190 g almond flour (ground almonds), 190 g sugar, 240 g egg white (remember, not a drop of yolk should get into the white, be careful!) and 10 g cornstarch (if you don’t have it, you can leave it out) . We will also need high-quality baking paper! Mine is siliconized.

We draw circles on baking paper: 4 circles with a diameter of 16 cm are placed on my baking sheet. Turn on the oven to preheat to 160 degrees (by the way, my oven has a minimum temperature of 180, but it still works out).

Let's make the dough!

Transfer the egg whites (240 g) into a mixing bowl. Beat until fluffy foam.

Then add sugar (190 g) in 2-3 additions and beat until strong peaks form.

Add 190 g of almond flour mixed with starch.

Gently but quickly, so that the whites do not fall off, knead the dough (by this time the oven should already be heated and the parchment should be lined). IMPORTANT! If you want to make larger circles and in larger quantities, I highly recommend kneading the dough several times. Ideally, for each volume that you can fit in the oven, you need to knead the dough separately, because it falls very quickly!

For example, for this cake I got 10 layers in total, I baked one at a time, and besides, I was distracted by filming the process, and the dough partially fell off (That’s why I wholeheartedly recommend that you knead exactly as much dough as will fit in your oven within once so that the dough does not have to wait! Perhaps the ingredients given here should be divided into two batches: be guided by your oven.

Let's bake cakes!

Place the dough in a pastry bag and draw circles on the paper from the edge to the center, then smooth them out with a spatula. Place in the oven until golden brown (this may take from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on your oven).

Cool the finished cakes on a flat surface (otherwise the cake will be crooked) and remove from the parchment.

Let's prepare the cream!

We will need: milk (250 g), sugar (40-50 g), yolks (65 g), corn starch (18 g), butter (70-100 g) at room temperature, vanilla extract (a drop). This amount of cream is just enough for me, and if you want to generously coat the cake and sides, you can prepare 1.5 servings.

Heat the milk in a saucepan.

In a separate bowl, mix the yolk with sugar, add starch.

I put less sugar (30-40 g), because personally, it’s already very sweet for me because of the cake layers. But if you are preparing a cake for those with a sweet tooth (in fact, this cake is just for them :)), you can add more sugar.

Pour part of the warm milk (a third) into the yolk mixture and stir well.

Return the milk-yolk mixture to the saucepan and simmer over low heat until thickened. If you get lumps, don’t be afraid: you can then punch them out with a blender or rub them through a sieve. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature.

If lumps form, beat with a blender. Add oil and stir thoroughly. The amount of oil depends on your preference: if you want a thicker cream, add more oil.

Let's start assembling the cake!

To assemble (inside) the cake we will need 2/3 or a little more of the cream, the rest will be used for coating.

Grease the cake with a small amount of cream. Cover with the second cake layer, put cream on it again, etc. No magic)

If you are in doubt about how much cream to put on each cake, you can immediately distribute the entire amount among the cakes and simply stack them on top of each other.

Do not grease the top cake! And one more thing: for the top, choose the smoothest and most beautiful cake)

Cover the side of the cake with the remaining cream. Place in the refrigerator for several hours to soak.

Let's decorate!

For decoration we will need: white chocolate (50 g), cream (25 g), dark or milk chocolate (30 g), almond petals (50 g).

Melt white chocolate with cream in a water bath, stir until smooth. For some reason the mixture turned out to be thick, but it’s not scary) Grease the top.

Using melted dark chocolate (through a cornet or pastry bag), we place a spiral on top from the center to the edges. Using a toothpick we make a branded mesh.

My chocolate didn't seem to melt well, so I couldn't pipe it out neatly, and the line was either thick or thin. If the same thing happened to you, then don’t be upset, because...

... you can do the decor “the other way around”! I took a spatula (spatula) and used it to smooth the dark chocolate over the surface, and on top of the white chocolate (I checked that it was well melted) I applied a spiral from the center to the edges.

Then take a toothpick and make 4 strokes, from the center to the edges. To the north, south, west and east :) You will get 4 segments. Now in each segment we make a stroke from the edge to the center and we see such a mesh!)

At your request, you can make more sectors, i.e. initially not 4, but 6 strokes.

Sprinkle the sides of the cake with almond shavings and put the cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to completely soak it.

After this time, we take out the cake, pour tea or coffee and... enjoy!

Bon appetit!

