Compatibility horoscope: lunar zodiac sign Pisces man - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Let's consider the astrological compatibility of lunar Pisces (when the Moon is in Pisces in a person's horoscope). Lunar Pisces is the most emotional and feeling sign in the entire lunar zodiac, their soul is tender, warm, full of sympathy for everyone around them, they are ready to sincerely and tenderly love everyone!

Pisces Moon Compatibility in Relationships

They are romantic, sentimental, look at the world through rose-colored glasses and therefore, when falling in love, in each object they are able to see something special, something extraordinary, something that makes them admire - something that, perhaps, is actually in this person and no.

But they see in him what they want to see, they see, perhaps, the potential of a person that he himself has not yet achieved! In any case, such an attitude on the part of lunar Pisces is always very flattering to everyone, and it is difficult not to fall for the bait of their tender feelings.

Pisces are ready to take care of everyone, sympathize and empathize with everyone, and help everyone. They show tender attention to their partner and great care for him, doing everything to make him happy. Therefore, they are more likely than other signs to be happy in love. He who is able to give a lot receives a lot!

But at the same time, lunar Pisces are very impractical and sometimes lose their sense of reality. For example, they may not understand that they have chosen the wrong object for their care, that this object does not need them. In such cases, the care and love of lunar Pisces may seem intrusive.

And if the lunar Pisces are rejected, it is as if they are being replaced. Their cordiality and ability to sympathize disappear, no other feelings remain in them except self-pity. Here they can fall into melancholy and indifference to everything in the world.

But all this will pass as soon as a new object for care appears on the horizon. Lunar Pisces cannot imagine their life without caring for someone. Having fallen in love, they immediately forget about everything in the world, their feelings are so strong that they obscure the whole world!

If you are able to surrender completely and completely into the caring hands of the Pisces moon, then your life will turn into endless bliss with the most ideal lover you can imagine. Pisces look so that it is immediately clear from them that they are created for love: a dreamy look, languid thoughtfulness.

Don't expect wild fun and excessive liveliness from them. But everything will be compensated by a warm soft feeling overflowing from their tender soul.

It must be borne in mind that lunar Pisces tend to become dependent on their partner, and if this bothers you, your life can be significantly complicated. So do not indulge this property of Pisces, but rather often emphasize that they are an independent, self-sufficient and strong person. But don’t push them away from you, be tactful - it’s very important for Pisces to feel that you need them!

Moon Pisces compatibility. Very important: you need to be extremely honest with Pisces; they are very sensitive and instantly recognize any deception. No matter how caring they are, you will not be able to use their attitude for selfish purposes - they sense insincerity a mile away.

They will enter into an alliance only with a truly loving person, and no tricks or hypocrisy will mislead them. They are kind and generous, but they will not let themselves be deceived.

If you want to get along with Pisces, do not focus on the material and financial side of things. Money is important to them insofar as, and they will not understand you if you put money at the forefront and make a cult out of it. However, there will be coziness and comfort in the house - an established life is very important for Pisces.

And never show coldness and aloofness with Pisces, never spare words and time to show your love. If love has passed, you need to part with Pisces. These are not the people who will support marriage for the sake of appearance, for the sake of social status, out of habit, or even for the sake of children. They need love. Everything else has a much lower price for them.

The collapse of love for lunar Pisces is always a very painful moment. After all, they fly high in their feelings - and those who fly high usually crash very painfully if they have to fall. And yet, when new love looms on the horizon, lunar Pisces, having forgotten old grievances, again rush headlong into it. These are such incorrigible romantics.

Compatibility of lunar Pisces with other signs

Lunar Pisces – Lunar Aries

If you are a lunar Aries, then Pisces are very attracted to you by the fervor of your feelings, they see in you the same loving and romantic person as they themselves are, but your impatience and some harshness can hurt Pisces. But Pisces seems too sentimental to you; you always want to bring them back to earth from heaven.

Moon Pisces – Moon Taurus

If you are a Taurus moon, then you are attracted to the romance and sensitivity of Pisces, and your relationship can be very warm, calm, and peaceful. Just try to understand and forgive Pisces for their impracticality; do not demand that they begin to value material stability - they will immediately become bored with you. Otherwise, everything is fine: the main thing is that you are able to give each other a feeling of security and comfort.

Pisces Moon – Gemini Moon

If you are a lunar Gemini, then your social gloss and external shine will attract Pisces, you will easily respond to their warmth and care, but will this union be lasting? Gemini will want to break free from attachment, which will seem annoying and monotonous to them. Pisces will want more warmth, tenderness, and romance in the expression of feelings.

Pisces Moon – Cancer Moon

If you are a Cancer moon, you can become truly soul mates with a Pisces moon, and your connection will be very close and strong. You are both romantic, sentimental, and understand each other's feelings well. Try to be more practical so that your life does not turn into a continuous head in the clouds.

Pisces Moon – Leo Moon

Moon Pisces compatibility. If you are a lunar Leo, then a representative of lunar Pisces will feel great with you: safe, protected, and with a constant excess of feelings. But Pisces can become dependent and turn out to be a minor figure in this union.

If Leo is satisfied with such an unequal partnership, then everything is fine. Only then take responsibility for the sensitive Pisces you have tamed: if you push them away, it will be a tragedy for them.

Moon Pisces – Moon Virgo

If you are a lunar Virgo, you will have to give up your inherent pickiness if you want to be with lunar Pisces. You will be irritated by their dreaminess, sentimentality, head in the clouds, they will demand from you romanticism and tenderness, which you do not want to show at all, but for the sake of love you can put up with all this.

Pisces Moon – Libra Moon

If you are a lunar Libra, then you are both very romantic, you both value love very much and have been looking for it all your life, so your union can bring a lot of happiness to both. Just remember that Pisces may be wary of your indecision and tendency to hesitate, this will make them wonder whether you are sincere.

