Biological life on the planet, as is already known, originated in the waters of the World Ocean. But the program for the origin of biological life was introduced by the Fiery Spirit, who soared in the Universe and...

In those ancient, ancient centuries, when the beautiful planet,
The fog embraced me with its embrace,
This story happened
Her fire in the fireplace whispered in my ear.
Then, over young Terra, strong winds rustled,
She slept under the light of the stars, not knowing warmth,
Having fallen asleep on a bed of rays of a woven cradle,
In deep sleep she wove earthly garments for herself.

The planet is young, like a bride of marriageable age,
She was beautiful in immaculate purity,
Like a pearl of great price shone in the universe,
And, immersed in her Light of the Soul, she waited for her beloved.

Well, in the meantime, in the Heavenly Radiant Temple,
The Great Spirit soared in the Fiery Space,
He saw the light of the pearl shining in glory,
And the image of Terra, the young Virgin, delighted him so much!

And at that very moment the Spirit hurried to the edge of the Universe,
And soared over the beautiful, sleeping Terra,
He touched her lips with his fiery breath,
And with a hot kiss he awakened the Feminine Essence in her.

And the Virgin found herself in his fiery embrace,
In her Soul, wonderful feelings, the ocean woke up,
Tears of happiness suddenly flowed from her eyes in a stream,
Filling the vast ocean with healing Amrita.

Since then the lovers have not parted,
They created a new world with their love,
She wove coverings from all the Elements and Kingdoms of Nature,
And He dissolved His Heavenly Fire in each particle.

This is how life began on the blue planet,
Here on earth Fire has manifested itself in various forms,
Like the Spirit, like the Light of all the Stars, Planets, Constellations,
Like the warmth of the Soul, like that fire that always gives life in the flame of a candle!


Myths associated with fire belong to the earliest periods of mythological creativity.

Man became human only through the taming of the most dangerous and purest element, the possession of which provided him with the opportunity to survive in extreme weather conditions and protect himself from predatory animals.
The production and use of fire was the most obvious sign of the transformation of primitive man into homo sapiens. In the mythological consciousness of primitive man, fire was placed in a privileged position in relation to other elements, since the nature of its appearance remained unclear for a long time.

In the fire, ancient man clearly saw the embodiment of the deity, the will of heaven, the pointing finger of God, etc.

The settlement areas of the first wave of Indo-Europeans did not coincide with zones of increased volcanic activity, and therefore the fire had nowhere to come from except from a lightning strike.

Even modern people, armed with scientific and technical knowledge about the nature of electricity, treat lightning with reverence. One can only imagine what kind of sacred awe primitive people experienced at thunderclaps, lightning strikes and the sight of fire emerging from nowhere.


Once upon a time, people did not know fire, did not know crafts, lived in caves and ate raw meat. Then the world was ruled by the Gods who lived on high Olympus, strong and beautiful, omniscient and omnipotent. They had plenty of everything. They believed that all benefits should belong to them alone. And the Olympians had no rivals, except for the more ancient rulers - the titans generated by Earth and Heaven.

The messenger of peace between the gods and the titans who had not yet been defeated was young Prometheus, the son of the freedom-loving titan Iapetus (Iapetus). Prometheus was endowed with a sensitive heart and a brave soul. Prometheus looked with pity at people suffering from cold, disease and ignorance. And he decided to make their life easier, contrary to the will of the gods.

As a messenger of peace, Prometheus ascended Olympus with a rod in his hand. But one day he came with a hollow reed like a rod. Imperceptibly he put a smoldering coal from the hearth of the Gods into the dew bed. He gave fire to people and taught them how to use it: he taught them how to cook food, burn pots and smelt metal.

Zeus once looked at the earth and was surprised. People no longer roamed in herds, but lived as families in huts and houses, mastered the arts, and if not for death, against which they were powerless, they could have been mistaken for gods.
Kronid flew into a rage and summoned his servants Strength and Power. He understood who gave people fire and knowledge against his will and without his knowledge. And he ordered Prometheus to be chained to a rock on the high Mount Ararat. Together with them he sent the forge god Hephaestus.

Hephaestus really didn’t want to carry out his assignment, but Strength and Power were inexorable and watched every move of the blacksmith god. With heavy sighs, Hephaestus chained his friend to the rock. But this was not enough. Zeus ordered Prometheus to be nailed to a rock with an indestructible iron stake. Hephaestus closed his eyes and, without looking, drove the point into Prometheus’s chest.

The titan trembled, but not a single groan escaped his lips. And only when the tormentors left did he cry out in pain and sorrow. But new torments awaited proud Prometheus. Zeus sent his Eagle to fly to the mountain every day to the chained captive and tear his body with his claws and peck his liver. Since Prometheus, like all the Titans, was immortal, the terrible wound healed overnight and the liver grew back. At dawn, the sound of giant wings was heard again over the mountains. The eagle descended on Prometheus, and his torment resumed.

Prometheus's suffering lasted for centuries. But people’s gratitude lasted just as long. Potters and people of other fiery professions revered him as a god. Poets of all times and generations glorified Prometheus in their works as a fighter against injustice and the liberator of humanity.

The proud titan Prometheus suffered for many centuries, but his torment did not last forever. The hour has come for his release along with the great hero of Hellas, Hercules. The Titan tells Hercules about his evil fate and what great feats the hero has to accomplish. He looks with horror at the torment of Prometheus, and compassion takes possession of him. Hercules listens to the titan, full of attention. But Hercules did not see all the suffering of Prometheus. In the distance you can hear the sound of mighty wings - it’s an eagle flying to its bloody feast. Hercules did not allow him to torment Prometheus. He shot a deadly arrow, and the eagle, pierced, fell into the stormy sea.

Hercules broke the chains of Prometheus with his heavy club and tore out the tip from his chest, with which the titan was nailed to the rock. The titan stood up, now he was free. His torment is over. Thus the prophecy that a mortal would free him was fulfilled.


In ancient philosophy, fire was considered an omnipresent mysterious substance, the most mysterious of the four basic energy elements, first mentioned in the treatise of the ancient Greek philosopher Empedocles “On Nature” (5th century BC).

His idea was picked up and developed in the works of Anaxagoras, Plato and Aristotle, in the theories of the Pythagoreans and medieval alchemists. They all saw in fire the most important of the primary elements, the personification of the masculine principle in nature, but Heraclitus went further than other natural philosophers.

Heraclitus considered fire to be the fundamental principle of everything:
“Fire is the basic element, everything is a type of fire, and everything occurs through rarefaction and condensation.”

According to his dialectical teaching, fire is the universal embodiment of all transformations, since the other three elements (water, earth and air) arise from the primary fire and, changing according to the eternal laws of logos, return to fire.

Heraclitus believed that the world was, is and will be an eternally living fire, naturally igniting and naturally dying out.

According to Democritus, the Gods consisted of atoms and represented the Cosmic Mind. The totality of fiery atoms, spread throughout the entire Cosmos, animated EVERYTHING and gave everything and the entire Mind.

Democritus believed that the element of Fire symbolizes the life fire and the power of the growing seed, the energy of the Kundalini spirit, which directs the inner aspiration of the heart to Divine Wisdom, to the Cosmic Mind.


The scientific term for combustion is combustion. There are many types of combustion known, but in most cases everything is very simple. Oxygen in the air reacts with any material that can burn, resulting in the release of heat.

If the process proceeds quickly, we observe a flame, well, for example, when wood or paper reacts with oxygen.

In modern science, Fire is interpreted as “plasma”. If we look into a popular encyclopedic dictionary, we will see the following definition.
“Plasma is an ionized gas in which the concentration of positive and negative charges is equal. Unlike neutral gases, plasma, in addition to collisions, is characterized by the collective interaction of particles through oscillations and waves.

With a slow burn, if the heat generated is not released into the air, the temperature can reach a level where combustion begins. This is called "spontaneous combustion."

Oxygen necessary for combustion is widespread in nature. The air around us contains approximately 21% oxygen. Oxygen is always ready to start the combustion process.

During combustion, two oxygen atoms from the surrounding air combine with one carbon atom of the fuel, resulting in carbon dioxide.

Science knows that the combustion process in our bodies, which is necessary to produce heat and energy, also produces carbon dioxide, which we exhale.

Fire is the engine of the world. The element of Fire plays the role of a driving force in relation to other elements, because it is as a result of thermal phenomena that movement and activity arise in the air, water, and earth. Here we can recall the mechanism of formation of winds, ocean currents, tectonic phenomena... Everywhere is based on an excess of heat in one place and a deficiency in another. It is the energy level that determines the transition of a substance from one state to another. If you take a solid substance (Earth element) and heat it (add Fire), it will melt and become a liquid (Water element). Let's heat it up some more and the substance will evaporate and become a gas (element of Air). We will continue to increase the energy level - the substance will eventually turn into plasma (element of Fire).


Fire had different meanings in different cultures.

In Egyptian culture, Fire was associated with God Thoth - a symbol of Inspiration.
In Greco-Roman culture, fire personified all the volcanic blacksmith gods and thunder gods, such as Hephaestus (Vulcan), who personified the power of earthly fire; in addition, it is the emblem of the furnace goddess Vesta; associated with Hermes (Mercury) as inspiration.

The furnace goddess Hestia (Vesta) was the mistress of fire (Euripides). For the Jews, fire means divine revelation and the voice of God: “The Lord your God is a consuming fire.”
For Hindus, fire is transcendental light and knowledge, the vital energy of Wisdom. Fire was also identified with the forces of destruction, liberation and restoration, obedient to Shiva. The column of flame and billowing smoke of the Vedic Fire God Agni personified the axis mundi.

Being fire, Agni is associated both with the fertility of lightning, which brings rain, and with the home stove. The flame was depicted with Agni's golden teeth, a sharp tongue and shaggy hair; he rides a solar deer, holds an axe, a fan and blacksmith's bellows; born from a tree.

On the Vedic fire altar, three fires are lit in the South, East and West, personifying the Sun and Sky, the ether and winds, and the Earth.

The black, terrifying aspect of fire is symbolized by Kali (Durga), who is the all-consuming Time; usually depicted as a black or red figure with long fangs and tongues of fire, holding the attributes of her husband Shiva: a trident, a sword, a drum and a vessel of blood.

Kindling the fire is a reenactment of the act of creation, integration and reunification through sacrifice. The ring of flame around Shiva represents the cosmic cycle of creation and destruction.

Fire as a life flame is Krishna: I am fire placed in the bodies of all living ones (Bhagavad Gita).

In Iranian mythology, fire was the Sacred Center of the Persian temple, the seat of deity and the Divine Light in the human soul. This is also the power of the Sun, symbolized by Atar, the divine fire in the Heavens and in the tree. It is also associated with law and order.

In Zoroastrianism, fire is the main element. This is a sacred element, a manifestation of the highest justice. That is why fire is also a symbol of justice, a symbol of righteous anger that can punish the guilty, but also warm the needy.

In Zoroastrianism, the seed of man and bull has its source in fire, not water.

In Islam, fire and flame are light and heat, deity and the underworld.

The Pythagoreans associate fire with the tetrahedron, since it is the first element, and the tetrahedron is the first figure in geometry.

Fire is a symbol of the triumph of light and life over death and darkness. Symbol of purification and household wealth. A symbol of renewal and birth in a new incarnation.

Fire can be divided into two components - light and heat. If the first concept is responsible for intelligence and emotions, then the second is for warmth and comfort, well-being.

Fire is also the personification of Truth, Knowledge and Enlightenment. He does not hesitate to deal with lies, ignorance and other human vices.

The result of the interaction of Fire and the environment is ash. Ashes are no less symbolic than fire itself. So, in Scandinavian mythology, Tetleife, before setting off on his exploits, lay in the ashes in order to receive the power of fire, which formed him.