Cake Recipes

Step-by-step classic recipe with video of Esterhazy cake, how easy it is to prepare and bake it at home. How to make or replace almond flour

3 hours

400 kcal

4.82/5 (17)

Kitchen appliances and utensils: baking paper, pastry bag with thick and thin nozzles, mixer, spatula, strainer.

For some reason I associate the word Esterhazy with the East or the Caucasus. Actually it's surname Hungarian count family, famous large landowners. One of the representatives of this family, Pal Antal Esterhazy, was a diplomat at the Hungarian embassy in the 19th century. The Esterhazy cake is named after him, which, like the Kiev cake for Kyiv, is the hallmark of Germany, Austria and Hungary.

In its classic form, Esterhazy cake (sometimes this name is transformed in the popular consciousness into Esterheiser or Esterhaze) is a crispy protein-almond cake with a light cinnamon aroma, smeared with custard butter cream with a cherry flavor. The cake is decorated with petals from almond nuts on the sides and a delicate cobweb along the milky white top. This exquisite In appearance and taste, this confectionery work of art can easily become a decoration for any holiday table.

My family, guests and colleagues are always happy when I treat them to such a delicacy.

General composition of necessary products

Eggs8 pcs.
Almond flour250 g
Cinnamon0.5 tsp.
Vanilla sugar1 tsp.
Sugar150 g
Powdered sugar20 g
Flour3 tbsp. l.
Coconut milk50 g
Cow's milk150 ml
Condensed milk200 g
Cream 33%50 g
Butter200 g
Cherry liqueur50 g
Almond flakes50 g
Apricot jam60 g
White chocolate1 tile
Dark chocolate1 tile

Preparing crust dough


  • egg whites – 8 pcs;
  • almond flour – 250 gr;
  • sugar – 150 gr;
  • cinnamon – 0.5 tsp;
  • salt - a pinch.

We will start preparing the cakes by drawing on parchment paper templates for future cakes. To do this, draw a pencil around the lid of the pan, plate or bottom of the mold with the desired size. Typically 18 to 24 cm. I do 21 cm. Usually two cake layers are placed on one oven sheet. So we must have three sheets paper and six circles. We put the finished templates aside and take up the dough.

How to replace almond flour

We will need:

  • nuts (walnuts or hazelnuts) – 150 g;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l.

Baking cakes

We bake the remaining 4 cakes in the same way. Such cakes are also used to prepare. While the cakes are baking, let's make the cream.

Cake cream

In the original recipe, the cream uses cherry vodka and praline. We will replace praline with condensed milk, and vodka with cherry liqueur or liqueur. The filling will not suffer from this.

We will need:

  • flour - 3 tbsp. l;
  • milk –150 ml;
  • coconut milk – 50 g;
  • condensed milk – 200 g;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • cherry liqueur – 50 g;
  • egg yolks – 5 pcs.

Tell me, do you have a cake that you like, but which you consider the most difficult to prepare? For a long time, Esterhazy was such a cake for me. One of my husband’s favorite cakes, because inside there is meringue or, to put it fashionably and correctly, “dacquoise”. We usually ordered this cake if we planned to eat dessert for two, and I don’t know why it scared me so much, but I didn’t dare to make it for a very long time. Although in the end this is a fairly simple cake, and it cooks very quickly! Nevertheless, I don’t make this cake often, and I had the desire to repeat it back in November while studying at Chefshows by Novikov, where this cake was part of the program.

I made the cake according to the recipe Maria Selyanina, and Maria, in turn, prepared this cake according to a recipe from the book by Karl Schumacher. I made my changes and below I will give the recipe the way I prepared it. On Maria's page you can find the original recipe and also notes about what substitutions she made.

This cake turns out moderately sweet, the cakes do not get soggy and remain a little crispy, as it should be for dacquoise. The most important thing when making dacquoise, as in making Pavlova cake, is to beat the meringue correctly and not beat it! And then carefully mix in the nuts so that the mass remains fluffy and you don’t “kill” all the air in the meringue. If you did everything correctly, then when you deposit the cakes using a round attachment, everything will turn out evenly, and the dough will not spread. The cakes will become slightly beige in color during baking and once they have cooled, they will be easy to separate from the mat. If during baking your sugar is cut off and turns into syrup, it means you added the sugar incorrectly: you either poured it in too quickly or didn’t finish the meringue.

