies at the preparatory faculty (department) of educational organizations Russian Federation, applicants based on the results of the Unified State Exam - from July 1 to July 26, 2016;

b) deadlines for accepting documents for foreign citizens and stateless persons whose stay in the Russian Federation at the time of submitting an application and passing the entrance test does not require a visa or who have a valid visa, for persons who have completed their studies at the preparatory faculty (department) of educational organizations Russian Federation, applicants based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia independently - from July 1 to July 16, 2016;

c) deadlines for accepting documents for foreign citizens and stateless persons, for whose stay in the Russian Federation at the time of submitting an application and passing the entrance test, a visa is required, issued at the request of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, arriving on the basis of the results of entrance examinations conducted by the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia independently, - from August 20 to October 19, 2016;

d) the deadline for completing entrance examinations conducted by the University independently is October 20, 2016;

e) the order (orders) on the enrollment of foreign citizens and stateless persons for training under contracts for the provision of paid educational services (until 100 percent of the competitive places are filled) is issued and posted on the official website and on the information stand no later than 10 days before the beginning of the school year.

125. When submitting documents for admission to study, a foreign citizen or stateless person indicates in the application for admission the details of an identity document, or a document certifying the identity of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation or the identity of a stateless person in the Russian Federation in accordance with Article 10 of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the identity document of a foreign citizen), and submits, in accordance with subparagraph “1” of paragraph 59 of the Admission Rules, the original or a copy of the document, identification, citizenship, or identity document of a foreign citizen.

126. When applying for training in accordance with Article 17 of Federal Law No. 99-FZ, a compatriot submits, in addition to the documents specified in paragraph 59 of the Admission Rules, originals or copies of documents provided for in Article 17 of Federal Law No. 99-FZ.

XIII. Additional admission to bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs for full-time study at places within the target figures

127. In exceptional cases, if there are places within the target numbers that remain vacant after enrollment, the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia may, with the permission of the founder, conduct additional admission to study (hereinafter referred to as additional admission) in accordance with the Admission Rules within the time limits established by the University independently , with completion of enrollment no later than the beginning of the academic year.

128. Information about additional admission is posted on the official website and on the information stand no later than August 15, 2016.

(protocol No. 3)

1. These Rules for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school at the state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Tver State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for the 2014/15 academic year (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for Admission , GBOU VPO Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, University) were developed on the basis of the following legislative, regulatory legal and administrative acts of the Russian Federation in the field of education:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Education);
  • letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. AK-177/05 dated January 29, 2014 “On admission to graduate school (adjunct)”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 26, 2014 “On approval of the Procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1061 of September 12, 2013 “On approval of lists of specialties and areas of training in higher education”;
  • Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia “AK-2589/05 dated 06.11.13 “On the correspondence table”;
  • Federal Law of May 24, 1999 No. 99-FZ “On the state policy of the Russian Federation towards compatriots abroad”;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 8, 2013 No. 891 “On establishing a quota for the education of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation”;
  • Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”;
  • Federal Law of May 31, 2002 No. 62-FZ “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”;
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 2, 2006 No. 637 “On measures to facilitate the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation”;
  • International treaties, including issues of training foreign citizens in the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Law No. 11-FZ of January 29, 2014 “On Amendments to Article 108 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation””;
  • The procedure for recognizing and establishing in the Russian Federation the equivalence of educational documents of foreign states, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated April 14, 2009 No. 128;
  • Agreement on granting equal rights to citizens of states - participants of the Agreement on Deepening Integration in the Economic and Humanitarian Fields of March 29, 1996 for admission to educational institutions, signed in Moscow on November 24, 1998, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 22, 1999 No. 662;
  • Agreement dated November 24, 1998 between the Government of the Republic of Belarus, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on the mutual recognition and equivalence of educational documents, academic degrees and titles, approved by a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 1999 No. 957;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2008 No. 638 “On cooperation with foreign countries in the field of education”;
  • Charter of the state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Tver State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
  • other legal acts of authorized federal executive bodies in the field of education.

2. These Rules for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (hereinafter - the Rules) regulate the admission of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons (hereinafter - citizens, applicants) for study at State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Tver State Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - GBOU VPO Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, University), determine the list of entrance tests for admission to study, as well as the features of conducting entrance tests for citizens with disabilities health.

3. The University announces admission to postgraduate programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in full-time and part-time forms of study on the basis of a license to carry out educational activities in the relevant educational programs.

4. Admission to training programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school is carried out locally within the framework of the target figures for the admission of citizens to study at the expense of budgetary allocations of the federal budget (hereinafter - respectively - target figures, budgetary allocations) and to places under educational agreements, concluded upon admission to study at the expense of an individual and (or) legal entity (hereinafter referred to as agreements on the provision of paid educational services).

5. Persons with an education of at least higher education (specialist’s or master’s degree) are allowed to master training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school.

