We all understand perfectly well what an important role in our body is assigned to such an organ as the heart, which is why even with the slightest discomfort in the left region of the chest we feel a feeling of anxiety and restlessness. However, in fact, there is no need to worry or panic for those who are experiencing these unpleasant sensations for the first time or are extremely rarely bothered. But those who regularly experience any pain in the heart area should be wary, because repeated pain syndrome is evidence of the presence of some kind of cardiovascular disease, which poses a huge danger and poses a threat to your life. In this article we will tell you about what cardiovascular diseases exist, as well as what needs to be done if your heart hurts.

Causes of heart pain

    Vegetovascular dystonia. This disease is the most common cause of pain in the heart area. The essence of vegetative-vascular dystonia is a violation of vascular tone of the autonomic nervous system. Symptoms of the disease are as follows: rapid heartbeat, regular sweating of the palms and feet, tingling in the heart area, apathy and general weakness. Occurs spontaneously.

    Angina attack. This disease occurs as a consequence of atherosclerosis, the essence of which is as follows: cholesterol is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which ultimately leads to vasoconstriction. Thus, our heart does not receive the amount of oxygen it needs, which causes pain in the heart. Symptoms of angina: squeezing and pressing pain, which can also radiate to the left arm, shoulder and left side of the neck. You may also experience numbness in your left arm. On average, an attack lasts 5-15 seconds.

    Myocardial infarction. This disease is very dangerous and its essence is as follows: an acute circulatory disorder occurs, which is facilitated by the complete closure of the lumen of the vessel, which ultimately leads to necrosis or simply the death of a certain area of ​​the heart muscle (myocardium). Symptoms of myocardial infarction are as follows: burning pain in the chest, lasting more than 15 minutes, shortness of breath, severe weakness, increased sweating. Failure to provide emergency medical care in a timely manner can lead to death.

    Various inflammations near the underlying organs can also cause pain in the heart area. Neuralgia of the intercostal nerves, pleurisy, myositis and pneumonia - all these diseases can simulate pain in the left region of the chest, since with all these ailments there is compression of nearby nerve endings.

    Excessive alcohol consumption. We all, of course, know about the dangers of alcohol, and it primarily affects the heart. The thing is that when alcohol enters the bloodstream, within a few minutes it causes the heart rate to increase significantly. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, the load on the heart increases many times: it has to “pump” huge volumes of liquid, which also contains toxic substances and alcohol. Of course, this procedure is backbreaking work for our heart; As a result, it fails, causing us to experience heart pain and arrhythmia.

    Stress. We are all familiar with the expression “all diseases come from nerves.” And this is true: the heart, like any other organ, reacts very sensitively to our nervous experiences. The thing is that during stress, adrenaline is released into the blood, which, in turn, provokes vasoconstriction and spasm. All this leads to poor circulation and increased heart rate.

    Hormonal disorders in women. During the onset of menopause, or during the menstrual cycle, hormonal changes occur in the female body, and therefore pain in the heart area may appear, which can be of a different nature: they can be stabbing, pressing, tingling and squeezing.

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Of course, we all understand that if pain in the heart area regularly occurs, it is necessary to contact an appropriate specialist, and the sooner this is done, the better, because this is the only way to avoid complicated forms of the disease and, more importantly, save your life. If you have heart pain, you should consult a cardiologist or cardiac surgeon.

For any complaint of pain in the heart area, you will be required to undergo an ECG (electrocardiogram). Also, recently, in order to establish a more accurate diagnosis, patients are prescribed a stress ECG (a procedure using velometry, during which cardiac parameters are recorded during physical activity).

Phonocardiography (registration of heart sounds and noises) and echocardiography (examination of the muscles and heart valves using ultrasound waves) are also prescribed. There are other types of procedures, however, they are prescribed on an individual basis if necessary.

In order to exclude the possibility of any other organs influencing pain in the heart, patients are prescribed a spinal examination using computed tomography and x-rays, and it is also recommended to visit specialists such as a neurologist, orthopedist and gastroenterologist.

What to do at home if your heart hurts

    First of all, don’t panic: as you already know, additional stress negatively affects the heart, which will only worsen your condition: with your worries you give your heart additional stress in the form of rapid heartbeat;

    Try changing your body position: if the pain goes away when you change position, know that you are definitely not in any danger; if, when changing body position, the pain does not subside, and in some situations worsens, then these are signs of a disease such as angina pectoris;

    Provide open access to fresh air: open a window or balcony;

    Free your neck from constricting items of clothing: unbutton the top buttons or remove clothing that is constricting your throat. Also loosen the belt;

    Use medications: place a nitroglycerin or validol tablet under your tongue, and also take 30-50 drops of valocordin or corvalol;

    Take a sedative: it can be an infusion of motherwort or an infusion of valerian;

    If after ten minutes your pain has not gone away, put another nitroglycerin or validol tablet under your tongue, take one aspirin tablet and call an ambulance;

    In a situation where your pain has subsided on its own, you are still strongly recommended to visit a specialist in the near future to undergo an electrocardiogram and undergo all necessary tests.