Pisces Moon – Scorpio Moon

If you are a lunar Scorpio, then Pisces simply cannot resist your charm and the strong pull of your magnetic personality. You can give each other many of the most powerful and exciting feelings. Just be careful with Pisces - they are gentle and vulnerable.

Pisces Moon – Sagittarius Moon

If you are a lunar Sagittarius, you can be very good and comfortable with lunar Pisces. But over time, Pisces may need more depth of feeling than you are willing to give. But warmth and tenderness, albeit somewhat superficial, will be enough.

Moon Pisces – Moon Capricorn

If you are a lunar Capricorn, you will have to learn to be more emotional and sensitive outwardly, and not just deep down, otherwise Pisces will always feel dissatisfied due to the lack of response to their warmth and care.

Don't let their romanticism fool you. It is Pisces who, better than anyone else, can convince you that you, too, can love and be loved and deserve the most sincere feelings.

Moon Pisces – Moon Aquarius

If you are an Aquarius moon, then in order to deal with a Pisces moon, you need to learn to communicate on an emotional level. Don't assume that they are sentimental - learn from them how to express feelings. Combined with your seriousness, the emotionality and gentleness of Pisces will guarantee a wonderful union.

Moon Pisces – Moon Pisces

If you are a lunar Pisces, like your chosen one, then you can form a real union of kindred souls. Love, romantic relationships are what you need and what you will have in abundance. But for marriage, family and practical life this may not be enough.

Moon in Pisces for a Man

The Moon in Pisces in a man's natal chart is not a very good position, as it adds sentimentality, vulnerability, and touchiness with or without reason. But this is one of the positions of the romantics. It’s hard for men with the moon in Pisces, because this position gives them qualities that are by no means masculine. Men can also get involved in alcohol, drugs, games, esotericism, and religion. For example, the famous occultist Papus has just such a position. They may have breakdowns and whims.

Despite the large number of disadvantages, men with the moon in Pisces understand women if other horoscope indicators contribute to this. This man is looking for a soft and kind woman, whom he will choose as his soulmate. We should remember that the Moon in Pisces is the image of a wife in a man’s natal chart. Men with the Moon in Pisces are compatible with creative, mysterious women. He himself is quite sentimental, is flexible in his approaches to problems, and creatively solves various everyday issues. He needs not only to understand her, but to merge with her, to become one.

Men with Moon in Pisces

The Moon in Pisces indicates strong receptivity, sensitivity, and deep impressionability. Men with the Moon in Pisces are calm, friendly, compliant and love comfort, not only at home, but also where they happen to be. They have a rich imagination, a vivid imagination, and see vivid dreams that lead them into the world of illusions. For them this is an excellent ground for creativity. But sometimes leaving reality makes them vulnerable and helpless. They are non-aggressive, pliable, often give in, but not because they agree with what is happening, but because of mental instability and inability to defend their opinion or out of fear of offending someone.

These men are dependent on their mood, endowed with a quick reaction to any irritant, both internal and external, which is why they often withdraw into themselves, and then nothing can bring them out of this state. Outwardly they look lethargic, indifferent, phlegmatic, dreamy, but in fact they are subject to deep and strong emotional experiences. Plus, they are merciful, compassionate, intuitively feel and understand people, especially those who need help.

The Moon in Pisces for men gives an extraordinary destiny and a unique life. They are often endowed with extrasensory and phenomenal gifts. These are real romantics, idealists and utopians, often believers, even if they were raised atheist. With negative character development, they show passivity, infantilism, inertia, indecision, attacks of apathy, laziness, distrust or morbid gullibility, as well as inconstancy in friendship and love. Such men are tormented by various litigations and fears, often of a monetary nature. The Moon in Pisces speaks of a clear tendency to gossip and intrigue; anonymous accounts, snitching, fraud, self-deception and an immoral lifestyle are not excluded.

When the ward of the Moon in the sign of Pisces hesitates, he becomes indecisive, difficult to concentrate and secretive. It is worth noting that in astrology the position of the Moon in the sign of Pisces is the most complete, since the Moon is “visiting” Neptune. Such a man has a lot of information in his subconscious about past lives, so their inner world is extremely rich. He is characterized by sensitivity, weakness and secrecy. He is responsive and those around him respond in kind.

The moon gives him amazing restraint. Moon Pisces regularly hesitate and take the easy way out in difficult situations, which is often the result of a lack of courage. Sensitivity sometimes pushes them to use tricks in difficult situations. Compassion, kindness and a strong desire to help put a strain on their bank account. In general, in financial matters, men with the moon in Pisces are not businesslike and can easily harm themselves.

As fathers, they are incredibly sensitive and responsive, caring for their offspring in all areas of life. Such a man is unusually light-hearted, full of sympathy for others, and his understanding borders on telepathy. He simply cannot stand it when a living being, human or animal, suffers before his eyes. Knowing about such responsiveness and kindness, people suffering from mental pain or in a confused state turn to the “lunar” Pisces for help. Often abusing their soft-heartedness.

The soul of such a man is very poetic, he loves music and truly feels it. Many of his feelings are vague and foggy, so it is not easy for him to convey what he really thinks about life. Music seems to be his natural means of communication. In love, such representatives of the Moon in the sign of Pisces are very romantic, but often they are in love not so much with a specific person, but with the relationship itself, in a pleasant state. Their vivid imagination, hypersensitivity and receptivity to the feelings and thoughts of others are manifested in music and poetry, and a love of travel.

They are endowed with courtesy, sympathy, shyness and mental vulnerability, which is why they often feel insulted. They may suffer from persecution mania, and if upset, then from a lack of sense of humor and common sense. They suffer from melancholy, absent-mindedness, neglect of their own appearance, and may be susceptible to mental illness and isolation. Such a man understands the meaning of religious life and has meditation and psychic abilities.

They need to learn not to let their feelings influence their judgments and views. Since they are easily influenced by other people, they need to learn to say a firm “no” so as not to get involved in actions that contradict one another. They can often be seen as volunteers working for charitable organizations. They can cry easily, are sometimes very absent-minded, and willingly write and read. Such men are emotionally naive, so they constantly neglect the shortcomings of the people around them.