6. Admission to postgraduate programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel is carried out on the principles of equal admission conditions for all applicants and is carried out on a competitive basis.

The conditions of admission guarantee respect for the right to enroll persons who are most capable and prepared to master postgraduate training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel.

7. The University transfers, processes and provides personal data received in connection with the admission of citizens to study programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data.

8. Admission to postgraduate programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel is carried out based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the University independently.

9. Admission to study places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services is carried out on the conditions determined by these Rules in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

10. The University conducts admission to studies separately according to the conditions of admission: separately for places within the target numbers and for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services, for full-time and part-time forms of study.

II. Organization of admission of citizens for training

11. The organization of admission of citizens to study programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school is carried out by the admission committee of the University (hereinafter referred to as the admission committee).

The chairman of the admissions committee is the rector of the University.

12. The composition, powers and procedure for the activities of the admissions committee are regulated by the Regulations on the admissions committee of the Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, approved by the rector of the University.

13. To conduct entrance examinations, the University creates an examination and appeal commission.

The powers and procedures of the examination and appeal commissions are determined by the relevant Regulations on them, approved by the chairman of the selection committee.

14. When accepting students for training programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school, the rights of citizens in the field of education established by the legislation of the Russian Federation are ensured, the transparency and openness of the work of the selection committee, the objectivity of assessing the abilities and inclinations of applicants, the availability of the leadership of the selection committee at all stages of the process. reception

15. The admissions committee is obliged to monitor the accuracy of the information provided by applicants. In order to confirm the accuracy of the specified information, the selection committee has the right to contact the relevant state information systems, state (municipal) bodies and other organizations.

III. Organization of informing applicants

16. The university is obliged to familiarize the applicant with its charter, with a license to carry out educational activities, with a certificate of state accreditation, with educational programs and other documents regulating the organization and implementation of educational activities for training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school, the rights and responsibilities of students , as well as provide information about the competition and its results, including on the official website of the University on the Internet information and telecommunications network (hereinafter referred to as the official website).

17. The admissions committee posts the following information on the official website and on its information stand before accepting documents:

a list of areas of training for which the University announces admission to study programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school in accordance with the license to carry out educational activities;

Rules for admission to postgraduate programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel;

entrance test programs;

information on the forms of conducting entrance examinations;

information on the forms of conducting entrance examinations for foreign citizens;

features of conducting entrance tests for citizens with disabilities;

information on the availability of dormitories and the number of places in dormitories for non-resident applicants;

information about the postal address for sending documents required for admission.

admission targets for each area of ​​training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school;

the number of places (if any) in each area of ​​training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school under contracts for the provision of paid educational services;

sample contract for applicants under contracts for the provision of paid educational services;

rules for filing and considering appeals based on the results of entrance examinations;

information on the dates and place of entrance examinations and consultations;

the date of completion of the submission by applicants of the original specialist’s diploma or master’s diploma when applying for training in places within the target figures, the date of completion of the submission by applicants of information on consent to enrollment when admitting to study places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

18. The Admissions Committee ensures the functioning of special telephone lines and a section of the official website for responding to requests related to the admission of citizens to study in postgraduate training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel.

19. Starting from the day the acceptance of documents for admission to study begins, information on the number of applications submitted is posted on the official website and on the information stand of the admissions committee.

IV. Reception of documents from applicants

20. The deadline for accepting documents for training in postgraduate training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel is set from June 22 to July 4.

21. To enroll in training, applicants submit an application for admission with the necessary documents attached (hereinafter together - documents required for admission; documents submitted for admission; submitted documents).

22. The person to whom the applicant has been granted the appropriate authority (hereinafter referred to as the authorized representative) may submit to the University the documents required for admission, recall these documents, and other actions that do not require the personal presence of the applicant, upon presentation of a power of attorney issued by the applicant and executed in the prescribed manner indicating the powers granted to the authorized person.

23. Documents required for admission are submitted (sent) to the University in one of the following ways:

  1. are presented as an applicant or authorized representative to the organization;
  2. sent to the organization through public postal operators

Submission of documents in electronic form is not provided.

24. If the documents required for admission are submitted to the University by the applicant or authorized person, the applicant or authorized person is given a receipt for accepting the documents.

25. If documents required for admission are sent through public postal operators, these documents are accepted if they are received by the University no later than the deadline for accepting documents established by these Rules.

26. The University publishes on the official website a list of persons who submitted the documents required for admission, indicating information about admission or refusal to accept documents (in case of refusal, indicating the reasons for the refusal).