How to prevent heart pain

To ensure that painful sensations in the heart area do not bother you, you need to constantly monitor your health and maintain your immunity. To do this, it is recommended to adhere to the following principles:

    Give up bad habits: alcohol and smoking have the most negative impact on your heart;

    Be in the fresh air more often; Walking before bed is especially important and beneficial;

    Be active in sports: remember that your body should not be at rest;

    Proper nutrition is the key to health; Eat foods rich in potassium and calcium every day: bananas, potatoes, zucchini, beans, tomatoes, cottage cheese, dairy products;

    Avoid fatty, fried and spicy foods. Preference is best given to boiled, stewed and steamed food. It is also worth giving up sweets and flour products, which also “clog” our body in every possible way, interfering with the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Providing first resuscitation aid for heart pain:

    First of all, the patient must be placed on a hard surface: on the floor or ground; on a soft surface, pressing on the chest is completely ineffective;

    Next, you need to do an indirect cardiac massage. To do this, you need to mark the desired point on the sternum: measure 2 fingers from the end of the sternum - this way you will find the location of the heart: just in the middle of the sternum;

    Next, you need to do the following: take four breaths, and then alternate - 15 compressions on the sternum and 2 breaths - this is approximately 60-80 compressions per minute. Inhalation during chest compressions is done either from mouth to mouth or from mouth to nose through gauze, which must be folded in two layers. The massage is performed until the patient has a pulse and begins to breathe on his own.

Pain in the heart (cardialgia) is a nonspecific symptom that manifests itself in the form of sharp or aching pain in the chest, varying in duration and intensity. It should be noted that the manifestation of such a clinical picture does not always indicate cardiac problems. Pain in the heart area can be both physiological and psychosomatic in nature. No less important is where the heart hurts. Therefore, treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor, after a comprehensive examination and identification of the etiology of the disease.


Cardiological causes of heart pain include the following diseases:

  • injuries;
  • tumors;

Also, pain in the heart area can be caused by gastroenterological pathologies. In this case, the following should be highlighted:

  • ulcer perforation;
  • malignant tumors;
  • toxic poisoning;
  • gastric bleeding, which is provoked by injury or exacerbation of a certain pathological process.

In addition, the causes of pain in the heart may lie in the following pathological processes:

  • the effects of toxic substances on the body - chemicals, nicotine, drugs, alcohol;
  • pulmonary pathologies;
  • muscle damage;
  • mediastinal pathologies;
  • pathologies of the mammary glands (both men and women);
  • pathological processes that affect bones;
  • pathologies of large vessels - , .

The psychological factor should be highlighted separately. Stitching or pressing pain in the heart can be psychosomatic in nature, be the result of severe stress or prolonged nervous strain. In any case, prolonged pain in the heart area requires consultation. You cannot take pills for heart pain on your own (without a doctor’s prescription). This can lead not only to complications, but also to death.


In this case, it is impossible to identify a single clinical picture, since each type of pain is a symptom of a specific pathological process.

Stitching pain in the heart area may indicate blood flow disorders.

The clinical picture, in this case, may have the following signs:

  • pain in the heart increases when inhaling;
  • of short duration;
  • shortness of breath even with minimal physical activity;
  • , which worsens at night or at rest.

Aching pain in the heart area often has a psychosomatic etiology. However, only a doctor can accurately determine this factor after examination. Symptoms, in this case, may be supplemented by the following signs:

  • , sudden change of mood;
  • - a person may suffer from or, on the contrary, feel the need for sleep constantly;
  • headache;
  • aching pain in the heart is periodic, intensifies after nervous overstrain.

The presence of such a clinical picture, just like in other cases, requires contacting a doctor. If the psychological factor is confirmed, the cardiologist will redirect the patient to a neuropsychiatrist.

Severe pain in the heart area clearly indicates the development of a serious pathological process. In this case, the clinical picture may have the following symptoms:

  • unstable blood pressure;
  • pain in the heart intensifies when inhaling and can be felt throughout the chest;

The presence of such a clinical picture requires immediate medical attention. Delaying or ignoring such symptoms can lead to death.

Clinicians note that quite often dull pain in the heart area is caused. In this clinical case, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • and numbness of the upper extremities;
  • the pain radiates to the left arm;
  • pain intensifies when turning the head, torso, raising the arm or placing stress on the spine;
  • the nature of the pain is acute and gradual.

Heart pain with osteochondrosis can develop into chronic pain, so you should promptly seek medical help for comprehensive treatment.


Only a doctor can tell why your heart hurts, after conducting an examination and making an accurate diagnosis. Initially, a detailed physical examination is carried out to clarify complaints and medical history. During the initial examination, the doctor should find out the following:

  • how the heart hurts - location, nature of the pain, duration;
  • what additional symptoms are present;
  • conditions for the occurrence of pain in the heart area (when taking medications, after physical activity, after illness, and so on).

To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes laboratory and instrumental examination methods. The diagnostic program may include the following:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • fluorography of the chest organs;
  • Echocardioscopy;
  • bicycle ergometry;

Only a doctor can find out why it hurts in the heart area, after receiving the results of the examination and determining the etiology. Based on this, treatment is prescribed.


Eliminating radiating, pressing or stabbing pain in the heart area at home or through traditional medicine is impossible. If such a symptom is due to a psychological factor, outpatient treatment is possible. In general, the question of hospitalization of a patient is decided only by a doctor, after making an accurate diagnosis.