The expression “sprinkling ashes on your head” means irreversible and inconsolable grief. Here the comparison is made with the irreversibility of ash into the original structure of the object, before it comes into contact with fire.

Fire was also a symbol of power, a symbol of honor and victory. Warriors, going on a campaign, took with them a sacred fire, which was carried by a fire bearer.

In Scandinavian mythology, God Loki is not only the God of deceit, evil and cunning, but also the God of fire. From here we can immediately draw an analogy that although fire is fair and cleansing, on the other hand it symbolizes hard power that does not spare anyone or anything. Let us remember the same idea of ​​hell among many peoples - it is a fiery, punishing, merciless abyss. Fire here also symbolizes evil; terrible monsters are born from its inferno, as opposed to a cold, transparent paradise.


The legendary phoenix bird is a representative of the fire element - the most striking symbol of rebirth, renewal, immortality and the eternity of time. In the mythology of every nation, this fantastic bird has its own name and looks.

The ancient Egyptians considered the phoenix to be a sacred gray heron with a crest on its head, associated with the cult of the god Benu; the Greek foynik looked more like an eagle, whose feathers are painted in red, gold and fiery tones; and among the Eastern Slavs, his role was played by a fabulous firebird with golden plumage, spreading a dazzling radiance around itself.

The Latin author Gaius Julius Solinus in his book “Collected Memorable Information” describes the wonderful phoenix bird as follows: “It is the size of an eagle, the head is decorated with an erect crest forming a cone. The phoenix has a beak with a crest, a collar of a golden hue around the neck, a purple body with the exception of the tail, the feathers of which are pink with an admixture of azure tint.”

There were also great disagreements about the lifespan of the phoenix, although everyone agreed on one thing: the “divine” bird lives an unusually long time. “The Father of History” Herodotus measured out 500 years of life for the phoenix; The Roman historian Tacitus believed that he lived much longer, namely, “the great Platonic year,” i.e. 12994; As for the fathers of Christianity, they even proclaimed the phoenix immortal. Early Christians saw the reason for the immortality of the wonderful bird in the fact that it refused to taste the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.
The legend of the phoenix was invented by Egyptian sun-worshipping priests from the city of Heliopolis, but the phoenix owes its great fame to the first poet of Greece, Hesiod (8th century BC). According to Hesiod, the birthplace of the phoenix is ​​Arabia. There he spends his entire long life, but, sensing the approach of death, he flies to Phenicia, where he builds himself a nest-grave of fragrant herbs, and, having finished his work, sings a farewell song.

This song is so beautiful that even the sun, having listened to it, stops its run across the sky. The phoenix's nest bursts into flames, set on fire by its rays, and the wonderful bird dies in the flames, only to be reborn three days later to a new life. The phoenix, resurrected from the ashes, takes the mortal remains of its previous incarnation to the altar of the Temple of the Sun in Heliopolis, and then flies away to its homeland. Centuries pass, and everything repeats itself from the beginning. This is the legend about the wonderful phoenix - a symbol of rebirth and immortality.

Gaius Julius Solinus reports interesting information about the phoenix: “It has been proven that phoenixes live 540 years. They themselves build funeral pyres out of cinnamon, and erect them next to Panchaea in the city of the Sun (Heliopolis), piling cinnamon in a heap on the altar.

In 800 from the founding of Rome (47 AD), the captured phoenix was exhibited at the comitia by order of Princeps Augustus. This event, in addition to the records of the censors, was also recorded in the city annals.”

In the religions of the world, legends about the phoenix received further development. In Taoist legends, many saints flew through the sky on a phoenix, and women even had sexual intercourse with it in order to conceive outstanding sons.

In Christianity, the divine bird, foreseeing its death in advance and not trying to avoid it, and then being reborn to a new life, began to be identified with Jesus Christ. Images of the phoenix are already found on early Christian tombstones as a symbol of the rebirth of Christ and the embodiment of hope for the resurrection of mortals.

In allegorical scenes of the Renaissance, the phoenix, as a sexless and therefore chaste creature, was depicted on the shield of personified Chastity.

In alchemy, the miracle bird was extremely highly valued. Among the medieval Hermeticists, the phoenix symbolized purifying and transforming fire, the red color of the substance corresponding to the final stage of the Great Work, or the most desired result of alchemical research - the philosopher's stone.


In Zoroastrianism, fire is given an exceptional role - it is considered the highest creation of Ahuramazda.

In the Rivayats, Zarathushtra asks Ahuramazda:

—What is more valuable, the corporeal world or Atar, the Fire of Ahuramazda?
“Fire,” answered Ahura. Atar, sacred fire element. It is more valuable than the physical world, for if there were no Fire, the world could not exist. I created fire from my own mind, and its radiance from the Infinite Light of Angraosh.

Fire is spread throughout the cosmos and resides in all its living creations, except for khrafstra - the creations of the evil Ahriman. All the peoples of the Indo-Iranian region have worshiped fire since ancient times. According to the ideas of the Indo-Iranians, fire embodied Truth-Asha and was its visible manifestation in the real world. Libation to the altar fire was an essential part of the daily religious ritual. It was believed that sacrificial libation to fire increases the power of truth and righteousness in the world, for truth is the spirit of fire.


Zoroastrians, continuing the tradition of the ancient Aryans, endowed fire with the qualities of a giver of blessings, good luck and happiness.

Zoroastrianism was already about two thousand years old when the first temple complex was erected to worship the unquenchable flame of the sacred fire of the Mazdayas. Instead of man-made statues, an altar of ever-burning fire was erected in the center of the Zoroastrian sanctuary, constantly maintained by the priests assigned to it.
The three main temple fires in the Zoroastrian tradition had a sacred meaning and at the same time symbolized the three classes of Iranian society - warriors, priests and community members - cattle breeders and farmers.

The fire, according to legend, lit by Kavi Vishtasp himself, Atar-Vishtasp was located in Media, in Iranian Azerbaijan in the Shiz region and was dedicated to the king and the military class.

The fire of Khvarna - divine grace Atar-Farnbag was dedicated to the priestly class and was located in the Persian city of Istakhr. The Fire of Mithra Atar-Burzin-Mihr - the third sacred fire of the Zoroastrian religion was a place of pilgrimage for ordinary people and was located in Khorasan (Parthia).

According to Muslim legend, this fire went out on the night of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad.
The judicial function of fire as the supreme restorer of justice also included the so-called fire ordeals.

In the history of Zoroastrianism, there are several cases when the high priests, to prove their own rightness, subjected themselves to ordeals: molten copper, the melting point of which reaches 800 ° C, was poured onto their chests, but they, nevertheless, remained safe and sound.

Such famous ascetics of Zoroastrianism include Adurbad and Mehr-Narse. To refute the views of the sectarians and prove the truth of the Zoroastrian faith, Adurbad voluntarily took upon himself an ordeal of molten copper, from which he emerged completely unharmed. The Persian Rivayats describe the heroic deed of the high priest as follows:

“Adurbad said: “Pour molten metal onto my chest. If it burns through me, you are telling the truth; if it does not burn through me, you must wash your heads from apostasy and leave all doubts about the good Mazdayasnian religion.”

The memory of this miraculous event was maintained as proof of the correctness of the views of Zoroastrian orthodoxy. King Shapur II declared that Adurbad's views were the only true ones.


The Aryan peoples were characterized by the idea of ​​fire as the protector of the family, the patron of the clan.

The ancient Romans always placed images of the penates - ancestors, benefactors and protectors of the clan at the hearth, and the ancient Persians also believed that the flame of the hearth was connected with the fravakhar - the vital energy of the clan.

Thus, the Zoroastrians believed that the soul of Zarathushtra descended from heaven onto the fire in the house of Spitama, and only from the flames of the hearth did it pass to Zarathushtra’s grandmother, the oldest woman in the family, and from her to her daughter, the mother of the future prophet.

The Belarusians, as one of the Aryan peoples, had similar ideas about “home” fire, and even retained them until recently.

As A.E. Bogdanovich, the father of the poet Maxim Bogdanovich, wrote in the ethnographic essay “Remnants of the ancient worldview among the Belarusians”:

“In the views of Belarusians, fire is one of the foundations of the family, a home, a healing and all-purifying principle. This is especially true in remote areas. There, every family tries to maintain their fire by carefully raking hot coals into the stove. It swells as needed. When moving from one home to another, during family division, they carry with them fire from the hearth.” In a carefully maintained fire, Belarusians saw a protector and healer, expelling all “infirmity,” a guardian of the home and a guardian of the family.

In the understanding of our ancestors, unquenchable fire symbolized vitality, the energy of procreation, grace and wealth.

In Polesie they called it that way - “bagatstse”.

They tried not to let fire from the home, especially during the holidays, because they believed that prosperity could leave the house along with the fire. Some peasants, for the same reason, on ordinary days were afraid to give hot coals from their hearth to strangers, and if they did, it was on condition that the same coals were returned, even if extinguished.

When the fire was transferred from the parents' house to the house built for the newlyweds, then along with this fire the grace of the ancestors and the patronage of the forefather Chur spread to the new house. Researcher of Slavic heritage A.E. Bogdanovich wrote:

“Fire, as an ancient ancestral penate, holds together various family unions. So the bride, having arrived at the groom’s house to “get comfortable” in it, bows to the hearth and touches it with her hands. The groom who goes to another family does the same.”

The cult of fire and the cult of ancestors occupy a central place in the microcosm of the Slav in the person of the single household deity Chur. “Eternally alive” and “forever young” Chur is abstract (no one has ever seen the first ancestor, like God), and therefore can be content with offerings containing universal energy - wood burning in a furnace.

“The Chur is a home penate, so every house, every family has its own Chur, the guardian of the hearth, who pursues and drives away the demons of darkness.” In the expressions “Church is mine!”, “Church together!”, “Church, I’m first!” The first ancestor Chur is a defender of property rights.

The cult of the deity Chura is in close connection with the cult of fire and the patron saint of the hearth or oven, Zapechnik, Dymovoy or Domovoy. Chur-Domova is considered alive as long as the clan is alive and the family nest is not destroyed.

Offerings to fire and offerings to Churu are the same thing - these are logs, churkas, logs. The smoke from burning wood rises to the sky, where the souls of deceased ancestors reside, bringing to them the prayers and requests of descendants living on earth. A similar method of “transferring” requests and wishes to heaven is widely known among Indo-European peoples from Greece to Scandinavia. The Greeks burned incense for this purpose, the Slavs threw fragrant thyme into the fire, the Celts burned juniper, and the Scandinavians burned moss.

In Christian churches, the smoke from incense not only drives away evil spirits, but also ensures the prayers of believers to reach heaven as quickly as possible.


Hestia (Vesta) - Goddess of the hearth.

The cult of fire, embodied in Roman mythology in the image of the goddess Vesta, dates back to the most ancient Indo-European traditions. The ancient Romans saw in the fire of the sacred hearth of the city community and individual houses a deity they called Vesta.

According to ancient mythology, Vesta (fire) was the first child of Kronos (time) and Rhea (space).

Fire is the first element that emerged from the void at the birth of the world; it filled all subsequent creations with its life-giving energy and gave impetus to the evolutionary development of the universe.

Vesta, who embodied the idea of ​​luminosity and purity in the figurative worldview of the Romans, unlike other deities of the Greco-Roman pantheon, did not have any anthropological characteristics.

Ovid in the Fasti, praising the goddess, says: “Vesta is a burning and bright fire, and you will not see a body born of flame. Neither Vesta nor fire have an appearance. The curved roof of the Temple of Vesta did not contain a single image, not a single statue.” In the image of Vesta we see the most ancient features of a fiery deity, dating back to the times of the Indo-European community. In the worship of fire, the Romans retained the sublime purity and religious piety so characteristic of the religion of fire worshipers.