27. In the application for admission to study, the applicant indicates the following mandatory information:

1) last name, first name, patronymic (if available);

2) date of birth;

3) information about citizenship (lack of citizenship);

4) details of the document proving his identity, including details of the issue of the specified document (when and by whom it was issued);

5) information about the previous level of education and a document on education and (or) qualifications confirming it;

6) the direction of training for which he plans to enroll, indicating the conditions of study (within the admission target numbers, under an agreement on the provision of paid educational services);

8) information about the need to create special conditions for the applicant during admissions tests in connection with his limited health or disability;

9) information about the presence or absence of individual achievements of the applicant (if any, indicating information about them);

10) information about the presence or absence of the applicant’s need for a place to live in a dormitory during the period of study;

11) postal address and (or) email address (at the request of the applicant);

12) method of returning submitted documents in case of failure to enroll in training (in case of submission of original documents).

28. An application for admission to postgraduate training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel is submitted to the rector of the University with the submission of the following documents:

a) - document(s) proving the identity and citizenship of the applicant;

b) - original or copy of a specialist’s diploma or master’s diploma;

d) - documents evidencing the individual achievements of the applicant, the results of which are taken into account during admission to study in accordance with these Rules (submitted at the discretion of the applicant): diploma of the winner and (or) prize-winner of international, all-Russian olympiads, competitions, festivals; patent for an invention, utility model, certificate of intellectual property;

e) - if it is necessary to create special conditions during admissions tests - a document confirming limited health capabilities or disability that require the creation of these conditions;

f) - for disabled people of groups I and II, disabled people from childhood, disabled people due to military injury or illness received during military service - the conclusion of the federal medical and social examination institution about the absence of contraindications for studying in relevant educational organizations;

g) - two photographs of the applicant.

Applicants, at their own discretion, submit originals or copies of the documents specified in subparagraphs “a” - “g”. Copies of these documents are not certified. When presenting original documents proving identity, citizenship, or military ID, these documents must be presented in person.

29. The application records the fact of familiarization (including through public information systems) with copies of the license to carry out educational activities, the certificate of state accreditation of the organization and annexes to them, or the absence of a copy of this certificate. The fact of familiarization is certified by the personal signature of the applicant or the signature of an authorized representative, if the applicant has granted the authorized person the appropriate authority.

30. The signature of the applicant (authorized representative) is also certified by:

1) receiving higher education at this level for the first time;

2) familiarization (including through public information systems) with the rules for filing an appeal based on the results of entrance examinations, with the dates for completion of the submission by applicants of the original document of the established form when enrolling in places within the control figures, with the date of completion of the submission by applicants of information on consent to enrollment in places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services;

3) the applicant’s consent to the processing of his personal data;

4) the applicant’s awareness of responsibility for the accuracy of the information indicated in the application for admission and for the authenticity of the documents submitted upon admission.

31. Upon admission to the University of submitted documents, a personal file of the applicant is formed, in which the specified documents, materials for passing entrance examinations, including documents related to the appeal, as well as originals and (or) copies of powers of attorney submitted to the University by proxies are stored.

32. If an applicant submits an application that does not contain all the information required by the Rules, as well as in the case of an incomplete set of documents and (or) non-compliance of the submitted documents with the requirements established by these Rules, the University returns the documents to the applicant.

33. The applicant has the right to withdraw the submitted documents by submitting an application for their withdrawal in the manner specified in paragraph 23 of these Rules, indicating the method of returning the documents (transfer to the person who recalled the submitted documents, or to an authorized person, sending through public postal operators).

34. Submitted documents are returned in one of the following ways:

a) if the application for revocation of documents indicates the need to transfer the submitted documents to the person whose documents were revoked, or to an authorized person, the set of submitted documents is transferred to the specified person. The specified person has the right to receive the specified documents:

until the end of the current working day - in case of submitting an application for revocation of documents no later than 2 hours before the end of the working day;

within the first two hours of the next working day - if an application for revocation of documents is submitted less than 2 hours before the end of the working day;

b) if the application indicates the need to send submitted documents through public postal operators, the return of submitted documents is carried out only insofar as the original documents are concerned.

V. Entrance tests

35. For applicants to places within the admission quotas, as well as under contracts for the provision of paid educational services for certain areas of training, the same entrance tests are established.

36. Entrance tests are conducted in Russian.

37. Applicants take the following entrance tests:

A special discipline corresponding to the focus (profile) of the program for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (hereinafter referred to as a special discipline);


Foreign language (English or German).

38. Entrance test programs for admission to training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school are formed on the basis of federal state educational standards of higher education for specialty programs.

39. Entrance tests are carried out:

For a special discipline - in writing;

In philosophy - in writing;

In a foreign language - in a combination of oral and written forms.

40. Entrance tests using distance technologies are not conducted at the University.

41. The level of knowledge of the applicant is assessed by the examination committee using a five-point system. Each entrance test is assessed separately.

42. The results of the entrance test are documented in a protocol that records the examiners’ questions (questions on the exam paper) for the applicant. A separate protocol is kept for each applicant.

After approval, admission test protocols are stored in the applicant’s personal file.

43. The decision of the examination committee is posted on the official website and on the information stand of the admissions committee no later than three days from the date of the entrance test.

