What is hussar runny nose? According to Wikipedia, this is one of the names of a sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea. They began to call it that way back in the 17th century. Then among the hussars this disease became widespread along with the common cold.

Gonorrhea or gonorrhea is usually transmitted through sexual contact. Less commonly, you can become infected through household items: a towel and other people's underwear. The disease mainly affects the human genitals. There are cases when, during childbirth, a newborn child becomes infected from a sick mother.

Another euphonious name for gonorrhea is French runny nose. Its incubation period ranges from 3 to 5 days. The first signs of this disease: painful urination and greenish discharge on underwear with an unpleasant odor. Of course, after detecting such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor, who will take the necessary tests and, based on them, confirm or refute the diagnosis. If the presence of hussar runny nose is confirmed, it is advisable to inform your last sexual partner about this and hint that he or she would also like to get checked.

Keep in mind that even using a condom does not provide a 100% guarantee that you will not get gonorrhea.

Don't worry too much if you have this disease. Currently, gonorrhea can be treated quite effectively.

This disease is caused by a microorganism called gonococcus. There are three stages of hussar runny nose, which differ in different symptoms:

  • Acute stage, which is characterized by the following characteristics:
    • increased body temperature;
    • cutting pain when urinating;
    • pain in the lower abdomen;
    • purulent discharge.
  • Subacute stage, at which it is observed:
    • burning and itching in the urethra;
    • swelling of the inguinal lymph nodes;
    • discharge and crusting.
  • Chronic stage, which is asymptomatic, and therefore can unnoticed lead to unexpected consequences: infertility, prostatitis, pelvic pain and decreased sexual activity.

The subacute stage of the disease is considered the most dangerous, as it increases the risk of the appearance of purulent foci in the lower abdomen, pubic area, groin, etc. Therefore, you should go to the doctor immediately, without delaying until later.

The localization of pathogens in men and women is different: in women, inflammation appears on the uterine cervix, and in men - in the urethra.

Hussar runny nose can also affect the intestines and oral mucosa. Signs of infection include discharge from the anus and itching in the area. When the oral mucosa is damaged, increased salivation and sore throat occur.

Treatment of French runny nose

Based on the test results, the doctor prescribes treatment with the following drugs:

  • immunostimulating agents;
  • antibiotics;
  • physiotherapy.

If treated independently, with randomly selected medications, this can provoke the emergence of new, more aggressive strains of gonorrhea. New types of bacteria will be much more difficult to cure with conventional therapy. The disease can become chronic and even affect internal organs.

The duration of treatment for hussar runny nose depends on the severity of the disease. If gonorrhea is treated at the initial stage, it will only take two weeks. Treatment of advanced cases may take several months.

During the treatment period, you should strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations:

  • maintain hygiene;
  • for the period of therapy, exclude sexual intercourse;
  • do not drink alcoholic beverages.

After finishing taking antibiotics, the patient should be re-examined by a venereologist to record recovery or continue treatment further.

Due to physiological characteristics, women are more often susceptible to infection with hussar runny nose. Sometimes they have an asymptomatic course of the disease, which poses a great danger.

Preventive measures

To avoid contracting gonorrhea, it is important to take the following precautions:

  • use protective equipment during sexual intercourse;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • do not have promiscuous sex life;
  • Go regularly for examinations with a gynecologist or urologist.

It is easier to prevent gonorrhea than to deal with its consequences later. Do not neglect your health and put off visiting a doctor. Remember that the sooner you start treatment, the faster you will get rid of the problem.

    hussar runny nose Dictionary of Russian argot

    runny nose- RUNNY, ah, m. (or Parisian runny nose, hussar runny nose, French runny nose). Gonorrhea. Catch (or catch) a runny nose (get infected) ... Dictionary of Russian argot

    Hussar (Parisian, French) runny nose. Jarg. mrol. Joking. iron. 1. Gonorrhea. Elistratov 1994, 272; SI, 1998, No. 12. 2. Sexual arousal. DL, 41. Catch a runny nose. Jarg. they say Joking. Become infected with a sexually transmitted disease. Maksimov, 270 ...

