Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Volga Region State University of Service"
International name

Volga Region State University of Service


In life, choose a landmark: school - PVGUS - the whole world!

Year of foundation

Higher education institution


12 thousand people


1 (Customs)

Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Postgraduate studies

9 scientific specialties


over 300, 70% of teachers have academic degrees and titles

Legal address

445677, Tolyatti, st. Gagarina, 4


Gold medal "European quality", Gold medal "European quality" in the nomination "100 best universities in Russia"

Coordinates: 53°30′42.16″ n. w. /  49°24′58.54″ E. d. 53.511711° s. w.53.511711 , 49.416261

49.416261° E. d.(G) (O) (I)

Volga State University of Service

The dynamic development of the Volga Region State University of Service indicates the high intellectual, material and information potential of the university and the ability to successfully train professionals of a new formation. The Volga Region State University of Service today is one of the most famous and prestigious universities in the Volga region, as well as a recognized leader of domestic higher education in the field of service, which determines the trajectory of its development in accordance with the trends of Russian and world higher professional education.


The Volga Region State University of Service was founded in Togliatti, Samara Region in 1981. Over the thirty-year period of its development, the university has become a leading educational and research center for training personnel for the service sector in the Volga region.
Stages of development of the Volga State University of Service:

  • 1981 - 1993 - Togliatti branch of the Moscow Technological Institute (TfMTI).
  • 1993 - Tolyatti branch of the State Academy of Consumer Affairs and Services.
  • 1993 - 2002 - Povolzhsky Technological Institute of Service (PTIS).
  • 2002 - 2004 - State educational institution of higher professional education “Tolyatti State Institute of Service” (TGIS).
  • 2004 - 2006 - State educational institution of higher professional education “Tolyatti State Academy of Service” (TGAS).
  • 2006 - 2008 - State educational institution of higher professional education “Tolyatti State University of Service” (TSUS).
  • 2008 - State educational institution of higher professional education "Volga State University of Service" (PVGUS).
  • Since 2011 - federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Volga Region State University of Service".


The Tolyatti branch of the Moscow Technological Institute was opened. Ievlev V.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor, was appointed director. The first intake of students in the specialty 1753 “Organization and regulation of labor” and 1727 “Accounting” was carried out in the amount of 200 people.


The time of formation of the branch, the formation of the teaching staff and the material and technical base. In 1986, the number of first-year students was 400, and the preparatory department was 75 people. The total number of specialists is 246 people. The teaching staff of the branch is 78 full-time teachers, of which 29 are candidates of science.


The structure of the branch and its faculties is being improved, some departments are being renamed, merged and divided. In 1988, the TFMTI sports complex with a total area of ​​1600 m2, equipped with a complex of exercise equipment, volleyball and basketball courts, was put into operation. In 1990, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor G.K. Kryukov was elected to the position of director of the branch. In 1991, the Togliatti branch of MIT celebrated its 10th anniversary. The structure of the branch for this period is 5 faculties and 14 departments.


The university continues to develop and is gaining strength: its structure is stabilizing, the level of education is noticeably increasing, students are more actively involved in scientific work, taking prizes in competitions and olympiads, human resources are growing qualitatively, and the material and technical base is being strengthened. The first intake of students on a commercial basis was carried out. A faculty of retraining and professional training of personnel in economic, technological, social and service profiles has been opened. In October 1993, the branch was renamed the Volga Technological Institute of Service (PTIS). In 1995, the construction of a new educational and laboratory building (now the main building) of the institute on the street was completed. Gagarin - 4, started in 1990. The PTIS Lyceum was opened, a faculty of continuous and extra-budgetary training was created. In 1995, L.I. Erokhina, Ph.D., Associate Professor, was elected to the position of rector of the institute. By 1996, PTIS had four academic buildings, a sports complex, and a student dormitory.


On the basis of PTIS, a regional educational and methodological complex was created, which included: Socio-economic, Polytechnic, Chemical and Technological colleges, technical lyceums in Togliatti, as well as the PTIS lyceum. PTIS representative offices were opened in the cities of Zhigulevsk, Syzran, Novokuibyshevsk, and Otradny.


In November 2002, by order of the government of the Russian Federation, the Volga Technological Institute of Service from a branch of the Moscow State University of Service (MGUS) was reorganized into an independent university - the Togliatti State Institute of Service (TGIS). The informatization of the institute continues, a corporate computer network has been created that unites the main structural divisions of the university. The institute's computer base includes about 350 Pentium class computers. TGIS is an active participant in the target program “Informatization of the education system of the Samara region.”


In 2003, the teaching staff of TGIS numbered 199 people, of whom 119 had an academic degree or academic title, 15 were doctors of science. 6,015 students study at TGIS. Order No. 1529 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated April 8, 2004. The state educational institution of higher professional education "Togliatti State Institute of Service" was renamed into the state educational institution of higher professional education "Togliatti State Academy of Service".