44. Retaking entrance tests is not allowed. Passed entrance examinations are valid for a calendar year.

45. Persons who did not appear for the admissions test for a valid reason (illness or other circumstances confirmed by documents) are allowed to attend them in other groups or individually during the period of admissions tests.

46. ​​During entrance examinations, their participants and persons involved in their conduct are prohibited from carrying and using communication means. During the entrance examinations, participants are prohibited from carrying and using reference materials and electronic computer equipment.

During the entrance examinations, applicants must comply with the following rules of conduct:

Take the place indicated by the examiner;

Keep silence;

Work independently;

Do not use any kind of cheat sheet;

Do not talk to other examinees;

Do not provide assistance to other examinees in solving tasks;

Use only established forms for records;

Do not leave the territory established by the admissions committee for conducting the entrance test.

47. If the procedure for conducting admissions tests is not followed, members of the examination commission conducting the admissions test have the right to remove the applicant from the place where the admissions test is conducted and draw up an act of removal. If an applicant is removed from the entrance test, the University returns the accepted documents to the applicant.

48. Persons who collected documents after the completion of the acceptance of documents or did not receive the number of points at the entrance examination confirming the successful completion of the entrance examination are eliminated from the competition.

VI. Features of admissions tests

for citizens with disabilities

49. Citizens with disabilities pass entrance examinations in the manner established by these Rules, taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development, individual capabilities and health status (hereinafter referred to as individual characteristics) of such applicants.

50. When conducting entrance examinations, the following requirements are ensured:

entrance examinations are conducted in a separate audience, the number of applicants in one audience should not exceed 6 people when passing the entrance examination in written or oral form;

it is allowed for a larger number of applicants with disabilities to be present in the audience during the entrance test, as well as for admission tests for people with disabilities to be held in the same audience together with applicants who do not have disabilities, if this does not create difficulties for applicants when passing entrance test;

the duration of entrance examinations upon a written application of applicants submitted before the start of entrance examinations may be increased by decision of the University, but not more than by 1.5 hours;

the presence of an assistant (for the hearing impaired - a sign language interpreter, for the deaf-blind - a sign language interpreter) who provides applicants with the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual characteristics (take a workplace, move around, read and fill out an assignment, communicate with the examiner);

applicants are provided with instructions on the procedure for conducting entrance examinations in a form accessible to them;

applicants, taking into account their individual characteristics, can use the technical means they need during the entrance test;

the possibility of unimpeded access for applicants to classrooms, toilets and other premises, as well as their stay in these premises (taking into account material and technical capabilities).

51. Additionally, when conducting entrance examinations, the following requirements are ensured depending on the categories of applicants with disabilities:

a) for the blind:

tasks to be completed at the entrance test, as well as instructions on the procedure for conducting entrance tests, are drawn up in embossed dotted Braille or in the form of an electronic document accessible using a computer with specialized software for the blind, or read out by an assistant;

written tasks are completed on paper in embossed dot Braille or on a computer with specialized software for the blind, or dictated to an assistant;

Those applicants to complete the task, if necessary, are provided with a set of writing instruments and paper for writing in embossed dotted Braille, a computer with specialized software for the blind;

b) for the visually impaired:

individual uniform lighting of at least 300 lux is provided;

If necessary, those arriving to complete the task are provided with a magnifying device;

tasks to be completed, as well as instructions on the procedure for conducting entrance tests, are written in enlarged font; it is also possible to use your own magnifying devices;

assignments to be completed, as well as instructions on the procedure for conducting entrance examinations, are written in larger font;

c) for the deaf and hard of hearing, the availability of sound-amplifying equipment for collective use is ensured; if necessary, applicants are provided with sound-amplifying equipment for individual use;

d) for the deaf-blind, the services of a sign language interpreter are provided (in addition to the requirements fulfilled respectively for the blind and the deaf);

e) for persons with severe speech impairments, the deaf, and the hard of hearing, all entrance examinations, at the request of applicants, can be conducted in writing;

f) for persons with musculoskeletal disorders (severe impairment of motor functions of the upper limbs or absence of upper limbs):

written tasks are completed on a computer with specialized software or dictated to an assistant;

At the request of applicants, all entrance examinations can be conducted orally.

52. The conditions specified in paragraphs 50, 51 of the Rules are provided to applicants on the basis of an application for admission containing information about the need to create appropriate special conditions.

VII. General rules for filing and reviewing appeals

53. Based on the results of the examination commission’s decision to pass the entrance test, the applicant (trusted representative) has the right to file an appeal with the appeal commission about a violation, in the applicant’s opinion, of the established procedure for conducting the entrance test and (or) disagreement with the received assessment of the entrance test results.

54. Consideration of the appeal is not a retake of the entrance test. During the consideration of the appeal, only compliance with the established procedure for conducting the admissions test and (or) the correctness of the assessment of the results of the admissions test are checked.