In this case, there is no single picture of treatment for the disease. Depending on the pathological process that provoked this symptom, basic therapy is selected. However, it should be noted that regardless of the etiology, the patient needs rest and avoidance of nervous tension.


There are no specific preventive measures. In general, it is necessary to monitor your physical and psychological health, undergo a preventive medical examination in a timely manner and not self-medicate.

Pain in the heart muscle is one of the most common reasons for calling an ambulance. But only in 20–30% of cases are cardiac problems confirmed. The main culprits of discomfort are diseases of the musculoskeletal system and neurological profile.

To help doctors quickly identify the cause of the ailment, it is important to pay attention to 3 moments when the heart hurts: where it radiates, the intensity of the sensations and their nature. These parameters will help you quickly make the right decision.

Cardiological diseases are known for their insidiousness. They can develop rapidly or gradually, accompanied by shortness of breath, periodic arrhythmia and increased fatigue. However, the main symptom is pain. Its intensity directly depends on the type of disease and the degree of its development.

The heart has a lot of pain receptors that are triggered when muscle fibers are damaged. This is usually caused by a lack of nutrients, hypoxia or inflammatory processes. It is precisely such damage that pain in the heart signals, where it radiates - an important diagnostic sign.

In cardiac pathologies, discomfort is concentrated in the chest space, arising from somewhere inside. However, the typical shift to the left is not always observed. It is typical that it is difficult to clearly identify its source or point of origin. Usually the sensations are located in a certain area, but without clear localization.

If your heart hurts, where the pain goes is an important diagnostic criterion. In cardiac diseases, irradiation is almost always present.

The fact is that the heart is located at the junction of the cervical and thoracic spine. A huge number of nerve fibers responsible for transmitting impulses from certain areas are concentrated here. Therefore, signals from myocardial receptors are often transmitted to neighboring nodes.

But where can the pain in the heart go? It usually extends to the following areas:

  • lower jaw;
  • shoulder;
  • hand;
  • epigastric region;
  • left hypochondrium.

Also, do not forget about her character. Usually these are squeezing and pressing sensations, accompanied by attacks of panic (fear of death), shortness of breath, heavy breathing, etc. But in some cases, the pain syndrome is of a burning or burning nature.

Please note: when your heart hurts, where the pain goes and whether the sensations depend on movement are important points. So, if the intensity decreases when changing posture, this may indicate the neurological nature of the pathology.

It hits you in the back, under the shoulder blade

Such localization of pain can have dozens of reasons, including cardiac problems. Thus, pain in the heart radiating under the shoulder blade and/or in the back is characteristic of myocardial infarction. The pain syndrome is acute or burning in nature and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • feeling of heaviness in the chest;
  • rapid breathing;
  • it is difficult for the patient to lie down, he constantly wants to sit down;
  • lack of adequate response to standard cardiac drugs.

If the recoil is not limited to the back and spreads to the left arm, neck, jaw, it may be an angina attack. The pain is dull, squeezing, aching or cutting, but not sharp. This condition is characterized by fear of death, heavy breathing and shortness of breath. Taking nitroglycerin helps relieve an attack.

The cause of pain in the area of ​​the heart muscle with irradiation under the scapula is often pericarditis. The sensations are monotonous: pain,... Pericarditis is characterized by fever.

Do not forget that pain in the heart, radiating to the left side of the back or to the shoulder blade, may be a sign of radiculitis, etc.

Possible places of irradiation of pain in the heart

To the left shoulder and arm

This symptom is characteristic of many cardiac pathologies. But more often this occurs with angina pectoris, myocarditis, etc.

With inflammation of the myocardium, the pain syndrome is aching and stabbing in nature, and will not disappear after taking nitroglycerin. The discomfort also increases with physical activity. This disease is characterized by the following additional symptoms:

  • attacks of suffocation during sleep;
  • deterioration after intense work.

Cardiomyopathy is accompanied by stabbing and aching pain that lasts for several hours. What is characteristic is that they are not removed by nitroglycerin. This disease can be distinguished from other pathologies by the presence of arrhythmia attacks.

Interesting to know! To which hand does the pain in the heart go? In fact, irradiation most often affects the left side, but pain on the right is also possible. Doctors also recommend focusing on the appearance of numbness in the left and/or right hand.

In the throat (neck) and lower jaw

This type of spread of discomfort is characteristic of angina attacks with, as well as myocarditis. These diseases have a different nature, but the mechanism for transmitting sensations is similar.

When pain in the heart radiates to the neck, patients often confuse this sensation with other problems. For example, people suffering from an angina attack often go to the dentist because of pain in the jaw and throat, citing dental problems. Pressing discomfort in the heart area is usually attributed to overwork or stress.

Please note: if the aching and bursting pain in the chest is mild and accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the neck and jaw, this is a reason to consult a doctor. Indeed, taken together, these symptoms may indicate coronary heart disease.

To the epigastric region

Pain syndrome transmitted to the upper abdomen is characteristic of pericarditis and problems with the arteries. However, if with inflammation of the pericardium, the discomfort is accompanied by fever and can be aggravated by coughing, then with vascular pathologies things are more complicated.

Aortic aneurysm and dissection usually resolve without irradiation. Pain syndrome most often occurs in the retrosternal space. But in medical practice, there were patients who were admitted with complaints of stomach pain and heartburn. This later turned out to be a serious problem with the aorta.