They tend to feel sad over every little thing. They do not like objective and cold facts, and in relationships they show excessive sensitivity. Their senses often fail them; due to their highly developed romanticism and optimism, they tend to see everything in pink. They try to notice only the good in everything; the reality and truth of life scares them. Depending on the aspects, this may be the worst or the best position of the Moon. If the position is favorable, then the man will be a real dreamer, but if it is unfavorable, then this will lead to complete self-deception and loss in illusions.

He is a calm, gentle and friendly person with a good character, but too insecure and dreamy. Due to frequent changes of opinion on one issue or another, he can be quite cowardly and prone to depression. The Moon appears in this position for those who have unmanifested extrasensory abilities. When he wants to carry out any plan, he encounters many difficulties, because of which he is always very upset. He needs protection and love, loves harmony, beauty and comfort, if this is absent, then he suffers greatly.

In a word, representatives of such a horoscope experience a feeling of maternal tenderness towards all humanity, animals and plants, all living things. The moon endows this psychotype with the strongest instinct of self-preservation, intuition, and the ability to find answers to any everyday questions in their dreams. In their natural state, these men are dreamy, gentle, absent-minded and vulnerable.

Planets in Astrology

Moon Sign Pisces

The Moon in Pisces is an indicator of a person’s unusual destiny. This is largely due to the oddities of his nature. These are people who are able to be sincere and simple-minded at the same time and weave intrigues. Deep in their souls they combine almost old man's wisdom and childish naivety. But their soul is pure and vulnerable. Very often they are timid and shy.

This position of the Moon always makes a person highly emotional and impressionable. But the manifestation of these qualities may be different. Moon Pisces in the negative means, first of all, a tendency to drink. Against this background, an irresistible craving for lies develops, even when there is no need for it. A person is subject to mood swings, the influence of others, careless, fickle, touchy, weak-willed. He very quickly loses vitality, feels like a failure, and has extremely low self-esteem. He is overly attracted to the opposite sex, as a result of which he wastes himself even more. Often he is used and betrayed, and he himself becomes even more disappointed in life and in people.

Lunar Pisces in the positive is a completely different picture. Such a person has rare charm, is very attractive to other people, is sympathetic, has a wonderful character, shows touching care for loved ones, and is a good psychologist. He never imposes his help or pesters with advice. Loyal to his friends. He is hospitable and therefore friendly companies often hang out in his house. He is calm and taciturn, but by no means a cracker, and has a subtle sense of humor. Can be difficult to climb and even lazy.

Lunar Pisces are excellent dreamers, they make great dreamers, so they can become outstanding philosophers, writers, directors, musicians, artists, and inventors. They never dream “just like that,” for the sake of the process itself: they always extract some valuable idea from it, and are able to find a rational grain in the most transcendental fantasies. Pisces Moons love art, especially music. They value nature, drawing new strength from it.

In a romantic relationship, this is a very convenient partner. He is easy-going, constant, his feelings are deep and serious. He loves spending time with his family, in a home where he feels safe. Needs a solid material basis for family life. Unlike many other lunar signs, they cannot stand seething passions. It is important for him to live a calm life. He is not against friendly parties, but cannot stand psychological stress, which he tries to avoid by all means.

Therefore, life hand in hand with such a person will not be full of conflicts and showdowns. If he did not scold another for making a mistake, this does not mean that he did not notice this mistake. It’s just that lunar Pisces do not consider conflict a way to solve a problem. These are very good partners for people with an ardent character: next to the lunar Pisces it is simply impossible to constantly be “on edge”, such is the calming energy these people have. In everyday life they value comfort; it is important to them what the house looks like and how comfortable it is; they love high quality things - this applies to food, clothing, household appliances, and household items. They don't skimp on themselves.

For all their calmness, lunar Pisces are not at all conservative. They enjoy using the latest technical and fashionable innovations and love to travel. Very favorable towards change. The main thing is that these changes should be endured easily and pleasantly (travel, buying new furniture), and not traumatize the soul (divorce, change of job). They are attracted to everything inexplicable, mysterious and mysterious. This is not surprising, because they are not only great dreamers, but also representatives of the most intuitive moon sign. Their dreams are a treasure trove of information about the future.

Lunar Pisces never rush off the bat and are not prone to rash actions. If something doesn’t work out for them the second time, they don’t try again right away, but prepare for it mentally for a very long time; in addition, as a result of failure, they develop powerful complexes, they feel disappointed, unpromising in this area (entry to college, marriage, promotion).

Therefore, it usually takes them a long time to achieve their goals. They are discouraged by hostility and misunderstanding - circumstances in which they become lost and give up. Therefore, despite their sociability, they do not like to speak publicly in front of an unfamiliar audience. Calm, measured work is more suitable for them.

Lunar Pisces are people with the finest mental organization. Their main emotional problem, due to which the quality of life can significantly deteriorate, is increased anxiety, indecisiveness, pliability, softness, and lack of confidence in themselves and their actions.

Moon Pisces Man

The horoscope states that most often these men can be seen near those who are less fortunate than them, as they strive to benefit the unfortunate. But the other side of the coin of such sensitivity and nobility is their excessive idealism, romanticism and dreaminess. If lunar Pisces have the opportunity to access their lunar intuition, then let them use it to the maximum, since finely tuned sensations will help them stand on the ground as firmly as possible. Pisces, as such, have very high empathy, and these men, on an intuitive level, waste more mental strength than they should.

This means that for such people it is very important to be able to build protection between themselves and those around them, so as not to feel absolute devastation at some point. The planet Moon in Pisces for a man gives him great inner sensitivity, which is an undoubted blessing. However, it needs to be managed wisely. Simply put, you shouldn’t react with a particularly sensitive attitude to everything that comes to hand. The horoscope says that when a person has the planet Moon in Pisces, he must listen to his intuition as carefully as possible, and not brush aside every fleeting impulse. Meditative practices for immersing yourself in the world of the inner “I” will be very useful, since this way the inner voice of the Moon will be heard much better. True, you shouldn’t think that Pisces should not “emerge” from the mystical otherworldly atmosphere. Those connections with the outside world that they establish from birth and throughout their lives are their necessity; they simply will not survive without this.