55. An appeal is filed in one of the ways specified in paragraph 23 of the Rules.

56. The appeal is submitted on the day the results of the entrance test are announced or during the next working day.

Appeals are reviewed no later than the next business day after the day the appeal was filed.

57. During the consideration of the appeal, the applicant (authorized representative) has the right to be present, who must have with him a document proving his identity.

When considering an appeal, the following requirements are ensured depending on the categories of applicants with disabilities:

a) for the deaf and hard of hearing:

the presence of a sign language interpreter is ensured;

b) for the blind and visually impaired:

the presence of a sign language interpreter is ensured;

c) for the deaf-blind:

The presence of a sign language interpreter is ensured.

58. After considering the appeal, the appeal commission makes a decision to change the assessment of the results of the entrance test or leave the specified assessment unchanged.

59. If disagreements arise, a vote is held in the appeal commission, and the decision is made by a majority vote.

60. The decision of the appeal commission, documented in the protocol, is brought to the attention of the applicant (authorized representative) and stored in the applicant’s personal file. The fact that the applicant (authorized person) has become familiar with the decision of the appeal commission is certified by the signature of the applicant (authorized person).

VIII. Enrollment

61. Based on the results of entrance examinations, the University creates and publishes lists of applicants by name on the official website and on the information stand of the admissions committee.

62. Persons with a higher number of points scored in entrance examinations are enrolled in postgraduate programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel.

If the number of points scored is equal, persons with a higher score in the special discipline are enrolled.

If the number of points scored in all entrance examinations is equal, persons with individual achievements are admitted, which are taken into account by the University admissions committee in the following order:

Availability of a document confirming the recognition of the applicant as a winner and (or) prize-winner of international, all-Russian Olympiads, festivals aimed at identifying the educational achievements of the applicant;

Public presentation of the results of research work at international, all-Russian, regional forums, confirmed by documents;

Availability of a patent for an invention, utility model, certificate of intellectual property;

Availability of publications in an international scientific, all-Russian, departmental publication, publication of an educational institution, scientific or other organization.

63. Applicants who have submitted the original document of the established form are subject to enrollment in places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services - those who have agreed to enrollment no later than the end of business day July 20, established by the University as the completion date for submitting the original document accordingly established form or information about consent to enrollment.

65. The number of competitive places in the competition lists for places within the target figures for the general competition is increased by the number of places equal to the number of applicants who did not submit the original specialist’s diploma or master’s diploma.

66. Admission to postgraduate studies in places within the admission target numbers is carried out no later than August 1. Enrollment into places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services is carried out no later than 10 days before the start of the academic year.

67. The original documents submitted by the applicant are returned to the person who recalled the submitted documents (except for the case specified in subparagraph “a” of paragraph 34 of the Rules) or who did not enroll in training, in accordance with the method of returning the submitted documents specified in the application for withdrawal of the submitted documents or in application for admission to study, within 20 working days, respectively, after the withdrawal of submitted documents or after summing up the results of the competition.

68. The order(s) for enrollment are posted on the official website and on the information stand of the admissions committee and must be available to users within 6 months from the date of their publication.

IX. Features of the reception of foreign citizens

and stateless persons

69. Foreign citizens and stateless persons have the right to receive higher education at the expense of budgetary allocations in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal laws or the quota for the education of foreign citizens and stateless persons established by the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the quota for the education of foreign citizens ), as well as at the expense of individuals and legal entities in accordance with agreements on the provision of paid educational services.

70. Enrollment of foreign citizens and stateless persons within the quota for education of foreign citizens is carried out according to directions issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and is issued by a separate order (orders) of the University.

71. If it is necessary to undergo training at preparatory departments, preparatory faculties of federal state organizations of higher education in additional general education programs that provide preparation for mastering educational programs in Russian, enrollment of foreign citizens and stateless persons within the quota for the education of foreign citizens is carried out after completion of the specified training.

72. Foreign citizens and stateless persons who are compatriots living abroad have the right to receive higher education on an equal basis with citizens of the Russian Federation, subject to their compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 17 of the Federal Law of May 24, 1999 No. 99-FZ “On state policy of the Russian Federation in relation to compatriots abroad” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 99-FZ).

73. Compatriots living abroad who are participants in the State program to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 22, 2006 No. 637 (hereinafter referred to as the State program), and members of their families have the right to receive higher education in postgraduate training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in accordance with the State program.

74. Admission of foreign citizens to organizations for training on the basis of contracts for the provision of paid educational services is carried out in accordance with these Rules.

75. Documents are accepted within the following deadlines:

for foreign citizens entering places within the framework of the education quota - within the time limits established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;

for foreign citizens entering training on the basis of contracts for the provision of paid educational services from June 22 to July 4.