Remember: if pressing pain in the upper abdomen, accompanied by heaviness in the chest, does not go away after taking analgesics, call an ambulance immediately!

Useful video

For more information about the symptoms of heart disease, watch the following video:


  1. Cardiac problems can be recognized by the irradiation of unpleasant sensations.
  2. So, if pain in the heart radiates to the throat, back, arm, shoulder, jaw or stomach, this is an alarming sign that requires urgent medical attention.
  3. Believe me, it’s better to be on the safe side than to delay providing first aid. After all, in acute conditions, every second matters.

Heart pain is a symptom of multiple problems, but not always heart problems. This is how pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract, and neurological disorders can manifest themselves. Therefore, each of us needs to know how to distinguish pain in the heart area associated specifically with its disease in order to prevent serious complications, for example, myocardial infarction.

Unpleasant sensations in the chest area have received a collective name in medicine - cardialgia.

What pathologies can pain indicate?

Pain in the heart area can indicate many pathologies. Cardiac ones include:

  • ischemia (angina pectoris, rhythm disturbance, myocardial infarction, post-infarction cardiosclerosis);
  • inflammation of the myocardium, with disruption of the basic functions of the muscle: excitability, conductivity and contractility;
  • myocardiopathy;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • heart injuries;
  • neoplasms.

Pathologies manifested by heart pain:

  • esophagitis;
  • gastroesophageal reflux pathology;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • chemical burns of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach;
  • Mallory-Weiss syndrome, accompanied by gastric bleeding;
  • perforation of the ulcer;
  • pneumonia;
  • pleurisy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumoconiosis;
  • aneurysm or dissection, congenital narrowing of the aorta;
  • pulmonary artery thrombosis, etc.

Only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis after a detailed diagnosis.

The nature of the pain

Pain in the heart area can vary in nature and intensity. Therefore, you should know what pain in the heart can be in order to prevent its complications. Next, let's look at their types.

  • Compressive

Constant squeezing pain in the heart indicates a lack of oxygen in the myocardium - the heart muscle. This symptom is characteristic of almost all forms of ischemia (ischemia is a decrease in blood supply to the myocardium when the flow of arterial blood is weakened or stopped).

Angina pectoris is characterized by compressive discomfort behind the sternum, radiating under the shoulder blade and into the left arm. Discomfort almost always occurs after physical activity, and goes away at rest or after taking nitroglycerin medications.

Compressive sensations occur in people with various rhythm disturbances (bradycardia, tachycardia, arrhythmia). Often discomfort is accompanied by fear and shortness of breath. With such pathologies, compressive pain appears in the heart.

  • Sharp

Sharp pain occurs suddenly. They are characterized by the following pathologies:

  1. Angina pectoris. Prolonged angina attacks, accompanied by a feeling of constriction, indicate thrombosis, embolism, and severe stenosis of the coronary vessels. In such cases, nitroglycerin drugs do not help. If a person takes two tablets with an interval of 10 minutes, but the discomfort does not go away, you should definitely call an ambulance. Only professional medical techniques will help prevent the death of the myocardium - necrosis.
  2. Myocardial infarction. This pathology is necrosis of the muscle wall. It is characterized by very pronounced, protracted sharp sensations that radiate to the stomach and are very similar to an attack of intestinal colic. It is not possible to relieve discomfort with nitro medications. It is accompanied by lack of air, severe sweating, trembling hands, attacks of nausea and vomiting, loss of consciousness, and arrhythmia. People suffering from a heart attack often experience convulsions and involuntary urination.
  3. Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The cause of acute, sharp discomfort in the chest is a perforation of a stomach ulcer. From a sudden attack, a person becomes ill, “spots” appear before the eyes, and the head begins to feel dizzy, even to the point of loss of consciousness.
  4. Pulmonary artery thrombosis. The pathology is a blockage of the arterial bed of the lung with a thrombus. Sharp pain may be accompanied by tachycardia, shortness of breath, hemoptysis, increased body temperature, moist rales, and cough. Thrombosis is a medical emergency that requires emergency medical attention.
  5. Aortic aneurysm (aorta is the largest artery). The pathology is characterized by unpleasant sensations in the upper part of the sternum. The discomfort lasts for 2-3 days, usually occurs after physical activity, is not observed in other parts of the body, and does not go away after nitroglycerin medications.
  6. Aortic aneurysm dissection. A rupture of the aorta leads to blood flowing between the layers of the vessel walls. When the wall is broken through, rapid massive blood loss occurs. In simple words, a huge hematoma forms in the vessel. Often the pathology develops in older men. The condition, when blood accumulates between the layers of the aorta, is characterized by a sudden sharp tearing discomfort behind the breastbone or around the heart. Usually it goes under the shoulder blade.

At the same time, pressure surges are observed - at first it increases significantly, then rapidly drops. Characteristic signs are asymmetry of the pulse in the hands, blue discoloration of the skin. The person sweats profusely, and at the same time faints, his breathing is disrupted, his voice becomes hoarse, and shortness of breath is observed. Hematoma leads to a lack of oxygen in the myocardium and coma.