New structural divisions are being created at the Academy. The department of pre-university preparation in 2005 is headed by T.V. Trifonova. Department of distance learning under the leadership of Klimova L.A. The head of the block of pre-university and additional education becomes the Vice-Rector for Additional Education and Communications, Ph.D. Associate Professor Vakhtina M.A. In January 2006, by Order No. 5 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 17, 2006. The state educational institution of higher professional education "Togliatti State Academy of Service" was renamed into the state educational institution of higher professional education "Togliatti State University of Service".


The most significant event in 2007 was the receipt by the Tolyatti State University of Service of a certificate of compliance of the quality management system with the requirements of the GOST R ISO 9001-2001 standard. On November 7, 2007, the doors of the new university library opened. The university received spacious and comfortable book depositories, places for readers equipped with a PC, a modern media center with 24 workstations, updated rooms for educational and humanitarian literature, and a cozy room for scientific work. In May 2008, according to order No. 462 dated May 15, 2008. Federal Agency for Education, Tolyatti State University of Service was renamed to Volga State University of Service. Abbreviated name - PVGUS. In English – state government higher educational institution “Volga Region State University of Service”.


On June 20, 2009, a solemn ceremony of awarding the laureates of the “Gold Medal “European Quality” competition took place in St. Petersburg.


On September 1, 2009, an institute of correspondence education was established at PVGUS. On the basis of the institute, work with the regions is coordinated. The regional network of the university covers the entire Volga region, the university has representative offices in the cities of Ulyanovsk, Penza, Saratov and Samara regions. In 2009, PVGUS was the first among the city’s universities to recruit applicants from among graduates of the 9th grade of secondary schools to study under the secondary vocational education (SVE) program. Since 2009, the university has been an active participant in the National Scientific-Educational Innovation-Technological Consortium of Service Universities of the Russian Federation, the main task of which is to modernize education in the service sector and integrate it into the international educational process.


In 2010, the Regional Competition of Young Designers "ARBUZ" was held for the fifth time, organized by the Volga State University of Service. The traditional partners of the competition are the Regional Branch of the Union of Designers of Russia and the Automotive Design Department of JSC AVTOVAZ. ARBUZ-2010 was timed to coincide with the all-Russian celebration of the 65th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, and the theme of the competition was VICTORY! The university successfully implements the concept of level education: in 2010, the Volga Region State University of Service for the first time recruited students for master’s programs. In November 2010, the university’s quality management system was recertified for compliance with the requirements of the GOST R ISO 9001-2008 (ISO 9001:2008) standard.”


In 2011, the university celebrated its thirtieth anniversary with a series of scientific and cultural events: conferences and forums, presentations and competitions, exhibitions of the achievements of students and teachers, citywide sporting events, an exhibition of works by artists and designers of the university, and the publication of monographs. In August 2011, the faculty of secondary vocational education appeared in the structure of the university. In December 2011, the university successfully passed the inspection control of the quality management system for compliance with the requirements of the GOST R ISO 9001-2008 (ISO 9001:2008) standard.”

Institutes and faculties

Institute of Economics

Director of the Institute of Economics, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor Kara Anna Nikolaevna. He has been working at the University since 1984.

The Institute of Economics (IE) was created by order of the rector of the university No. 16/03 dated January 23, 2006 on the basis of the oldest and most prestigious faculty, in order to improve the skills of specialists and meet the regional need for specialists with higher education in the field of economics, management, marketing, management, finance, accounting, commerce and computer science. Today, with changes in economic relations in the country and the needs of the real economy, IE retains its leadership in the university in terms of the popularity of specialties and the demand for specialists.

The Institute of Economics includes: department for organizing the educational process; department for monitoring the quality of mastering basic educational programs.

The Institute of Economics includes seven graduating departments:

  • "Economics and Management"
  • "Economy, organization and commercial activity"
  • "Applied computer science in economics"
  • "Management"
  • "Accounting, analysis and audit"
  • "Finance and Credit"
  • "Economics and foreign economic activity"

and one serving department:

  • "Applied mathematics and computer science"

There are 1,733 full-time students, which is more than 60% of those studying at the university, and a 95th study group has been formed. 78% of the teaching staff of the Institute of Economics have academic degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences. The average age of employees at the Institute of Economics is 41 years. During the training period, students have ample opportunities to engage in research work under the guidance of experienced and qualified teachers, and participate in scientific, theoretical and practical conferences. The topics of final qualifying works of the Institute of Economics correspond to the modern level of training of highly qualified economists, regional characteristics of the enterprise, current issues of state activity, and market trends. Students' classes are held in classrooms and laboratories that meet modern requirements for their condition and level of material and technical support. Information technologies occupy an important place in the system of training specialists in various specialties and specializations. In order to provide IE students with practical work experience in their chosen profession, the institute provides them with internship positions at enterprises and service organizations.

IE students have the opportunity to engage in research work and continue their training in master's and postgraduate studies at PVGUS. The long-term educational base of the Institute of Economics ensures highly qualified training of students and their constant demand in the labor market. Graduates of the institute work at large industrial enterprises of the city: at OJSC AVTOVAZ, ToAZ, CJSC Togliattikhleb, and occupy senior positions in banking structures such as Sberbank of the Russian Federation, CB Solidarity, NTB, CB " FIA-Bank”, “GAZ-Bank”, work in the City Duma and the mayor’s office of the city of Tolyatti.