Moon Pisces Woman

In general, to make it clear: the horoscope states that women with lunar Pisces must learn to maintain a balance between dedication and deepening into themselves. This is especially important for those “specimens” who sometimes display an enviable ability to escape into some kind of fantasy world of their own. There they move away from real life, soar in the clouds for hours on end, and go into themselves so deeply that their material problems inevitably begin to multiply. The Moon gives Pisces great impressionability, and women who were born under this combination of signs should be aware that their psyche absorbs other people's moods like a sponge.

They perceive any other people's problems and troubles, anxieties and worries as their own. All this turns out to be absorbed into their unfortunate head, even against their own will, to the detriment of their health. Astrology says that Pisces, which swim in different directions, are illusions, which Neptune inspires. And they turn out to be just as deceptive as the elements of the sea; they easily knock a person off his feet and lead him astray. In the life of lunar Pisces, there are often cases when, with the help of instincts and powerful intuition, they get out of extremely difficult situations and help other people. But what you should definitely remember here is the need to constantly maintain contact with your own higher self, listen to its instructions, and then the rational and emotional principles of a person will converge at one point of balance.

It is clear that most often such a balance may be required in the love sphere, that is, where a woman is absolutely convinced that she has met her ideal other half. There is hardly an astrologer who would attribute the impulsiveness of Aries to lunar Pisces, but they are still inclined, like solar Pisces, to look at reality through rose-colored glasses. They are beautiful in soul and see only unprecedented virtues in their chosen one. And in this case, lunar Pisces should be most honest with themselves, and show maximum trust in their intuition and inner advisor, so that romantic dreams do not drown out the quiet intuitive voice.

Pisces Compatibility

Characteristics of the Pisces zodiac sign: description of men and women, boys and girls

These are mysterious and enigmatic natures. Pisces, the characteristic of this sign is high sensitivity, among them there are many clairvoyant and simply insightful people. Pisces have excellent memory and intuition, but they often contradict themselves, rush from one extreme to another, and their actions often remain misunderstood by friends and family. They often feel the truth with their hearts, understand it at the level of intuition, but being under the influence of others, they cannot resist the logical conclusions of other people and are able to change their opinion, even though it was the right one.

Pisces can get lost in other people's problems, forgetting about their own interests.

Character of adult Pisces

It is extremely important for them to have a good environment; life alone is unbearable for Pisces. They want to be liked by others, love holidays, but do not tolerate huge crowds of people. Pisces are very witty and resourceful, they are often the main leaders in the company, but at the same time, by temperament they are closer to phlegmatic people and are introverts.

Positive features

Pisces, the characteristic of the zodiac sign, is boundless generosity, they are able to empathize with people, and often sacrifice themselves for their loved ones and friends. But they themselves are prone to depression, sudden inexplicable mood changes, and anxiety. In order to cheer up Pisces and return them to a positive life, they are helped by their strength of spirit and the same spiritually strong people around them.

They often immerse themselves in their inner world and escape reality. Most often, this condition occurs during a difficult period of life, full of troubles and difficult tasks. Pisces are ready to give up after the first failure and withdraw into themselves instead of solving the problem. Representatives of this zodiac sign are accustomed to going with the flow; sometimes it is easier for them to leave the situation, waiting for everything to resolve itself, instead of gathering strength into a fist and finishing the matter.

Pisces live in dreams, often not caring not only about their “tomorrow,” but also not thinking about “today.” They easily adapt to the presence of restrictions in life and come to terms with the inability to provide themselves with something necessary. It is more important for them to maintain inner peace.

Some Pisces especially don't like emergency adoption

Pisces protect their inner world from others with the help of humor, they hide behind the shell of successful people,

decisions, while others, on the contrary, show their best side in such moments. These people rarely speak about something in an affirmative form; they do not want to clearly agree or refuse. Therefore, they need a like-minded person nearby to gently push them towards specifics. But in no case should Pisces be controlled; by such an attempt you risk getting to know them from a new, tough side.

Pisces know their character well; they often get tired of themselves, especially of their anxiety. In society they often appear indifferent. Like all people in the world, they can be pissed off, but instead of hysterics and scandals, they will simply plunge into deep thoughts.

“My home is my castle” - this motto clearly does not suit Pisces, because, unlike most people, they do not feel safe and comfortable being at home.

At the same time, they are the real favorites of Fortune, often they are simply fantastically lucky. From the outside, Pisces often look weak and defenseless, but their inner character is very strong. They know how to leave their fictional world and adapt to reality, but they rarely want to do this.

Negative traits

  • Pisces do not know how to manage money wisely and treat it lightly. They are attracted by luxury and chic, they strive to live like this, although they are prepared to deny themselves almost everything.
  • Typical shortcomings of Pisces are their ability to take everything too personally, they absorb all emotional shocks. Therefore, it is better for them not to fall under negative influence, because they will become a reflection of this evil.
  • Pisces have an endless fantasy, they are capable of getting bogged down in their illusions, inexplicable fears, and often they plunge into a state of melancholy, which can even lead to depression. They are too impressionable and restless, which prompts them to take sedatives or, on the contrary, stimulants.
  • Pisces tend to exaggerate; often obsessive ideas arise in their minds, tormenting them from the inside until they are realized. They may experience sudden emotional outbursts. Sometimes, due to their fantasies, they have to contact psychologists. Fortunately, people of this sign really benefit from their help and advice.
  • Although Pisces have an amazing memory, sometimes they easily forget about their promises or simply decide not to fulfill them;
  • They often indiscriminately bring up personal topics and other people’s secrets for discussion, not knowing where the line of what is permitted is. Some Pisces have tendencies toward unconventional eroticism, hypocrisy, and deception. In addition, they may not finish speaking and deceive in order not to lower their opinion of themselves in the eyes of their listeners.
  • Another drawback is the lack of a sense of proportion among people of this zodiac sign. They are very gambling and easily fall into the slavery of habits. It could be alcohol, card games, drug addiction. Of course, not all Pisces have bad habits, but a predisposition to them is inherent in them by nature.
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Pisces personality by date of birth

Those born in the first decade of Pisces are under the protection of Mars; they are usually characterized as warlike, rather gloomy and mysterious people. Their characteristics are amazing willpower and strong character; they can handle any difficulties.