  • Pressing

Sudden pain and pressure behind the breastbone develops with angina pectoris. The pain is paroxysmal and can be relieved by taking nitroglycerin medications. The distinguishing feature between angina and heart attack is that an attack of angina does not occur at rest or at night. Pressing sensations are almost always accompanied by surges in blood pressure.

Pressing pain in the heart area can be a cause or symptom (neurosis of the heart). In addition, the person will feel dizziness and arrhythmia, which are most often observed after a severe stressful situation or excitement.

Another reason for the feeling of pressure and discomfort in the chest is myocarditis. Symptoms: severe compression in the chest, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, swelling of the lower extremities.

Myocardiopathy, myocardial dystrophy, neoplasms of a diseased heart also give pressing sensations. But in this case, discomfort does not arise from physical activity. It develops independently even at rest.

  • Piercing

Many people perceive stabbing sensations as life-threatening pathologies. But such tingling sensations indicate neurosis. This condition is not life-threatening. It is associated with the intense pace of life and a heavy load on the psyche. Any cardiologist, having heard from a person that chest pain is sudden, short-lived and similar to an injection, will say that this is not a reason for concern. Such symptoms do not indicate serious pathologies.

The causes of such pain in the heart can be irritability or a nervous breakdown. Most often, people who are susceptible to such crises are emotional people who are strongly worried about any, even the smallest troubles.

With constant anxiety, fear, and emotional stress, adrenaline is reflexively released, which activates vital systems. In the process of evolution, the body has adapted to fight, for example, to attack or run away in the face of imminent danger. If adrenaline is not spent on muscle mass, it “tries to find” its implementation in other organs, provoking stabbing sensations in the chest area.

  • Strong

Unbearable severe pain in the heart may indicate a heart attack, pulmonary artery thrombosis, or dissection of an aortic aneurysm. At the same time, the person is excited and rushes about. In addition to severe pain in the heart area, people experience a strong fear of death.

  • Burning

Such pain in the heart has the following causes: pericarditis, neurocirculatory dystonia, heartburn due to gastroesophageal reflux (reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus).

  • Pain in the sternum when inhaling

Shooting pain when inhaling from the heart may be a sign of temporary pinching of the spinal nerves. Aching sensations at the exit are a symptom of protrusion (a pathological process in the spine in which the intervertebral disc bulges into the spinal canal), intervertebral hernia. Constant discomfort and frequent pain when inhaling in the region of the heart are formed against the background of impaired muscle tone and are expressed in muscle overstrain, as well as spondylosis (pathology of the spinal column, which consists of the growth of vertebral tissue in the form of spikes, protrusions), osteochondrosis.

How to tell if pain is related to heart disease

There are a number of specific symptoms that will tell you how to determine that pain in the heart is associated specifically with its pathology. If at least a few of them are present, this is a reason to contact the cardiology center:

  • the painful sensation lasts at least 30 minutes;
  • discomfort occurs during night sleep, at rest;
  • pain in the heart and disappears after taking nitroglycerin drugs;
  • pain in the heart area is periodically accompanied by suffocation, dizziness, and fainting;
  • pressure in the chest area appears after physical or psychological stress, pain in the heart radiates to the area of ​​the left arm, shoulder blade;
  • there is an increase in the frequency of contractions, a rhythm disturbance without obvious reasons;
  • the skin, while the heart hurts, turns pale and acquires a bluish tint, especially in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • the person feels weak and sweats a lot.

Often pain in the heart area is accompanied by aches and numbness in the muscles of the forearms. Then they rise to the shoulder muscles and extend behind the sternum; sweat is released intensely; breathing becomes difficult; legs and arms “do not obey” a person.

What to do if you have heart pain

What to do if you experience pain in the heart area:

  1. Take Corvalol. If the discomfort does not subside, then most likely the person has serious problems. In this case, you should call an ambulance.
  2. Hold your breath for a while. But if the pain in the heart area still does not subside, this indicates serious problems; if it decreases, this indicates neuralgia or muscle problems.

Any type of discomfort in the chest area cannot be ignored. We must not forget that many pathologies occur covertly and can be perceived by people as a consequence of fatigue after physical activity. To prevent the development of serious life-threatening diseases, you should visit a cardiologist.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Total information

Pain in heart- The most common symptom, with which general practitioners most often have to treat older patients. Currently, cardiovascular pathologies are becoming increasingly common due to poor nutrition, low physical activity, frequent stress, and excess body weight.

At the same time, the symptom that people label as pain in the heart area, may not be associated with the pathology of the heart itself. For example, it may be caused by a pathological process in the stomach, spinal column, lungs, ribs and sternum.

Sometimes only at an appointment with a doctor and after an examination can you accurately determine what is causing the pain in the heart area.

What are the causes of heart pain?

There are many reasons why pain in the heart develops. They can be divided into two large groups:
1. Related directly to damage to the heart itself:
  • disruption of blood and oxygen flow to the heart muscle;
  • inflammatory changes in heart tissue;
  • metabolic disorders in the tissues of the heart;
  • too much strain on the heart muscle due to high blood pressure or heart disease.
2. Diseases of other organs in which pain is reflected in the heart area:
  • the most common situation is stomach diseases such as gastritis and peptic ulcer;
  • pain syndrome can be caused by damage to the thoracic spinal column, ribs, intercostal nerves;
  • diseases of the lungs and pleura;
  • diseases of the esophagus.