Institute of Tourism and Social Technologies

Director of the Institute of Tourism and Social Technologies, Candidate of Social Sciences, Associate Professor Yuri Aleksandrovich Treskov. The Institute of Tourism and Social Technologies (ITiST) was created by the decision of the Academic Council of TSUS (now PVGUS) and approved by order of the rector No. 03/03 dated January 10, 2007. The opening of the institute was predetermined by the increased need in the social sphere, in particular the tourism industry, for highly qualified personnel. Working with people requires a certain universalization of knowledge and practical skills. Tourism is currently one of the most highly profitable sectors of the economy, an important factor in the development of both the country as a whole and individual regions in particular. But its development is impossible without high-quality training of specialists. This confirms and justifies the increased social demand of society for graduates of the Institute of Tourism and Social Technologies. The institute was created on the basis of the departments “Social and cultural service and tourism” (training specialists for the hospitality industry has been conducted since 1996) and “Social technologies” (training specialists in social work - since 1994). The total number of full-time students studying at the Institute is over 700 students. The Institute of Tourism and Social Technologies employs 69 highly qualified teachers, 70% of them have academic degrees and associate professor titles, 18% have a doctorate degree.

Institute of Correspondence Studies

Director of the Institute of Correspondence Education Oleg Vladimirovich Zimovets. Distance learning at PVGUS is a competent training of professionals ready to work and study! Graduates of secondary schools and secondary specialized educational institutions can receive correspondence higher education at the institute, and graduates of higher educational institutions can receive a second higher education in an accelerated form of education. Correspondence studies include sessions twice a year for 20 days - in the winter and spring-summer periods. In the period between sessions, every last week of the month, orientation sessions are held, during which lectures and practical classes are held, consultations are held on writing coursework and tests. The curriculum for distance learning at the university is structured in such a way that students studying in this form take a full course in selected areas (specialties), as in the full-time department.

The leading teaching staff of the university works in the correspondence department. Correspondence students are provided with a set of educational and methodological materials for the successful acquisition of knowledge in the stated disciplines. The university website contains all the necessary information, which allows the student to receive information without leaving home, via the Internet. The correspondence education system involves passing final state exams and defending final qualifying papers at the end of training. Graduates receive a state diploma of higher education. This form is suitable for those who are highly motivated to receive an education, who want to apply their knowledge in practice while still studying, who know how to organize their time and study disciplines independently.

Faculty of Design and Applied Arts

Dean of the Faculty of Design and Applied Arts Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Alexey Gennadievich Krasnov. The Faculty of Design and Applied Arts (FDiPI) was created by order of the rector of the university No. 130/03 dated June 22, 2007 on the basis of the Faculty of Social Technologies and Design (FSTiD) in order to improve the skills of specialists and meet the regional need for specialists with higher education in the field of design and decorative arts - applied arts.

Tracing the history of the formation and development of the faculty, it should be noted that it takes its origins from the Faculty of Art and Technology, organized in 1986 with two departments: “Artistic design and clothing modeling” and “Technology and clothing design”. The paradox was that it was decided to organize the department of artistic design and clothing modeling in the city, where at that time there was only one fashion designer with a higher specialized education - Nina Ivanovna Nadeina.

Over the years, the faculty has undergone significant evolution. Its history included difficulties in the early years, the discovery of new specialties, thesis defenses, exhibitions, competitions, and, of course, victories.

The first defense of diploma projects in the specialty “Artistic design and modeling of textile and light industry products” took place in 1991.

In 1992, on the initiative of the faculty teacher Alexander Ivanovich Zolotarev, the training of industrial design specialists began, the first intake of which was carried out in the targeted direction from AVTOVAZ and with the direct participation of the head of the Style Center of the Scientific and Technical Center of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant M.V. Demidovtseva. Thanks to the versatility of the curriculum, industrial design became the basis for the further development of the faculty in terms of organizing training in other design specialties, which made it possible to respond to the changing demands of the labor market.

In 1997, students were recruited for training in the specialty “Interior and Equipment”, and in 1999 – for the specialty “Graphic Design”.

In 1998, the faculty opened the specialty “Decorative and Applied Arts”, specialization – “Artistic wood processing”.

Since 2003, the faculty was one of the first at the university to begin training bachelors in the field of study “Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Crafts.”

Faculty of Information and Technical Services

Dean of the Faculty of Information and Technical Services Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Ivanov Viktor Vasilievich

The Faculty of Information and Technical Services (FITS) was organized in 1984 on the basis of the Faculty of Mechanics and Radio Engineering. At that time, the faculty included one graduating department - “Radio Engineering”, which was supposed to provide training for radio engineers. The first graduation of students in specialty 0701 “Radio Engineering” took place in 1987. The first graduation of full-time students in specialties 2806 “Design of garments according to orders of the population” and 2804 “Manufacture and repair of knitted products according to orders of the population” took place in 1993. The first graduation of students in specialty 0569 “Machines and apparatus of light industry” took place in 1989.