People born in these numbers are calm about death, almost indifferent. They are attracted to everything that is shrouded in a veil of mystery and paranormality. These Pisces have very powerful energy, they can predict what will happen soon and treat other people's illnesses.

Type 2 – second decade (March 3 - March 13)

Pisces of the second decade are under the influence of the Sun; they are strong, strong-willed and cheerful people. They are noble and extremely generous, love to express themselves, emphasizing their individuality, do not like to show anger and remember even small details.

Pisces of the second decade are strong-willed and stubborn, they are ready to devote all their strength to the implementation of their plans. After strong experiences they quickly become calm, their thoughts are always in order. They have a great understanding of life and see through people. By nature, these Pisces are inclined to conduct commercial activities; they quickly understand the intricacies of financial affairs and have an incredible income.

Type 3 – third decade (March 14 - March 20)

Pisces of the third decade are under the influence of Venus, they easily fall head over heels in love, they are bright and artistic natures. They are very talented, but do not have great efficiency, although they are overwhelmed with ideas that are not always realized.

Those born on these dates are very impulsive; they often want to break away and go wherever they are drawn. They have a huge personality, always stand out from the crowd, but can be selfish. They do not like to be torn away from the deeds that inspired them; at such moments they can become harsh and merciless towards others.

Pisces of the third decade are dreamers and visionaries by nature. It is useful for them to track how their mood changes depending on the phases of the moon. They are sensitive, sometimes nervous, bohemian and active. The power of hypnosis is hidden in their eyes; they have the gift of suggestion and prediction.

Characteristics of a Pisces woman

A Pisces girl will be a true lady: gentle, easily vulnerable, very impressionable. They need attention and care more than others. They always need support in moments of sadness, but they are not able to ask for it; they prefer to cry, waiting for someone to notice and calm them down.

Sometimes little Pisces become depressed when they cannot achieve their plans and feel too weak for this cruel world. It is often difficult for a girl to make a decision, but in some issues she firmly stands on her own and defends her position, sometimes even too fiercely. Pisces needs a protector and ally, rarely when he is among members of her family.

They are dreamers in childhood and often lie without malicious intent, namely from losing the line between reality and fiction, sometimes they believe in the reality of their fantasies and live by them. You shouldn’t count on them too much; they often don’t keep their promises and change them in their thoughts.

Because of his dreaminess, a Pisces child can spend hours listening to fairy tales, beautiful stories, watching soulful films, and admiring simple paintings. They do not want to perceive the world as it is; often the world through the eyes of Pisces is many times more interesting and magical than the real one.

They do not like generally accepted rules, they prefer to live according to their own, and this even applies to simple games with other children. Girls are very active, they love outdoor games, noisy companies and holidays. Memorable dates, in their opinion, are important to them. They love to invent their own traditions and holidays and are very upset if someone forgets about them.

In love, a Pisces girl can simply drown; she is ready to sacrifice everything for her partner, which often results in bad consequences. Having fallen in love, she completely surrenders to this feeling. True, most often the state of passion quickly passes, leaving disappointment. From her partner she wants to receive protection and security, constant care and sensitivity. By nature, Rybka has a feminine nature and a gentle character; she is very pretty and pleasant, so she has many fans.

Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac, therefore it contains all the qualities of the signs. The Moon in Pisces for a woman is a creative and vulnerable nature; it is difficult for them to endure betrayal and lies, so they choose reliable companions for life and trust them with their own. Pisces women are ideal wives and mothers, they express all their love and care through their actions and actions. They enjoy authority at work and in the family circle.

What does the moon in Pisces mean for a woman?

A woman with the moon in Pisces is used to achieving all her results and victories on her own. She knows that she should not wait for outside help, she must rely only on her own strength. They are sure that no one except themselves can help in difficult times. Although it may be closedness and fear.

They know about the cruelty of the world, so they try not to let new people into their lives. For them, there is a social circle in which they feel cozy and comfortable, and it is difficult for them to let someone new into it. It is difficult for them to open up and start warm conversations with new acquaintances. Pisces are very delicate in nature, so they experience all losses and wounds close to their hearts.

For a woman, the moon in Pisces means that they can experience a storm of emotions in one moment, it is difficult for them to control their feelings, so they immediately give away with their facial expressions and expressions when they like something and vice versa. They feel every person, so don’t try to hide something from these girls, they will immediately bring you to light.

The characteristics of moon fish are quite extraordinary; they contain many positive and negative qualities. They are very secretive and taciturn. It is very problematic for Pisces to tell their feelings to their significant other, and this causes many problems. Because the chosen one thinks that the girl is not too honest with him. However, by their actions and attitude, the fish prove that he is the ruler of her heart.

Creative nature allows you to do anything, the main thing is that it is for the soul and from the heart. These ladies will never do anything they don’t like, only what pleases their soul.

How to win a woman with the moon in Pisces

If a woman has the moon in Pisces, this means that only a persistent man with an excellent sense of humor can win her favor. Since Pisces are creative in nature, they are not at all satisfied with ordinary courtship, bouquets and compliments. She does not recognize mercy and affection; she needs something else. Something bright, with changing emotions, the so-called emotional swing. Only then will she be happy.

If life becomes ordinary, the fish will look for variety on the side and this can end in tears. But if you meet all the criteria of a Pisces woman and satisfy her in all plans, then you can be sure that you have fallen into a trap of love from which you cannot get out.

