A pasta machine as a business idea deserves due attention. This is one of the most economical ways to run a business from home. To start a pasta business using such a machine you will need very little capital, which makes it accessible to everyone. You can start with just $300. The pasta machine itself and the accompanying equipment are relatively cheap. And if you calculate its benefits and profits from such a business, then in the first month you can achieve profitability. The pasta machine comes with various attachments. If you wish, you can buy more of this stuff to expand the range. Before making pasta, you need to learn a simple recipe. Use good quality bread flour as it contains high levels of gluten. This is very important for pasta, because it must have a special texture. This is basically a grade 1 flour. This flour is very soft and has a very fine grind. If you want pasta that is not too hard, then buy regular flour. As for the recipe and ingredients for preparing pasta using a machine, you can additionally use semolina flour, rice flour and egg yolk, according to the recipe. It is also very important to add natural food colors to prepare colored dough. This will help give your pasta some marketability and appeal. Check out the table of natural food colors. You can use those colors and dyes that are convenient for you and always at hand.

The Budget Line produces pasta in any kitchen

Pasta production is a great business idea for minimal investment. Food is a product that will be relevant at all times. Pasta is a very popular product among consumers. Finding customers willing to buy pasta at a reasonable price is quite easy. Pasta products have a fairly long shelf life and do not require special conditions during transportation. Pasta is made mainly from flour and water. Accordingly, the costs are minimal. The business of producing pasta at home is accessible to even the poorest investor. The ease of creating such a business is within the power of housewives. To organize a minimum production line at home, you will need the following equipment:

  1. Pasta machine with dough mixer function.
  2. A sieve for sifting flour.
  3. Oven for drying mascarons.
This is quite enough to start making pasta at home and selling it on the market. There is no need to build a complex business plan here, everything is quite transparent. A bag of class 1 flour can be purchased at a wholesale price of $22, that is, $0.44 per 1 kg. The retail price of pasta on the market is from $0.74/1kg. The estimated profit is 68% of the invested funds.

The principle of operation of the machine in the pasta production process

The pasta machine operates during most stages of production. The dough can be kneaded directly in the machine itself; a simple re-equipment of the equipment will help with this. If you choose the right model, it can be retrofitted with special augers to support the functions of the dough mixer. Once your dough is ready, put it in a cool place for a while. And then you roll the dough into a roller and feed it into the receiving tray of the machine, which has previously been reconfigured for the production of pasta. And you make your own pasta of any shape and complexity. The shape depends on the attachment installed on the machine and your imagination. You can also adjust the length of the product (size) to taste. Semolina flour is used to sprinkle the receiving tray, auger and attachments so that the dough does not stick to the walls of the machine. In order to get the thickest side pasta, you can use a special attachment. In the same way you can prepare noodles, spaghetti and exclusive products.

High productivity pasta machine for small businesses

When you develop a good base of regular customers, find your markets and ways to sell your products, a problem may arise. This is the performance of the line. At this point, you should think about upgrading the production line. You can use a more expensive pasta machine with an excellent performance of 12 kg/hour. A new, productive pasta machine will not only improve product turnover, but will also make your work easier without hiring workers. The Italian brand Marcato Ristorantica produces productive machines for pasta, noodles and spaghetti that operate automatically. Kneading dough, rolling, cutting - all processes are performed automatically, you just need to install attachments, load flour with water and set the necessary parameters (length, thickness, speed, etc.). With such a machine (extruder) you can work in continuous production mode. The cost of productive equipment is quite high – $4375. But on the other hand, there is something to pay for when you already have an established business. The attachments are made of bronze (very easy to clean). The length of the pasta is monitored by a special sensor with a photocell. Rolling and cutting the dough occurs automatically in just 4 minutes. Well, in general, as already mentioned, the productivity is 12 kg. in an hour, and this is already a home mini-factory. As a result, the business idea looks very attractive. Simple business concept, simple business plan. Simple steps to organize production with very little capital investment. The products produced are also attractive, since they are food - an energy resource and a consumable material for humans. But even if problems arise with sales during certain seasons, we can optimistically note the fact that free pasta in the kitchen will not hurt anyone.