Currently, FITS is a strong, dynamically developing department of the university. The main task of the faculty is to educate and prepare for the Volga region a new generation of modern-minded, educated and professionally trained young people who are able to accept the situation and be leaders.

The ITS Faculty includes 3 graduating departments:

  • "Information and electronic service"
  • "Service of technical and technological systems"
  • “Quality management and technology in service”

and 3 service departments:

  • "Higher Mathematics"
  • "Modern Natural Science"
  • “General professional and technical disciplines.”

There are 683 full-time students. At the faculty, more than 65% of the teaching staff have an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences and more than 12% with an academic degree of Doctor of Science.

Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education

Dean of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education Safarova Irina Mikhailovna Studying at the university in secondary vocational education programs is:

  • obtaining education at a higher educational institution, from highly qualified teachers - candidates and doctors of science;
  • a unique opportunity to further obtain higher education without the Unified State Exam in a shortened period;
  • scientific and active extracurricular activities.

Advantages of this program:

  • obtaining a state diploma of secondary vocational education in the chosen specialty from a prestigious university;
  • continuation of studies at the Volga Region State University of Service to obtain higher professional education in the chosen field of study in a shortened period of 3 years with the issuance of a state diploma of higher professional education.

Admission to vocational education programs is carried out on the basis of intra-university testing.

Department of extracurricular activities for work with students

Department of extracurricular activities for work with students of PVGUS is a professional team that has been organizing active and interesting leisure activities for students for many years.

Every year, OVDS PVGUS organizes more than 130 events for university students. The unforgettable “Initiation as a Student,” the colorful “Student’s Day,” the multi-genre arts festival “Student Spring,” and the touching “Graduation Evening” make the lives of thousands of students bright and eventful. In addition to official events, the department holds creative competitions where everyone can show their talents: “Voice of the University”, “Muse of Dance”, “STEM Cup”, “Miss PVGUS”, “PVGUS Billiards Cup”. OVDS PVGUS sporting events are held at a high level: “Fun Races”, “PVGUS Olympics”, “Women’s Football” and many others. And civil-patriotic events attract students from all over the city with their relevance: campaigns against smoking and AIDS, “Give children joy” and others. The information center based on the OVDS PVGUS regularly delivers information to students about student life through the Service Plus newspaper, electronic and SMS mailings.

Also on the basis of OVDS PVGUS there are: a tourist club, whose participants regularly go hiking along the best routes of the Samara region and take prizes in all-Russian competitions; a student scientific society that helps students engage in science, participate in various educational seminars, implement their scientific projects, and win grants. The doors of OVDS are always open to students: talented and creative students can become the stars of any event, and active and enterprising students can try themselves in organizing it. Each student has a chance to demonstrate their abilities, and at the same time receive the honorary titles “Student of the Year”, “Head of the Year”, “Athlete of the Year”, and after five years of conscientious study and active student life, become an “Honorary Student of the Service University”!

Sports and entertainment event "Fun Races"

PVGUS buildings

Main building of PVGUS

The main building of PVGUS is located at the address: Togliatti, st. Gagarina 4

Main building of PVGUS

Inner courtyard of the main building of PVGUS

Building of the Faculty of Design and Applied Arts

The building of the Faculty of Design and Applied Arts is located at the address: Tolyatti, st. Gorkogo 34

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Volga Region State University of Service"
International name

Volga Region State University of Service


In life, choose a landmark: school - PVGUS - the whole world!

Year of foundation

Higher education institution


12 thousand people


1 (Customs)

Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Postgraduate studies

9 scientific specialties


over 300, 70% of teachers have academic degrees and titles

Legal address

445677, Tolyatti, st. Gagarina, 4


Gold medal "European quality", Gold medal "European quality" in the nomination "100 best universities in Russia"

Coordinates: 53°30′42.16″ n. w. /  49°24′58.54″ E. d. 53.511711° s. w.53.511711 , 49.416261

49.416261° E. d.(G) (O) (I)

Volga State University of Service

The dynamic development of the Volga Region State University of Service indicates the high intellectual, material and information potential of the university and the ability to successfully train professionals of a new formation. The Volga Region State University of Service today is one of the most famous and prestigious universities in the Volga region, as well as a recognized leader of domestic higher education in the field of service, which determines the trajectory of its development in accordance with the trends of Russian and world higher professional education.


The Volga Region State University of Service was founded in Togliatti, Samara Region in 1981. Over the thirty-year period of its development, the university has become a leading educational and research center for training personnel for the service sector in the Volga region.
Stages of development of the Volga State University of Service:

  • 1981 - 1993 - Togliatti branch of the Moscow Technological Institute (TfMTI).
  • 1993 - Tolyatti branch of the State Academy of Consumer Affairs and Services.
  • 1993 - 2002 - Povolzhsky Technological Institute of Service (PTIS).
  • 2002 - 2004 - State educational institution of higher professional education “Tolyatti State Institute of Service” (TGIS).
  • 2004 - 2006 - State educational institution of higher professional education “Tolyatti State Academy of Service” (TGAS).
  • 2006 - 2008 - State educational institution of higher professional education “Tolyatti State University of Service” (TSUS).
  • 2008 - State educational institution of higher professional education "Volga State University of Service" (PVGUS).
  • Since 2011 - federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Volga Region State University of Service".