In love, these signs give themselves completely, the man becomes their master and controls their life. They are happy to be led; they need a guide who will swim with them in the right direction. You shouldn’t overdo it and go too far; you need to know the fine line between permissiveness and accessibility.

You will not be bored in this relationship, a water sign can make every day varied and interesting, the main thing is to trust them and be frank, and then you will conquer the peaks together.

In family life, girls respect absolutely everything - home, husband, children, personal atmosphere and do not allow anyone to disturb it. They will create and create a special world for their children and spouse.

White moon in Pisces for a woman

Selena's white power encourages mercy and compassion. All your good forces must be directed to good deeds, helping those in need and remaining selfless. Mercy is shown not only to people, but also to animals. There is an opportunity to cleanse yourself by helping the defenseless. Try to help as much as you can. But don’t forget about helping yourself, it’s important to find the right wave on which to continue life. Remember to meditate and surrender to yourself, your thoughts and your feelings.

To correct karma, you need to surrender to self-sacrifice, by atonement for all your sins. There is no need to be afraid of what will happen next, all that matters is what is happening here and now.

Very often, on a spiritual level, the ability to dream dreams and interpret them opens up, so it is not so difficult for them to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. They know that something better than this life awaits them.

Black moon in Pisces for a woman

Because of your excessive emotions, sometimes it is very difficult to control the situation and the hysterical person turns on. The black moon in Pisces means for a woman that her delusions of grandeur are increasing and will demand all the attention, egocentrism is intensifying, which leads to many scandals and unpleasant moments with loved ones.

In disputes and omissions, it is better to avoid rude behavior, as this can lead to bad consequences. Try not to contact enemies and unwanted people. Excessive activity indicates a lot of energy that wants to get out.

There is also a dark side to cynicism. Pisces thinks that without them, the work won’t work and everything will be ruined, so he constantly interferes with his corrections, comments and reproaches, believing that he is helping everyone. We must not give in to these forces and eradicate them.

Moon in Pisces-the most touching and gentle Moon among the entire zodiac circle! But men with this position will have a hard time. It's not a man's place to show emotions. “Happiness is when you are understood” - this phrase absolutely accurately and clearly embodies this is the position.
And I start with an interpretation that is very popular among astrologers, namely, the owner’s mother Moons in Pisces. Often this is a woman whose mood changes every 1-2 seconds (if Moon in the natal chart severely damaged, then one can argue about deviations in the mental health of the mother).

Moon in Pisces testifies to a religious mom, who has very good intuition.

Many of you have seen people, deeply immersed in themselves, in some kind of half-asleep, looking at 1 point (one gets the impression that they are on some kind of wavelength) and this is a typical phenomenon Moons in Pisces.We often observe people who have been captured by the “green snake” and other addictions, running away from everyone, including themselves - these are also manifestations Moons in Pisces.

Moon in Pisces in the natal chart it demonstrates frequent changes in mood, emotional component, as well as adaptation to everything new not through the mind, but through the heart (this is the essence of the opposite of the Virgo/Pisces axis). Moon- mother planet, as a result, we can talk about showing care and attention towards other people. Caring is manifested: empathy, they will absorb your negativity (like a sponge), they will always find the right words for consolation, however! you cannot abuse this, because... natives with pronounced Pisces or Moon in Pisces They will worry with you about it and without it.

Suppose you have Moon in Aries an impulsive and quick-witted sign, then you expressed everything that had accumulated to the best vest - Moon in Pisces.What will happen- Moon in Aries I already forgot about the problem after about five minutes, but Moon in Pisces will comfort you (when you are already in a calm mood and you don’t need it), if you want to say something similar to “enough”, then Moon in Pisces deeply, but may not be offended for long. Unlike the Moon in Pisces, she goes to work when she is offended.

They know how to forgive, but through the ritual of “twisting.” Leave as quickly as Moon in Aries,such Moon It can’t, because, as a rule, mutable signs don’t do everything right away. Moon-symbolic ruler 4 houses, which makes it an important component to predict relocation.

Moon in Pisces- an indicator of moving either to another continent, or to a place of residence by the sea, in rare cases indicates a forced move.

Talking about Moon in Pisces, no one astrologer never miss a chance to talk about dreams . And their dreams are very interesting and bewitching! They always dream of something, prophetic dreams are not uncommon. I’ll say more: they look like the plot of a science fiction book or movie. I haven’t met many people with a phenomenal memory for dreams. And that’s another thing manifestation Moons in Pisces.

Moon in Pisces for a man

Moon in Pisces for men in the natal chart - not a very good position, as it adds sentimentality, vulnerability, touchiness with or without reason. But this is one of the positions of the romantics. It’s hard for men with the moon in Pisces, because this position gives them qualities that are by no means masculine. Men can also get involved in alcohol, drugs, games, esotericism, and religion. For example, the famous occultist Papus has just such a position. They may have breakdowns and whims.

Despite the large number of disadvantages, men with the moon in Pisces understand women if other horoscope indicators contribute to this. We should remember that the Moon in Pisces is the image of a wife in a man’s natal chart. Men with the Moon in Pisces are compatible with creative, mysterious women. He needs not only to understand her, but to merge with her, to become one.

Moon in Pisces for a woman

For women with the Moon in Pisces, care comes first. She definitely needs to feel sorry for someone. She absorbs emotions. Women are constantly worried about something. The Moon in Pisces for women is one of the indicators of high fertility. Pisces is a water sign and also a dual sign. Women will always support and console their loved ones. But this support is not practical. Girls with the Moon in Pisces love to get involved in manga and anime, unusual worlds and stories. Women with this position need to control their emotions, as there is a risk of mental illness. Especially if the moon is associated with the houses of illness or their rulers with negative aspects.

People with such a position in the natal chart are often attracted by another culture. Moreover, a culture that will be either very romantic, mysterious or highly spiritual. As an example, my close friend has an irresistible craving for everything Italian (the point about romance), she considers it the most refined and sublime. Moon controls needs, and therefore we can “try on” the qualities of Pisces. They have this understanding and solitude.