The cream, despite the rather large amount of butter, turns out to be very velvety, delicate and with a very delicate hazelnut flavor. In my cream, I emphasized it by adding, in addition to hazelnut paste, Hazelnut liqueur with cognac. It appeared to me completely by accident. You don't have to use cognac at all. Instead of hazelnut paste, use ground hazelnuts. Just be sure to warm the nuts in the oven or in a frying pan before chopping. This will enhance the taste and aroma of the hazelnuts. By the way, during the course, this is exactly how we made hazelnut flour from nuts, both for cakes and for cream.

I also added a mixture of almond and hazelnut flour to the cakes. Although the original recipe only uses almond. And here you can also use not flour, but ground nuts yourself! It will be even tastier for dacquoise!

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For a cake with a diameter of 18 cm

For the cakes:

  • 250 g egg whites
  • 250 g sugar
  • 250 g ground almonds (I used 150 g almond flour and 100 g hazelnut flour)

For cream:

  • 300 ml milk
  • 75 g sugar
  • 10 g vanilla sugar
  • (or 85 g sugar + vanilla bean)
  • 30 g yolks
  • 35 g starch
  • 375 g butter
  • 80 g hazelnut paste (or ground hazelnuts)
  • 30 ml hazelnut cognac liqueur

For decoration:

  • Confectionery fondant (I replaced it with white and dark chocolate)
  • Almond petals


Preparing the cakes:

  1. Beat egg whites at room temperature until the mixture becomes fluffy and fairly dense. It is very important that at this stage you do not have any liquid portion of the protein left at the bottom of the bowl.
  2. When the whites have beaten to the desired consistency, gradually add all the sugar and beat the whites at medium-high speed. Beat until thick and shiny.
  3. When the whites and sugar are beaten, add ground almonds in parts (I use a mixture of almond and hazelnut flour) and carefully mix in the nuts so as not to “kill” the whites and the dough remains fluffy.
  4. Pipe cakes with a diameter of 18 cm using a round attachment. You can use a stencil or pipe round cakes into a ring like I did.
  5. Then the cakes should be sprinkled with powdered sugar and left for 10-15 minutes. After this time, sprinkle with powder again and bake at 170C for 25 minutes.
  6. When the cakes are ready and still hot, carefully remove them from the mat or baking paper and leave to cool further. The cakes will become harder, this is normal.

Preparation of cream:

  1. Combine the yolk, sugar, vanilla sugar and starch together. Heat the milk, but do not bring it to a boil. Then, stirring constantly, pour in the hot milk and stir the mixture of milk and yolk so that there are no lumps left.
  2. Return the mixture to the heat and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil and thicken the cream. Transfer the custard to the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment or regular hand mixer beaters. And stir the cream at low speed so that it cools faster.
  3. When the custard has cooled to room temperature, begin to gradually add the butter. The butter should also be slightly softened and at room temperature. After each addition of oil, let it mix in thoroughly. The consistency of the cream should be smooth and dense.
  4. When all the oil has been added, add hazelnut paste (or ground lightly toasted hazelnuts).

Cake assembly:

  1. We reserve the smoothest cake for the top.
  2. Place a little cream on a base or plate (on which you will assemble the cake), and put the cake on top. This must be done so that your cake “sticks” to the base and does not move off it.
  3. It will be most convenient to assemble the cake in a ring, lined with acetate film (also called border tape).
  4. Place cake, cream, cake one by one. There should be 6 cakes in total. Level the top of the cake (this will be especially easy if the cake is the height of the border, my cake was 6 cm high). And leave the cake to cool for several hours.
  5. After the cake has hardened well, you can remove the film and start decorating. To create a traditional decoration on the top of the cake, I melted white and dark chocolate. I covered the entire cake on top with white chocolate, then immediately made lines with dark chocolate (I poured the melted chocolate into a pastry bag and made a small hole) and then just as quickly drew lines up and down with a stick.
  6. Decorate the sides of the cake with roasted almond petals.

I’ll say right away: I know that I forgot to finish drawing the classic pattern of the Esterhazy cake... I came to my senses when everything, i.e. chocolate and icing, already frozen! In addition to movements from the center to the edges, it was necessary to make them in the opposite direction - from the edge to the center.

Before trying to bake this cake, I looked through many recipes in magazines and on the Internet ("cooking workshop", on the website of pastry chef Alexander Seleznev, in live magazines, etc.) I realized that there is no single recipe, and the true one is completely classified, Moreover, there are still debates about the origin of this cake... I settled on the composition that I saw from A. Seleznev.