Cardiac ischemia

Coronary heart disease is a whole group of diseases and pathological conditions, the main symptom of which is heart pain. The most common types of coronary heart disease are angina pectoris and myocardial infarction.

Angina pectoris

Angina is a very common disease and the main cause of acute pain in the heart in patients over 40 years of age.

The mechanism of heart pain with angina pectoris is quite simple. The blood supply to the heart muscle is carried out through the coronary (coronary) arteries, which intertwine the organ. When their lumen is narrowed (most often by cholesterol plaques in atherosclerosis), an insufficient amount of oxygen reaches the myocardium. As a result, a large amount of lactic acid is formed in muscle cells, which leads to pain. This disorder is paroxysmal in nature. Most often, attacks occur in stressful situations, with increased blood pressure, during intense physical activity - that is, when the heart requires an increased amount of oxygen.

Angina is characterized by severe sharp pain in the heart area behind the sternum, most often stabbing and burning. They come on and get worse very quickly, but usually go away within five minutes. The pain syndrome is quickly relieved by taking tablets or nitroglycerin spray under the tongue. During an attack, pain can radiate to the left arm, shoulder, under the shoulder blade, to the left half of the neck and jaw.

Heart pain during angina pectoris can occur under different conditions, depending on the course of the disease:
1. Angina pectoris can be considered a more favorable variant of the pathology. In this case, pain occurs only at times of stress or severe physical exertion. The heart begins to contract faster and stronger, it requires more oxygen, but a sufficient amount does not flow through the narrowed vessels.
2. With angina at rest, pain occurs at any time, maybe even during sleep. This variant of the course of the disease is considered less favorable.

A painful attack of angina pectoris is relieved by taking nitroglycerin. The tablet or spray is placed under the tongue, where the drug is very quickly absorbed into the blood. If the pain does not go away, then you need to call an ambulance. Such patients are observed by a local therapist and undergo periodic treatment.

The most reliable research method for determining the narrowing of the coronary arteries of the heart is coronary angiography, when a radiopaque substance is injected into the vessels and an x-ray is taken.

Myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction in most cases develops against the background of angina pectoris, and is, as it were, its more severe stage. In this case, the appearance of chest pain is due to the fact that at a certain point in time the coronary arteries narrow so much that the blood flow to the heart muscle completely stops, and its section dies. In this case, pain in the heart and other characteristic symptoms appear:
1. Very strong acute stabbing and burning pain behind the sternum in the area of ​​the heart, which does not go away for a long time (more than 5 minutes), and is not relieved after taking nitroglycerin.
2. In this case, there is a drop in blood pressure, sometimes to such an extent that the patient faints.
3. The patient's skin turns pale and he breaks out in sticky, cold sweat.
4. There is a strong feeling of fear of death.
5. This may increase the patient's body temperature.

The pain in the heart during myocardial infarction is so severe that it has to be relieved with narcotic drugs. If such pain occurs, you should immediately call an ambulance. After performing an ECG, the cause of pain immediately becomes clear: myocardial infarction manifests itself very clearly.

The patient is admitted to the intensive care unit. Myocardial infarction is a direct threat to life, so much depends on quality and timely treatment.

Arterial hypertension

Arterial hypertension is an increase in blood pressure above normal levels (more than 120 and 80 mmHg). At the same time, increased stress is placed on the heart, its muscles have to work more intensely and with greater frequency. In addition, atherosclerosis, which in most cases is the cause of arterial hypertension, also affects the heart vessels. Not only does the myocardium experience overload, it also receives less oxygen.

The most characteristic of high blood pressure in arterial hypertension is pain in the heart in combination with headaches. They can be pressing, stabbing, aching in nature. In this case, the following symptoms simultaneously develop:

  • an even more pronounced increase in blood pressure;
  • tinnitus, “floaters before the eyes”;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • unsteadiness of gait, weakness, fatigue, drowsiness;
  • redness of the facial skin, feeling of heat;
  • swelling, mainly on the legs in the evening.
Pain in the heart area occurs especially often during a so-called hypertensive crisis - a sharp increase in blood pressure to very high numbers.

To understand the origin of heart pain, it is enough to measure your blood pressure. Most often, pain in the heart area occurs with the so-called stage 3 hypertension, when increased blood pressure and impaired blood flow lead to severe disorders of the heart and other organs.


Myocarditis is an inflammatory lesion of the myocardium - the heart muscle. The myocardium contains nerve receptors that respond to inflammation by causing pain. This can be caused by viruses, other microorganisms, or an inflammatory process.
Heart pain and chest discomfort are quite common with myocarditis (about 80% of patients with this pathology). In some patients, the disease occurs without any symptoms.

Pain in the heart with myocarditis most often has a pressing or aching character, sometimes it is stabbing. However, it has practically nothing to do with stress and physical activity. Pain with myocarditis differs from angina pectoris in that there is no relief from taking nitroglycerin. Also, no pathological signs were noted during the ECG.

With myocarditis, pressing pain in the heart is combined with other signs:

  • weakness, lethargy, general fatigue;
  • slight increase in body temperature - no more than 37 o C;
  • a feeling of interruptions in the work of the heart, rapid heartbeat or freezing.
If myocarditis occurs without pain, then most often the patient does not see a doctor, and the disease goes away on its own. If the treatment is carried out by a therapist or cardiologist, then he may prescribe an ECG, ultrasound of the heart, or chest x-ray. In the future, medications are prescribed aimed at the underlying cause of the disease.