No store-bought pasta can compare with homemade noodles. Flour of the highest quality and careful rolling will allow you to make an indispensable addition to aromatic chicken broth.

Rolling out the dough is somewhat difficult due to its rigidity. Having sprinkled it generously, you can roll it up into several folds and continue working. The procedure is repeated, making folds in different places, until the layer becomes transparent. Before cutting, the workpieces can be slightly dried in the oven.

The finished vermicelli must be dried thoroughly, allowing it to sit for at least half an hour. Long-term storage implies fragility of the product.


  • 1 egg
  • 100 ml milk
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 1-1.5 tbsp. wheat flour


1. In Soviet times, pasta was created only from yolks, salt and flour, but such dough was so difficult to roll out that vermicelli became unfairly forgotten and gave way to quick porridges and vegetable side dishes. In order not to bother ourselves with a long roll out of non-plastic dough, we will simply add milk to it, thereby giving it both plasticity and taste! If you have a bread machine, knead the noodle dough in it, while simultaneously adding all the ingredients to the machine’s bowl.

2. If not, then pour wheat flour into a container, making a depression in it, and beat a chicken egg into it, pour in milk and add salt. Knead the dough and let it rest for 15-20 minutes. In a bread machine, this process takes a minimum amount of time.

3. The dough turns out kneaded, dense and elastic.

4. Divide it into two or three parts and roll each of them to the thickness of newspaper into a layer.

5. Cut the layer into strips 1.5-2 cm wide - this width will become the height of the vermicelli, remember this when you cut the strips.

6. Then place the strips one on top of the other and cut into thin, thin cubes - the homemade noodles are completely ready!

7. Now, in order for the cooked pasta to be stored for a long time, it must be thoroughly dried. To do this, pour the vermicelli onto a wide board and spread it over it. Dry in the sun or at room temperature for at least 24 hours, stirring occasionally. You can dry vermicelli in the oven for 1-1.5 hours at 80-100 degrees.

Store the finished semi-finished product in a special container or in a tightly tied bag, using it as needed.

Note to the hostess

1. The key to successful pasta is high-quality flour from a trusted manufacturer. In this case, even from the first grade, you will need only the highest.

2. When you put a tray of noodles in the sun, you definitely need to cover it with something, otherwise dust will inevitably get on the product, insects, and maybe even birds will flock to it. Under the cover of gauze or fine mesh, it will dry perfectly and remain clean, but denser fabric, foil and paper will not provide such conditions, because they will not allow air and sunlight to pass through.

3. Carefully cutting the thinnest dough without deforming the rolled out layer is a difficult task. In such a culinary process, a sharp wheel-shaped knife is indispensable. Its edge can be smooth or jagged. Both options are suitable.

4. To store homemade noodles, it is better to choose a spacious container. The jar should not be filled to the very neck, otherwise its contents in the lower part will crumble under the weight of the top layer. For bulk grocery products, glass containers with screw or ground-in lids are recommended. It is allowed to use food grade plastic, but not metal. It is worth checking periodically to see if moisture has accumulated in the storage.

This is a bit of a time-consuming process and a little more complicated than it looks, but with practice it gets easier.

The photo shows the preparation of pasta from durum wheat, which is a little more difficult. You can take any flour from those suggested below. If you are a beginner, I advise you to start with Italian 00 flour. It is the easiest to work with.

The process itself is the same for dough made from any type of flour. Below I provide the standard proportions of liquid ingredients to flour, but you may need a little more or less of this or that. Since the moisture content of flour changes depending on the humidity in the house, the season and even the shelf life... The ability to determine the desired moisture content of the dough by eye comes with time. Don't be afraid to try. I tried to describe the process as much as possible, but if you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask!

1 egg + 2 yolks + 1 tbsp. water and ¼ tsp. salt for every 160 grams of flour

For Italian wheat flour 00:

3 eggs + 2 yolks and ½ tsp. salt for every 500 grams of flour

For regular wheat flour:

2 yolks+1 tbsp. water and ¼ tsp. salt per 160 grams of flour

There are 2 ways to start the dough: by hand or in a food processor. It's easier in a food processor because it's easier to control and adjust the moisture content of the dough.