I used to think that only almonds were used for the Esterhazy cake, but it turned out that almost any nuts and even assorted ones are suitable. I have an assortment: hazelnuts are added to the meringue cake, and walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds and apricot kernels are added to the nut caramel.

The cake was intended for my husband's birthday, and everyone in the household is unanimous in the opinion that it is too sweet! Even sweeter than, which is also made from meringue, butter cream and nuts.

To prepare my version of the Esterhazy cake, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

The first step is to prepare the custard, which will be an ingredient in the main cream. To do this, place a saucepan with milk, half the sugar and a vanilla pod (or vanilla sugar) on the stove, bring to a boil and remove.

Grind the yolks with the rest of the sugar, flour and starch.

Pour a third of the milk into the yolk mixture, stir and return the resulting mixture to the milk while stirring.

Then you need to continue cooking the cream until thickened, stirring.

Leave the resulting cream to cool. If you don't like cakes decorated with sugar icing, you can set aside a little of this cream and cover the surface of the cake with it instead of icing.

For nut caramel, mix nuts with sugar and fry in a frying pan until the sugar melts into caramel.

The process went wrong for me, I was afraid that it would burn, so I didn’t melt all the sugar - so I sent it to harden on a flat dish, any flat surface that is easy to clean will do.

To grind cooled nuts in sugar, I recommend using a deep saucepan and the immersion attachment of a blender. To prevent crumbs from scattering, cover the top with a towel.

The nut caramel crumble is ready. You need to divide it into two halves: one will go into the main cream, the second - for sprinkling the cake. The part that will go into the cream needs to be continued to be crushed so that it becomes more paste-like.

Stir the custard into the hazelnut caramel spread, then add the softened butter and beat well for at least five minutes.

Place the resulting base cream in the refrigerator.

For meringue cakes, of which it is advisable to get six pieces, prepare the protein-nut mixture in 2 or 3 batches, i.e. depending on how many cakes will be baked at one time.

First, beat the egg whites until fluffy, then add sugar in portions and continue beating for about 10 minutes. The mass will be thick, and resistance should be felt when whipping. Gently stir chopped nuts into the protein mixture. There are less than 200 grams...

Using a pastry bag or just a spoon, apply the protein-nut mixture of the desired shape (round or other) onto baking paper. Using light movements, smooth to a thin crust and bake in a preheated oven at 160 degrees for about 30 minutes.

After baking, turn the cakes over along with the baking paper so that it is on top and remove it.

Some recipes for the Esterhazy cake have a layer of apricot jam or jam, some do not... Next time, if I bake this cake again, I will skip the jam. In the meantime, I quickly made jam from nectarines and sugar and crushed it in a blender.

To make the glaze, mix the liquid and powdered sugar. The traditional liquid is lemon juice, but water, milk or alcohol are possible. Take about a tablespoon of liquid and add powdered sugar in portions until it thickens to the desired consistency.

For decoration, chocolate can simply be immediately melted in a plastic plastic bag, the tip of which can then be cut off.

When all the preparatory steps are completed, start assembling the cake. Spread each egg white cake with a portion of the main cream.

Spread the top layer with additional jam.

Apply glaze to the jam. Again, next time I'll skip the jam and use a dollop of light colored custard instead of frosting!

When the glaze begins to set, apply chocolate stripes to its surface, for example in a circle or parallel to each other.

Then, using a knife or thin stick, make movements from the center to the edges, which I did, and in the opposite direction - from the edges to the center, which I forgot about...

Sprinkle the sides of the cake with caramel nut crumbs. There are options when sprinkled with almond petals. In my opinion, the taste of almond petals will be lost in such a sweet cake, i.e. they will be more suitable for the version that has no jam and no glaze and is completely almond-based.

A variation of the Esterhazy cake is ready. Before serving, it must be cooled and stored in the refrigerator.

Enjoy your tea!