This is also an inflammatory disease, but it does not affect the heart muscle, but the outer lining of the heart - the pericardium. It also contains many nerve endings, the irritation of which leads to pain.

With pericarditis, pain in the heart area is characterized by the following features:
1. Pain sensations are noted in the bottom and left of the chest - where the apex of the heart is located. In some cases, they can involve the entire heart area, or the entire left side of the chest.
2. With pericarditis, pain in the heart is uncharacteristic, reflected in the left arm, under the left shoulder blade, in the left half of the neck and jaws.
3. With this disease, pain often spreads to the right half of the chest and right arm.
4. With pericarditis, there is an acute, aching, cutting pain in the heart.
5. Pain sensations do not increase during stress and intense physical activity, but their intensity depends on the patient’s body position. Often, in order to reduce pain, a person takes a sitting position and leans forward.
6. Characterized by pain in the heart during inspiration.
7. The most interesting is the dynamics of heart pain over time. They occur at the very beginning of the disease, with the so-called dry pericarditis, when friction occurs between the inflamed pericardial layers during heart contractions. Then, with pericardial effusion, fluid forms in the heart sac, friction stops, and the pain subsides. But this does not mean that the disease was cured.

If there is pain in the heart and suspicion of pericarditis, the patient is examined, including ultrasound of the heart, ECG, and chest x-ray. Treatment is prescribed directed against the main cause of the pathology: antiviral or antifungal drugs, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs.


Cardiomyopathy refers to all heart pathologies that are not associated with insufficient oxygen flow, inflammatory processes and valve defects. For the most part, cardiomyopathy is based on metabolic disorders, which, one way or another, lead to pain in the heart area.

With cardiomyopathy, pain in the heart area can be of a very diverse nature. They can be localized only in a specific place, or occupy a vast area. The pain syndrome can bother the patient constantly, and can also be associated with physical activity or stress. Sometimes it can be removed with nitroglycerin, but not always.

To make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment, any patient with unknown pain in the heart area must come for examination to a doctor and undergo an examination, which includes a chest x-ray, ECG, ultrasound of the heart, general and biochemical blood tests.

Heart defects

Heart defects can be congenital or acquired, but in any case they are accompanied by heart pain.

Pain in the heart due to a malformation of its development has the following development mechanism. If the structure of one of the valves is disrupted, certain chambers of the heart are forced to constantly pump large amounts of blood, while the filling of others remains quite weak. In this case, the overloaded heart muscle is forced to contract more often and stronger. It experiences an increased need for oxygen, and besides, its resource is not endless - at a certain point in time it stops working adequately. All this manifests itself in the form of heart pain.

Pain in the heart due to its defects is permanent. Most often they are pressing, stabbing, pinching. They may be accompanied by high blood pressure, swelling in the legs and other symptoms.

Most often, pain in the heart area accompanies the following defects:
1. Aortic stenosis is a narrowing of the aorta where it leaves the left ventricle;
2. Mitral valve prolapse, which is located between the left ventricle and the atrium, is a very common congenital disorder that is detected in many children and can be expressed to varying degrees, often so weakly that it is considered not a defect, but a small insignificant anomaly;
3. Acquired rheumatic heart defects that occur during a long course of rheumatism.

These pathologies are detected after a chest x-ray, ultrasound of the heart, and ECG. Depending on the type of defect, the severity of heart pain and other symptoms, surgical or conservative treatment is prescribed.


Neurocirculatory dystonia (vegetative-vascular dystonia, vegetative dystonia) is a functional disease of the nervous system in which the nervous regulation of many internal organs, including the heart, is disrupted. And this often becomes the cause of heart pain. Most often, neurocirculatory dystonia develops in adolescents, which explains the high prevalence of such pain in adolescence.

Depending on the course of the disease, there are four types of heart pain in adolescence.

Simple cardialgia

This is a form of heart pain with neurocirculatory dystonia, which is observed in 95% of all patients. Most often it occurs spontaneously, lasts several minutes or hours, and then goes away. Pain in the heart with simple cardialgia is aching or pinching, occupies the entire area of ​​the heart, or only its apex. No special assistance is required during the occurrence of such pain syndrome. Typically, a neurologist prescribes general therapy aimed at treating the underlying disease.

A separate subtype of simple cardialgia is the so-called angioedema cardialgia. With it, pain in the heart - pressing or squeezing, is always paroxysmal in nature, is very short-lived, but at the same time extremely strong. The pain can go away on its own, without any help, but most often patients use validol drops or nitroglycerin to relieve it. If such attacks occur, you should visit a neurologist who will examine the patient, conduct an examination and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Cardialgia of vegetative crisis

It is also called paroxysmal prolonged cardialgia. Heart pain occurs during the so-called vegetative crisis - an acute condition when neurocirculatory dystonia manifests itself especially clearly.