    runny nose- Parisian, clap, gonorrhea; hussar, syphilis. bishop... Slang lexicon

    Jarg. mrol. Joking. iron. 1. Gonorrhea. Elistratov 1994, 272; SI, 1998, No. 12. 2. Sexual arousal. DL, 41... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Parisian runny nose- RUNNY, ah, m. (or Parisian runny nose, hussar runny nose, French runny nose). Gonorrhea. Catch (or catch) a runny nose (get infected) ... Dictionary of Russian argot

    French runny nose- RUNNY, ah, m. (or Parisian runny nose, hussar runny nose, French runny nose). Gonorrhea. Catch (or catch) a runny nose (get infected) ... Dictionary of Russian argot

    Who has two feathers, who has three, clap, hussar runny nose, tripak Dictionary of Russian synonyms. French runny nose noun, number of synonyms: 4 hussar runny nose (2) ... Synonym dictionary

The bizarre name "French runny nose", oddly enough, does not refer to diseases of the respiratory tract, but to sexually transmitted infections. This is a metaphorical name for gonorrhea, a very common sexually transmitted disease. If mucus usually flows from the nose, then with gonorrhea a substance that looks like pus is released from more intimate parts of the body. Knowing the predisposition of the French to love, inventive people called this venereal disease the “French runny nose.”

What is gonorrhea?

This is an infection caused by harmful bacteria called gonococci. It affects warm and moist areas of the body, including:

  • the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder);
  • eyes;
  • throat;
  • vagina;
  • anus;
  • female reproductive organs (fallopian tubes, uterus and cervix).

The disease is transmitted from person to person during unprotected traditional, oral or anal sex. Those at greatest risk are those who change partners frequently or do not use condoms. Accordingly, the best preventative measures are considered to be abstinence from intimate relationships, monogamy (intimacy with a single partner) and the constant use of reliable means of protection. It is noteworthy that the abuse of alcoholic beverages or drugs, including substances requiring intravenous administration, usually leads to promiscuity, and therefore to an increased risk of infection.


"French runny nose" is actually not always characterized by some patients discover that they have contracted the infection within 2-14 days after unprotected sex, while others can live for many years without even knowing about their illness. It is important to remember, however, that even in the absence of typical symptoms, an infected person remains infectious to others.

Symptoms in men

The absence of signs of the disease is most typical for men. However, in some cases the following symptoms may occur:

  • burning or pain during urination;
  • purulent (white, yellow, beige or greenish);
  • swelling or redness in the urethral area;
  • swelling or tenderness of the testicles;
  • chronic sore throat.

Symptoms in women

And some others may have similar symptoms, so it is not possible to independently differentiate the disease based only on your own sensations. Moreover, gonorrhea can successfully “masquerade” as a regular vaginal yeast infection. In order not to confuse diseases and not to take unnecessary medications on your own initiative, you should consult a doctor after detecting the following symptoms:

  • unusual vaginal discharge;
  • pain or burning during urination;
  • increased urination;
  • a sore throat;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • increase in body temperature.


Doctors use different methods to clarify the preliminary diagnosis of gonorrhea. This is the examination of a sample of vaginal or penile discharge under a microscope or the cultivation of a colony of bacteria under special (ideal) conditions. To obtain a sample of the discharge, a standard swab is taken from the throat, anus, vagina or tip of the penis. Blood or synovial fluid may also be taken for testing if the infection has spread to the ligaments.


If not properly treated, sexually transmitted diseases can lead to serious complications. "French runny nose" is no exception to the general rule.

With advanced disease in women, scarring of the fallopian tubes begins, which subsequently leads to infertility. No less common is pelvic inflammatory disease, which causes pain in the lower body, ectopic pregnancy and infertility. If an infected woman is already pregnant, gonorrhea can be passed to the baby during childbirth.