The Tolyatti branch of the Moscow Technological Institute was opened. Ievlev V.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor, was appointed director. The first intake of students in the specialty 1753 “Organization and regulation of labor” and 1727 “Accounting” was carried out in the amount of 200 people.


The time of formation of the branch, the formation of the teaching staff and the material and technical base. In 1986, the number of first-year students was 400, and the preparatory department was 75 people. The total number of specialists is 246 people. The teaching staff of the branch is 78 full-time teachers, of which 29 are candidates of science.


The structure of the branch and its faculties is being improved, some departments are being renamed, merged and divided. In 1988, the TFMTI sports complex with a total area of ​​1600 m2, equipped with a complex of exercise equipment, volleyball and basketball courts, was put into operation. In 1990, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor G.K. Kryukov was elected to the position of director of the branch. In 1991, the Togliatti branch of MIT celebrated its 10th anniversary. The structure of the branch for this period is 5 faculties and 14 departments.


The university continues to develop and is gaining strength: its structure is stabilizing, the level of education is noticeably increasing, students are more actively involved in scientific work, taking prizes in competitions and olympiads, human resources are growing qualitatively, and the material and technical base is being strengthened. The first intake of students on a commercial basis was carried out. A faculty of retraining and professional training of personnel in economic, technological, social and service profiles has been opened. In October 1993, the branch was renamed the Volga Technological Institute of Service (PTIS). In 1995, the construction of a new educational and laboratory building (now the main building) of the institute on the street was completed. Gagarin - 4, started in 1990. The PTIS Lyceum was opened, a faculty of continuous and extra-budgetary training was created. In 1995, L.I. Erokhina, Ph.D., Associate Professor, was elected to the position of rector of the institute. By 1996, PTIS had four academic buildings, a sports complex, and a student dormitory.


On the basis of PTIS, a regional educational and methodological complex was created, which included: Socio-economic, Polytechnic, Chemical and Technological colleges, technical lyceums in Togliatti, as well as the PTIS lyceum. PTIS representative offices were opened in the cities of Zhigulevsk, Syzran, Novokuibyshevsk, and Otradny.


In November 2002, by order of the government of the Russian Federation, the Volga Technological Institute of Service from a branch of the Moscow State University of Service (MGUS) was reorganized into an independent university - the Togliatti State Institute of Service (TGIS). The informatization of the institute continues, a corporate computer network has been created that unites the main structural divisions of the university. The institute's computer base includes about 350 Pentium class computers. TGIS is an active participant in the target program “Informatization of the education system of the Samara region.”


In 2003, the teaching staff of TGIS numbered 199 people, of whom 119 had an academic degree or academic title, 15 were doctors of science. 6,015 students study at TGIS. Order No. 1529 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated April 8, 2004. The state educational institution of higher professional education "Togliatti State Institute of Service" was renamed into the state educational institution of higher professional education "Togliatti State Academy of Service".


New structural divisions are being created at the Academy. The department of pre-university preparation in 2005 is headed by T.V. Trifonova. Department of distance learning under the leadership of Klimova L.A. The head of the block of pre-university and additional education becomes the Vice-Rector for Additional Education and Communications, Ph.D. Associate Professor Vakhtina M.A. In January 2006, by Order No. 5 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 17, 2006. The state educational institution of higher professional education "Togliatti State Academy of Service" was renamed into the state educational institution of higher professional education "Togliatti State University of Service".


The most significant event in 2007 was the receipt by the Tolyatti State University of Service of a certificate of compliance of the quality management system with the requirements of the GOST R ISO 9001-2001 standard. On November 7, 2007, the doors of the new university library opened. The university received spacious and comfortable book depositories, places for readers equipped with a PC, a modern media center with 24 workstations, updated rooms for educational and humanitarian literature, and a cozy room for scientific work. In May 2008, according to order No. 462 dated May 15, 2008. Federal Agency for Education, Tolyatti State University of Service was renamed to Volga State University of Service. Abbreviated name - PVGUS. In English – state government higher educational institution “Volga Region State University of Service”.


On June 20, 2009, a solemn ceremony of awarding the laureates of the “Gold Medal “European Quality” competition took place in St. Petersburg.


On September 1, 2009, an institute of correspondence education was established at PVGUS. On the basis of the institute, work with the regions is coordinated. The regional network of the university covers the entire Volga region, the university has representative offices in the cities of Ulyanovsk, Penza, Saratov and Samara regions. In 2009, PVGUS was the first among the city’s universities to recruit applicants from among graduates of the 9th grade of secondary schools to study under the secondary vocational education (SVE) program. Since 2009, the university has been an active participant in the National Scientific-Educational Innovation-Technological Consortium of Service Universities of the Russian Federation, the main task of which is to modernize education in the service sector and integrate it into the international educational process.