The followers of Zoroaster believed that fire was not subject to the influence of an evil spirit, but the Romans saw in the fire the image of the pure virgin Vesta, who refused the marriage proposals of Apollo and Mercury. Vesta swore an oath to remain a virgin forever, for which Jupiter awarded her privileges: for mortals she is the most revered goddess; she is worshiped in all temples and at the hearth, and of all the gods she is the first to be invoked.

When residents left their hometown, they took with them the fire taken from the altar of this goddess in order to light a fire in a new place. Vesta was considered one of the Penates (guardian spirits of Rome), and the magistrates, upon taking office, first of all made sacrifices to the Penates and Vesta directly. Of the earthly temples, the temples in Delphi, the city considered the center of the universe, and in Rome were the most revered.

The Vestal Virgins, the priestesses of Vesta, enjoyed no less privileges in society, maintaining the sacred fire, which symbolized the stability, prosperity and greatness of Rome and was never allowed to go out. The sacred fire was supported by six girls from the best families, carefully selected according to moral and external criteria corresponding to the image of a priestess of the great goddess. They performed their duties for 30 years: the first ten years were devoted to training, the next decade the priestesses celebrated the cult of Vesta, maintaining the sacred fire and performing related rituals, and the last ten years passed on their experience to the young Vestal Virgins. After 30 years of serving the goddess, the Vestals had the right to return to their families and even get married. Their moral purity and chastity became the reason for the enormous respect they enjoyed in society. It was believed that only virgin Vestals had the right to keep the sacred fire of the Roman state. Violation of the vow of chastity by the Vestals, according to public opinion, threatened disasters for Rome and was punishable by the death of the Vestal and her seducer.

The fire going out on the altar of Vesta was considered a bad omen for the Holy City. If this happened, then the fire was produced using a magnifying glass, or by rubbing one piece of wood against another, since any other fire, with the exception of heavenly fire, was considered unclean.

The fate of the state, in the understanding of the Romans, was connected with the sacred flame burning on the hearth of Vesta, and therefore the abolition of the school of the Vestal Virgins by the Christian emperor Theodosius and the final extinguishing of the sacred flame of the Roman Empire, which took place in 389 AD, was perceived as a sign of the imminent fall of Rome, which actually happened some time later. This is not surprising, since the very idea of ​​​​the statehood of Rome was directly related to the cult of Vesta, in whose temple palladium was kept - the guarantee of the power of Rome, brought by Aeneas from Troy.


In Vedic and Hindu mythology, Agni, the God of Fire, plays a significant role, performing a mediating function between people and gods. Performing a mediating function between gods and people, Agni lifts to the sky with tongues of flame the sacrificial offerings thrown into the fire by the priests, conveying to the gods the prayers and requests of people.
Agni has three hypostases, three lives, three powers, three heads, three tongues. He has three dwellings, is filled with triple radiance and even has a triple origin, since he was born in three worlds - in heaven, on earth and in the waters. The triplicity of Agni testifies to the involvement of the cult of this deity in the ancient religious ideas of the Indo-Europeans, who divided the universe into three parts: the upper world of gods, the middle world of people and the lower world of demons.
God Agni fills the entire universe with his life-giving energy, connecting the upper, middle and lower worlds.

The zodiac circle has three fire signs, symbolizing three manifestations, three hypostases of fire: the blazing fire of war (Aries), the stable, majestic fire of power (Leo) and the ritual fire of sacred rites (Sagittarius).

The uncontrollable, destructive fire of wars and fires, reminiscent of the flames of hell, is the lowest, demonic hypostasis of fire.

The fire that warms the home, uniting the family around the flame of the hearth is the middle, earthly hypostasis of fire, closest to man. Sacred fire, used for rituals and obtained only by rubbing dry wood, or taken from a fire formed as a result of a lightning strike, was considered the most valuable and endowed with special properties. The prosperity of society and peace in the state depended on the stability of the burning of such a fire.

The Vedic Aryans believed that Agni strengthens heaven and earth, gives birth to both worlds, knows all the paths, has all the wisdom in the world, he knows all the secrets of gods and people, he watches everything that happens, since he is present in all creations. Agni (fire) structures the cosmos and establishes a hierarchy in society, enforcing laws and religious rituals. He brings the gods to sacrifices, helps people's prayers reach heaven. “May Agni, extolled by ancient and modern oracles, bring the gods here” - this is how the Hindu priests cry, throwing sacrificial offerings into the fire.

But Agni not only burns and shines in a flaming tree, he is present among people and fills them with inner light. Agni is friendly to people, he unites spouses, endows people with wealth, encourages singers, musicians and artists.


Since ancient times, Fire was considered a life-giving element; people turned to it for help in rituals designed to ensure the fertility of people and livestock. Kupala bonfires symbolize not only the cleansing nature of the fire element, but also the power of fire as the focus of cosmic and sexual energy.

Joint jumping over the fire on the night of love, throwing Kupala wreaths (pagan symbols of marriage) through the fire, floating a wreath with a lit candle on the water towards fate in search of the betrothed - these and many other rituals indicate that the Slavs saw in the fire a deity that promotes finding love and procreation.

The magical function of fire and its role in procreation is manifested in many wedding rituals and primitive rites of love magic, preserved in the ritual part of pagan festivals and in the languages ​​of ritual bonfires one could see the dance of the Fire Salamanders.


Salamanders are spirits of fire, living in rarefied etheric fire. Material fire cannot exist without the help of a salamander, which has the shape of a fire lizard writhing in the fire. A person is unable to see them, so magicians specially selected herbs and smells, manipulated various types of incense in order to see these elemental fiery spirits.

Salamanders are the strongest and most powerful elemental spirits. The salamanders are in possession of volcanoes, magma forces, explosions, and lightning. Salamanders evoke powerful emotional currents in the human body. They also stir up sparks of spiritual idealism and perception in us.

Like fire, in its manifestation the salamander can be both destructive and creative.


Recently, planet Earth and the entire solar system have been under the influence of special energies, which are called Spatial Fire. Almost all spiritual teachings, starting with the most ancient, Vedic ones, speak about Fire as the primary energy.

“Agni means Fire. The whole space is filled with this fire. As it is said that Cosmos is a fiery ship rushing into Infinity. Fire, in the form of primary energy, imparts life to everything (and therefore consciousness), and the highest manifestation of this fiery energy will be high psychic energy. All energies, all elements come from a single primary energy, or from a single element of FIRE, which is why it is said about the UNITY of everything, about the ONE BEGINNING from which the UNIVERSE arose. Fire lies at the foundation of every creation. God is Fire. People must learn that “matter is also spirit, and each manifestation of them is only a manifestation of the same primary energy.” (Letters of Helena Roerich, vol. 2)

The most complete and clear talk about Fire is in the modern Teaching - Agni Yoga. In a concise, almost telegraphic style, the Teaching conveys to us – Fire is at the threshold! – and the qualities and properties of Spatial Fire and methods of its assimilation, that is, adaptation to it, are described. And immediately such concepts as Transmutation, Fiery Transformation and the imminent onset of a new period in the development of mankind are given.
Yes, we are standing on the threshold of the Age of Fire and we cannot escape its fiery influence. Therefore, the faster and deeper we realize this, the fewer cataclysms we will face in our lives.

In Agni Yoga it is said: “The approaching Fiery waves are very terrible if you do not know about them and do not accept them with your heart fires.”

What is Spatial Fire?

The difficulty of knowing Spatial Fire lies in the fact that it belongs simultaneously to both the Dense and Subtle Worlds and permeates everything that exists, having different degrees of gradation. This is what Agni Yoga says about fire and its levels and about the Fiery Worlds.


1. Physical fire. It is well known to everyone, we use it in everyday life and can observe it with our normal vision. These are the densest particles of Fire.

2. Subtle Fire. It has vibrations of a higher frequency and resides in the earth's atmosphere. As a rule, it is not visible with normal vision. Elementals - subtle natural entities - salamanders are made of this Fire.

3. Materia Lucida. This fire exists on higher planes of the Universe in the form of Light with vibrations of an even higher frequency. From this radiant light matter our bodies will be woven in the process of Transmutation - the light, airy luminous bodies of the Sixth Planetary Race. This Light Matter can be observed by a person whose energy centers, called chakras, have opened in the process of spiritual development.

4. Fohat. It is a building material for High Essences of the Cosmos, possessing a powerful, superhuman mind and enormous creative potential. This invisible World of Fire of the highest degrees is truly divine and full of Grace. This is the bright future of humanity that we need to strive for. But to assimilate the subtlest fohatic energy you need to be a “giant of spirit.” A weak spirit is not capable of merging with the Fiery World; the power of an aspiring yogi is needed, one must go through the preparatory stages of fiery phenomena. This level of Spiritual Matter is still hidden for the common person, because touching it to an unprepared organism can cause a painful fiery death
5. Matter Matrix, or Primary Matter. It all sounds and shines, this is the House of the Father-Mother who gave birth to us, this is AUM itself, this is Thought-Light-Mystery.

From this level of Fire a Cosmic Ray descends, carrying within itself the impulse for the beginning of Transmutation. Such a cosmic ray has already been sent down to Earth. And this ray of new energy is transmitted from level to level, because the process of complete assimilation of the Cosmic Ray is possible at a sufficiently high level of spiritual development, otherwise human nature will be incinerated. That is why Cosmos is forced to lower Fire to Earth, so far in reduced, gentle training doses.

Today, man faces a particularly important task. He must, through physical effort and spiritual asceticism, be able to develop his inner fiery potential so much that connection with the Higher Fire becomes possible.
But for such a merging of two potentials to occur, a person must develop and ignite his internal fiery centers - chakras.
The first quality of Spatial Fire is omnipresence. You can’t hide from Him anywhere, you can’t hide, neither in a tank, nor in a bunker, although He Himself is as invisible as air. Therefore, now the Fire element is elected as the Supreme Court.

Friendliness and humanity, non-violence and gentleness, constancy and majesty, observation, joy and courage to live - these are the main Fiery qualities that work in people. This is how Cosmic Fire manifests itself in us. Now, under its influence, which is increasing year by year, Transmutation occurs in human bodies.

This is a process of qualitative change in human energies. Today humanity has approached the most difficult test of survival.

This time, external conditions in the form of Heavenly Fire required man to uncompromisingly change his inner nature. And the one who does not change his inner nature will suffer for a long time before he collapses. For him, Spatial Fire will be “Consuming Fire.”

But even for prepared people, Transmutation, as the disintegration of their personality and integration at a higher level, can be very painful due to the high tension of Heavenly Fire and short deadlines. The person will experience colossal overloads. Therefore, we must prepare in advance in the most serious way, since in the final phase of the Fiery Transfiguration no one will be able to help us and we will only have to rely on the Almighty. How to prepare for this grand event? You need to do this in several directions at the same time.

To prepare the earth's body so that our biomass can withstand the onslaught of high vibrations without destruction.

To prepare the spiritual heart by maintaining in it a sincere aspiration for knowledge of the Higher Worlds.


In a human being, the Element of Fire finds manifestation at different levels.

On the Spiritual plane, the Element of Fire represents a Spark of Divine Light, which is a Blueprint of the Spirit, revitalizing the Human Soul.

At the mental level, the Element of Fire endows a person with the ability for fiery thought, the desire to create fiery plans for the deification of the surrounding World.

At a subtle level, the Element of Fire manifests itself as the radiation of spiritual warmth, as the ability to convey to another person the impulse of the best sensory experiences. It is the Fiery energy of human Souls that can inspire artists, poets, singers to creative self-expression. It is the fiery energy captured in the paintings and sculptures of the Great Masters that can awaken sublime feelings in a person.