So, let's start with the manual one:

1) Place flour on your work surface. Make a hole in the middle and knock the eggs into it. Add water and salt.

2) Gently break the yolks with a fork and stir actively, grabbing a little flour at a time, and so on until you have used all the flour.

3) You should have a stiff dough. Even if at first it seems awkward and too elastic, this will improve after kneading and “resting” the dough.

In a food processor:

1) In a separate bowl, beat the yolks with the egg and water until smooth.

2) Pour flour and salt into a food processor, turn on the processor and add 1 tbsp. egg mixture, turning off the processor from time to time to scrape down the sides of the mixture.

3) The dough ready for further processing should have the consistency of couscous.

If the dough forms a ball or the dough is too wet, add more flour. If too finely grained, add 1 more tablespoon. water, and so on until it reaches the consistency of couscous.

Once you take the crumbs in your hands and squeeze them and the dough easily comes together and holds together, you can start kneading.

4) Knock the crumbs into a ball with your hands, knead them and place them on the work surface.


1) Start kneading the dough, first simply kneading it on all sides. The dough is steep, so you need to make an effort.

2) When the dough has become more elastic, knead as if folding the dough in half and pressing.

You need to knead the dough for 6-8 minutes. If you press the dough with your finger and it returns to its previous shape, the dough is ready.

N.B.: If the dough literally crumbles under your hands, it is too dry. Cover the dough with a damp kitchen towel and let rest for 30 minutes. The dough will absorb moisture. And start kneading this dough again with wet hands. Wet your hands until the dough becomes smooth. (If you try to add water to the dough, it will be a mess).

If the dough is very sticky to your hands, it is too wet. Sprinkle generously with flour and knead.

3) Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate for at least an hour. (Up to 24 hours)

Rolling out the dough:

Place the pasta machine in a place convenient for you.

1) Remove the dough from the refrigerator. Divide the dough into 2 or 3 parts, depending on the quantity. Place one portion on a floured work surface and wrap the rest in cling film.

2) Punch down a piece of dough a little and roll it out with a rolling pin as thinly as possible so that the dough is the width of a pasta machine.

3) Set the machine to the first position (thickest thickness) and pass the dough through.

Then fold the dough in half and pass it through again, fold down. And so 10 times.

If the sheet is too wide, fold it in half widthwise.

4) Set the machine to the next position and, without folding, pass the dough once. And so move from position to position, passing the dough only ONCE without folding. And so on until the desired thickness.

5) Immediately cover the rolled sheet with cling film, as the dough dries quickly.

To make tagliatelle ( Taliagtelle) (width 0.5-0.6 cm)pass through a wide pasta cutter.

For the fettuccine (Fetuccine) (up to 1 cm wide), you will need to cut it with a knife.

T Most of all, with pappardelle (2-3 cm), this is already a wide pasta, it is also tedious to cut with a knife. Sprinkle the dough sheet generously with flour, roll it into a tube and cut to the desired width.

This classic macarons recipe is based on Italian meringue, therefore, to prepare this cake, it is advisable to purchase a pastry thermometer, since it is very important to correctly determine the temperature of the syrup being prepared. Pasta made with Italian meringue is more stable. For French meringue, you do not need to cook the syrup; the whites are simply beaten with sugar.

Precision is important in preparing macarons; every gram of product is worth its weight in gold; be meticulous in weighing the ingredients. Accurate kitchen scales are not a whim, but a strict necessity.

In this case, aromatic ganache is used as a filling; it should be prepared the day before so that the ganache has time to settle and acquire the desired consistency.

So, first you need to mix almond flour and powder. Sift, heat for 3 minutes at 120 degrees.

Then add dye and protein No. 1. It is worth noting that to get a good result, you should not take fresh eggs, the whites must be “aged”, let the whites stand outside the refrigerator for at least a day, be sure to seal the container hermetically so that a crust does not form. In his book “Macaron,” Pierre Hermé advises aging the whites in the refrigerator for one week.