In 2010, the Regional Competition of Young Designers "ARBUZ" was held for the fifth time, organized by the Volga State University of Service. The traditional partners of the competition are the Regional Branch of the Union of Designers of Russia and the Automotive Design Department of JSC AVTOVAZ. ARBUZ-2010 was timed to coincide with the all-Russian celebration of the 65th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, and the theme of the competition was VICTORY! The university successfully implements the concept of level education: in 2010, the Volga Region State University of Service for the first time recruited students for master’s programs. In November 2010, the university’s quality management system was recertified for compliance with the requirements of the GOST R ISO 9001-2008 (ISO 9001:2008) standard.”


In 2011, the university celebrated its thirtieth anniversary with a series of scientific and cultural events: conferences and forums, presentations and competitions, exhibitions of the achievements of students and teachers, citywide sporting events, an exhibition of works by artists and designers of the university, and the publication of monographs. In August 2011, the faculty of secondary vocational education appeared in the structure of the university. In December 2011, the university successfully passed the inspection control of the quality management system for compliance with the requirements of the GOST R ISO 9001-2008 (ISO 9001:2008) standard.”

Institutes and faculties

Institute of Economics

Director of the Institute of Economics, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor Kara Anna Nikolaevna. He has been working at the University since 1984.

The Institute of Economics (IE) was created by order of the rector of the university No. 16/03 dated January 23, 2006 on the basis of the oldest and most prestigious faculty, in order to improve the skills of specialists and meet the regional need for specialists with higher education in the field of economics, management, marketing, management, finance, accounting, commerce and computer science. Today, with changes in economic relations in the country and the needs of the real economy, IE retains its leadership in the university in terms of the popularity of specialties and the demand for specialists.

The Institute of Economics includes: department for organizing the educational process; department for monitoring the quality of mastering basic educational programs.

The Institute of Economics includes seven graduating departments:

  • "Economics and Management"
  • "Economy, organization and commercial activity"
  • "Applied computer science in economics"
  • "Management"
  • "Accounting, analysis and audit"
  • "Finance and Credit"
  • "Economics and foreign economic activity"

and one serving department:

  • "Applied mathematics and computer science"

There are 1,733 full-time students, which is more than 60% of those studying at the university, and a 95th study group has been formed. 78% of the teaching staff of the Institute of Economics have academic degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences. The average age of employees at the Institute of Economics is 41 years. During the training period, students have ample opportunities to engage in research work under the guidance of experienced and qualified teachers, and participate in scientific, theoretical and practical conferences. The topics of final qualifying works of the Institute of Economics correspond to the modern level of training of highly qualified economists, regional characteristics of the enterprise, current issues of state activity, and market trends. Students' classes are held in classrooms and laboratories that meet modern requirements for their condition and level of material and technical support. Information technologies occupy an important place in the system of training specialists in various specialties and specializations. In order to provide IE students with practical work experience in their chosen profession, the institute provides them with internship positions at enterprises and service organizations.

IE students have the opportunity to engage in research work and continue their training in master's and postgraduate studies at PVGUS. The long-term educational base of the Institute of Economics ensures highly qualified training of students and their constant demand in the labor market. Graduates of the institute work at large industrial enterprises of the city: at OJSC AVTOVAZ, ToAZ, CJSC Togliattikhleb, and occupy senior positions in banking structures such as Sberbank of the Russian Federation, CB Solidarity, NTB, CB " FIA-Bank”, “GAZ-Bank”, work in the City Duma and the mayor’s office of the city of Tolyatti.

Institute of Tourism and Social Technologies

Director of the Institute of Tourism and Social Technologies, Candidate of Social Sciences, Associate Professor Yuri Aleksandrovich Treskov. The Institute of Tourism and Social Technologies (ITiST) was created by the decision of the Academic Council of TSUS (now PVGUS) and approved by order of the rector No. 03/03 dated January 10, 2007. The opening of the institute was predetermined by the increased need in the social sphere, in particular the tourism industry, for highly qualified personnel. Working with people requires a certain universalization of knowledge and practical skills. Tourism is currently one of the most highly profitable sectors of the economy, an important factor in the development of both the country as a whole and individual regions in particular. But its development is impossible without high-quality training of specialists. This confirms and justifies the increased social demand of society for graduates of the Institute of Tourism and Social Technologies. The institute was created on the basis of the departments “Social and cultural service and tourism” (training specialists for the hospitality industry has been conducted since 1996) and “Social technologies” (training specialists in social work - since 1994). The total number of full-time students studying at the Institute is over 700 students. The Institute of Tourism and Social Technologies employs 69 highly qualified teachers, 70% of them have academic degrees and associate professor titles, 18% have a doctorate degree.

Institute of Correspondence Studies

Director of the Institute of Correspondence Education Oleg Vladimirovich Zimovets. Distance learning at PVGUS is a competent training of professionals ready to work and study! Graduates of secondary schools and secondary specialized educational institutions can receive correspondence higher education at the institute, and graduates of higher educational institutions can receive a second higher education in an accelerated form of education. Correspondence studies include sessions twice a year for 20 days - in the winter and spring-summer periods. In the period between sessions, every last week of the month, orientation sessions are held, during which lectures and practical classes are held, consultations are held on writing coursework and tests. The curriculum for distance learning at the university is structured in such a way that students studying in this form take a full course in selected areas (specialties), as in the full-time department.