Moon in sign Fish found in horoscopes people who love animals very much.

This is not surprising, because... Pisces in the horoscope are considered the most pitiful sign.
Unfortunately, the owners Moon in Pisces in the natal chart they attract people who splash out their negativity on them. But They They let everything pass through themselves, which, unfortunately, significantly spoils their spiritual comfort, so they are recommended to engage in meditation and other spiritual practices to relax and free their minds.

The Moon in the sign of Pisces feels comfortable because the water element is ideal for it. Mystery, mystery, rich inner life, emotionality and high sensitivity - all these are signs of the water Moon. Of course, sometimes an excess of water gives an exaggerated manifestation of many of these qualities, and the Moon in Pisces can show greater sensitivity, vulnerability and changeability of character.

general characteristics

Moon Pisces are very dreamy, charming and spiritually rich. They are not distinguished by a bright and strong character, are inconspicuous in the crowd and do not strive at all costs to take a place in the sun. Such people understand that true treasures are hidden in the depths of the human soul, and therefore do not take part in open struggles and clashes. People with the Moon in Pisces do not like rigid norms and strict rules and, over time, go to a more comfortable place for them if they encounter persistence and coercion from others.

Those with the Moon in Pisces find an outlet for themselves in creative activity. The main thing for them is to give free rein to their dreams, fantasies and rich imagination, and then the world will appreciate and admire their magical creations.

The qualities of lunar Pisces include the following:

  • High sensitivity, receptivity and internal experiences;
  • Kindness, consideration, compassion,
  • Highly developed intuition, the gift of foresight, prophetic dreams;
  • Ability to listen and sympathize;
  • The desire to care for the suffering, to sacrifice for the good of people;
  • Sentimentality, tearfulness, tendency towards romantic moods;
  • Love for comfort and coziness;
  • The desire to escape harsh reality into one’s inner world, a tendency to self-deception and illusions;
  • Self-indulgence, tendency to go with the flow;
  • Musicality, good imagination, creative personality;
  • Love of travel and distant countries.

Confrontation with the harsh realities of life, the feeling of being forced to fit into a hierarchy, within the framework of work regimes and schedules - all this negatively affects the well-being of the dreamy Moon in Pisces.

It must be said that the water element has a healing effect on a person with such a Moon. In order to free yourself from stressful conditions, it can be useful to go on a long journey, relax at sea or near any body of water.

Moon in Pisces for a man

If in a man's horoscope the Moon is in the sign of Pisces, then such a person may be hindered by indecision, fears and illusions in forming relationships with the opposite sex.

However, if such a man one day meets a beautiful stranger with a kind, merciful and loving heart, then he will find happiness in his personal life once and for all.

Moon in Pisces for a woman

The Moon in the sign of Pisces is a very good star combination for a woman. She will happily fulfill the duties of a wife and mother, because caring, humility, diligence and the ability to preserve family values ​​are her most important qualities.
Such a woman will find happiness and satisfaction working in the field of pedagogy, psychology and health care. She feels good when she has someone to take care of, enjoys babysitting children, doing charity work, and helping people cope with various problems.

Sometimes lunar Pisces can be very self-absorbed and not in the mood for communication. How to find an approach to lunar Pisces? Firstly, they need to be given the opportunity to spend some time in solitude and come to terms with themselves. In addition, a person with the Moon in Pisces can be immensely happy if they have a heart-to-heart talk with him, reveal secrets, join him on a fishing trip, or accompany him on a pleasant trip.

The moon has a strong influence on all zodiac signs. The planet gives people special sensitivity, enhances positive ones, and the Moon in Pisces for women reveals itself in the form of maternal care, boundless and selfless love for one’s chosen one, family and friends.

Mystery planet

The celestial body has long been considered a symbol that carries feminine energy. The Moon is in its most favorable position.

In a man, the planet predetermines his ability to love, preferences in choosing a life partner, as well as a predisposition to betrayal. The Moon in Pisces for a man lays in his subconscious the ideal of a woman, that appearance, focusing on which, a person will look for his love in the future. This is the image of a mother, grandmother or nanny who bestows her care, warmth, love on him as a child and does not demand anything in return.

In a woman’s natal chart, the planet manifests itself from a slightly different side - it affects emotionality, intuition, falling in love, the ability to sympathize and help strangers. The Moon in Pisces for women makes them experience painful love and sacrifice themselves. The planet evokes in the hearts of the fair half of humanity a strong desire to help, sometimes for the benefit of other people and at a loss to themselves.

In men and women

Balance, a craving for a calm and measured life, mutual assistance - all this is present in the character of people born under the auspices of the Moon. Representatives of both sexes have developed intuition, they easily make new acquaintances, and love order in everything.

The Moon in Pisces for a man makes him softer, more romantic and more attractive to the opposite sex. He is an interesting conversationalist, a good friend and a family man. In women, he is attracted primarily by their pleasant appearance, kindness and ability to manage a household. Even in his youth, a man is attracted to ladies older and more experienced than him. This is due to the identification of a potential partner with the female image inspired by the planet.

The Moon in Pisces for women, provided that the planet is in a normal, correct position, endows them with charm, sensitivity and the desire to protect, love and give warmth to their lover. The negative is that they become overly emotional, secretive, and prone to depression. The planet strengthens the desire to help, making it excessive and in some ways even dangerous: a woman is ready to give the last thing she has to help a person in need. For a normal, harmonious existence, a lady needs a companion who will stop her in time, returning her to her sound mind, otherwise she may find herself in a life-threatening situation.

The influence of the Moon on the solar signs of the zodiac

The planet influences every zodiac constellation. It is she who is responsible for people’s sensitivity, ability to communicate, and love. External attractiveness, as well as a person’s charisma, are all influenced by the planet. The Moon in the zodiac signs is responsible for the emotional background, health, desire (reluctance) to start a family. People born under the auspices (Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer) are most susceptible to the influence of the planet, since these constellations are a kind of home for the Moon.