In men, "French runny nose" leads to scarring of the urethra and a painful abscess inside the penis. If the bacteria enters the bloodstream, patients of both sexes may suffer from arthritis, damage to the heart valves, or inflammation of the lining of the brain or spinal cord. This happens quite rarely, but you should not risk your own health - if you notice symptoms of the disease, you should consult a doctor.


Gonorrhea disease is treated with antibiotics. Recently, however, new strains of bacteria have appeared that are resistant to classical medications; If conventional drugs are ineffective, doctors prescribe stronger (and, unfortunately, more expensive) drugs or prescribe taking certain antibiotics in combination. Most often, ceftriaxone is used in combination with azithromycin or doxycycline.

Scientists are working to develop a vaccine against gonorrhea.

For some people who hear the phrase hussar runny nose, the name will mean nothing. At first glance, it seems that this is a standard cold, and only by digging deeper can you find out that it is nothing more than gonorrhea. It is customary to remain silent about this disease of the genital organs. But, it is better to be fully armed and know how to deal with it, what are the prerequisites for a hussar runny nose, than to be embarrassed, not knowing what is really happening.

And although our resource is dedicated to rhinitis, we decided to touch on this slippery problem.

Hussar runny nose, what is it?

Classic venereal disease in autumn often affects people who have an active sex life with many partners. A venereologist will tell you in more detail what it is and how to deal with it. Gonococcus, which causes gonorrhea, is mainly transmitted through sexual contact. Although there are exceptions. You can get it through the use of other people's hygiene items, underwear or washcloths.


It is customary to distinguish several types of hussar runny nose:

  1. Spicy . Accompanied by severe pain during urination, severe pain in the pubic area and above the ovaries, copious purulent discharge, and elevated temperature.
  2. Subacute. Severe itching and burning in the canals, swelling in the area of ​​the lymph nodes located in the groin, crusts appear on purulent ulcers. This type is particularly dangerous, since purulent formations can “move” to neighboring organs.
  3. Chronic. It practically does not bother a person. From time to time, foci of infection appear and are accompanied by a slight fever. The so-called latent type is very dangerous, since it causes infertility, prostatitis, cystitis, chronic pelvic pain, and also significantly reduces sexual desire.

Leaving a hussar's runny nose without proper attention means dooming yourself to a chronic disease. It must be remembered that gonorrhea is not as safe as it seems at first glance. In advanced cases, it leads to very serious consequences, which are already useless to fight.

Hussar runny nose is gonorrhea

It is already clear that hussar runny nose is gonorrhea. This problem can be dealt with and should be prevented. First of all, in order to protect yourself from this sexually transmitted disease, it is necessary to have appropriate protection during each sexual intercourse. You can do without it by having one partner in whom you are confident.

Another factor influencing the appearance of gonorrhea is weak immunity. In this case, it is recommended not only to drink the appropriate vitamin complexes, but also to exercise and lead an active lifestyle. Doctors note that the more active a person is and the higher his immunity, the less likely he is to contract a disease, even a sexually transmitted one.

Another guarantee of health and prevention of hussar runny nose is regular visits to a urologist and gynecologist. Smears taken at the appointment help identify the disease in the early stages. A short course of treatment and you can forget about what a hussar runny nose is forever.

What does Wikipedia write about hussar runny nose?

If you turn to the world encyclopedia and find out what Wikipedia writes about hussar runny nose, you can find out what pathogen is the carrier. Gram-negative diplococcus affects the mucous membrane of the genital organs and urinary tract. In addition, the rectum and nasopharynx also suffer from purulent lesions. In some cases, the conjunctiva is affected. In this case, the disease is called blenorrhea.

Gonorrhea has been around for thousands of years. Its first mention was in the Bible. It was the hussar's runny nose that was called ritual impurity.


Even to the naked eye, or rather to a person who has never encountered gonorrhea, they are clearly visible. First of all, hussar runny nose has very specific symptoms. Any urination is accompanied by severe cutting and sometimes pain. Slight, and sometimes copious, greenish discharge remains on the surface of the underwear, which practically does not disappear even after hygiene procedures. The smell is very characteristic and unpleasant.