It is no coincidence that the vital energy that is inside every person has its embodiment in the form of “fiery plasma”, which burns the old, unnecessary and renews a person, reincarnates him. The image of fire underlies all creative processes, at the source of any activity (it’s not for nothing that they say “it burns at work”).
The extinction of Cosmic Fire in a person is associated with the weakening of his flesh: he begins to get sick more often and seriously, he is threatened with death, as his survival rate decreases. In spiritual terms, this is associated with weakness of spirit, the possible influence of “dark forces,” and service to evil.

The extinction of the Living Fire is a manifestation of the hidden death of an individual in whom there is nothing left to awaken, and he can become a toy in the hands of representatives of dark forces.


The human energy body is formed by the Element and element of Fire.

The Fiery energy emanating from the Spirit, along a silver thread, fills the human energy body, 12 main energy centers, all channels and highways through which the organs and systems of the human body are nourished.

The ethereal mesh veil protects the biochemical organism from the penetration of foreign energy.

At the physical level, the Element of Fire is responsible for the flow of metabolic and biochemical processes in all cells and systems of the human body.
Fiery energy is always present in the human physical body. This is confirmed by body temperature, which is usually higher than the ambient temperature.

In our biochemical body there are organs and systems, the health of which directly depends on the amount of fiery energy in them: such as the heart, diaphragm, small intestine, immune, endocrine system. For the division and growth of cells of organs and systems of the physical body, fiery energy is needed.

For life, a person also needs another type of fiery energy, such as sunlight. Without sunlight and warmth, life on earth is impossible, so a person always wants to bask in the sun’s rays and be saturated with its energy.
A person’s life itself cannot exist without fire, and the quality of a person’s life depends on how filled it is with fire, either it smolders like a dying ember and brings a person closer to death, or it is filled to the brim with the aspiration for creation and creative self-expression and is aimed at Eternity. Fire makes a person proactive and active.

The energy of Fire manifests itself differently in a woman and a man.


In a woman, Fire manifests itself in the desire to reveal her sphere of straight-knowledge.
Women's creative energy and sensuality are the driving force of life.

Women's fire is a spark, without which not a single fire in the world, especially a man's, can ignite. Without it there is no warmth, light, joy, the sparkle of diamonds and the sparkle of eyes.

A woman who controls fiery energy acquires feminine strength and the ability to inspire her man to great things.

A woman who wisely and harmoniously controls the Element of Fire becomes an Inspiring Muse, when communicating with whom men literally grow wings, they feel REAL, smart, talented. The Inspiring Muse knows how to bring the beauty of sensory experiences into all manifestations of life. She, like no one else, knows how to feel and be in the flow of living Creativity.
If a woman is spiritualized, engaged in self-improvement, she feels the surrounding space, because she is connected to her Divine nature and knows how to manifest it in the outside world.

The energy of Inspiration is very subtle, it has a divine nature and it generates a powerful flow of sensory experiences that takes a person to the Higher Worlds and he wants to sing, dance, create!

The muse draws inspiration from everything that surrounds it. This Divine Joy can be given to her by a drop of rain on a flower petal, or a moon reflection on the calm surface of the sea, the scent of jasmine or rose, or the spring trills of a nightingale….


In men, fiery energy manifests itself as the ability to take decisive action, as an active life position, as the ability to make decisions and take responsibility for the obligations undertaken. This is a man’s ability to create fiery plans and implement them, despite the circumstances. This fiery ring of strength and protection that he creates around his beloved is the ability of a man to love and elevate a woman.

Fire is the element of strength, power and authority. Of course, this is the element of those who are persistent, courageous and not afraid to face their own imperfections. In any case, fire is an indomitable desire to win, to achieve one’s goal, to persistently overcome any obstacles.

In society, representatives of the element of Fire play the role of a driving force, a source of energy. They give vitality to all affairs and processes, turning into each other, creating development.


According to the Teachings of the Golden Age, the Fire Element has 4 hypostases:

1. Agni. This is the Fire of the Spirit, the Fire of Being, it has the property of All-Creation, that is, it is present everywhere.
2. Surya. This is starlight (sunlight). It originates inside the Sun and then falls to Earth in the form of photons.
3. Jaya. That hypostasis of fire that is inside nature and living organisms. For example, human body temperature.
4. Ram. The fire that is formed during combustion is the fire that is familiar to us - the flame of a candle, fire, etc.

There is a mantra that activates all forms of Fire:

Aum (Om) – Sri – Agni – Surya – Jaya – Ram.

Aum – Golden Light of Existence;
Sri is already a division into yin - yang, i.e. from the Primordial Light there is a division into male and female.
Next, the 4 hypostases of fire are pronounced:


To consider the effect of the mantra in practice, you need to light a candle. The candle flame is the fire of Ram.

Then say the mantra and watch how a golden glow, a kind of halo, appears around the candle flame. Fire in this case acquires all 4 forms. The fire will have this property as long as the candle burns.


Elemental and elemental evolutions represent God-created beings of Infinity, developing in the aspect of the Great Mother.

The Elements and Elements are God-real forms of life, formed by the trinity of forces: spirit, soul and body, and located at the base of the Hierarchy of the entire elemental lifestream.

Spirits of Element and Element are of medium height, the golden glow emanating from within revives the perfect and harmonious forms of their body.

Spirits of the Element and Elements lack individual feelings. The meaning of a lifestream’s life is service to the Highest. Like all other representatives of the Elemental and Elemental Realms, they are ruthless executors of the Supreme Decrees.

When the Spirits of Fire fill space, the space is revived; the human Soul feels the fullness and joy of being.

Over the eons of their Evolution, they became the owners of the experience of pyrokinesis (igniting Fire) and telekinesis (moving objects).

The Elements and Elements of Fire form the energy body of our planet, which is formed from the totality of the energy bodies of all life streams: people, angels, elementals.

The human energetic body provides protection for the biochemical organism and ensures energy exchange with the Source. The etheric mesh is the energetic framework of the human body, along which the Elemental Spirit builds physical primary elements, connecting them into atoms and molecules, endowing them with growth programs in the required direction.

The Divine Rulers of the Element and Element of Fire are:

Princes of the Elements - Prince Oromasis and Eloi Diana;

Rulers of Elemental Power - Archangel Samuel and Salamander Phoenix;

The directors of Element are Elohim Hades and Eloi Pele.

The Spirits of the Element and Element of Fire are salamanders, efreets, phoenixes, pyrrhas and parries, fireworts.

The Divine Lifestream Managers strive to gain the experience of sensory perception of the world, which is currently absent in their evolution and which representatives of planetary humanity have. In the present, they are not given the ability to feel and recognize taste, smell, color, and this means that they are deprived of access to many spiritual treasures of the Universe, which they revive by the will of the Omnipresent Creator. They are eager to learn how to be friends.


The elemental and elemental spirits of Fire are the legionnaires of the beloved Nemesis - the Goddess of the Supreme Balance, who embodies the will of the Senders and Fulfillers of Karma. She directs them to those centers of Being that require immediate and effective cleansing of space. They go, led by the High Will, in order to absorb energies and living beings who, in their evolution, have not reached that level of perfection, which is determined by the Law of the Standard at the moment “here and now.” And in the present, these beautiful, holy beings are the punishing hand for many evolutions, and that is why their hearts are so eager to break the chain of causes and effects in order to free themselves from the immutability manifested by this.

And Hades rebelled - he longs for the right to choose, strives to know the essence of mercy and discrimination, and not to become a punitive force of the universe, but an inspiring and blessing one in the eons of the coming years.

We are sending our call for help to you today. Grant the experience of discrimination, choice and mercy that humanity has to the lifestreams of Light and Fire for the sake of evolution and prosperity of the same Being for all streams of life.


We strive to gain the experience of discrimination, choice and mercy.


In the lifestream, which represents the evolutions of spatial Fire, radiant beings develop - enlightened entities called angels of Light.

In the new world reality - one, as has been repeatedly stated earlier, for all evolutionary streams of life - representatives of planetary humanity will be able to recognize them by a golden glow, emanating as if from within and reviving the perfect and harmonious forms of the manifested body. At the same time, the glow emitted by the angels of Light has sapphire-silver radiation.

Angels of Light have experience in manipulating energies and converting potential energy into kinetic energy.

Until now, the following model of relationships between representatives of the two Great Principles has been formed within the stream: they unite into pairs - families - in the name of realizing the Divine plans of their Higher Hierarchs. The basis of such a connection is cooperation, service to the Highest. The consequence of this model is the absence of individual feelings and permanent couples, because men and women of this stream separate at the moment of completion of the hierarchical program embodied with their participation.

Lifting the veil of the sacrament, exposing the Innermost of other evolutions, we should also talk about the problem of the angels of Light. These beautiful radiant beings were born to give, to serve other streams of life, and this deprives them of the right to choose, deprives them of the experience of recognition.


Angels of Light are creatures who, in their evolution and on the hierarchical ladder of Infinity, stand above the Law, above Time and above Space. Their abode is the Spiritual Heart of the Universe. They have the ability to descend to the boundaries of the Standard, which separates the worlds of Divine Order from the worlds of Unmanifested Chaos, into the lowest vibrational spheres of our Universe. And even the shadow of illusion will not touch their mind, and temptation will not touch their heart, for the divine essence of the angels of Light is unconditionality and sacrifice. They are the manifested embodiment of these highest states of Love, which is the hidden and true essence of God.

The Angels of Light are infinitely kind, inquisitive and ready to give their life energy to everyone who is hungry for it.

For all their kindness, love and curiosity, they do not have the experience of discrimination, which is born at the moment of choice - to take or give.

However, the immediate reality is that it is impossible to evolve only by giving, i.e. emanating their qualities and states into space, for there is a time to scatter stones, and there is a time to collect them. There is a time to give your Light to space - and there is a time to receive the Light of space into the Innermost.

At the moment, the beings of Light who represent this lifestream do not have the experience that would allow them to take energy from space. As a result of the above, not possessing the gift of discrimination and freedom of expression, they equally faithfully serve both the Divine Forces and the opposing Forces, endowing both with the energy of life, emanated from the spiritual Heart of the Universe by the Great Breath, in response to the call sounded in the spheres One.

Being the Spoken Light of the Lord, in the name of the evolution of all worlds and spheres of the One Existence of the Universe, by birthright, I appeal to the enlightened spirit-bearers of the planetary race with a request to grant the angels of the lifestream directed by me a unique experience of recognition, free will and sensory perception manifested by the Spiritual Light of the world.

With Fiery love for you,
Masters of the Flame Magnificat, Osiris and Rhapsody

45 years ago, on May 8, 1967, the Eternal Flame was lit at the Kremlin wall at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in memory of the heroes who fell during the Great Patriotic War.

The tradition of maintaining an eternal flame in special burners at monuments, memorial complexes, cemeteries, and graves dates back to the ancient cult of Vesta. Every year on March 1, the great priest lit a sacred fire in her temple at the main Roman Forum, which the Vestal priestesses had to maintain around the clock throughout the year.

In recent history, the eternal flame was first lit in Paris at the Arc de Triomphe at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, in which the remains of a French soldier who died in the battles of the First World War were buried. The fire in the memorial appeared two years after its opening. In 1921, the French sculptor Grégoire Calvet put forward a proposal: to equip the monument with a special gas burner, which would allow illumination of the tomb at night. This idea was actively supported by journalist Gabriel Boissy in October 1923.

On November 11, 1923 at 18.00, French Minister of War Andre Maginot in a solemn ceremony lit the flame of the memorial flame for the first time. From this day on, the flame at the memorial is lit every day at 18.30, and veterans of the Second World War participate in the ceremony.