Now you need to boil the syrup. To do this, mix sugar and water and place the pan over medium heat.

Heat to 110-114 degrees.

Separately, start beating egg whites No. 2 until foam appears.
Start pouring the syrup in a thin stream, without touching the walls of the bowl and the mixer whisks, so that the syrup does not splatter. Beat until the meringue cools (7-10 minutes to a temperature of 30-35 degrees).

Mix the almond flour and the entire contents of the bowl. Add the meringue little by little. Knead until a “heavy ribbon” forms, clockwise, while twisting the bowl counterclockwise. Measurement is important here, the main thing is not to overmix; if the ingredients form a homogeneous mass, it flows off like a ribbon, stop kneading immediately.

Fill the pastry bag with a flat round nozzle with a diameter of 8-10 mm. Transfer the dough into a bag. Place the pasta in a checkerboard pattern (this will allow better air circulation and the pasta will bake evenly). To ensure that the macarons are the same size, you can draw circles on parchment paper and place the dough in them. Now there are special silicone mats for macarons; the boundaries of the cake are immediately outlined on them.

After depositing, be sure to tap each side of the baking sheet on the counter several times to spread the dough evenly and remove any tails and excess air. Some masters advise leaving the planted macarons at room temperature for about an hour to allow a crust to form. In my experiments this was not required, the cakes rose, a skirt formed, and the surface was smooth.

Preheat the oven to 145-150 degrees, convection mode (if equipped). Of course, here you need to know your oven thoroughly; you need to bake several times to understand which mode is suitable for baking these French cakes. Bake the pasta for twelve to fourteen minutes: first 7 minutes, and then rotate the baking sheet 180 degrees and bake for the remaining time.

Remove the sheets from the baking sheet after baking, wait until the pieces have cooled, and only then remove them from the paper (or silicone mat). While baking, you can watch the halves rise and form a skirt. If it is not there, then there may be a number of reasons for this: the ingredients were weighed incorrectly, the dough was not kneaded enough (too tight), the baking temperature was low.

Let's prepare the ganache. Grind the raspberries, puree them in a blender, rub them through a sieve, add sugar to taste. Boil the cream, pour it over the dark chocolate, stir. Gently mix with raspberry puree. Beat. Cover with cling film and leave for a day, then the ganache will become plastic and hold its shape well.

Select the size of the pasta halves according to the classic recipe. Fill a pastry bag with ganache, squeeze ganache onto one half, and press down with the other half. It’s delicious to put fresh berries in the center of the filling, it will give a bright taste and aroma.

All types of pasta are the hallmark of Italy.

They are prepared everywhere there.

Each city and province has its own traditional recipe, based on geographical conditions.

On the coast - spaghetti with fish and seafood.

There are only two provinces that are far from the sea, and spaghetti with meat or cheese and vegetables is prepared there. In Italy, cooking is generally simple: if there is no pizza, then they cook spaghetti.

Of course, the radiant climate allows you to add fresh vegetables to this dish all year round. Olives - exotic for the Slavic climate - are an invariable component in almost every Italian dish. If not olives, then olive oil is a must. But sunflower oil or butter goes just as well with pasta.

So in our area, spaghetti dishes have taken root remarkably well, along with the name itself, although no one objects to ordinary noodles either, especially since the dough for it is prepared according to the same principle.

Homemade spaghetti: how to make spaghetti at home - general technological principles

Why cook spaghetti at home when you can buy it in any supermarket? Experts say that fresh, home-cooked pasta is healthier than those sold in stores.

Housewives in Italy prefer to cook their own pasta. They even have special terminology that separates homemade and purchased pasta: secca– dry paste, and fresca- the kind that is prepared at home, from water, olive oil and egg yolks.