For women, a clear sign that they have caught the hussar's runny nose is bleeding that appears between their usual periods. They are meager. Sometimes they cause discomfort due to pain in the genitals. Blood discharge may last for one to two days and disappear. In an advanced state, bleeding appears much more often.

Men can understand that they have a hussar runny nose due to a painful erection, accompanied by itching and burning. It is almost impossible to start sexual intercourse. And even if it is successful, pain is guaranteed.

In some cases, the symptoms resemble cystitis. An infected person constantly wants the toilet. At the same time, the next campaign does not bring any results. But the desired relief is not there. After a couple of minutes, a new desire to get into the bathroom will arise.

Treatment of gonorrhea

Every sane person understands perfectly well that hussar runny nose requires immediate treatment. Delay can be fraught with serious consequences that will be difficult to cope with in the future. You need to know that no more than five days pass from the moment of infection with gonok until the active course of the disease occurs. Every venereologist, as well as specialized specialists, will quickly establish the cause. For these purposes, a smear is not even required, since all the symptoms clearly manifest themselves on the genitals.

Another point that needs to be taken into account: the mixture of diseases. In order for the treatment of hussar runny nose to be correct and effective, one cannot do without a smear and appropriate tests. It often happens that the patient is also sick with trichomonas or chlamydia. This is what the doctor will use when prescribing medications.

It is practically impossible to do without the use of antibiotics. They will affect the source of the disease and destroy the bacteria. In some cases, special procedures are performed directly at the source of infection. Correct complex therapy almost always gives effective results.


Often a person does not pay attention to his condition. As a result, hussar runny nose becomes chronic. For this purpose, in order to get rid of the disease as quickly as possible, venereologists, depending on concomitant diseases, prescribe the following drugs:

  • Azithromycin.
  • "Cefixime".
  • "Ciprofloxacin."
  • "Doxycycline."
  • "Ofloxacin" and others.

Taking medications and appropriate prevention always give a decent result, and even the chronic form can be cured, although some consequences of the disease are sometimes incurable.

Health is in everyone's hands. No matter what, gonorrhea is worth paying attention to and visiting a doctor. By curing the hussar's runny nose and preventing its occurrence in the future, you can forever forget that it once caused minor troubles.

Hussar runny nose is an infectious pathology, which in the vast majority of cases is sexually transmitted and leads to an inflammatory process of the genitourinary system. With untimely and inadequate therapy, serious consequences develop, including infertility. Widespread among sexually active populations around the world.

The disease received the name hussar or French runny nose back in the 17th century (during the reign of Charles II), when most hussars suffered from it no less often than from a common cold. This is an ancient pathology that is mentioned in the Bible as physical uncleanliness. This synonym is a sexually transmitted disease called gonorrhea or gonorrhea.

Loving men were popular among the fair sex, there were no means of protection - as a result, every second person fell ill and became a source of infection.

Symptoms and types of hussar runny nose

The causative agent of the disease is gram-negative diplococci - gonococci. Gonorrhea develops as a result of the introduction of a pathogen into the body and its active reproduction. The localization of pathogens differs according to gender: in women - the cervix, in men - the urethra. This is where the development of the pathological process begins.

In almost half of infected people, the disease is asymptomatic or the manifestations are so minimal that the patient does not pay due attention to them. Women are most prone to this clinical picture.

The incubation period begins at the moment of infection, lasts 1-7 days for men, 5-10 for women. The first signs: discomfort when urinating, purulent discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urge.

Symptoms directly depend on the type of hussar runny nose:

  • acute - increased body temperature, pain or pain during urination, the appearance of greenish discharge with an unpleasant odor on the underwear;
  • subacute – itching, burning, tickling sensations in the terminal part of the urethral canal, enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes, slight discharge with the formation of crusts;
  • chronic - is asymptomatic, but contributes to irreversible changes in the genitourinary system (infertility, both female and male, prostatitis, cystitis, parametritis, damage to vital organs - heart, liver, kidneys, brain).