The tradition was adopted by many states, which created national and city monuments in memory of the soldiers who died in the First World War. The eternal flame was lit in Belgium, Portugal, Romania, and the Czech Republic in the 1930s and 1940s.

The first country to perpetuate the memory of those killed in World War II with a memorial fire was Poland. On May 8, 1946, the eternal flame was lit in Warsaw on Marshal Józef Pilsudski Square, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, restored after the Nazi occupation. The honor of conducting this ceremony was given to the division general, the mayor of Warsaw, Marian Spychalski. A guard of honor from the Representative Battalion of the Polish Army was posted near the memorial.

In the German capital Berlin, an eternal flame burned for 20 years in the building of the former Neue Wache guardhouse. In 1969, on the 20th anniversary of the formation of the GDR, in the center of the hall of the “Memorial to the Victims of Militarism and Fascism” opened there, a glass prism with an eternal flame was installed, which was lit over the remains of an unknown victim of the concentration camps of the Second World War and an unknown German soldier. In 1991, the monument was transformed into the “Central Memorial to the Victims of Tyranny and War of the Federal Republic of Germany”, the eternal flame was dismantled, and an enlarged copy of the statue “Mother with a Dead Child” by Käthe Kollwitz was installed in its place.

The eternal flame in memory of those killed in World War II was lit in many countries in Europe, Asia, as well as in Canada and the USA.

In May 1975, in Rostov-on-Don, the eternal flame was lit at the Memorial to the Victims of Fascism, the largest burial site for Holocaust victims in modern Russia.

The tradition of lighting an eternal flame has also become widespread on the African continent. One of the oldest and most famous monuments, the “Pioneer Monument” (Voortrekker) in Pretoria was lit in 1938, it symbolizes the memory of the mass migration of Africans into the interior of the continent in 1835-1854, called the Great Trek (“Die Groot Trek”).

On August 1, 1964, the eternal flame was lit in Japan in Hiroshima at the Flame of Peace Monument in the Peace Memorial Park. According to the idea of ​​the park's creators, this fire will burn until the complete destruction of nuclear weapons on the planet.

On September 14, 1984, with a torch lit from the flames of the Hiroshima memorial, Pope John Paul II opened the eternal flame, symbolizing humanity's hope for peace, in the Peace Garden in Toronto, Canada.

The first fire dedicated to the memory of a specific historical figure was lit in the United States in Dallas at Arlington Cemetery at the grave of US President John F. Kennedy at the request of his widow Jacqueline Kennedy on November 25, 1963.

One of the five eternal flames of Latin America is also lit in honor of a historical figure. In the capital of Nicaragua, Managua, on Revolution Square, a flame burns at the grave of Carlos Fonseca Amador, one of the founders and leaders of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (SFNL).

On July 7, 1989, Queen Elizabeth II lit the Fire of Hope at Frederick Banting Square in Ontario, Canada. This eternal flame, on the one hand, is a tribute to the memory of the Canadian physiologist who first received insulin, on the other hand, symbolizes the hope of humanity to defeat diabetes mellitus. The creators of the monument plan to extinguish the flame as soon as a cure for diabetes is invented.

In the countries formed after the collapse of the USSR, the eternal flame was extinguished at many monuments due to economic or political considerations.

In 1994, the eternal flame went out near the Monument to the Soldier-Liberator of Tallinn from the Nazi invaders (since 1995 - the Monument to the Fallen in World War II) in the capital of Estonia.

In many Russian cities, the eternal flame is lit irregularly - on days of remembrance and military holidays - May 9, June 22, days of remembrance of significant military operations.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Despite the fact that spontaneous fires would seem to be a rare natural phenomenon, in fact they are quite common both underground and on its surface. They are usually fueled by underground deposits of coal, gas, or oil seeping to the surface. Some of these “eternal flames” have been burning continuously for many centuries and still remain very mysterious.

10. Chestnut Ridge Park

A strange natural flame is located behind a curtain at Shale Creek Preserve, south of Chestnut Ridge Park in Northwestern Pennsylvania. The natural flame becomes even more beautiful and strange due to the falling water from the waterfall, which gives it a mysterious flicker. According to legend, this flame was first lit by the Indians, thousands of years ago.

While we know how the Chestnut Ridge fire is fueled (ethane and propane), scientists don't know where it came from or how natural gas gets into the rock where it burns. A recent study determined that the rock on which the flame burns is not hot enough to ignite the gas and sustain the fire. In addition, there is no deposit of underground shale in the rocks beneath the fire that would be capable of feeding and maintaining the flame. So how does the natural fire burn in Chestnut Ridge Park? To answer this question, further research is necessary, but for now, the flame remains a beautiful and mysterious phenomenon.

9. Mount Chimaera

Olympos Mountain, located near the city of Antalya, Turkey, is where the gas comes to the surface, where fires burn all year round, which could be the reason for the myth of the Chimera. It may also be a volcanic region, described by Pliny the Elder as a place where "the flames do not go out day or night."

These lights have been burning for at least 2,000 years, and their light once helped ancient sailors avoid crashing into rocky shores. The source of fuel for the eternal flame is thought to be methane seeping through ophiolite, a rock commonly found on the seafloor that has been uplifted and pushed onto land by plate movement.

8. Jharia Coalfield

The Indian city of Jharia is home to one of the largest burning coal mines in the world. Currently, at least 70 different coal mine fires burn as one blaze, releasing thousands of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year. India is the fourth largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world, and burning coal mines are a major source of this pollution.

Coal mining in Jharia dates back to the late 1800s, and the first fire was recorded in 1920. However, the problem actually began in 1970, when coal mining companies switched from underground to aboveground coal mining, which leaves the coal exposed to oxygen if not properly sealed and can easily ignite. Bituminous coal can even spontaneously explode at temperatures as low as 40° Celsius. Once a coal mine fire has started, it is virtually impossible to extinguish it (and because there is no financial benefit for mining companies in keeping an eye on it, little effort is made to prevent such fires). As they grow, fires destroy the soil, causing entire houses and even sections of railroads to fall underground: in 1995, an underground fire caused a river bank to cave in, causing a coal mine to flood. and 78 people died.

7. Burning Mountain

The underground coal combustion that created the so-called "Burning Mountain" (Mount Wingen) near the village of Wingen, New South Wales, Australia, was most likely caused by a lightning strike or spontaneous explosion. At least this explanation is the most plausible at the moment - no one knows for sure, because the fire on this mountain has been going on for at least 6,000 years. Scientists believe it may be the oldest known continuous coal fire in the world.

Every year the flame moves south at a speed of about 1 meter. This may not sound scary, but given its age, simple math tells us that the coal fire has traveled at least 6 kilometers since the initial ignition. At this rate, the fire will reach Sydney, Australia, some 280 kilometers away, in the next 255,000 years or so.

6. Smoking Hills

In 1850, Captain Robert McClure sailed his ship Investigator into the Arctic in search of the Franklin Expedition, which disappeared while trying to find the Northwest Passage. He never found Franklin's crew (nor did anyone else), but he did rediscover something else: massive fires on the rocky shores and peaks of Cape Bathurst. McClure theorized that the fires had been started by local Eskimos to attract their attention, so he sent a reconnaissance party to see what was happening and learn about the fate of Franklin's crew. The reconnaissance group returned to the ship without any information, but they brought with them a really interesting piece of rock. When they placed it on the captain's desk, which was made of mahogany, it burned a hole right through the wood. So they rediscovered the Smoking Hills.

Franklin himself discovered and named the Smoking Hills in 1826 during his voyage in hopes of finding the Northwest Passage. He recorded the presence of strange smoke from fires in the mountains, smoke that was visible from the sea, and fires that burned where there was little or no vegetation. The Eskimos called this area "the land of sour water" because the burning of underground oil shale left highly acidic water laden with heavy metals.

5. Water And Fire Cave

Taiwan is home to some of the most fantastic mud volcanoes and natural springs in the world. Thanks to local geology, these mud volcanoes produce methane. Near the Biyun Temple there is a place where burning gas was called the Cave of Water and Fire. However, this is not a cave at all, but a rock with a natural spring and a small pool of water where methane bursts to the surface. The methane bubbles fuel the eternal fire, giving the appearance of flames burning from stone and water.

Even though the flames have shrunk from their once three-metre height, they still look impressive. According to local history, the site was discovered by a monk in 1701, meaning the flames have been burning continuously for over 300 years.

4. Mrapen

There is a legend in Indonesian folklore that begins with Sunan Kalijaga (one of the "Nine Saints of Islam") and his followers becoming tired at the end of a long journey. They stopped to rest and spend the night in the village of Mrapen, but they were cold. Kalijaga stuck his stick into the ground, pulled it out, and a flame appeared from the hole, which warmed them. In Javanese culture, this flame is considered sacred, and was used to light the "eternal flame torches" for Indonesian sports tournaments.

First noted in the 15th century as “the flame (that) never goes out, even in rain or wind,” it burns to this day, fueled by natural gas seeping deep from the depths of the earth.

3. Burning Mountain (Brennender Berg)

The burning coal seam on Burning Mountain, located in Saarland, Germany, caught fire back in 1688 and continues to burn to this day. No one knows exactly how the fire started (possibly from spontaneous combustion), but legend has it that a shepherd lit a fire near a stump, and it traveled through the roots of the stump and reached the coal seam. What is certain is that the famous poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe visited the Burning Mountain in 1770 and wrote about his travels and meeting with the Burning Mountain: “Thick steam poured out of the cracks, and we felt the hot earth even through the thick soles our shoes." This place even has a memorial plaque erected in honor of Johann's visit to the Burning Mountain.

Although the intensity of coal fires has decreased since 1800, visitors can still see smoke rising from the rocks and even hot steam escaping from cracks and holes. Before the intensity of the fire subsided, schoolchildren were taken on field trips to see Burning Mountain and steamed eggs in these holes.

2. Eternal Flame in Baba Gurgur

The eternal flame of Baba Gurgur is located in the center of a huge oil field in Iraq. It is fueled by natural gas that seeps through the rocks. Local legend has it that shepherds used the fire to warm their sheep during the colder months of the year. Legend also says that pregnant women visited the flame if they wanted to give birth to a boy. This natural flame may be the source of the biblical account of the "fiery furnace" into which King Nebuchadnezzar threw three Jews for refusing to worship a golden idol.

For thousands of years, indigenous people have used natural asphalt from Baba Gurgur for their homes, roads, and other things. The flames can be seen from many kilometers away, and people visiting the Iraqi city of Kirkuk can admire them directly from the city. The fire also releases deadly hydrogen sulfide, which is why warning signs have been placed around the eternal flame advising visitors to avoid the wind carrying smoke from the direction of the fire.

1. Jwalamukhi Temple

There are many legends about how natural fires started, but none of them is as cruel as the Hindu legend of the Eternal Flame of the Jwalamukhi Temple. It tells how Prajapati Daksha humiliated his daughter Sati during a festival, upsetting the princess so much that she set herself on fire to avoid shame. In revenge, her lover God Shiva (aka the God of Death) cut off Daksha's head and wandered the universe, cradling the charred body of his dead love. Eventually, God Vishnu cut Sati's body and scattered its pieces across the Earth. Her tongue fell into the Jvalamukhi temple and instantly opened its center of energy, which manifested itself in the form of a flame.

Therefore, the Jvalamukhi temple is dedicated to the Goddess of Light. The temple, located about 50 kilometers from the city of Dharamshala, features blue eternal flames fueled by natural gas emanating from the temple's stone sanctum. There is no idol in the temple - since the monks worship the flame itself, which for them is a deity. Every year, thousands of people make a pilgrimage to the temple, bringing gifts such as sweets, fruits and milk.

The Greeks have a myth about Prometheus.