76. When submitting an application (in Russian) for admission to the University, a foreign citizen provides the following documents:

A copy of a foreign citizen’s passport or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as an identity document of a foreign citizen in accordance with Article 10 of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens” citizens in the Russian Federation";

The original document on education and (or) qualifications (hereinafter referred to as the document on foreign education and (or) foreign qualifications) (or its duly certified copy) if the education certified by the specified document is recognized in the Russian Federation at a level not lower than higher education (specialty or master's degree) in accordance with parts 1-3 of Article 107 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, as well as in the case provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the original certificate of recognition of the document foreign education and (or) foreign qualifications, at a level not lower than higher education - specialty or master's degree (or its duly certified copy);

A duly certified translation into Russian of a document on foreign education and (or) foreign qualifications and its annex (if the latter is provided for by the legislation of the state in which such a document on education was issued);

Copies of documents or other evidence confirming their belonging to compatriots living abroad, in accordance with Article 17 of the Federal Law of May 24, 1999 No. 99-FZ “On the state policy of the Russian Federation regarding compatriots abroad”;

Certificate of participation in the State program to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 22, 2006 No. 637;

The last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the applicant, indicated in the translations of the submitted documents, must correspond to the last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the applicant, indicated in the entry visa;

4 photographs of the applicant.

77. Admission of foreign citizens to the University to study in postgraduate programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel is carried out on the basis of the results of entrance examinations (with the exception of admission of foreign citizens to study within the framework of the education quota).

78. Enrollment of foreign citizens entering places within the framework of the education quota is carried out within the time frame determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; for training under contracts for the provision of paid educational services is carried out no later than 10 days before the start of the academic year.


Results of admission to the 1st year in 2019

Total applications submitted:

For the specialty: 1583 people;

For residency programs: 466 people;

For postgraduate programs: 39 people;

Implementation of the admission plan in 2019:

Target admission in 2019

Distribution of those enrolled within the target quota by region

Competition and passing score in 2019 (general competition)

Competition and passing score in 2019 (agreement)

Results of admission of students to the 1st year in 2019

A total of 487 people from among the citizens of the Russian Federation were enrolled, of which:

  • for places within the target figures for the admission of citizens to study at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget - 320 (plan - 320 places);
  • for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services - 167 people.

Applicants from 39 regions - constituent entities of the Russian Federation are enrolled in the 1st year.

Astrakhan region

Bashkortostan Rep.

Bryansk region

Vladimir region

Volgograd region

Vologda region

Dagestan Rep.

Ivanovo region

Ingushetia Rep.

Kaliningrad region

Kaluga region

Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Karelia Rep.

Kostroma region

Krasnodar region

Krasnoyarsk region

Kursk region

Leningrad region

Moscow region

Murmansk region

Nizhny Novgorod region

Novgorod region

Perm region

Pskov region

Ryazan region

St. Petersburg

Sverdlovsk region

North Ossetia - Alania Rep.

Smolensk region

Stavropol region

Tambov region

Tatarstan Rep.

Tver region

Tula region

Khakassia Rep.

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra Autonomous Okrug

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Yaroslavl region

At the same time, from among the residents of the Tver region and the city of Tver - 192 people (39.4% of the total admission), incl. for targeted admission from among the residents of the Tver region - 89 people (of which 70 are under an agreement on targeted admission with the Ministry of Health of the Tver region).

A total of 153 people were enrolled for targeted admission.

Among those enrolled:

  • within a special quota (subject to benefits) – 7 (1.4%) people,
  • those who received a certificate with honors (with a gold medal) - 151 (31% of the total number of students enrolled),
  • those who received a diploma with honors – 4 (0.8% of the total number of students enrolled),
  • 46 (9.4%) people received a gold TRP badge.

A total of 66 foreign citizens were enrolled, of which:

General medicine - 43 people

Pediatrics - 4 people

Dentistry – 17 people

Pharmacy - 2 people

Citizens from 16 countries are enrolled.

2. Turkmenistan

3. Tajikistan

4. Uzbekistan

5. Azerbaijan

7. Kyrgyzstan

8. Moldova, republic

9. Cameroon

10. Ukraine

11. Armenia

12. Belarus

13. Palestine

14. Israel

15. Cape Verde

16. Latvia

For residency training programs:

A total of 289 people were enrolled, of which:

On a budget basis – 182 (plan fulfillment 100%)

For places within the target admission quota – 112

For main places within the CCP – 70

On a contract basis – 107 people

Among the residents of the Tver region and the city of Tver - 172 people

According to targeted admission from among residents of the Tver region - 81 people

For postgraduate study programs

39 people applied

22 applications for the budget form

37 applications for contractual training

  • of which 27 applications were for absentee

Everyone successfully passed the exams and entered the Graduate School.