The leading teaching staff of the university works in the correspondence department. Correspondence students are provided with a set of educational and methodological materials for the successful acquisition of knowledge in the stated disciplines. The university website contains all the necessary information, which allows the student to receive information without leaving home, via the Internet. The correspondence education system involves passing final state exams and defending final qualifying papers at the end of training. Graduates receive a state diploma of higher education. This form is suitable for those who are highly motivated to receive an education, who want to apply their knowledge in practice while still studying, who know how to organize their time and study disciplines independently.

Faculty of Design and Applied Arts

Dean of the Faculty of Design and Applied Arts Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Alexey Gennadievich Krasnov. The Faculty of Design and Applied Arts (FDiPI) was created by order of the rector of the university No. 130/03 dated June 22, 2007 on the basis of the Faculty of Social Technologies and Design (FSTiD) in order to improve the skills of specialists and meet the regional need for specialists with higher education in the field of design and decorative arts - applied arts.

Tracing the history of the formation and development of the faculty, it should be noted that it takes its origins from the Faculty of Art and Technology, organized in 1986 with two departments: “Artistic design and clothing modeling” and “Technology and clothing design”. The paradox was that it was decided to organize the department of artistic design and clothing modeling in the city, where at that time there was only one fashion designer with a higher specialized education - Nina Ivanovna Nadeina.

Over the years, the faculty has undergone significant evolution. Its history included difficulties in the early years, the discovery of new specialties, thesis defenses, exhibitions, competitions, and, of course, victories.

The first defense of diploma projects in the specialty “Artistic design and modeling of textile and light industry products” took place in 1991.

In 1992, on the initiative of the faculty teacher Alexander Ivanovich Zolotarev, the training of industrial design specialists began, the first intake of which was carried out in the targeted direction from AVTOVAZ and with the direct participation of the head of the Style Center of the Scientific and Technical Center of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant M.V. Demidovtseva. Thanks to the versatility of the curriculum, industrial design became the basis for the further development of the faculty in terms of organizing training in other design specialties, which made it possible to respond to the changing demands of the labor market.

In 1997, students were recruited for training in the specialty “Interior and Equipment”, and in 1999 – for the specialty “Graphic Design”.

In 1998, the faculty opened the specialty “Decorative and Applied Arts”, specialization – “Artistic wood processing”.

Since 2003, the faculty was one of the first at the university to begin training bachelors in the field of study “Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Crafts.”

Faculty of Information and Technical Services

Dean of the Faculty of Information and Technical Services Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Ivanov Viktor Vasilievich

The Faculty of Information and Technical Services (FITS) was organized in 1984 on the basis of the Faculty of Mechanics and Radio Engineering. At that time, the faculty included one graduating department - “Radio Engineering”, which was supposed to provide training for radio engineers. The first graduation of students in specialty 0701 “Radio Engineering” took place in 1987. The first graduation of full-time students in specialties 2806 “Design of garments according to orders of the population” and 2804 “Manufacture and repair of knitted products according to orders of the population” took place in 1993. The first graduation of students in specialty 0569 “Machines and apparatus of light industry” took place in 1989.

Currently, FITS is a strong, dynamically developing department of the university. The main task of the faculty is to educate and prepare for the Volga region a new generation of modern-minded, educated and professionally trained young people who are able to accept the situation and be leaders.

The ITS Faculty includes 3 graduating departments:

  • "Information and electronic service"
  • "Service of technical and technological systems"
  • “Quality management and technology in service”

and 3 service departments:

  • "Higher Mathematics"
  • "Modern Natural Science"
  • “General professional and technical disciplines.”

There are 683 full-time students. At the faculty, more than 65% of the teaching staff have an academic degree of Candidate of Sciences and more than 12% with an academic degree of Doctor of Science.

Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education

Dean of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education Safarova Irina Mikhailovna Studying at the university in secondary vocational education programs is:

  • obtaining education at a higher educational institution, from highly qualified teachers - candidates and doctors of science;
  • a unique opportunity to further obtain higher education without the Unified State Exam in a shortened period;
  • scientific and active extracurricular activities.

Advantages of this program:

  • obtaining a state diploma of secondary vocational education in the chosen specialty from a prestigious university;
  • continuation of studies at the Volga Region State University of Service to obtain higher professional education in the chosen field of study in a shortened period of 3 years with the issuance of a state diploma of higher professional education.

Admission to vocational education programs is carried out on the basis of intra-university testing.

Department of extracurricular activities for work with students

Department of extracurricular activities for work with students of PVGUS is a professional team that has been organizing active and interesting leisure activities for students for many years.