His name means "Seer".Prometheus was the son of the Titan Iapetus and the goddess of justice Themis. When the war between the gods and the Titans began, Prometheus, on the advice of his grandmother, Gaia, the goddess of the earth, took the side of the gods, and the gods won victory largely thanks to wisdom of Prometheus.

On Olympus Zeus the Thunderer reigned.In the first years of his reign, Zeus was a very cruel god; he built his power on unquestioning submission. Everyone was afraid of the thunder god Zeus.Prometheus became his advisor.Zeus instructed Prometheus to create people.

Prometheus kneaded the clay and got to work. He took his brother Epimetheus as his assistant. According to Prometheus, people should have turned out to be perfect creatures, but the stupid Epimetheus (his name means “thinking after”) ruined everything.
According to one version, Epimetheus first of all sculpted animals from clay, endowing them with various means of protection from enemies: some with sharp teeth and claws, others with fast legs, others with a subtle sense, but forgot to leave anything to the lot of man. Therefore, people are naturally weak and poorly adapted to life.In another version of the myth, Epimetheus completely exhausted all the clay on animals, and Prometheus had to create humanity by pinching off pieces from different animals. Therefore, people have donkey stubbornness, fox cunning, hare cowardice and similar qualities in the most unexpected combinations.

Prometheus fell in love with people, he began to try to make their lives easier.The Titan took away the gift of foresight from people, leaving it only to a select few; he began to teach people everything that he knew himself.Prometheus taught people to cultivate the land and grow bread, build houses and make useful things for the household, read and write, distinguish the seasons and treat diseases.Having taught people how to build ships, Prometheus showed them how wide the world is. Zeus did not know the secret of Prometheus.

The people created by Prometheus did not worship the Olympian gods, and Zeus, dissatisfied with this, decided to destroy them. Prometheus promised Zeus to teach people to worship the gods and make sacrifices to them.

Prometheus slaughtered the sacrificial bull in advance and divided it into two parts: he covered the meat with skin, and hid the bare bones under a layer of fat.

On the appointed day, the gods descended to earth and met with people in a large clearing. Prometheus invited Zeus to choose any part of the bull to sacrifice to the gods. Zeus chose the one that seemed fatter to him, and from then on people began to sacrifice fat and bones to the gods, and ate the meat themselves.

Zeus, seeing that he had been tricked, became angry and, in revenge, took away the fire from the people. Cold and hunger reigned on the earth.

Prometheus felt himself an involuntary culprit of the disaster that befell the humanity he created, and swore by the waters of the Styx, a river in the underground kingdom of the dead, that he would bring for people the unquenchable heavenly fire burning in the hearth of Zeus himself.

He turned to Athena, asking permission to visit the home of Zeus, supposedly in order to admire the amazing servants that the blacksmith god Hephaestus forged from gold for the Thunderer. Athena secretly led Prometheus to her father's house. Passing by the hearth, Prometheus thrust a stalk of reed (narfex) into the fire. . Its core caught fire, and Prometheus in a hollow stem brought divine fire to earth,showed people how to preserve it by sprinkling it with ash. This reed has an interior filled with white pulp that can burn like a wick.

Having learned about this, Zeus became more angry than before and came up with a new punishment for people. Zeus sent to earth a girl named Pandora (“gifted by all the gods”). Prometheus' brother Epimetheus fell in love with Pandora at first sight and married her.

Zeus gave Pandora a tightly closed box as her dowry, without telling her what was in it. The curious Pandora, as soon as she entered her husband's house, opened the lid, and human vices, illnesses and misfortunes scattered from the box all over the world. Epimetheus and Pandora had a daughter, Pyrrha, who eventually married Prometheus' son Deucalion.

Zeus again began to think about how to destroy humanity - and sent a flood to the earth. But the seer Prometheus warned his son about this, Deucalion built a ship and escaped with his wife. When the flood waters subsided, Deucalion and Pyrrha found themselves alone on deserted land. The ship took them to the temple of Themis, the mother of Prometheus. Themis appeared to Deucalion and Pyrrha and ordered them to pick up stones and throw them behind their backs. These stones turned into people: thrown by Deucalion into men, thrown by Pyrrha into women. Thus the human race was reborn.

Later, Deucalion and Pyrrha had a son, Hellenes, the ancestor of the Hellenic tribe, who founded Hellas, that is, Greece.

Zeus, seeing that he could not destroy the human race, brought down his anger on Prometheus. He called his faithful servants Kratos and Biya - Power and Strength, ordered them to take Prometheus to the very edge of the world, to wild Scythia, and there the blacksmith god Hephaestus chained him to a rock. Hephaestus was a friend of Prometheus, but did not dare to disobey Zeus.

Zeus condemned Prometheus to eternal chains, but Prometheus knew that the power of Zeus himself was not eternal. The Moirai, goddesses of fate, revealed to Prometheus that from his marriage with the nymph Thetis, Zeus would have a son who would be stronger than his father and would overthrow him from the throne. The Moirai also said that Zeus could avoid such a fate if Thetis married a mortal man. Then the son born by her will become the greatest hero, but will not compete with Zeus.

Years and centuries passed. The immortal titan Prometheus languished, chained to a rock. He was tormented by heat and cold, tormented by hunger and thirst.

Wanting to break Prometheus, Zeus subjected him to new torments: he plunged the immortal titan into Tartras, into impenetrable darkness, where the souls of the dead wander, and then raised him again to the surface of the earth, chained him to a rock in the Caucasus mountains and sent his sacred eagle bird to torment Prometheus. With its claws and beak, the terrible bird tore apart the titan's belly and pecked at his liver. The next day the wound healed, and the eagle flew again.

The echo carried the groans of Prometheus far away; they were echoed by mountains and seas, rivers and valleys.The oceanid nymphs cried out of pity for Prometheus, begging him to reconcile himself, reveal the secret to Zeus and thereby ease his torment. His brothers the Titans and his mother, the goddess Themis, asked Prometheus for the same thing. But he answered them all that he would reveal the secret only if Zeus admitted that he punished him innocently and restored justice.

These torments, according to various ancient sources, lasted from several centuries to 30 thousand years (according to Aeschylus).

And Zeus gave up. He sent his son Hercules to the Caucasus mountains. Hercules killed the eagle and broke the chains of Prometheus with his club. Prometheus kept one link of the chain with a fragment of a stone as a souvenir, and since then people, in order not to forget about the suffering that Prometheus endured for the human race, began to wear rings with stones.

The freed Prometheus revealed the secret to Zeus, and he, heeding the warning of the moiras, gave the nymph Thetis in marriage to King Peleus. From this marriage Achilles was born - the hero of the Trojan War.

The other day, Russian President V.V. Putin gave instructions to Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev to take personal control of all the “eternal flames” so that they burn forever. (From TV news)

“...Rejoice, you who extinguished the fire of worship.”
(Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos, Ik. 5)
“Then He will say to those on the left hand: Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into everlasting fire.
prepared for the devil and his angel.”
(Matt. 25:41)
“Deliver me from everlasting fire, and from worms of evil, and from tartar.”
(Morning rule)
And your alliance with death is crumbling, and your agreement with the underworld will not stand.
(Isaiah 28:18)

Along the Champs Elysees, like a main pipe, German troops flow into Paris. Military platforms line an endless veil, skillfully protected by decorative coverings. On engines there are constant fetishes: velvet bears, dogs, ballerinas. Here is a French fireman's helmet attached... All this rushes at the same pace, grinding, trembling, hurrying, marveling at the new legendary city - the dream of distant European corners. Paris! Paris! Capital of the world! The capital of an unknown mysterious soldier buried at the very navel of the earth! A decorative corpse, deprived of funeral services, a cross, and maternal tears! Poor soldier! Where to run from presidential parades, cold, tearless flowers, diplomatic lies and these feigned stretching of arms at the seams? In this dead soldier, European callousness and ostentatious falsehood were embodied as a focal point. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is the wildest and most false note of democratic Europe. From a human corpse, in need of a grave and a cross, they made the nail of the capital, the Mont-Martre number. Blessed will be the good ruler who will carry this long-suffering coffin into the silence of a simple, clean village cemetery. And may gasoline smoke be replaced by incense smoke! An insensible body is destined to rot everywhere, but still... It’s not good when near a Christian corpse “the sea of ​​life boils too much.” Oh, how desirable a quiet refuge is. It was in vain that they gave no rest to this kind and valiant soldier.
Paris. June 15, 1940 (From the story “Paris Diary” by I.D. Surguchev)

A marble obelisk, along the white field of which the names of those who died on the fronts of World War II run in an endless golden line from top to bottom. Almost every Russian city has such steles in memory of warrior heroes. And among them, the black and red granite of the memorial at the walls of the Moscow Kremlin - the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - especially stands out for its solemn severity. Young cadets stand guard on guard of honor. And between them, from the funnel of a five-pointed star, the fireproof flame of the “eternal flame” bursts out.

Isn't it a very familiar picture to everyone? On Victory Days - days of national glory and sorrow - they march here in ceremonial march, taking up the ranks of battle, stretching here to pay tribute to memory, to express a feeling of gratitude to the fallen heroes of a string of people... War veterans who went into the trenches very young, and now who have become very old people, their children, also already gray, the children of their children - grandchildren, great-grandchildren and children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the fallen soldiers, thanks to whom our Fatherland remained unconquered by an external enemy. The descendants and relatives of the victims come here, their fellow soldiers come here. They carry wreaths and flowers, reliving the surging feelings and memories, wiping away the flowing tears of unforgettable losses.

Here a modestly dressed old woman knelt down and, leaning against a cold stone, whispered something: maybe she was talking to her husband, or maybe to her son. A teenager in a cadet uniform approached and, like a man, restraining his unexpected excitement, frowning from the awareness of the solemnity of the moment, he placed scarlet carnations on the granite step. But it is impossible for them to reach the foot of the monument: the humming tongue of flame escaping from the funnel of the bronze pentagram will not allow them to touch the granite symbol. Not only did it come out of the bowels of the earth, but it was also named ominously - “eternal fire.” And, probably, it does not occur to anyone from this mournful procession that a monstrous substitution has taken place: instead of uniting in spiritual communication with the souls of the dead soldiers, there is a flame separating them, in which both words and feelings addressed to them are burned. Instead of honoring their feat - desecration, instead of sanctification - mockery of it. For they bow their heads not so much before the memory of the dead, but before the fire that defiles this memory.

Yes, I would really like to call the resting place of the heroes who fought against Nazi Germany sacred, as it truly should be. But the “eternal flame” does not give, the pentagram, the funnel of which, as a symbol of the hole into the underworld, does not allow. No, one should not mistakenly assume that this is a civil monument, such as, for example, erected on Red Square to citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky from a grateful Russia, or the monument in Kostroma to the peasant Ivan Susanin, who gave his life for the Tsar, or the monument in Yekaterinodar, perpetuating the exploits of the Cossacks -Black Sea residents for the protection of the southern borders of the Russian Empire... These and many other monumental works dedicated to specific persons and significant events, including our recent history, about which the people want to pass on their testimony to descendants, are not filled with ambiguous, obscured symbolism . They are civil, secular monuments, monuments of human, earthly glorification. And churches, chapels, worship crosses, icons and other Orthodox symbols are monuments of heavenly glory. But the gloomy attributes of the architectural complex of the “eternal flame” are a completely different matter.