A planet in fire, air and earth signs is not as strong as in water constellations. However, the Moon in the zodiac signs still controls some aspects, such as relationships with the opposite sex, success, character traits, the desire to learn and develop, and the ability to control oneself. Thanks to the positive influence of the planet, representatives of the fair half of humanity become more feminine, and men know how to love and understand their chosen ones. The Moon is also responsible for a person’s talent, his desire for various sciences and art.

Aries Woman, Moon in Pisces

The day a person was born is considered one of the important factors in his future development. A lady born under the constellation of Fiery Aries is characterized as a self-confident person. She is only interested in her own well-being, she constantly strives forward. The Moon in Pisces for Aries women softens their excessive temperament, while making the ladies more sensitive and romantic. The solar sign is not characterized by adoration of representatives of the opposite sex, but the Moon forces a self-sufficient woman to selflessly fall in love, giving and devoting herself completely to the object of adoration.

Lunar Pisces (dates: February 21-March 20) make the hot-tempered and impulsive Aries pliable, romantic and vulnerable. A woman under the influence of the solar and lunar sign becomes overly sensitive, amorous and dependent on her relationship with a man. She constantly needs affection, care and understanding, while easily denouncing any attempts to deceive her. The Moon dulls Aries' desire to constantly dominate in relationships, to be the best in everything, due to which a tough and wayward character is replaced by a pliable and calm one.

Taurus Woman

Gravity constantly stops Taurus, forces him to take balanced and deliberate actions, to work hard and fruitfully. Lunar Pisces (dates: 21.02 - 20.03) endow the earth sign with excessive dreaminess and anxiety. The Taurus woman, calm by nature, under the influence of the Moon and the constellation Pisces, loses her balance, often panicking and worrying for no reason. Dreams, constant head in the clouds - all this complicates the life of Taurus.

Both in work and in her personal life, a woman experiences constant uncertainty, doubts about whether she is doing the right thing. To avoid this, Taurus needs to choose a creative activity - this will be facilitated by the Moon, which endows the sign with artistic abilities.

Gemini Woman

Superficial, always rushing somewhere, Geminis who cannot tolerate routine work suddenly turn into calm, caring, balanced individuals. In relationships with the opposite sex, representatives of the air sign are seductresses; they attract men's gaze and force them to follow their trail. The desire to learn something new for yourself, the eternal pursuit of impressions, acute intuition - this is what Gemini is all about. The Moon in Pisces endows the sign with calmness and patience, and the ability to empathize.

The Gemini woman is a great friend, a faithful wife and a caring mother. However, with the negative influence of the Moon, the lady may become overly secretive, which will provoke frequent depression, or, conversely, too emotional. Then those around you will experience constant baseless scandals and severe nervous breakdowns.

Cancer Woman

The Moon in Pisces has a positive effect on the sun sign. Constant mood swings and excessive jealousy, characteristic of a water sign, are replaced by a desire for peace and comfort. The Cancer woman is sentimental, sensitive, but at the same time practical. Under the influence of the Moon, the lady becomes romantic and sets the goal of making her chosen one happy in all possible ways.

Leo Woman

An ambitious, sacrificial person. A woman born under the constellation Leo strives to help everyone who needs support and protection. The Moon in the sign of Pisces enhances the positive qualities of a person’s character and makes her more compassionate. A lioness without lunar influence is a selfish, self-confident lady who strives to get what she wants in every possible way. The heavenly body makes a woman forget about her own benefit and help others.

Virgo Woman

The Moon in the constellation Pisces in this sign manifests itself negatively. A woman is afraid of her own emotions and feelings; she is in constant anticipation of criticism. Virgo perceives any remark addressed to her sharply and painfully.

Libra Woman

The Moon makes the already indecisive sign weak-willed. The Libra woman is afraid to take a step without further advice from a more experienced person. It seems to her that she is doing everything wrong, and any careless movement can be fatal. In relationships with men, Libra, under the influence of lunar Pisces, are ideal partners, but only with complete coincidence of interests.

Scorpio Woman

Ladies born under the auspices of two water signs are particularly sensitive and emotional. Mysterious, interesting, attractive and charming, striving for love and passion - this is all the Scorpio Woman. The Moon in Pisces here enhances intuition, gives a woman a logical mind, but does not allow her to show feelings. Despite the outward coldness and secrecy, a storm of emotions boils inside Scorpio.

Sagittarius Woman

A spiritual person who loves to travel. The Moon in Pisces empowers the fair sex, born under romanticism and a thirst for philosophy. The complex, principled nature of the sign, its egocentrism and self-focus fade into the background under the influence of the Moon. The planet makes a woman dreamy, amorous, affectionate and good-natured.

Capricorn Woman

Solar Capricorn and lunar Pisces endowed the woman with incompatible traits: pragmatism and idealism. Pragmatic on the outside, traditionalist and idealist on the inside, Capricorn with Moon in Pisces has an explosive temperament. The Capricorn woman strives to be the first in everything and everywhere and sometimes prefers to study a job that brings a stable income.

Aquarius Woman

A romantic and mysterious person with developed intuition. The moon makes a lady attractive and unpredictable. Her actions are original, relationships with her are comparable to a whirlwind. The chosen one of the Aquarius Woman will never be bored next to her.

Pisces Woman

Thanks to the harmonious combination of solar Pisces with lunar ones, a woman is endowed with a special, almost extrasensory intuition. All attempts to deceive her will be in vain. The Pisces woman, under the influence of the Moon, has a particularly keen maternal instinct; she will strive for a serious relationship.

Who do women with Moon in Pisces prefer?

Lunar Pisces are combined with almost any zodiac sign. The only condition is that a person should under no circumstances show coldness towards them. Selfless people who love their partner only for who they are, do not tolerate a lack of attention to their own person. However, in its negative aspect, the Moon can force a woman to love her chosen one no matter what, even if he turns out to be a tyrant, sadist or alcoholic.