Every year, OVDS PVGUS organizes more than 130 events for university students. The unforgettable “Initiation as a Student,” the colorful “Student’s Day,” the multi-genre arts festival “Student Spring,” and the touching “Graduation Evening” make the lives of thousands of students bright and eventful. In addition to official events, the department holds creative competitions where everyone can show their talents: “Voice of the University”, “Muse of Dance”, “STEM Cup”, “Miss PVGUS”, “PVGUS Billiards Cup”. OVDS PVGUS sporting events are held at a high level: “Fun Races”, “PVGUS Olympics”, “Women’s Football” and many others. And civil-patriotic events attract students from all over the city with their relevance: campaigns against smoking and AIDS, “Give children joy” and others. The information center based on the OVDS PVGUS regularly delivers information to students about student life through the Service Plus newspaper, electronic and SMS mailings.

Also on the basis of OVDS PVGUS there are: a tourist club, whose participants regularly go hiking along the best routes of the Samara region and take prizes in all-Russian competitions; a student scientific society that helps students engage in science, participate in various educational seminars, implement their scientific projects, and win grants. The doors of OVDS are always open to students: talented and creative students can become the stars of any event, and active and enterprising students can try themselves in organizing it. Each student has a chance to demonstrate their abilities, and at the same time receive the honorary titles “Student of the Year”, “Head of the Year”, “Athlete of the Year”, and after five years of conscientious study and active student life, become an “Honorary Student of the Service University”!

Sports and entertainment event "Fun Races"

PVGUS buildings

Main building of PVGUS

The main building of PVGUS is located at the address: Togliatti, st. Gagarina 4

Main building of PVGUS

Inner courtyard of the main building of PVGUS

Building of the Faculty of Design and Applied Arts

The building of the Faculty of Design and Applied Arts is located at the address: Tolyatti, st. Gorkogo 34

  • University Events (News)
  • PVGUS - 35 years
    1. For educational programs implemented in accordance with the State Standards:
    • specialty - 5 years (full-time study), 5.5 years (correspondence course).

    Education at the university is carried out in the forms provided for by federal state educational standards for areas of training (specialties), on a budgetary and extra-budgetary basis, in Russian. University educational programs can be implemented partially or completely in foreign languages.

    The admission process for studying, reinstating and transferring students is organized by the university. More than 66% of whom have academic degrees and titles are involved in the preparation of undergraduate and graduate students and the scientific supervision of postgraduate students at the university.

    FSBEI HE "PVGUS" is the largest scientific center in the Volga region on socio-economic problems in the service sector, annually carrying out dozens of research projects. The foundation of the successful scientific and educational activities of the Volga Region State University of Service is. Every year, the university hosts several dozen scientific and innovative events: conferences, master classes and seminars with the participation of representatives of the scientific community, business and public organizations of the city, region, Russia and foreign countries.

    The university specializes in such a priority area of ​​development as the service sector, which includes modern service technologies in industry, economics, information, communication and socio-cultural environment. The university’s development strategy is based, first of all, on interaction with research centers and enterprises in high-tech industries in Russia and other countries.

    The University is actively developing partnerships with Russian and foreign universities, research centers. Cooperation agreements are signed annually, within the framework of which information is exchanged on the organization of educational and methodological work, joint research is carried out, and student exchange programs are organized. Students and teachers take part in Russian and international conferences, festivals, competitions, forums, Olympiads, and workshops. PVGUS has developed close ties with the National Art Academy (Bulgaria, Sofia), the Kazakhstan Head Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Omsk State Technical University, South Ural State University (NRU) , Don State Technical University and others.

    On the basis of PVGUS, the Volga region branch of the interregional public scientific and educational organization “National Academy of Tourism” operates, the chairman of which is the rector of PVGUS, Doctor of Economics, Professor L. I. Erokhina.

    An important area of ​​interaction between enterprises and PVGUS is the creation of training centers for training and retraining of personnel. The university provides retraining for employees of large enterprises in the city, including OJSC AVTOVAZ; retraining of Russian experts using the CCI-Expert system; advanced training of real estate specialists under the program of the Russian Guild of Realtors. Also, advanced training of education workers in the Samara region is being carried out according to programs for modernizing the regional education system. To intensify activities in this direction, programs of additional professional education have been developed, providing for closer relationships with enterprises and organizations.

    The university has a modern facility for ensuring the educational process, in the improvement of which significant funds are regularly invested. The university has automated all basic student support processes. Electronic communication technologies make it possible to conduct educational activities online and provide remote access to educational content. The university has achieved a high degree of involvement in the virtual space: from any of more than 900 computers of the FSBEI HE "PVGUS" you can access the Internet and the university intranet; students are provided with unlimited Internet access via a local network and wireless access.

    Scientific library PVGUS operates on the principle of an open system for providing the educational process with information based on free access for students, graduate students, teachers to printed and electronic documents and a successfully functioning. The library's collections include more than 850 thousand printed publications and about 7,000 electronic documents.

    The social and cultural environment of the service university is formed by a comfortable dormitory for nonresident students, 3 student cafes, a disease prevention department, security and access control in all buildings and buildings of the educational organization, and modern sports infrastructure. The university creates a “barrier-free environment” and ensures accessibility to professional education and training.

    Student life at the university is presented brightly and diversely; every year the Center for Extracurricular Activities of the FSBEI HE "PVSUS" organizes more than 130 events: student holidays, competitions, themed parties and much more.

    The Monitoring, Practical Training and Employment Department organizes training and