Delicious cake with butter custard

  • 200 g proteins (~6 pieces)
  • 200 g nuts (I used hazelnuts)
  • 130 g sugar
  • 15 g flour
  • a pinch of salt
  • 200 g butter
  • 120 g boiled condensed milk
  • 200 ml milk
  • 2 yolks
  • 40 g sugar
  • 20 g flour
  • 10 g vanilla sugar
  • 100 g white chocolate
  • 4-6 tbsp. l. cream
  • 0.3 tsp. gelatin (2 g)
  • 30 g dark chocolate
  • almond petals

For my husband's recent birthday, I prepared the cake he had asked for the day before - Esterhazy. As always, popular recipes, like the Esterhazy cake, do not have any classic recipe, but there may be variations. But usually this is a base of baked cakes based on nut meringue, and the cream is butter with the addition of custard and boiled condensed milk. You can use nuts according to your taste and availability, initially they were prepared with almonds, I have a positive attitude towards almonds, but I wanted something more expressive, so I chose the more expressive hazelnuts)) You can also cook with walnuts, it will also be excellent, and quite budget. Whatever nuts you choose, they must be fresh and of high quality. The cream is not difficult to prepare, everything else is too, I will describe everything in detail in the recipe.
And now, of course, about the result, the cake turned out to be very, very tasty, the structure is soft, soaked, slightly viscous, the taste is vanilla-caramel-creamy with a delicious hint of roasted hazelnuts! This is not a soft mousse-sponge cake that melts in your mouth, no, this cake is completely different, more substantial, rich, with butter cream, but it is simply delicious. Very tasty, I am very pleased, all the guests also appreciated it!
P.S. By the way, although the cake is similar in ingredients, it tastes completely different))


Let's prepare the nuts.
I prefer to buy hazelnuts unroasted and roast them myself in the oven. The fact is that roasted nuts are stored much worse, so there is a high probability of getting a rancid and low-quality product in the store. I advise you to take 250 g of hazelnuts (or other nuts of your choice) with a reserve.
Place the hazelnuts on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.
Cook for 5-8 minutes (I cooked for 8 minutes). Be very careful as the nuts may burn quickly. When the skin is well cracked and darkened, it means they are ready.

Cool and peel the nuts. Check for low-quality dark specimens.

Finely chop the nuts, add flour and a pinch of salt.

Beat the whites thoroughly until stiff, gradually adding sugar. Sufficiently whipped is when the whites do not fall out when you turn the bowl over.

Add the chopped nuts, gently stir them in with a spatula from bottom to top, being careful not to settle the mixture.

You need to bake 8 cakes; to do this, circle a plate with a diameter of 20 cm on baking paper, then turn the sheet over to the other side. There should be four sheets, each with two circles. I advise you to do this in advance.
Spread the dough out and smooth it into thin circles.

Bake in an oven preheated to 160 degrees for about 15-25 minutes.
I baked everything in two batches, four layers at a time, swapping the top and bottom halfway through baking.

Leave the finished cakes for at least a couple of hours to strengthen the structure, then turn them over and carefully separate the paper from them.

Preparing the cream.
Place the yolks, sugar, vanilla sugar, flour in a container, add a little milk, stir well.

Heat the rest of the milk in a thick-bottomed saucepan until hot. Pour it into the yolk mixture, stirring at the same time, then pour it back into the saucepan.
Cook until slightly thickened, stirring all the time with a spatula or whisk.
Cool completely.

Beat the butter until noticeably lightened. The butter should be at room temperature and soft (take it out of the refrigerator in advance).

Then gradually add the custard, whisking until smooth each time.

Add condensed milk, beat.
I used my own can of condensed milk; you can take a ready-boiled one if you are confident in its quality.

This is how the cream turns out. Taste to taste, you can add a little more condensed milk or powdered sugar to taste.

Assemble the cake by coating the layers with cream.

This is how it works.
Place the cake in the refrigerator to soak overnight.

For coating, melt white chocolate in a double boiler or microwave. When melting, my white chocolate turned yellow)) which is absolutely not suitable for a white top, so I gradually added 6 tbsp. l. 20% cream, then the mass became white again. Add the swollen gelatin until it dissolves. Cool.

Drizzle over the cake.

Draw a spiral on top with melted dark chocolate from the cornet.
Then make 8 movements with a toothpick from the center to the edge, and then between them in the middle in the opposite direction, also 8 times. It turns out something like a cobweb. Unfortunately, the white mass quickly froze while I was melting the dark chocolate, and in the end the drawing didn’t look as much like a cobweb as I would have liked((
Therefore, I emphasize that you need to do this right away, without delay, that is, pour the white filling, immediately the chocolate spiral, and immediately draw the lines, that is, you should have everything you need at hand.

Decorate the sides with almond petals.

This is the cut of the cake.

I also decorated the top with sugar beads.
Before serving from the refrigerator, be sure to let the cake warm at room temperature for about 20-30 minutes, this will allow the flavor to develop more fully and the structure to be more tender.
Esterhazy cake has not only an original appearance, but also an excellent taste. Delicious!