Pain in the heart during cardialgia of vegetative crisis continues for a very long time, it is pressing or aching, and does not go away after taking validol and nitroglycerin. Other symptoms are also observed:

  • increased blood pressure, which is why this condition may resemble a hypertensive crisis;
  • lethargy, weakness, feeling of fear;
  • trembling throughout the body;
  • shortness of breath, feeling of lack of air;
  • feeling of rapid heartbeat.
Typically, an attack of such pain in the heart is relieved with the help of drugs that lower blood pressure and sedatives.

Sympathalgic cardialgia

With sympathalgic cardialgia, there is pain in the heart of a burning nature, or simply a burning sensation. The pain syndrome is located in the heart area or in the chest region. In this case, if you feel the spaces between the ribs, you will notice an increase in pain. Validol, valocordin and nitroglycerin do not help in this case, as is the case with other types of neurocirculatory dystonia.

For pain in the heart caused by sympathalgic cardialgia, oddly enough, it is not medications that help, but thermal procedures, for example, mustard plasters or acupuncture.

The cause of heart pain in this case is excessive irritation and excitation of the nerve plexuses responsible for stress reactions in the body.

False angina

It turns out that in some cases, vegetative-vascular dystonia can resemble angina pectoris. Although in reality these two diseases are very different.

With the so-called exertional pseudoangina, as with true angina, pain occurs in the heart area behind the sternum of a pressing, squeezing, aching nature. They become stronger when the patient is under psycho-emotional stress or experiences increased stress.

In this case, the cause of pain in the heart is an inadequate response of the body and heart muscle to physical activity. This condition is often confused with angina pectoris. Therefore, it is very important to distinguish them from each other. The patient must attend an appointment with a doctor and undergo an examination (ECG, ultrasound of the heart, etc.) in order to accurately establish the diagnosis and receive adequate treatment.


Arrhythmia is a disease characterized by a disturbance in the normal rhythm of the heart. There are many different types of arrhythmias, and often many of them can be accompanied by pain in the heart area. Pain syndrome occurs directly during an attack and is accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • feeling of heart rhythm disturbances: interruptions in the heart, fading, frequent and strong heartbeat;
  • sometimes the heart, during an attack of arrhythmia, ceases to cope with its function so much that the patient loses consciousness.
Pain in the heart during arrhythmia can radiate to the left half of the chest, left arm and left armpit.

Often, the patient himself can distinguish the pain syndrome of arrhythmia from other diseases, since heart rhythm disturbances are felt quite well.

To clarify the origin of pain during an attack, an ECG is performed: the diagnosis of angina pectoris and its type immediately become clear.

If an attack of arrhythmia is accompanied by acute pain in the heart area, then urgent medical attention is needed. It is necessary to call an ambulance: the doctor will administer the appropriate antiarrhythmic drugs.

Pain in the heart reflected from other organs

In close proximity to the heart there are many important organs: the stomach and esophagus, the lungs and the pleura covering them, the spinal column, ribs, and sternum. Their diseases can create a pain syndrome that is very similar to heart pain.

Gastritis and peptic ulcer

Gastritis and peptic ulcer are diseases of the gastric mucosa, which differ from each other only in that gastritis is an inflammatory process, and an ulcer is inflammation in combination with a defect in the gastric wall.

With gastritis and gastric ulcers, referred pain in the heart most often occurs after eating or, conversely, on an empty stomach (if the lower part of the stomach or duodenum is affected). They are stabbing in nature, can last a long time and do not go away after taking nitroglycerin and other drugs. The “gastric” origin of heart pain can be suspected by the following additional symptoms:

  • feeling of heaviness under the left rib, pain under the heart;
  • heartburn, sour taste in the mouth;
  • strong belching.
Most often, patients suffering from such “heart pain” are sent to see a cardiologist. Having found no signs of pathology from the cardiovascular system, the specialist will refer such a patient to a gastroenterologist.

Gastroesophageal reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux can confidently be called a disease of the 21st century. Almost 50% of all heart pains of foreign origin are associated with it.

Usually, after an examination has been carried out and all “cardiac” causes of pain have been excluded, there is no doubt about the diagnosis. The patient is most often treated by a neurologist, and to confirm the diagnosis, radiography and computed tomography of the spinal column are prescribed.

Intercostal neuralgia

Many people have experienced this sometimes: it will sting briefly in the side, presumably in the area of ​​the heart, and then almost immediately “go away”. This is how intercostal neuralgia manifests itself, the symptoms of which are often confused with attacks of heart disease.

The causes of intercostal neuralgia are very diverse. These could be injuries, infections, or disorders of the spinal column.

If the attack of intercostal neuralgia was isolated, or happens extremely rarely, then there is no particular cause for concern. If such pain recurs regularly, you need to consult a neurologist.

Psychogenic pain in the heart

Pain in the heart, which actually does not exist, can be felt by patients with neurasthenic neurosis, hysteria, obsessive states, increased anxiety and suspiciousness, and mental illness. Only a thorough examination and consultation with a psychiatrist will help to identify the true cause of heart pain in such a patient.

Treatment of heart pain

As can be seen from all of the above, heart pain is a symptom that can occur as a result of a large number of different reasons. Accordingly, the treatment will be very different.

Typically, patients who have suffered from a disease for a long time already have recommendations from their attending physician and are well aware of how to act in such situations.

If severe pain in the heart occurs for the first time in your life, then you should not take risks - it is better to call an ambulance.

Heart pain: first aid in road conditions - video

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