Admission of students to the 1st year in 2018

(as of 08/17/2018)


Budgetary basis

Contractual basis



General Medicine




Nursing (Bachelor's Degree),

part-time and part-time education

Total for specialties/areas of HE training

Target admission in 2018

Name and code of specialty

Customer of targeted training

Seats allocated


Passing score

General Medicine

DZ Bryansk region

DZ Kostroma region

Ministry of Health of the Moscow region

Ministry of Health of the Tver region

Ministry of Labor of Russia (ITU Main Bureau for the Tver Region)


DZ Bryansk region

Ministry of Health of the Kaluga Region

DZ Kostroma region

Ministry of Health of the Tver region

Ministry of Health of the Tula region


Remote control of the Vladimir region administration

Ministry of Health of the Kaluga Region

DZ Kostroma region

Ministry of Health of the Moscow region

State Committee for Healthcare and Pharmacy of the Pskov Region

Ministry of Health of the Tver region

Ministry of Health of the Tula region


Ministry of Health of the Tver region

Competition and passing score in 2018 (general competition)

Competition and passing score in 2018 (agreement)

Results of admission of students to the 1st year in 2018

A total of 486 people from among the citizens of the Russian Federation were enrolled, of which:

  • for places within the target figures for the admission of citizens to study at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget - 325 (plan - 325 places);
  • for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services - 161 people.

Applicants from 34 regions - constituent entities of the Russian Federation are enrolled in the 1st year.

At the same time, from among the residents of the Tver region and the city of Tver - 188 people (38.8% of the total admission), incl. for targeted admission from among the residents of the Tver region - 89 people (of which 80 are under an agreement on targeted admission with the Ministry of Health of the Tver region from 19 municipalities of the Tver region).

In total, 145 people were enrolled under targeted admission based on 11 agreements with 8 regions - constituent entities of the Russian Federation, FMBA, FSIN and the Ministry of Labor of Russia (ITU Main Bureau for the Tver Region).

Among those enrolled:

  • within a special quota (subject to benefits) – 5 (1.0%) people,
  • those who received a certificate (diploma) with honors (with a gold medal) - 161 (33.2% of the total number of students enrolled),
  • 41 (8.5%) people received a gold TRP badge.

In addition, 60 foreign citizens from 14 countries were enrolled in the 1st year (of which: 52 - for places under agreements for the provision of paid educational services, including 5 compatriots (Ukraine), 2 - on a budgetary basis (compatriots) and 6 for budget places - in the areas of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia). Admission of foreign citizens continues until November 1. Citizens from 14 countries are enrolled.

Enrolled in target places in 2018

Enrolled from among residents of the Tver region and the city of Tver - 188 people (38.8% of the total admission), incl. for targeted admission from among the residents of the Tver region - 89 people (of which 80 are under an agreement on targeted admission with the Ministry of Health of the Tver region).

Enrolled in residency programs

In residency programs in 35 specialties, the following were enrolled: in total - 297 people, of which on a budgetary basis - 158 people - 100% fulfillment of the plan (including within the framework of targeted admission - 78 people), on a contract basis - 111 people from among citizens Russian Federation and 28 foreign citizens.

163 people were enrolled in residency programs from among residents of the Tver region and the city of Tver, incl. for targeted admission from among residents of the Tver region - 47 people (100% implementation of the plan).


Dear applicants and all interested parties!

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the results of the 2017 admissions campaign.

Applications submitted (as of the deadline for accepting applications on August 6, 2017):

To the main places within the control figures:

General medicine - 1066

Pediatrics - 749

Dentistry - 689

Pharmacy - 296

For places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services:

General Medicine - 582

Pediatrics - 369

Dentistry - 410

Pharmacy - 131

Admission of students for 1thcourse at 2017 year

(as of 08/15/2017)



Budget form


Contract form







General Medicine




Total for specialties/areas of HE training

Target admission in 2017

Name of the subject of the Russian Federation / executive body / single-industry municipal formation of the Tver region

Competition by specialty
1 Bryansk region 14 14 (100%) 1,1-1,3
2 Vladimir region 2 2 (100%) 2,0
3 Vologda Region 4 4 (100%) 1,0
4 Kaluga region 4 2 (50,0%) 0-2,0
5 Kostroma region 9 5 (55,6%) 0-1,0
6 Moscow region 35 24 (68,6%) 0,5-0,8
7 Novgorod region 2 2 (100%) 1,0
8 Pskov region 7 7 (100%) 1,0
9 Tver region 80 80 (100%) 1,0-1,1
10 Tula region 13 12 (92,3%) 0,8-7,0
11 Yaroslavl region 2 2 (100%) 1,0
12 Federal Medical and Biological Agency 14 8 (57,1%) 0-1,2
13 Federal Penitentiary Service 4 4 (100%) 1,0
14 Urban settlement - Western Dvina 1 0 -
15 Urban settlement - Kuvshinovo 1 1(100%) 1,0
16 Urban settlement - Udomlya 1 0 -
17 Urban settlement - village. Zharkovsky 1 0 -
18 Urban settlement - village. Kalashnikovo 1 1(100%) 1,0
19 Urban settlement - village. Spirovo 1 1(100%) 1,0
20 Great October urban settlement 1 1(100%) 1,0

TOTAL 197 169 (85,8%) 0-7,0

Competition and passing score in 201 7 year (general competition)

Competition and passing score in 201 7 year (contract)

Results of student admission for 1stthcourse at 2017 year

Total Enrolled481 people, of which:

· for places within the target figures for the admission of citizens to study at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget - 335 (plan - 335 places);

· places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services - 146 people.