Real, dry pasta should consist only of flour and water, but the boiled products should not stick together or fall apart. Transparent yellow spaghetti, in beautiful packages with all sorts of inscriptions, is not necessarily prepared with egg yolks: a beautiful color may indicate that the pasta was dried quickly and at a very high temperature, so the beneficial properties remain in the flour from which it was made very, very little. As you know, vitamins are the first to be destroyed during heat treatment. For example, vitamin B6 contained in flour is destroyed by exposure to sunlight, like other vitamins of the same group. As a result, only carbohydrates are eaten along with such pasta. Properly dried pasta has an almost white color if it does not contain additives from melange, which gives the pasta a yellow color, or for its production, bran is added to durum wheat flour, from which the products acquire a brownish tint. The industry also produces pasta with the addition of spinach, carrots, basil, tomatoes and some other natural additives. This spaghetti can be prepared at home.

There is an opinion that the taste of a finished pasta dish is determined not only by the dough from which the pasta is made, the ingredients and sauce with which it is served, but also by the form of the pasta itself. Even the Italians themselves find it difficult to count the number of types of pasta.

Only long pasta exists more than 10 types, except spaghetti: spaghettini, spagellone, linguine and other forms of long pasta, flat and round.

Such a variety of additives and forms expands the creative possibilities for making homemade spaghetti. How to make spaghetti at home? For this, first of all, in addition to flour and additional ingredients, you will need some equipment. If you want to make pasta yourself, then you should buy a pasta machine - an inexpensive and very convenient device for rolling and cutting dough, which allows you to cope with preparing fresca much faster. In addition, this device allows you to prepare hollow pasta of different diameters. If the meat grinder comes with additional attachments for preparing noodles, this is also a solution to the problem. If pasta is not often on the menu, then a rolling pin and cutting board with a knife will be enough.

For variety and aesthetics, you can purchase knives for figure cutting: this will turn an ordinary and rather boring task into a creative process of preparing homemade spaghetti. How to make spaghetti at home? It's time to talk about the raw materials and recipes for making the dough.

Used to make the best homemade spaghetti durum wheat flour: premium grade, fine grains. The use of flour with a lower fiber content is also allowed, but such products are cooked less than spaghetti made from durum wheat. Pasta dough should be very stiff, with a moisture content of no more than 30%.

Dough prepared on the basis of eggs or only egg yolks, with or without little water, with or without added salt. Using vegetable additives Replace water with juice from carrots, beets, tomatoes, spinach or other vegetables.

Colored spaghetti is a very original and bright ingredient for salads and other pasta dishes. The paste is remarkable because as a component it goes perfectly with almost any product. Just like the number of types of spaghetti themselves, it is difficult to count the number of sauces that go with them, making pasta a varied, new dish every time.

1. Homemade spaghetti recipe: how to make spaghetti at home using egg yolks


Yolks 6 pcs.

Flour, wheat 600 g (+100/150 g for working with dough)


Sift flour onto a work surface and make a well in it. Beat the chicken yolks until volume increases and pour them into the flour, kneading the dough until smooth. Wrap the finished dough in film and leave it on the table for an hour. Sprinkle the table with flour, divide the dough into 2-3 parts and start rolling it out, one very thin layer at a time, not forgetting to cover the remaining pieces with film so as not to dry out prematurely. Dust the surface of the dough with flour while rolling it out until the dough is almost transparent. Flour it once, on both sides, so that the layer does not stick together and roll it into a roll.

Using a sharp knife, cut the entire roll into thin slices. Do the same with the remaining pieces of dough. Unfold the cut strips and hang them to dry. You can use any kitchen items, for example, a stand for kitchen appliances - the main thing is to ensure uniform air access so that the product is dried on all sides. You can leave the spaghetti to dry on the counter, but you will need to turn it over periodically.

Pack the finished spaghetti in film and store it in the refrigerator for no more than a week. In dry freezing mode, provided they are sealed, they can be stored longer, but you need to roll the paste in vegetable oil. Frozen pasta is cooked without defrosting.

2. Homemade spaghetti recipe: how to make spaghetti at home with vegetable additives


Juice of fresh carrots, green basil, tomatoes – 50 ml each (150 ml)

Water 50 ml

Yolks 8 pcs.

Premium flour 1.2 kg (+200 g per mixture)


Divide all the sifted flour into 4 parts and separately knead a stiff dough with each portion, adding water and 2 yolks to one of them, and to the rest - a portion of different juice, also with yolks. Prepare spaghetti as described in the first recipe.