The subacute stage is dangerous because it increases the risk of purulent lesions in the lower abdomen, pubic area, and groin. Eczema develops from irritation of the outer skin by pus. Sometimes even necrosis of the foreskin occurs.

In addition to the genitourinary system, the mucous membrane of the rectum, eyes (conjunctiva), and oropharynx can be affected. The first symptoms are itching and discharge from the anus, lacrimation and purulent discharge from the eyes, increased salivation, and sore throat.

Transfer methods

The most common route of transmission of gonorrhea is through sexual contact with a sick partner. Moreover, pathology can develop regardless of the type of sex, be it vaginal, oral, or anal. Various combinations within one act increase the risks of infection.

Penetration of gonococcus into the body does not always mean illness. With unprotected intimacy, 50% of men and 98% of women get sick.

Women are more susceptible to infection with hussar runny nose due to the anatomical features of the structure of the genital organs - the folded structure of the vagina facilitates the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms to the cervix.

Tripper worsens during menstruation. The activity of gonococci causes an increase in the risk of infection in a man during this period or immediately after the bleeding stops.

Household transmission of infection cannot be ruled out. Despite the low viability, gonococcus can exist for some time in a humid environment.

Household methods of infection:

  • sharing towels, washcloths, razors, bed linen, toothbrushes, dishes with an infected person;
  • wearing someone else's clothes - trousers, skirts, underwear;
  • public toilet, places with large crowds of people - baths, saunas, swimming pools;
  • swimming in a body of standing water.

It is still unlikely to get sick at home, but with low immunity the risks increase several times.

The disease can be transmitted from mother to child. This happens as it passes through the birth canal. Gonorrhea most often affects the mucous membrane of the eyes in boys and the genitals in girls.

Treatment of French runny nose

The appearance of the first symptoms is an undeniable reason to consult a doctor (venereologist, urologist, gynecologist).

Timely diagnosis plays a key role in successful therapy. A microbiological examination of purulent discharge is carried out. Bacterial culture and enzyme immunoassay can detect pathogens even in small quantities. Using the polymerase chain reaction technique will help identify other sexually transmitted diseases.

The causative agents of the French runny nose are able to exist in the intercellular space or penetrate inside cells. Sometimes they are consumed by certain pathogenic microorganisms, such as Trichomonas. In this case, after adequate treatment of trichomoniasis, gonococci come out and gonorrhea develops.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. It is not possible to recover at home, without the necessary examination and consultation with a doctor.

Antibacterial drugs are prescribed on the basis of bacteriological culture, taking into account the identification of all other pathogenic microorganisms. Combination therapy (two antibiotics) is used. The most active against gonococci is the combined use of Ceftriaxone intramuscularly and azithromycin or doxycycline orally.

The course of treatment for an uncomplicated form of the disease is at least a week; more advanced cases may require long-term therapy (up to several months).

If the patient has contraindications to taking antibiotics, then local procedures are performed that directly affect the source of infection.

During the treatment period, it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse and not drink alcoholic beverages. All partners must undergo treatment.

7-10 days after the end of antibiotic therapy, the patient undergoes control tests. Women will need two follow-up studies - one week later and after the second menstrual cycle.

Preventive measures

It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it. Prevention of gonorrhea, as well as other sexually transmitted diseases, consists of:

  • using condoms;
  • careful hygiene of the genitals before and after intimacy;
  • compliance with intimate ethics (one permanent partner).

The risk of infection in men is significantly reduced by urination after intercourse, which ensures the flushing out of pathogens.

A strong immune system can prevent the development of the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen it on an ongoing basis (an active lifestyle, a balanced diet, avoiding stressful situations, giving up bad habits). In addition, it is necessary to promptly treat all somatic pathologies, which, over a long period of time, reduce the protective functions of the body.

Hussar runny nose is a delicate problem that is not usually discussed out loud. Do not underestimate the danger of the disease. Lack of treatment leads to irreversible consequences. Therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease, you must seek medical help.