By target reception based 20 contracts with 11 regions - constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 7 single-industry municipalities of the Tver region, FMBA and the Federal Penitentiary Service, 169 people were enrolled.

Enrolled in target places

Tver– 198 people, incl. by targeted reception from among the residents Tver region- 89 people.


· from 29 regions - constituent entities of the Russian Federation,

· within a special quota (subject to benefits) – 6 people (1.8%),

· those who received a certificate (diploma) with honors (with a gold medal) - 167 (34.9%) of the total number of students enrolled,

· received a gold TRP badge – 21 (4.4%) people.

Enrolled in residency and postgraduate programs

For residency programs: in total - 227 people, of which on a budgetary basis - 108 people (including within the framework of targeted admission - 78 people), on a contract basis - 119 people.

Enrolled from among residents of the Tver region and the city.Tver– 133 people, incl. by targeted reception from among the residents Tver region- 55 people.

For postgraduate programs: in total - 35 people, of which on a budgetary basis (full-time education) - 8 people, on a contract basis - 27 people (including full-time education - 1 person, part-time education - 26 people).

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the results of the 2017 admissions campaign.

Applications submitted (as of the deadline for accepting applications on August 6, 2017):

To the main places within the control figures:

General medicine - 1066

Pediatrics - 749

Dentistry - 689

Pharmacy - 296

For places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services:

General Medicine - 582

Pediatrics - 369

Dentistry - 410

Pharmacy - 131

Admission of students for 1thcourse at 2017 year

(as of 08/15/2017)



Budget form


Contract form







General Medicine




Total for specialties/areas of HE training

Target admission in 2017

Name of the subject of the Russian Federation / executive body / single-industry municipal formation of the Tver region

Competition by specialty
1 Bryansk region 14 14 (100%) 1,1-1,3
2 Vladimir region 2 2 (100%) 2,0
3 Vologda Region 4 4 (100%) 1,0
4 Kaluga region 4 2 (50,0%) 0-2,0
5 Kostroma region 9 5 (55,6%) 0-1,0
6 Moscow region 35 24 (68,6%) 0,5-0,8
7 Novgorod region 2 2 (100%) 1,0
8 Pskov region 7 7 (100%) 1,0
9 Tver region 80 80 (100%) 1,0-1,1
10 Tula region 13 12 (92,3%) 0,8-7,0
11 Yaroslavl region 2 2 (100%) 1,0
12 Federal Medical and Biological Agency 14 8 (57,1%) 0-1,2
13 Federal Penitentiary Service 4 4 (100%) 1,0
14 Urban settlement - Western Dvina 1 0 -
15 Urban settlement - Kuvshinovo 1 1(100%) 1,0
16 Urban settlement - Udomlya 1 0 -
17 Urban settlement - village. Zharkovsky 1 0 -
18 Urban settlement - village. Kalashnikovo 1 1(100%) 1,0
19 Urban settlement - village. Spirovo 1 1(100%) 1,0
20 Great October urban settlement 1 1(100%) 1,0

TOTAL 197 169 (85,8%) 0-7,0

Competition and passing score in 201 7 year (general competition)

Competition and passing score in 201 7 year (contract)

Results of student admission for 1stthcourse at 2017 year

Total Enrolled481 people, of which:

· for places within the target figures for the admission of citizens to study at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget - 335 (plan - 335 places);

· places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services - 146 people.

By target reception based 20 contracts with 11 regions - constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 7 single-industry municipalities of the Tver region, FMBA and the Federal Penitentiary Service, 169 people were enrolled.

Enrolled in target places

Tver– 198 people, incl. by targeted reception from among the residents Tver region- 89 people.


· from 29 regions - constituent entities of the Russian Federation,

· within a special quota (subject to benefits) – 6 people (1.8%),

· those who received a certificate (diploma) with honors (with a gold medal) - 167 (34.9%) of the total number of students enrolled,

· received a gold TRP badge – 21 (4.4%) people.

Enrolled in residency and postgraduate programs

For residency programs: in total - 227 people, of which on a budgetary basis - 108 people (including within the framework of targeted admission - 78 people), on a contract basis - 119 people.

Enrolled from among residents of the Tver region and the city.Tver– 133 people, incl. by targeted reception from among the residents Tver region- 55 people.

For postgraduate programs: in total - 35 people, of which on a budgetary basis (full-time education) - 8 people, on a contract basis - 27 people (including full-time education - 1 person, part-time education - 26 people).