The worship of fire was widespread among the pagan peoples of the East and then borrowed by the Freemasons to become a symbol of the Satanic religion, which was secretly confessed in the Masonic lodges that were ripening like purulent abscesses, scattered throughout the world, repeatedly trying to establish themselves in Russia, persistently striving to subordinate it to their power and to “arrange” your plan. By the way, they have not abandoned this satanic idea to this day. And in recent years, another ritual has appeared, also associated with Freemasonry: the worship of the “eternal flame” of newlyweds. For example, in Tambov, an “eternal flame” complex was built right in front of the entrance to the cathedral. And young couples, before getting married, go to bow to the underworld, and then, leaving the temple, they take photographs at the “eternal flame” “as a souvenir” - this has become an established custom, and the local bishop does not contradict this... The fire trap seems to have closed: symbolically Not only the souls of departed ancestors, but also future children are sacrificed to the underworld; a new generation is given into captivity to Satan. In the Orthodox church, God crowns the newlyweds, taking the newly born family and their offspring under His protection, as they hear this in the wedding ceremony that ends. the priest’s blessing of the “young prince and princess” with icons of the Savior and the Mother of God. And here - from whom do they seek protection, wait for help?..
There was a custom in Ancient Judea when parents threw their first-born sons into the devouring fire of Molech, “to burn their sons and daughters in the fire” (Jer. 7:31). God forbade human sacrifice, henceforth considering such a mortal sin. And in Russia - after many millennia, think, literally today! - as a result of the decline of faith, this Kabbalistic ritual was voluntarily, albeit symbolically, revived, “which I did not command and which did not enter into My heart” (Jeremiah, 7, 31)... Of course, those who introduced this Satanic ritual of fire worship, knew about its origin. Therefore, it is no coincidence that it is connected with a pentagram from which a gas flame bursts out - a Masonic image of Satan. But many who participate in it do so most quickly out of ignorance, for they are far from the faith of our ancestors. But not a single act, not a single deed, as we know, remains in vain, without consequences: “And I will stop in the cities of Judea and in the streets of Jerusalem the voice of triumph and the voice of joy, the voice of the groom and the voice of the bride; because this land will be desolate” (Jeremiah 7:34). That is why the birth rate among the Russian people is falling, and families are breaking up, and the juvenile justice system is brutal, tearing small children out of the family, dooming them to bitter orphanhood with living parents - the flames of the underworld are working, year after year, increasingly covering our land with “eternal fires.”

So what does the concept of “eternal flame” mean in the Orthodox worldview? A person brought up in church tradition, whether a clergyman or a layman, regardless of his age, class affiliation and educational qualifications, will answer without hesitation: “This is hell, the underworld, fiery Gehenna,” and having crossed himself, he will add, “Lord forbid me.” this fate”...

Pictures of a red-hot hell, filled with unquenchable, blazing, unbearably torturing eternal fire, in which the souls of unrepentant sinners burn in terrible torment, are described in the Bible both in the Old Testament and in the Gospel: “... the corpses of people who have departed from Me: for the worm they shall not die, and their fire shall not be quenched; no; and they will be an abomination to all flesh” (Isa. 66:24); “both death and hell were cast into the lake of fire”; “a lake of fire and brimstone for the devil” (Rev. 20:14; 20:10); “...Depart from Me, O curse, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angel...” (Matthew 25:41). In ancient frescoes located on the western wall of Orthodox churches, God-fearing church painters visibly revealed pictures of the Last Judgment. The humble saints of God, the greatest prayer books, the Holy Fathers of the Universal Church told us about the endless torment of sinners in hell, for our edification, at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Thanks to them, for many centuries in churches, at prayer services and memorial services, while reading canons and akathists, Orthodox Christians have been raising their petition to God: we are afraid that “terrible angels will understand you, my soul, and lead you into eternal fire” (1); “The unquenchable fire of Gehenna, the bitter worm, the gnashing of teeth terrifies me and frightens me” (2); “Let me not hear, Lord... go into the fire of the damned” (3); “Do not condemn us, Master, to the fire of Gehenna” (4); “Have mercy and deliver me from my fiery condemnation” (5). And in his home prayers, an Orthodox Christian daily asks the Lord for mercy: “Deliver me from eternal fire, and from the worms of evil, and from tartar” (6); “Jesus, release me from unquenchable fire and other eternal torments” (7); “The hour of death, Most Holy Virgin, deliver us from the power of demons, and condemnation, and answer, and terrible trials, and bitter ordeals, and eternal fire...” (8)... And therefore in Orthodox Russia there could never be monuments to the eternal fire , which are a satanic temple.
However... in 1920 in Paris, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier - as a memory of the victims of the First World War, an "eternal flame" was lit. More than thirty years later, it broke out in Leningrad, on the Field of Mars, where the so-called Memorial to the Fallen Heroes of the Revolution was built. Neither Lenin nor Stalin then, during the years of their despotic power over Russia, decided on this outright Satanism, obviously realizing that the “eternal flame” emerging from the underground darkness directly above the place of human burial would be taken literally by the people, which is what it actually means - as a symbol of eternal hellish damnation. It took years for it to receive the exact opposite meaning; it was necessary for new generations to grow up under the rule of ignorant, godless rulers, not enlightened in the Orthodox faith, not knowing the Orthodox language. But there was no one to tell them: the former either renounced the spiritual traditions of their fathers “for the fear of the Jews,” or, along with these traditions, were destroyed by that time. And ominous lights crawled across our land, their hellish wicks flared up in Volgograd, Sevastopol, Kerch, Minsk, Kaliningrad, Kyiv, Belgorod, Odessa... In Volgograd, for example, on the Mamayev Kurgan, in the memorial complex dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad, the building " Eternal Flame" occupies one of the central places: from somewhere in the dungeon, a huge human hand, several times larger than human height, emerges from the dungeon, clutching a burning torch. Where it comes from and where the rest of this giant’s body is is not difficult to guess. And is it possible to recognize this repulsive structure as the perpetuation of a great feat? A terrible sight... It seems that there is no longer a single city where the gloomy pentagram of the “eternal flame” does not burn. And then in 1967, a hellish fire blazed in the very center of the country - near the walls of the Moscow Kremlin. But this was not enough: someone needed to light it next to the greatest national Orthodox shrine - in Sergiev Posad! A blue-flame gas burner buzzed right next to the walls of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, where the relics of the true Intercessor and Abbot of the Russian Land rest - Ven. Sergius of Radonezh, whose prayers have always been a strong shield of the people from foreign invaders. He blessed St. good Prince Dimitri Donskoy for the battle with the Tatars, he performed the funeral service for the fallen defenders of the Faith and the Fatherland. The Russian soul responded not with hellish flames, as is now blasphemously done, but with churches, chapels, and akathists of gratitude to the exploits of the holy heroes. Through the prayers of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh, and through his prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos, we owe to Her intercession many victories over the enemies of our Motherland, including the victory over Nazi Germany.

But for apostasy, the Lord allowed the devil to cloud the minds of the people, to mock the greatest feat - service to the Fatherland until death. “This is My commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:12,13). At the cost of His own suffering on the Cross, He explained the meaning of these words, making it clear by comparison that in the eyes of God, a feat of arms is sacred. Those who lay down their souls for the Fatherland, the Church ranked among the holy martyrs, called them prayer books before God.
About twenty years ago, during the Victory Day, I was on a creative business trip to a village in the Volga region. I went to church and wanted to remember my family and friends. I put a candle on the canon. Father served a memorial service. And the temple is empty, only one elderly woman is standing. There is a solemn meeting on the square near the village council, everyone is there. The chairman of the village council speaks drumming from a piece of paper, an orchestra with copper pipes roars in the sun, consisting of local firefighters, who play the same melody, whether in a funeral procession or on red days... And here there is silence, coolness, only the soothing ringing of the censer and the drawn-out voice of the priest: “God is wondrous in His saints... Rest with the saints... And create for them eternal memory...”. The service ended, the three of us bowed to each other and left the church with the parishioner. We sat down on a bench next to the church, waiting for the priest: my new friend wanted to invite him to her home for dinner. We talked and she told me her story.

She remained a very young widow, and during the war she received a funeral: your husband died heroically, stopping a tank column. She cried bitterly, inconsolably, she loved her husband very much, and her future fate scared her: she was left alone with two young children of the same age. Where to go with grief? I went to the temple - it was many kilometers away, their village had been closed even before the war - and took the kids with me, one little boy holding the hem of the other in the arms, hobbling. She defended the funeral service, then the memorial service, and she cried incessantly: how will she be without her husband, without the children’s father, without the head of the family! The priest finished serving, went up to her, stroked her head tenderly: “Don’t cry, dear, with his feat your husband lit a candle on the ground, and its flame reaches to heaven, all his sins burned out in him. The Lord laid him to rest in paradise with the saints. Remember him, pray that he will ask the Lord for help for his orphans, through his prayers the Savior and the Mother of God will not leave you, He Himself will be the head of the family, and will take your orphans under His protection.” So I prayed, and as the priest said,” the Christian woman finished her story, “I asked the Savior, and the Mother of God, and St. Nicholas the Pleasant, to keep my children warm.” And she taught the children to bow to them and remember their father, maybe that’s why they survived. What can I say, it’s hard,” she pronounced this word in Volga from her earthly existence, “it’s hard, but she raised the kids, saved them, God protected them...” And who did the “eternal flame” help and console in the loss of loved ones?

One respected elderly man, a war veteran, who went to the front as a boy and returned completely disabled, but to this day gives a lot of energy to the veteran movement, asked me: “Isn’t the eternal flame the fire of eternal life? How is it different from a candle and a lamp?”
The Church teaches that the fire burning in the lamp in front of the icon is fire, like the fire of a candle, grace-filled, heavenly, living. Jesus Christ sent him from Heaven on the Day of Pentecost to the Apostles, thereby founding the earthly Church. Every year on Holy Easter it descends from heaven in Jerusalem, and in the hands of the Orthodox Patriarch, candles are miraculously lit from this fire. And then this fire is carried throughout the entire earth, to all God’s churches, consecrating our Russia with it. This is the fire of eternal life. And coming from underground, burning with a dead blue flame, this is the fire of Satan. No, it is not the “eternal flame,” but the light of a candle, a lamp, the light of prayers that warms the souls of believers and helps them in difficult times. The Orthodox Church has been based on the fire of grace, the fire of prayers offered to the Savior for the third millennium; the souls of the righteous are saved by it. Do the bishops and clergy of the Moscow Patriarchate know about this? Of course, they know, they “passed” it back in seminary. However... On Victory Day in Kostroma, local TV showed the following picture: the ruling bishop, in festive attire, accompanied by a local mufti and rabbi, served a memorial service at the “eternal flame” and continuously incense the burning pentagram... On Victory Day in In Krasnodar, leaving churches after the liturgy, believers lined up in powerful columns, solemnly following their rector to the “eternal flame”... I asked one of them: “Father, do you know what “eternal flame” means? “Of course, I know,” he answered without hesitation, “this is hell, sinners burn there.” “Why do you go there and lead your parishioners with you?” “But it’s better than drinking vodka, it’s still closer to God!” I didn’t have any more questions for him... The first thing, after the return of Crimea and Sevastopol, to great chagrin - it was as if the grinding of rusty iron could be heard among the festive Blagovest - they lit the “eternal flame” in Sevastopol and bowed to it at the head of the city authorities. with the president. The Russian Christ-loving people served prayers to Christ and the Mother of God in gratitude for the victory. And here, who did they say thanks to - Satan?..