To make the pasta more beautiful, you can use a pasty roller or other cutting tools to cut the curly noodles. Roll the finished semi-finished products into rings and leave to dry in a ventilated area.

From colored paste you can prepare an exquisite side dish for any meat or vegetable dishes, or a salad.

3. Homemade spaghetti recipe: how to make spaghetti at home with tomato and basil


Spicy herbs (basil, parsley)

Spaghetti (or any long pasta) 250 g

Tomato juice (or paste)

Spices: coriander, cloves, pepper, nutmeg, bay leaf

Salt, sugar

Olive oil

Flour (passing)


Brown the flour for sautéing, add butter, ground dry spices and pour in a glass of tomato juice, or replace it with two tablespoons of paste diluted with 150 liters of water. Add a little sugar to the sauce for piquancy. Boil water, salt it and boil the spaghetti. Use a tall pan to avoid breaking the pasta. Drain the finished spaghetti through a colander and place it in a saucepan. Simmer until boiling. Serve with fresh herbs.

4. Homemade spaghetti recipe: how to make spaghetti at home with Bolognese sauce


Garlic 20 g

Spaghetti 400 g

Celery stalk 50-80 g

Onion, chopped 150 g

Carrots, grated 100 g

Meat, minced (pork and beef) 0.5 kg

Oil 70 ml

Tomatoes in their own juice 200 g


Boil spaghetti in salted water and drain. Separately from the vegetables, first simmer the meat and then lightly fry it. Sauté the prepared vegetables in vegetable oil, adding peeled tomatoes into slices at the end. You can use fresh blanched tomatoes. The sauce should not be liquid. Combine the prepared vegetables with chopped meat, season with spices and bring to readiness, simmering the Bolognese for another five minutes. Serve the spaghetti with the hot sauce on top.

5. Homemade spaghetti recipe: how to make spaghetti at home with cheese and eggs


Boiled spaghetti 500 g

Eggs 5 pcs.

Butter, sweet butter 50 g

"Suluguni" 250 g


Line a baking dish with oiled foil. Place the boiled pasta in it and pour the beaten eggs over the mixture. Place the filled pan in the preheated oven, also covering with foil on top, and bake the pasta until the eggs are ready. Tear “Suluguni” into thin threads. Remove the pasta casserole, remove the top layer of foil and sprinkle the dish with cheese. Bake again until golden brown.

6. Homemade spaghetti recipe: how to make spaghetti at home with chicken breast, cheese and mushrooms


Spaghettini, boiled 600 g

Cream 250 ml

Onion, sautéed 100 g

Champignons, fried 300 g

Parmesan 150 g

Boiled chicken breast 0.5 kg

Butter 120 g

Spices, herbs


Bring the cream to a boil. Place sautéed onions and fried champignons in a blender, add spices and grind the ingredients to a paste. Add the crushed mass to the cream and boil the sauce. Cut the breast into large cubes and fry them in butter until golden brown. Place the chicken on top of the pasta, pour the prepared sauce over it and sprinkle with grated cheese.

7. Homemade spaghetti recipe: how to make spaghetti at home with sweet cottage cheese and raisins


Pasta, boiled 250 g

Cottage cheese, whole 200 g

Powdered sugar 50 g

Butter 30 g

Whipped cream 150 g


Place the boiled paste combined with cottage cheese, raisins and powder into a silicone mold greased with oil. Place whipped cream on top in peak shapes and bake until golden brown. Sweet dog can be served with fruit for dessert.

Homemade spaghetti. How to make spaghetti at home: useful tips and tricks

    When buying ready-made pasta, avoid purchasing ringing, bright yellow products: they are dried at high temperatures and do not contain useful substances.

    Well-prepared spaghetti dough should not fall apart when cooked. Good pasta does not need to be rinsed after draining.

    The products are white, but if necessary, you can make them colored: boil them in water colored with fruit or vegetable juices.

    The pasta cooking water is salted before the pasta is added to it.

    Spaghetti made from durum wheat takes longer to cook than products made from lower grade flour.