Of course, because these “eternal flames” burn in the burial places of front-line heroes, the feat of the defenders of the Fatherland does not become less sacred in the eyes of the Lord. The Lord laid them to rest in paradise, “received them in the abode of light and joy” (Akathist on the repose of the departed, cond. 1), “where the righteous shine like lights,” “where there is no illness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life.” (Rite of requiem), “and their works follow them” (Rev. 14:13). Let us not discuss now who was baptized and who left as an unbeliever, because many in those days had to hide their faith. We cannot know what happened in a person’s soul at his hour of death, only “The Lord guides our souls.” To this day, in places of the most brutal battles, the remains of dead soldiers are found, and among the decayed bones - a pectoral cross darkened with time. There are known cases when the Mother of God came to those dying from wounds, and they, having received healing from Her, were then baptized. It happened that before heavy battles, knowing that this day could be the last, soldiers secretly received baptism, and the souls of converts who died “for their friends” were carried away by angels to Heaven. The rector of the Church of Peter and Paul, which is on the Prokhorovsky field, told me from the words of the descendants of those who died here, on the Kursk Bulge, who came here from all over Russia; the children especially joyfully shared this testimony with him: they saw how above the temple, then just under construction, Russian people in soldier’s uniforms are ascending the stairs leading to heaven... It is not for us now to judge the fallen soldiers who, at the cost of their own lives, defended our right to live in Russia and remain Russian. It is our duty, our duty to pay tribute to them according to the dignity of their feat.

But as long as those living today glorify the feat of their ancestors not in a Christian way, but by lighting eternal, hellish fire and worshiping it, thereby committing an abominable deed, until then the Lord will send His punishment to us. But who should we blame if we ourselves trampled His commandments and, first of all, this main one: “Worship your Lord and serve Him alone” (Matthew, 4.10; Luke, 4.8), forgetting His command “let there be no you another god” (Ps. 80.10). Maybe this is why the Russian people are deprived of His help and the intercession of the Mother of God - “Let those who hope in Thee not perish” - because the Orthodox bishops after the liturgy in the temple, after the Eucharistic canon, where they raise their hands to Heaven at the altar, kneeling and offering thanksgiving to God “from everyone and for everything”, where they call “We ourselves and each other and our whole life will be given over to Christ God,” and before they can leave the altar, they go to bow to the eternal fire, “sanctifying” it with incense? Or, what has become almost nor the sacred tradition, on Victory Days, at the head of the funeral procession, the hierarchy of the Moscow Patriarchate lays a wreath of fresh flowers in the form of the Crucifixion at the foot of the “eternal flame” at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier? For example, what happened more than once during the years of the presidency of Alexy Ridiger, on the eve of Victory Day? The Russian Orthodox Church laid an Orthodox Cross lined with white carnations at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Kremlin wall by Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II and the words “Christ is Risen” on the wreath” (ITAR-TASS). “Addressing the military personnel of the Moscow garrison, he emphasized that the example of fathers and grandfathers, who showed an unparalleled feat in the fight against evil, should inspire young soldiers to serve the Fatherland and the people” (RTR-Vesti) - with the help of satanic forces?.. Tirelessly, with such With solemnity, accompanied by the Moscow clergy - and especially distinguished priests are invited to worship the fire as a well-deserved reward - the current Primate of the Moscow Patriarchate, Kirill Gundyaev, continues this tradition of his predecessor, and behind him with a mournful look are the top officials of the state, members of parliament, and important officials. , army generals and officers... Isn’t this blasphemy? After all, the souls of sinners burn in “eternal fire”, and the souls of the righteous rest in heaven. Why did the Russian authorities put the heroes in hell? And the servants of the altar laid the Cross at the foot of the temple? would thereby recognize the supremacy of Satan over Him! Previously, the main shrine in Russia was the Assumption Cathedral, but now the most important temple has become the temple, which has been given the status of “post No. 1”. After all, we are told that blasphemy against God will never be forgiven - it is a mortal sin! “How! .. burn incense to Baal, and follow other gods whom you do not know, and then come and stand before Me in this house, which is called by My name, and say: “We are saved,” so that from now on you can do everything these abominations... And now, since you are doing all these things... I will cast you out from before Me... Do not ask for this people and do not offer prayers and petitions for them, and do not intercede before Me, for I will not hear you" (Jeremiah 7:9-16).
Look at Russia from above: it’s as if it’s all wrapped up in a web of satanic fiery temples; the people, by their own will, have thrown their homeland into the underworld! Who played a devilish joke on us by allowing a satanic seal to be placed on the land of our ancestors? No way, we ourselves?..
In all centuries, the Russian people, in the most difficult times of their existence, asked for help only from God, turned only to their saints. On the battlefields with the enemies of the Fatherland, the Heavenly Host marched ahead of our troops: Archangel Michael, St. St. George the Victorious, Demetrius of Thessalonica, Demetrius of Donskoy... Holy blessings. book Alexander Nevsky, highly revered in Rus', helped both Dmitry Donskoy and Ivan the Terrible, and in the Patriotic War of 1812. And having won the victory, the Russian people glorified him: “Rejoice, courageous defender of your land...” (Akathist, ik.5). It is no coincidence that three Russian Emperors were named in his honor. Our Blessed Sovereigns were deeply religious people, and therefore state policy was built on an Orthodox basis. Paying tribute to the fallen defenders of the Fatherland, or hoping for or giving thanks for victory over an insidious enemy, they went to churches, defending mournful memorial services and festive prayer services. For they, like any Russian person, understood that only God gives victories, and we can do nothing without Him. And the current government, alien to the Russian people, is itself deprived of the grace of God, does not have a spiritual basis in itself and therefore has not experienced the power of prayer, is not able to master our spiritual traditions, despises our national shrines, seeks to destroy all this, depriving the state of God’s protection. Therefore, to fill the spiritual emptiness, they pay homage to the “eternal flame”, with an important look, mindlessly sorting through the ribbons on the ritual wreaths “from a grateful government.”
At a recent meeting between Putin and members of the Popular Front, one of its participants complained that in the Oryol region, where she lives, half of the “eternal flames” - she counted, it seems, more than a hundred - are not burning. I wish the President could rejoice that our country has finally begun to cleanse itself of this evil spirit, and he, a believer, should explain to this unbelieving girl what these far from Christian structures are, from which the Popular Front would help to finally free ourselves, if he is Russian, if folk However, the President also lamented such negligence of the governors and promised to raise a sense of patriotism among the administrative resource. And now the president needed this feeling of patriotism just in time; he ordered the prime minister to take personal control of all the “eternal flames” so that they would burn forever!

Today, the time is far from peaceful, every day in Ukraine, or rather on the land of New Russia, shells are exploding and Russian people are dying: our sons, children, old people. A cruel, merciless war is going on against the Russian people, artificially, without our will, divided by the state border, shells are already falling on the territory of Russia. But instead of uniting the people on Orthodox principles, and with God's help - "If God is for us, who can be against us?" - to give an adequate response to the Nazis, to tame the junta and its masters, to protect Russia from a military threat, as our Tsars would have done, the President decided to raise the spirit of patriotism... by serving Satan. Lately, Putin has been using patriotic rhetoric more and more often: he talks about Russian traditions, Russian history, the patriotism of the Russian people - you can’t stop listening! But when it comes down to it, to raise the patriotic spirit, he uses levers that are completely alien to both our national traditions and our Orthodox faith, which both Russia and “Establish the Universe!” So at the beginning of the year, by the will of the President, from the Kremlin to the outskirts, amid the screams and howls of the propagandized youth crowding along the road, the entire country was surrounded with torches of the ritual pagan Olympic flame, which had been in space, and on Elbrus, and at the bottom of Lake Baikal ... And then... the war began in Ukraine, against the Russian people, as a warning to Russia. And now it is urgently putting into action all the “eternal flames” built both in Soviet and democratic times. As I.A. precisely said. Ilyin: “The king leads the people to God, the president leads the people away from God,” and the Gospel warned: “Temptations are destined to come into the world, but woe to the one through whom they come. It would be better for this person..." Well, then let Vladimir Vladimirovich himself read this message, so as not to accuse me of extremism.

No, it was not pagan orgies, much less the fire of the underworld, that helped our people in the most difficult trials, but Jesus Christ and His saints saved them from destruction. And during the Second World War, of which there is a lot of evidence, through the prayers of the Mother of God, the Lord did not abandon our people, albeit at the greatest cost, but gave them the joy of victory over the enemy. And in recent times, when there was a war in the Caucasus, there is evidence of God’s help. For example, Cossacks from the Ermolovsky battalion, which went through two Chechen wars, said that they always prayed before battle and served thanksgiving services to the patron saint of the Cossacks, Archangel Michael: losses were minimal, Chechen armed gangs were always defeated. And no matter how difficult the current times may be for Russia, let us still hope for the intercession of the Mother of God, St. Sergius of Radonezh, St. Tsar-Martyr Nikolai Alexandrovich - “Master of the Russian Land”, and All Saints who shone in the Russian land.

Every year Orthodox Russia celebrates Holy Easter, and at the end of Bright Week, on the ninth day, Radonitsa is celebrated - the day of remembrance of the dead, which is also called the Easter of the dead. On this day, memorial services are held in all Orthodox churches, including for fallen soldiers especially if this holiday is close to Victory Day. In the Orthodox tradition, many memorable days associated with military feats have been established throughout the year. Soldiers are commemorated on Parental Lenten Saturdays, on Trinity Saturday and Dimitrovskaya Saturday, established by St. good Prince Dimitry Donskoy in memory of the soldiers who laid down their lives on the Kulikovo Field. The day of remembrance of Russian soldiers was the Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In 1769, the Highest Decree of Empress Catherine the Second and the Holy Synod established an annual special Day of Remembrance for the Defenders of Russia who fell in all wars for the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland, which chose the day of the Beheading of the Head of the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John, falling on September 11 according to n. Art. After October 1917, this Special Day of Remembrance was banned and forgotten under threat of execution on the initiative of Leon Trotsky and his henchmen. Then they understood what it meant to maintain prayerful gratitude among the people to the defenders of the Fatherland, and therefore they tried to supplant it with the worship of satanic eternal fire...
I would like to appeal to all Russian people who cherish the memory of the heroes who died “in the days of the Hagarian invasions and in troubled times,” many years ago and more recently, about their dear ones and loved ones. For the sake of your salvation and the future of our people, do not go to the “eternal flames”, cover them with the ashes of oblivion! Let us bow to the ground for the shed blood of all our soldiers who died in the trenches of the holy wars for Holy Rus', for the Russian State, including now in Novorossiya. Let us not forget those Orthodox Christians from the Kulikovo field in Odessa, burned alive and gassed, and the executed soldiers in Kramatorsk who refused to shoot at their people, and the policemen in Mariupol... These are all our neighbors, our brothers, all of them remained invincible warriors in battlefield, because they died for the Orthodox faith, for Russia, for you and me. All of them became ardent prayer books in Heaven for the Russian people. Let us every year, on the Days of Remembrance of Soldiers, in our common prayers, remember their immortal soul, light the candles of our hopes for their prayerful help, so that for the sake of their conciliar feat of arms, the Lord will not abandon our Rus'. No, it is not from the eternal, satanic fire that the Russian people should seek protection and help in the liberation of Russia, but from our Lord Jesus Christ, diligently sending our prayers to Him:
“Save, Lord, those who died in grave torment, those who were killed, those who were buried alive, those who were buried in the earth, those who were swallowed up by waves and fire, those who were torn to pieces by beasts, from hunger, frost, storms, and falls from the heights of the dead, and grant them Your eternal joy for the sorrow of death. May they bless the time of their suffering, like the day of redemption, singing: “Hallelujah!” (9).

“Soon overthrow the vile and blasphemous Hagaryan, Bolshevik and Jewish kingdoms, and give over to the orthodox king: establish orthodoxy, and erect a Christian horn, and send down upon us Your rich mercies” (10). Amen!

Valentina Sologub

Note: 1 - Canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ, ikos; 2,3,4 - Canon to our Lord Jesus Christ, canto 1,6, luminary; 5 - Great Canon of St. Andrei Kritsky, for Wednesday, March, 6.10 - Morning rule; 7 - Akathist to the Sweetest Jesus, ikos 12; 8 - Prayer before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Theodorovskaya”; 9 - Akathist for the repose of the dead, cond.4.